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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. SPRING COATS AND 1 WRAPS SUMPTUOUS Oscar Collins, aged 27, of Alma. Mich., arrested with two men on a churge of violating the prohibition laws, has been formally charged with tin* murder of Mi*s. Ellen Crowe, 25, who.was found strangled in a field near her home a week ago. fwent\ six l!\es were lost and more than forty persons seriously injured when a cyelone. struck Oconee, (la. Thursday. Only two of those killed were whites. The News Happenings of After being closed since January 6. Seven Days Paragraphed the Borden condensed milk plant at Modesto, Cal., employing approximate ly 300 men, is to open ugaiu Febru- I ary 21. INTERMOUNTAIN. WASHINGTON Melting snows on the hills of the The house rivers and harbors bill upper Yakima Vulley, has caused flood conditions throughout the Yakima, | carrying a lump sum appropriation of $15,250,000, lias been reported favora Wush.. section. State aid to settlers on logged off bly to the senate by the commerce land to assist In clearing their holdings committee without amendment. Secretary of the Navy Daniels has is provided in a hill passed hy the Oregon house of representatives. The cabled Admiral Strauss, commanding tlie Asiatic fleet, for a report on dis- b i ll already has passed the senate. Whether the parents of a child aro patclies from Tnklo that five Ameri responsible for Injuries inflicted by It can sailors bad been fired on in Vladi to another child is to he decided at vostok. The agricultural appropriation bill I ’lieldo, Colo. Helen I.iktor. aged 3, died August 18, 11)17, front Kurils re as approved by the senate agriculture ceived while playing at the home of committee carried nearly $201,000,OOtl .1. Omlensky. The burns were caused more Ilian the $33,00),000 house totul It keeps 200,0)0 men working full by burning matches In the hands of time to support the nution's rat popu Paul Omlensky, 4 years old. On the eve of his departure from lation. That assertion is made by Pocatello, Idaho, for Illinois, where he the biological survey bureau in figures has accepted another position. Judge showing that there are as many “com F. (i. Bale of the faculty of the Idaho mon rats” as humans in the United T«clinical institute declared that “it States and each of the 100,000,000 or is carrying service too far to expect more destroys $2 worth of foodstuffs educators to teach young people on a year. ' lie federal railroad labor board less salaries than are received by the bus denied the request of the AnierJ ordinary street sweeper.” A house joint memorial, memorializ can Association of Itailway Executives ing congress to pass a law compelling for immediate abrogation of the na the placing of tugs on woolens, stat tional wage agreements with the ing the exact percentage of virgin brotherhoods and the establishment of wool and other materials, has been a new basic rate for unskilled labor predicated on local conditions. adopted by the Oregon state senate. FOREIGN. Mrs. Minnie Cox, wiio shot and killed A dispatch from Budapest sn.vs Ad her husband, Albert Cox, member of tlie Denver police department, on Oc miral Horth.v, the regent, has adjourn tober 30 last, was acquitted by a jury ed the national assembly indefinitely 'lO ATS are nothing If not graceful approved by fashion which distinctly in the criminal court at Denver. She because of the incessant clashes over A and dignified this spring. There favors wraps that may be described pleaded self-defense. the question of restoring the Hapsliurg Is something about them that suggests as sumptuous. • Each of these coals .1. Flannigan. aged 45, formerly dynasty. He invited the party leaders leisure, or at least deliberation. They Is distinctly new in some style points. of Kansas <Hty. Mo., was found dead lo a conference at whleh lie personally appear to be designed, not for hurry The model at the left Is made of one ing mortnls, but for those who have in a snowdrift hack of a cafe in Cas advocated reconciliation. of the heavier of spring pile fabrics per. Wyo. There were no marks on American opposition to the policing time to give heed to their draperies— and has its unusual collar striped not to speak of hanging on to them. his body to indicate violence. of Vladivostok by Japanese forces is with hands of black which may be of It Is quite the style to appear to hold creating a "serious situation,” accord DOMESTIC. patent leather or of ribbon. Beige- Mrs. Charles Bynum, 22 years old, ing to unofficial dispatches from the wrap about the shoulders and It must be conceded that tills casual ad colored coats with finishing and em who shot and killed her husband at Japan. bellishments of patent leather are The British government may have to justment of the garment to the figure New Iiockford, N. I)., and then took among the best of the season’s offer poison, died ¡Saturday. Her baby, 10 pay 150,000,d00 pounds in claims as a lias “chic" of Its own. The pretty ings. months old, has also been poisoned result of Its control of the railroads model at the left of the two pictured The coat at the right might be more Is showing us one way of following aud is not expected to live. Domestic during tin- war, according to estimates accurately described ns a mantle, the mode. troubles, according to neighbors, is lie- submitted by a government committee Both the coats pictured are repre shaped Into wide sleeves at the sides. which investigated the situation. ieved the cause. sentatives of favored fctyles; they are It Is a very clever piece of designing Army planes from every station in Stringent control of the liquor trade ns much like mantles as coats. Even with Its body gathered Into a length L’exas, New Mexico and Arizona left in British Columbia is provided in a (he models that have set-ln sleeves of the material which becomes a yoke, •'t. Bliss at dawn Saturday, February bill prepared by Premier Oliver to lie «re ample and rippling, managing to collar ajid scarf, nil in one. The scurf 2, to search for Lieutenant Alexandet introduced in the provincial legislature. follow—at a little distance—some ends are finished with handsome tus-4 ’eurson Jr., who had been missing j The proposed bill would place the thing of the vague and changing lines sets. ince lie left El Paso Thursday at 11 liquor business lyider control of a new nonpartisan board. . m. Relatives of Henry Gagenton, formet The Hondurean minister of finance »Idler, have, it is said, received a cl- has submitted to the national congress ltion from the war department, signed a bill providing for the establishment y tlie adjutant general and President of a gold basis for the gold currency ,'ilson, for bravery “in giving his life of Honduras, says a dispatch received ii tlie battlefields of France. Magen at Sun Salvador. ta Is working ill Walcott, N. I). Enactment of a law providing for a After criticising bank directors who referendum relative to fusion by the Uowed Francis .1. Carey, aged 20, re Austrian republic and Germany is viving teller for tlie National City formally demanded of the government ink of Ottawa, III., a salary of $!)0 at Vienna by the Grosse Deutsche mouth. Federal Judge Landis re party. The organization claims that used Carey on Ills recognizance such legislation would be in fulfill- ’ter the latter pleaded guilty to a i ment of promises made before the re- uirge of embezzling $06,500. Landis cent election In Austria. id lie would lmve to think the mat- Marriages in Canada performed by r over before sentencing Carey. duly authorized persons are legal, ir D. C. Jackling. who Is heavily in respective of the religious belief of fested in Alaskan minnig properties, the principals, tlie privy council in nounced nt San Francisco that plans London. England, lias ruled, apparently ■re being considered for transformu- settling tlie "mixed marriage” question, n of some of the Alaskan gold mills which has agitated both Protestants which he has interests into paper and Catholics in the dominion for Ip mills. many years. tlrs. Marion Peters, wife of .1. B. Figiitlng in the open ns regularly lers. vice president of the Fuir- organ zed troops, Sinn Fein soldiers iks company, scale manufacturers, have invaded Skibbereen, a small town s killed when she jumped, or fell, southwest of Cork. The Sinn Felners m an eighth story window in an raided the town, captured three pris irtment house in New York. She oners and withdrew. I been suffering from a nervous The official report of the prefecture »use. of pol ee states that of 23,027 men 'lie American good roads congress, and written criminals arrested in Paris session at Chicago, adopted a reso ill 1B2P. -11)33 were foreigners. on urging that tlie road building The treaty of peace between soviet gram of the nation be started witli- Russia and Poland was signed at Riga further delay. February 10, It Is announced In n oy Fridley, prohibition enforcement wireless dispatch from Moscow. at, bus been arrested at Phoenix, The ministry of finance has reached U, by federal officials, who charge last October Fridley drove an the conclusion that the utmost sum •mobile to Yuma, Ariz.. on the Germany can pay in reparations is fornia border, secured twelve cases 150.000,000,000 marks, this including vhisky, transported it to Phoenix nil she has so far paid in cash and goods, says a Berlin dispatch. O LONG as the styles In little girls' For dress-up times there are man) sold ten cases. frocks Interpret llttl» girlhood, It pretty colored organdies, trimmed with The news comes from Home thnt lat more than one billion dollars will not be necessary for them to cast narrow frills having plcot edges. They available for the building of good Italy is ready to participate In a dis s, was announced by T, H. Mc- armament conference. A high official about for anything startlingly new—no are finished with bows of narrow rlb- inatter how simple they are. they en- lw>n set on In prim little groups and ild, chief of the federal bureau of has declared his country could be able an instnnt appeal. It Is the slm- have sashes of the same narrow rtb- counted on to answer any summons ic roads. In the opening address pllclty and childishness of this spring's ^bon. They are shown In many lively le American good roads congress for such a conference which may be offerings thnt commend then» to moth- colors, pink, green, blue, lavender and sent out by President-elect Harding. hicago. era. They have variety also to offer yellow among them nnd lur e lovely total of 115,163 passengers flew The total 1!)20 wheat crop of all and many pretty details of finish that ol.l fashioned sunbonnets to match. ,550 miles in commercial airplanes countries reporting to the Interna- endear them to the children. Ths In more substantial dresses white ig the last twelve months without ional InstlAite of Agriculture at newest among these finishings Is found tape often provides a neat finish as loss of a single life, the Manu- 'tome, was 2.650.000,000 bushels, as In "sampler” trimmings. Canvas bands shown in the frock nt the left of the rers* Aircraft association an- c nnpared with 2.550.000.0(g) bushels with flowers worked In cross-stitch pletnre This dress, with knickers. Is in the preceding year. •ed at New York, on them. In gay colors lire the old- mnde of plain chnmbray. Its collar fifteen minute conversation be- A report was received in London on fashioned samplers of a century ago. and cuffs bound with tape and rows i Avalon. Santa Catalina island, Wednesday that an Irish republican I serve to make belta. bands and taba of tape at the bead of plaits. The ■ miles off Los Angeles harbor, force, several hundred strong, was j that set off many pretty chambrny dress at the right, for an older girl, la made of organdy with net under- the steamer Gloucester, off the marching on Skibbereen County Cork, j dresses and aprons. Cod fDliing hanks, by wireless Education for all children in Pales- | In ginghams small checka and cross sleeves. A very little needle work on tire telephone was held Wednes- fine except those belonging to the ( bars are favored with plain chambrny the collar and a ribbon tie finish up Tiie distance was given as 4200 nomad tribes or living in outside dis- | used for collars nnd other accessories a dress that la too glmple fo need de tricts, is sought in a plan launched by and for trimmings. The plain cham- scription and too pretty to pass un noticed. , bray also provides short bloomers. 1. Caneff. an Inmate of the state the government. The order Is reversed In dresses of The |>eople of Switzerland hi-t year ai for insane at Patton. Cal.. illed by another patient. CanelTs drink ancoholic drinks value«! at 746.- plain rhamhray with collars and other „.;ng severed with an ax. Both 000.060 francs, which sum, the minister accessories of checked or crowbar ! rere believed so he fiarinless and of finance says, would be su ffclent to gingham, but the knickers with these I opping wood when the tragedy "pay the exi>enses of the central and dresses era of the plain material also. local government. ed. History of Past W.eek WARNING Unless you see the name “ Bayer” on tablets, you a n not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions.— Say “ Bayer” ] -o C Frocks Interpret Childhood S SAFETY FIR ST ! Accept only an “unbroken package” of genuine “ Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I Handy tin boxe* of 12 tablet« eoet but a few cent»— larger package* If a n u f a a tu r a a t M a a o a c o ilc a c l l « . t . r o f B a ile r ilc a a id Don't attempt to stack the cards uu The most attractive peaches grow a man who Is hard to deal with. on furnily trees. ▲ aplrlo la tb a t r a d * m a r k o f B . y . r Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on'retiring in the hot sud« of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu- ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcurn will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes.—Adv. Im portant to M others Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOBIA, that famous old remedy for Infants uad children, anil see that it Bears the Signature i In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori* Any lima can agree with a woman An ounce of fat Is better than but It seldom does any good. pound of fancy. That K ill CASCARA E > FOR a Cold With QUININE AND Colds, Coughs La Grippo Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handpifor the first sue Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is beat Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT READY FOR THAT PROSPERITY Mrs. ------ Was in Something of a Hurry to See Husband Make Good His Promises. Now, Mr. M----- Is n strong Repub lican, and Mrs. M------ just ns strong u Democrat. Before the election each tried to Influence the other. Mr. M----- talked of Republican prosperity nnd Mrs. M------of Democratic peace. Eagerly on election day they both watched the election reports. And ns one nfter the other caine In Mrs. M------ was visibly disappointed. But she said nothing, and went quietly to bed. The next morning she was up early, citeerful, smiling and dressed in her Sunday best. Mr. M----- was plainly surprised. “Whg.y mother, ull dolled up,” he exclaimed. “Whgt does this mean?” "Oh, nothing,” was her calm reply, “except thnt I’m gel ting ready to en joy Republican prosperity with my hushund."—Indianapolis News. Knowledge a man doesn’t possess always crops out when a child ques tions him. Death comes but once, but If you have property the tuxes come early and often. His Method. Two negro men were discussing the eloquence of a certain member of the faculty of nil educational Institution for negroes In the Southern states. “That Professor Biggs sure does like to use high-soundin' words, don’t he?" asked one of them. “Maybe dot’s jest an affection on his part," said the other darkey. "Some folks do like to put on airs In talkin’.” “No; I don’t figger It out dat way,” said the other. “I klnda thinks he uses them big words because he's afraid dat If people knew what he was talkin’ nbout they’d know he didn’t know what he was talkin' about.”— Harper’s Mngnzlne. He Could Help Her Out. A certnin prominent movie star Is a cautious pWson. She had to hall a taxicab one night lust week to get to the tbenter in time for the show, and remembering the old saying, "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure, she said to the driver: “I have only 60 cents In iny purse; these pearls about my neck are Iml- tntlon nnd I have no other valuables. Little theater, please I” The taxi man regarded her sympa thetically a moment. “Listen, lady,” he said, "If youse need a dollar I kin loan youse one.”—New York Sun. IF T h ere’s A n y Q u e s tio n whether coffee causes sleepless nights follow ed by d ro w sy d a y s — change to I nsimt P dstum This table d rin k is pure and wholesome,has a flavor that p leases, and is made in s ta n tly in th e cu p . Tou can m ake In s ta n t Postum strong or m ild to suit individual taste, there is no w aste, and whether you need one cup or te n - it’s a lw a y s r e a d y . *There s a Reason ” for Postum Made by Ibstum Cereal Company, lac Battle G eek , M ichigan.