Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
t TH E G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, NYSSA. OREGON. HOW WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE M ay Escape the Dreaded Suf ferings of that Period by Taking Mrs. Block’s Advice Hopkins, Minn. — “ During Change of L ife 1 had hot flashes and suffered for two years. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham’s V e g e ta b le C om pound advertised in the paper and got good results from taking it. I recom mend y t our medicine to my friends and you may p u b lis h this fact as a testi monial. ” — M rs. R o b e r t B l o c k , Box 542, Hopkins, Minn. It has been said that not one woman in a thousand passes thi3 perfectly natural change without experiencing a tram ol very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. Those dreadful hot flashes, sinking spells, spots before the eyes, dizzy spells, nervousness, are only a few o f the symptoms. Every woman at this age should prefit by Mrs. Block’s experi ence and try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. I f yòu have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound will help you, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., about your health. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and hqld in strict confidence. Do you know you can roll S O & 2 o d cigarettes for l O c t s from on« b a g of HOLDS JAPAN FOR ESSENTIAL THAT DEATH OF SAILORS CROPS FIT SOIL UNITED SLATES DEMANDS AN E X PLAN ATIO N OF A TTAC K A T VLADIVOSTOK. Sitter Resentment Expressed Over Repetition of Hostilities by Jap anese Against American Forces Serving in Russia. Washington.—The l'lilted States will bold Japan strictly accountuhle for the attack made upon five American sailors, during which one was shot it Vladivostok on Tuesday, February >. It was stated by officials here Satur day. Denmuds for all the facts in ttai* most serious case were made by boil the state and navy departments Secretary Colby Instructed the Airier icuu consul ut Vladivostok fo forward an immediate report. Secretary Daniels cabled similar instructions to Hear Admiral Joseph Straus, in command of the Asiatic fleet, who will immediately appoint a court of inquiry. First of all ll*e ad miral will take the deposition of the five sailors attacked and cable them to Washington. The bitterest resentment was ex pressed by both the state and gavy departments over this repetition of hostilities against American forces in Vladivostok. Japanese sources credit the attack to two former Russian officers, who have been recognized and apprehend ed, according to a message received by the state department from the em bassy* at Toklo. In any event the Japanese are par tially responsible, officials stated. Their armed forces are in ab solute control of Vladivostok, which to all intents and purposes is now Japanese territory. Moreover, tills attack is but the culmination of a long series of hos tilities by Japanese upon American soldiers, sailors and civilians in the Fat Last. R AIL GENUINE B u l l D u r h a m TOBACCO A c id S to m a ch fo r 10 Y e a rs NOW & DIFFERENT WOMAN Earnestly Praises Estonia “ My wife was a great sufferer from acid stomach for 10 years,” writes H. L>. Crlppen, “ but Is a different woman since taking Eatnnie.” Sufferers from acid stomach— let Eatonlc help you also. It quickly takes up and carries out the excess acidity and gases and makes the stomach cool and comfortable. You digest easily, get the füll strength from your food, feel well and strong, free from bloat ing, belching, food repeating, etc. Big box costs costs only a trifle with your druggist’s guarantee. TIE U P REPRISAL THREAT Employes of British Railroads May Strike in Sympathy With Ireland. London.— A surprise strike, tying up .lie British railroads because of the government's official reprisals policy in Ireland, is prophesied by Secretary John Bromley, secretary of the Loco motive Engineers and Fire’ ion, two of whose members were killed at Marrow, Ireland, after tlie shooting o f a British officer’s wife on January 31. When Bromley first demanded* an inquiry into the mutter and asked for guarantees for the safety o f the Irish members o f Mie union, declaring the menile rs would strike in the event of a refusal, Premier I.loyd George sent a cutting reply to the effect that the government would not be influenced by a national strike or other threats ami would consider the question on its merits alone. led Clover and Timothy Should Not Be Depended On En tirely for Maximum Crops. REDTOP FAVORS MOIST GROUND Vo Perennial Hay Plante Will Produce Well on Poor, Sandy Soil— Most (fiass Seeds Are Small and Require Good Seedbed. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment o f Agriculture.) While timothy and red clover un- ioubtedly are the best hay Crops on s’ood soils In the northeastern quarter the L'uited Slates, they should by no means be depended on to produce maximum yields of soils. Other buy crops are better suited and are more dependable in some cases and under particular soil conditions. Alsike clo ver, for example, is better adapted to sour and moist soils than common red clover, and the two mixed together and seeded on some uplands often Insures a crop where the latter seeded alone would fail. Redtop is the best wet land grass and on such land a mixture of red-top meadow fescue, and alsike clover usually gives good returns. While no hay grasses can be depend ed upon to make a commercial crop oil poor land, redtop, orchard grass, and tall oats-grass are better than any others. These are facts discussed In detail iu Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1170, Meadows for the Northern States, just issued and ready for distribution by the United States Department of Agriculture. Has Bulk of Tame Hay Acreage. In that section of the United States, north of and including Tennessee, and east of eentfal Nebraska, Kansas and the Dakotas, is found 83 per cent of tlie tame lmy«acreage of the nation. Eighty-eight per cent of this acreage Is seeded to timothy and clover. While these two plants undoubtedly will con tinue to hold the popularity they now possess, there are a number of other plants which, though not so well knywn, are more desirable for particu lar purposes and for certain conditions of soil and climate. The latter are given special attention in the bulletin. |--------------------------------------------------------------- - Canadian Politics Reported Tense. Ottawa.—A tense political situation will confront the Meighen government when the fiftli session of the Field of Bur Clover. thirteenth parliament of Canada is There Is lttle difference of opinion opened. Reverses suffered by the gov ernment in recent hye-eleetlons have as to tlie plants to lie seeded on rich resulted in announcements by the op-" well-drained land. Timothy is seeded position that they will make efforts alone If the hay is to be sold on the to force dissolution o f parliament and market, and timothy and clover, often mixed with redtop, where part or inil a general election. of the hay Is utilized on the farm Some of tlie advantages of these plants Sharp Practices Charged Oil Men. Washington.—Charges that the oil are that they have good seed Imhits, companies have used the National As especially timothy and redtop. Red clover is a deep-rooted legume, and sociation for the Protection of Amer has a beneficial effect on succeeding A man ia as old as his organs; he ican Rights in Mexico to further their crops. interests are contained in circulars can be as vigorous and healthy at Timothy is considered by feeder.« received Sunday announcing the or 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in ganization of a new society to obtain the best liny for horses, and clover, performing their functions. Keep “ redress o f past wrongs and a restora or clover and timothy mixed produce better yields and are excellent for cat jrour vital organs healthy with tion of rights” in Mexico. tie and sheep. Tne comparatively long period during which these plants may Sleeping Sickness Claims Five. tie left standing without serious de New York.— Five more deaths from terioration Indore »cutting, together sleeping sickness occurred here and in with the fact that the time o f their the vicinity Sunday. In each case here maturity Interferes little with the har CAPSU LES the’victlm was taken to a hospital suf vesting of the cereals and oilier farm T h , w o rld ’s standard ramady for kidna) fering from other diseases, usually work, have much to do with their pop livsr, bladder and uric acid troubisa pneumonia or influenza, wlileii devel ularity. tines 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates oped into sleeping sickoees. The most serious objection to the vital organs. A ll druggists, three sizes. red clover and timothy mixture Is due Leek lee the a n t Cold Medal ea oner On | b 4 gctw pt MO imitatMNI Student Electrocuted. to the difference in time of their ma North Platte, Neb.— Bons Trexler. turity. the former usually being ready high school student, was instantly to cut two weeks before the latter. killed while working in a motion For this reason mammoth clover, a va picture show booth here when he came riety of the common red. which Is in contact with a live wire. Over somewhat later In maturing, Is some volt» of electricity passed through his times substituted for red clover In the seed mixture. body. Seas 25c, Ofctneat 25 aad 50c, T a ke n B e. There are many soils along the •ootberr border o f the area under dis Normal School to Be Retained. A Household Necessity for Every Homs Bi.tse, Idaho —The Albion State cussion which will give a larger hav in a box o f D r S coo n m a k er’s O rip-C ap-S ula, Nornyd whool will lie retained its the yield If seeded to orchard grass, tall a » lir e p r e v e n ta tiv e fo r C o ld « and L a O rfp p e U sed fo r 25 years. P r ic e 32c. Send nam es result o f the defeat M a hill in the oats-grass. and alsike clover than If o f tiir e e o f you r fr ie n d s and secur* a fre e senate of the Idaho legislature, on seeded to timothy, redtop and red Ho •ouv+tnir PLU M W E L DRUG C O M PA N Y , D ept F . W E S T F IE L D , MASS. February 12. which sought to nhollsh ver. These soils are usually poor In organic matter and are Inclined to that Institution. 1 1 HI T ^ SI MM < U K %t.O. HOC K l " l \ M » and P ^ e jflc R a ilro a d » o ld bond (in te rest d e be sour. Itt Is Important that this fa u lt e d ), useful fo r exch an ges; assets. Send mixture be cut when the plants first re m itta n ce fo r one o r m ore, and a ft e r •xain - Four Miner» Trapped. ining. it you a re not satisfied, retu rn in five Oak Creek. Colo.— Four miners are head out. for if hnAesting Is delayed d a ys and we w ill refu n d th e m oney R**mlt o n ly by P. O. order. E P S chm idt & Co., 'Tiiqied In the No. 2 mine o f the they will make a tough, less palatable ( Ea*. 1191), 7 P in “ S treet. N E W Y O R K This is especially true o f or Moffat Coal company, one and one- | hay. 126 MAMMOTH JAC K S half miles from here as a result iff an chard grass. If cut early, however, I b a re » barsAio fo r you. come quick. 1 The origin this hay will be relished by ail classes ' W . L D fC tO W S J . l f K 1AK.1I explosion late Saturday. of lire stock. For general use in tlie J ('«star Kaplils, los a of the explosion Is unknown. localities referred to. the bulletin I n « . - t i n s fo r IT o ilfa . W r it e for the one big recommends the following mixture: Negro Lynched in Florida. ch an ce in N e ra .la K P S C H M ID T 4 CO., lE et. ! » • ! ) . 7 Pin e S t . S e w Tu rk C ity. S' T Ocala. Fla.— A mol» br-ike Into the Drehard grass. 14 pounds; tall of ts- county jail Saturday night and seized grass, 12 pounds; slsike clovei, 6 s negro who had been arrested on a pounds per acre. In tet reaaonabla U lfk a a l rafarence« HsMaerrlaan Gives Best Results. T arge of assaulting an a ge! while woman, took him to the stene of the Raising hay on poor land is not sat- ! alleged crime and hanged him. MAN’S - BEST AGE COLD M EDAL Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and V e ry H ealth fu l À PATENTS «fflO U g S S S Ê È » tsfaetory, but when it Is necessary ' this mixture gives best results. In some places in tlie Middle West sweet clover has given good results under un promising soil conditions. Accord ing to the bulletin, no perennial bay plants will produce well on poor, samlv soil. Under such soil condi tions, however, some temporary crop, such as rye or oats and peas, and, along the Atlantic coust, enrly sor ghum and cowpees, are preferable to perennial hay crops. The best temporary hay plants are tlie small grains seeded either alone or in mixture with some legume, such as peas, vetch or crimson clover. Mil lets are sometimes used for tills pur pose, as are sudan grass and coarse forage, such as corn and sorghum. In the northern states a combination of outs ami Canada field peas makes a very good hay crop. Excellent results have been obtained in eastern Mary land and Virginia with the following mixture: Oats, 1 bushel; hairy vetch, 30 pounds; white-blooming crimson clo ver. 40 pounds per acre. In order to avoid losing the use of land for an entire season, and to per mit lute-summer and early-fall seed ing. grass crops usually follow small grains. The seedbed should be [ire- pared as soon as possible after the grain is harvested. As a three-inch mellow seedbed with Ann soil liencatli will give better results for summer seeding than one that is dee|ier, the disk harrow is usually used in place of the plow for preparing land for grass. Most grass seeds are very small and must have a fine, mellow, well pulverized surface soil in order that tlie seedling may become estab lished. A good seedbed may mean the difference between the success and failure of the hay cop. Use Too Little Seed. Most farmers use too little grass seed for best results, accordii g to the bulletin. Rich land with a well-pre pared seedbed does not require ns much seed as thin land oi land poorly lilted. From 20 to 30 pounds of seed per acre- are generally sufficient, and this rate is usually more profitable than lighter seedings of mixtures. Small-seeded grasses, such as red-top and timothy, do not require so heavy a seeding as orchard grass or rye grass. Usually 10 pounds of timothy or (l pounds of redtop are sufficient when these are seeded alone. In order that the seed may get a good start, it is frequently advisable to apply some readily available fer tilizer. Formerly the grain crop re ceived the fertilizer, hut experiments have demonstrated that when it is ap plied to the grass It will not only in crease tlie yield of this crop but fre quently show beneficial effects on suc ceeding crops for two or three years. Top dressings of suitable manure will increase the yield of liny, and there is probably no better crop than grass on which to apply it. A great ileal of grass and clover seed is wasted every year from seeding on sour or acid soils. Applications of lime cor rect this condition, and should be made particularly w in - > legumes are to be grown. WELL TO DO FARMER H. W . Boring Says H e Is In Better General Health Than H e Has Been in Years Since Taking Tan- lac. “ Since Tanlac has overcome my troubles I have gained twenty pounds in weight and am in better general health than for years past,” was the straight-forward statement made a few days ago by II. W. Boritig, a prominent and well-to-do farmer liv ing at Overland l ’ark, Kalis. “ During the two years I suffered I tried everything I knew of to get re lief, but nothing seemed to reach m.v case until I tried Tanlac. My appe tite was poor and my digestion was so had I could hardly retain my food. Nothing agreed with m e; In fact I was almost a confirmed dyspeptic. My wh'*e system seemed to be out of shape. I would have pains across the small of my back so bad at times I could hardly move around. "My nerves were all unstrung and I would become up-set at the least little thing. I seldom slept well at night and, finally, became so weak and run-down that I lost weight rapidly. I ivas also troubled a great deal with catarrh and o f mornings had to spend a half hour or more clearing up my head. “This is just the condition I was In when I began taking Tanlac nnd It certainly has ^>een a blessing to me. It just seemed to be made especially for my case. I Improved from the very first. My digestion now is per- H. W. BORING of Overland Park, Kansas feet nnd regardless of what I eat I never suffer any bad after effects. “ The pains across my back have en tirely disappeared. The catarrh has left me, too, und my head Is perfectly clear. I am no longer nervous and rest well every night. I have re- g*n ed my lost weight and am feeling better nnd stronger than I have la years. I am going, to keep Tunlnc In my house so It will be handy at all times.” Tanlac Is sold by leading druggist* everywhere.—Adv. IN EVERY STABLE Sp o h n ’s D iste m p e r C om p ou n d is th e one Indispensable rem edy fo r co n ta gio u s and In fectiou s diseases a m ong horses and mules. Its success as a p reven tive and cu re fo r D IB T C M T K K , P I N K E Y E , < O I GI1S and C O LD S fo r m o re th an tw en ty -six years is th e h igh est trib u te to its m e rit as a m edicine. It is endorsed by th e best horsem en and liv e Htock men in A m erica . Buy it o f y o u r d ru g gist. 60 cen t* and $1.15 per bottle. S l’O H N M K D IC A L CO., Goshen, I n d „ U. 8. A . What to Do for CONSTIPATION [CARTER'S! ■ IT T L E F i v e r [ P IL L S Take a good dose o f Carter’s Little Liver P ills— then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They cleanse your system o f all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. M ild—as easy to take as sugar. Genuine bear signature— Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. $ Rheumatism Comes LITTLE TIME NEEDED TO KEEP LABOR DATA Records Often Are Means of Saving Working Costs. Farmer Enabled to Determine Num ber of Days of Man and Horse Power Necessary to Produce an Acre of Any Crop. ? From Tiny Fain Germs ■' First of all, get it firmly fixed in your mind that all the liniments in the world have no effect what ever on Rheumatism. A very common form of Rheu matism is cause! by millions of tiny disease germs which infest the « blood. The one and only sensible treatment, therefore, is one which cleanses the blood o f these germs, and routs them entirely out of the circulation. A record kept of farm labor does not require mueh time, yet it is often Daddy's Child. the means of saving labor costs. Tlie "W ot you doin’, dille ?” “ Nothin’, labor records show Just how much mammy.” “ My, but you Is giftin' like labor and team work is required on yoh fai her." each crop and tlie time in tlie season when It is used. They should show what proportion of tlie labor is de voted to work that produces an in come and tlie amount that is consumed on odd jobs of unproductive rusks. Tlds will enable the farmer to de termine the number of days o f man and horse labor necessary to produce an acre of any crop, or tlie care of any class of animals for a year says B el l - a n s tlie United Stales Department of Agri water culture. Thus he may be able to re Relief arrange his system o f management so that he can get along with less labor and at the same time maintain production. FOR IN D I G E S T I O N A year's labor records show also Unique. Just how much man power and horse “ Yes, sir. we are proud of Ibis elec |M»wer is necessary to run the entire farm at different seasons, and point tion district. Why----- " "Oh, sure, I snow! You hove tlie out accurately Just when the rush sea sons occur. With such records before oldest voter in the country, who lias him, the farmer knows approximately never failed to cast Ids ballot ut uny what his labor reqtflremenrs will he election since 1824, and who----- ’’ "Not at all! Our district is unique in advance of the rush season. Me *s able to Increase or decreuse the j and notnble as being tlie only one in different farm enterprises and fit them the nation which does not contain that together until he has outlined a eom- t political veteran.” plete year's work with an even load of labor for the entire season Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Sure Relief LL-ANS by local applications, as they cannot reach the «¡¡«eased portion of the ear. G IVE GAS E N G IN E ATTEN TIO N Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. H A L L S C ATARRH M E D IC IN E Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an In Vibration Tends to Loosen Bolts, Nuts flamed condition o f the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is and Various Connections Which Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Need Tightening. imperfect hearing, and when It is entire ly closed. Deafness is the result. Unless * - ■— - the Inflammation can be reduced, you;* All screws and nuts on gas engines hearing may be destroyed forever hotiM he kept light. The engine j H A L L ’ S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E arts through the blood on the mucous sur -honld he gone over every day or so faces o f the system, thus reducing the In and restoring normal condi vhen It is used, nnd s'l connections flammation tions lightened and nit oil aid dirt wiper) . Circular* free. A ll Druggists. IT. Such practice will gn far toward i Fv J Cheney Sr Co., Toledo, Ohio. preventing operating fr<,-jh!es. since I all gas engines vibrate to sotnp extent I and this vibration tends to loc.sep [ bolts, nuts and <>tnei parts. Paradoxical. "John has such n queer antipathy." "H e hos noted dislike to potted plants. **— Baltimore American. This is why S.S.S., the greatest known blood purifier is so success ful in the treatment of Rheuma tism. It i3 a powerful cleanser of the blood, and will remove the dis ease germs that cause your Rheu matism, affording relief that is genuine. S.S.S. ¡3 sold bv all druggists. Free literature and medical advice can be had by writing to Chief Medical Adviser. 154 Sw ift Labor*, tory, Atlanta, Ga. Literary men resemble hens. Tim author lays a plot ami the publisher sits on It. W O M E N ! U SE “DIAM ON D D Y E S ” Dye Olu Skirts, Dresses, Waists. Coats, Stockings, Draperies— Everything. Ivach package of “ Diamond Dyes” contains easy directions for dyeing uny article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or mixed goods. Beware I F o o t dye streaks, s|Hits, fades, and ruins mate rial by giving It a “dyed-look." Buy “ Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist bus Color Card. Adv. It la bettor to he *1 ligie and < I roam than to he munie« I ami wane up. B a c k G iven O ut 1 there's surely some reason for that lame, achy back. Likely it’s your kid neys. A cold or strain ofttiines congest* the kidneys and slows them up. That may be the rea«ou for that nigging backache, those sharp pains, that tired, worn-out feeling. Yov BM| have head aches and di7*y spells, too, with annoy ing bladder irregularity. Use Doan's Kidney PPls. They have helped thou sand*. Air. your neighbor! A n Idaho Cate Jame s Bmlth, prop. t)f g a r a g e . HriiJge St., feL A n thony, Idaho, Bays: " I w a s b ja d oft with k 1 d n e y and bladder complaint and had about g iv en up hopes o f get ting relief Doan's Kidney I ’ills help« d me from the start and finally rid me o f »fie trouble. Be fo r e I use«l Doan’s i I wan weak nn«l about crippled with lam* back fered with p»er«ing pairs in rny and had bladder complaint. D«>an’* i'. «• me tiie good he ilfh have now and they daserv* a lot o f «red lt.M f Get Do«n’t at Any Store, 80c • Bos D O A N ’ S V .I'V V POSTER-MILBt'RN CO., B1 EFALO, N. Yt ; r/J