The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, February 11, 1921, Image 1

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    h *
Frank Fry attended Farm Bareaa
meeting in Ontario Tuesday.
Odd Fellows May
Celebrato Anniversary
Jsseph Oliver o f Terento, Canada,
Tka Charles Garrison family spaat Graad lir e o f the Independent Order
Sunday at tka J . C. Beam haata,
e f Odd Fellows, has issued a proela
Mr». Frad W ood’» mother. Mrs station inviting all Odd Fallow« ta
Smilay, from Pennaylvaata, ia apaadtng celebrate 102d anniversary o f the or
dar an April 26, 1921, with thankagiv
a f a v waaka at tka Waad'a homo,
a Tka Warran district P. T. ▲. had an iag ta Almighty Gad for His woaderfal,
Interacting matting Friday evening at loving kindness to us as a glorious
Dr. A. H. Johnson,
tha J. B. Smith hama. Altho tha bretkarkood.
•tarmy waathcr and bad roada pravent- •rand Maatsr, carries tha massage to
od a nambar from baiag prisont. Tha the auhordiaato lodges aad mambership
taackar, lira Jaeoba, gar a a vary: o f Oragaa ia tha following terms:
fararakla report o f tha hat lunch' With pahlieity as oar slogan, and
realising that nsvar In tha history o f
aarrlca alnca tka inatallatioa a f tha ns
atora and equipment. and thara was Odd Fellowship in thia groat atata kaa
aoma intareating discission o f plans for our order prosparad as daring tha pait
tha now school kausa. Tka antertaia year, then let us jeia ea one unit in
mant for the social hoar in charge o f complying with the proclamation of
Ifra. Frank Fry and Mrs. Dwight Smith our Grand Sire, aad hy so doing shew
presided much enjoyment. Sandwichaa to the world that our order ia foundad
and coffee ware sarred at 10 SO. Tha upon the Bihla and our faith ia in Gad
next social moating will bh tha Brat
Friday aroaiag la March, at the Fiak-
erall home.
Atmosphere Above Earth’a Surface.
The atmosphere Is bellorod to ex­
tend much more than 100 miles shore
the earth's surface.
Its density dm
creases rapidly for the ir s t few
miles o f aoeenL then much more grad-
Fnem The phenomena of twi­
light. due to refraction o f light, It may
ho demonstrated that the air amende
I f to a height o f 46 miles: hat other
pb< >emena, such as the behavior of
meteors and the aurora, show that
rare air eaista at a much
Mrs. J. J. Canoelmo, who has been
seriously ill with typhoid fever, it fmst
Mr. Caneelme w ent to
Boise Sunday ta bring tha baby homo
from there, where it has bean aim a its
m other's illaass.
Artis Robinson, Ed Rich, and W
Canfield have bean em plcjad at tha
Idaahm the past few days. Mt. Rich
and Mr. Canfiald are hatching in tha
apartments form erly eroapied hy Fraak
Land Brea, started lambing recently
and Mrs. Eliza Ivan s has been am'
played to eook for the man. The? rr
part an abundance o f help.
Incas' Marvelous Dye.
Garments o f the Incas, dyed with
Indigo before Columbus discovered
America, have been found In auctent
tombs In Pern, according to Doctors M.
To the Public—I wish to announce
A. Velasquez and A. Maldonad^y of that I hava takes ever tha barbershop
Lima. The blue dye has not even be­
in tha Pastime Peal Hall aad i
gun to fade.
ready ta serve tha publie with any­
thing In tha tonaorial Una. Shop open
Boxmaking Facilitated.
aix days a wash. Patroaage »elicited.
Mails are driven through two
J. W. Stuart.
at once at an angle and cllachad
A e second board hy an EngilMl
A t you all know, wa handle cream
eentor's boxmaking machine.
for tko Red Shield’ s Croamory Co
Butterfat has raisod to FortT**l|St
conta. Laava your next can o f croam
with us. Youra for service, Williams
Produce C o.—Advertiaenaont.
ha had always fonnd us cheaper on the
tire repair job than otnsr places.
There’s a Reason
la t—Our expenses are light.
2nd—Wa hay and sail for cash.
8rd We have tire factory aad city
shop experience.
We don’ t experi­
ment on your tirea.
Powerful Home Influence.
The blessed Influences thnt rndlato
from a home well ordered and happy
are countless and far-ranching : the un­
selfish love there kindled and nour-
shines forth
beacon light
to encourage the world's hopes nnd
faith In humanity.—Madam Willard.
ns a
Queor Little Isle.
The smallest dependeucy o f Fraaao
Is the lie d’ Hoedie. situated at tha
Every Dmy Prices.
east o f Bella Isle. Its population Is
Sat o f 6 rims and 4 demonstrable
238. They do not speak French, but
Ford whoala per s o t................. $85.00
Celtic. They are provided with food
Ford $0x$ tubes....................... ....... 2 76 •t an Inn managed by the women. The
Automobile accessories and tires, town has no streets.
biggest let and lowest prices in the
Where Women Bptml Mon.
In Italy women tea ch «*, nrhool In­
Complete Line of Ford Part*
spectors nnd employe«* to tha admin­
Bettar hurry and get in on a
istration of antiquities and fine arte
free tube with a easing neal
receive the sans« pay as their male
Parker’s Tire Shop
FOR S A L E —Five shares Ow ybee
ditch stock, $35 each. - Frad Klingback.
ONTARIO, OREGON — Advertisement
Try nature’s own sweet for the kiddies -
mm With peanut butter half and half
e a t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
The Services You Get
at the Bank
Sometime* on* doesn’t atop to think how much
hia bank mean* ia the eonduet ot his financial af­
faire, whether they be ef the home or buainess.
For inatance. the MAL a BUR COUNTY BANK
net only safeguards yeur money, but is willing to
•saiat in yonr Iran »act ions, to advise with you in
your purchases and give you information and sug­
gestions. And it ia all part of our service to our
Malheur County Bank
Capital ....................
H. J. W AR D . Prasidaat.
J. F. D UM AW AY. Cashier
325.00« 0«
$25,000 00
JOHN R A Y. Vise Pres.
O. Q. BAUER, Aas’ t cashier
- «
-W W W
■ I
’ftyssa and Vicinity )
A Brief Reeeme of the Daily Events in a Live Town—
What Year Neighbor* Are Doiag.
The city council mat in regular ses­
sion Monday evening. Mayor P. M
Warren and a full coancil were preaant.
The proposition o f buying tha Wilson
Ralph Lwafford af Ontario visits^
ditch was considered. Attorney E. M.
H. J. Ward want to Oatario Tuaa­ friends in Nyaaa Sunday.
Blodgett explained certain legal phases
Ray Decker o f Fayette was a weak to be dealt with. Full daciaian oa tha
D. W. Gibsan waaia Ontaria oa ba«i and guest at tha Frank Miller homo.
attar was left to another meeting,
aasa Friday.
The Nyaaa Trading Co. kaa erdarad ia order to secure additional data
J. Lax mada a kuaiaaaa trip to Oa a new $800 eaah register o f the latest
City Treasurer D. W Gibson tender
tario Saturday.
and largest type.
ad hia resignation, which was accept­
R. H. MaNaa was a business visitor
Tha Lax Fkarmaey baa a very at­ ed. O. G. Bauer reported that ha had
t« Weisar Monday.
tractive window display in camratmo- audited tha books and found them cor­
rect. Tke council then appointed Mr.
Jack MoCoanell returned to Skull ratiaa af Lincold.
Sauar city treasurer.
Spriags Wednesday.
Tha City Library will be open until 8
A special meeting will be called in
Walter Marenhelta af tka Idaho side o'clock on Saturday evenings for the
Several enterprising farn jra along
the near future to consider the pur­
ia laid up with la grippe.
aonvenionce o f the out o f town people.
the river wars putting out rabbit
chase of the Wilson ditch, and
Lawyer E. M. Blodgett made a trip
The Local Odd Fallow and Rebeka irrigation water for the city.
poison last week.
ta Oatario Tuaaday an baaineaa.
ladgae are contemplating holding a
Anthony Slanak was a buan
W. L. «ikaon shipped a carload of largo anniversary aolab-atign tMe year
llor ia tha Kalony Wednesday.
•heap ta Fortlaad last Friday.
Glenn McGinnis was an overnight
A large number o f members af tha
Mayor P. M. Warran has keen on
o f Gerald DoRord Wednesday.
local Farm Bureau hava Does in at­
The 16th birthday anniversary o f I
thè siak list tha past faw days.
Joe Mendtola want to Vale Saturday
Mrs. P. M. Binkley loft Monday for
February 4. and the event w »s cele­ to take out naturalisation papers.
Toponiah. Wash., to visit relatives.
brated hy the friendc o f the young While .there ;ke attoaden t ie basket
Jokn Boswell, af Big Band, visited
ball game between Payette und Vale.
Presbyterian church next Sunday, lady giving her a an.prise party. Tha
at the Albert Gibson homa last week.
He returned heme Lmtday.
February 13 at 11 a. nr and 7:30 p. evening was p leu am ly spent playing
P. M. Binkley was in Boise this
m. He speaks oa religious education
week having sumo dental work done.
with a savaia attack o f grippe.
to a delicious luncheon.
in home, school and church.
Archie Sinclair, general agent far
Mr. and Mrs. chas, 8ehw< ter and
Those present were Mrs. Sarvoss,
Remember the unioa Lincoln Day
McCennon Canpany was in town Tucs
Della and Misa Kate Whipple
services at the M. E. church Saturday,
February 12. The school children will Annatts Blodgett. Edith and Lenars were guests to dinner at the hama of
The many friands o f Mrs. Dickens take part and the Rev Weston F. Roiasop, Edna Deunis, Fay Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friar Sunday
will be pleased to hear that sh.e is il
Sue Bunch, Pauline
Mildred svening.
Shields will give the address,
Forbes, Myrtle Fields. Jenny Newby,
Tha evangelistic service began thair
L. J. Aker, income tax advisor, will
Mrs. a I Green was in Boise the be at tha Nyaaa banka Tuesday, Febru­ JuliaClore, Margaret Crockett, Made­ fourth week Sunday. Rev. Hellanberk
former part o f tha week having den­ ary 16, to meet alienta and those who line Claiborn, Bessie Anderson, Grace hat Rev. Hunt a f Nampa assisting
Warran, Ruth and Nina Sarvoss, Rob­ him.
Both gentlemen are making
tal work dono.
need assiataneo in making out thair in­
ert Long, Arthur Servos», William headquarters at tha Bigelow homa.
Th-> local fireman will give another come tax w ork.— Advertisement.
McDonald, William Toombs, William Prayer maatings arc being hold from
dance at thair alabrooms in tha Stroda
Johnny Cancalmo and Blayney Boy- Klinkanberg, Bert Davis, Bart Shel­ house to house, having been bald at
building Friday evening.
dell made a flying trip ta Boil# Satur ton, v Lawrence Blodgett,
Warren the Hite, Klingbaek and Smith homes
Mrs. Frank Lynch nnd family left day. to gat littla Mias Virginia Can-
Blodgett, James
Danean, Charley to date,
Mor lay for Idaho Falla for an ax calms. Mra. Cancalmo ia improving
Peek, George Link, John Zittcrcob,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cantrell and
tended viait with relatives.
from an attack o f typhoid, and ia ablo John Coopman, Frank and Jokn I.euck, daughter Dottia Bella ware sapper
Mr. Cupp, general agon. o f the to ait up.
Bari Davis, Karl Ward, Ralph Re- guesta at tha Kliaghtek home Wednes­
Equitable Llfa Insurance aompany
bargsr, Frank Raberger, Lloyd Uexic, day.
in Nya«a an business Tuesday.
Charley Nowbiil. Harold Lucas, Ar-
Owing t« Ulnas» Johnnie Glaseeak
tbar Ballinger, liruac and Dave Wal­
Mr. aad Mra. I. Lax want to B«isa
was obligad ta miea sanoel the Brat o f
Friday. S. F Footer teak ears o f the
the week.
The Kingman Keloay P.-T. A. held
drag store duriag their abaoaco.
its regular monthly masting on Feb­
F. L. DeBord caugkt hie first cayote
Archie Moaos o f tha Owyhee was ia ruary 4. being wall attended coneider-
in a trap laat weak,
town Tuesday. Arabia has raaently iag tha continued • almost impassable
Mrs. B. F. Ksrr was a sufferer from
Applicat'ons will he received for
completed a new kausa oa hia plaee
condition a f the roads. A short pro­
neuritis last weak but ia now much
The latest doflaition af a pessimist, gram was given, inaluding an instru­
State expérience, salary and refer­ improved.
remarks a Nyesa philosopher, ia a man mental duet ky Mrs. DeBord and Mil­
Wm. Pautz mada a buainei.s trip to
who wears bath bait aod euspendars. dred DeBord.
Make application t i Secretary, On- Payette Monday, ratarnlag Tuesday to
Reading, “ Roosevelt's Address to
Barney, Barclay and Caalay Wilson
| tario-Nyssa Irrigation Company, care attend the Owyhee diteh moating.
left for Taaaaaaaa Thursday
aa National Goagrasa or Mothers, ” Mra. 1 Malheur County Bank, Nyssa, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. MacLafferty,
account uf the serious illaass e f thair Johnston.
‘ — Adv.
above the Butte, attended ehureh
Reading, Mra. Prickatt.
seruices here Sunday.
Reading, tke Need and Function o f
Mr. and Mra. Ray Moboly have
Mildred DeBord waa an overnight
leaaed a ranah between Nyaaa and On­ Pareat-Taaeher
guest o f Varna Hite Tuesday, attend­
tario for a year and expect to take Vera Nook.
One aorre'l horse, weight about 12J0 ing evangelist!» servíaos in the evening
Mra. Aana B. Priakett was elected
possession soon.
vice prasidaat and Mrs.E. F. Pratt cor­ pounds, shout 12 years old. Owner
Chas. Schweizer waa a baainess vis­
The Nyssa fir« department gave an­
may have same by paying for this ad­
responding ssarotary.
iter to Nyssa Friday.
other “ old tim e’ ’ dance at their club
Several business quastions were dis vertisement and for the feed bill.
Tha old weadan cemetery fens# was
rooms, laat Friday night
All present
O. R. Hite.
posed o f. It was
to abolish
sold to Eearp Slippy for $83. It. was
report a good time.
personal dues and to pay all state and
taken down by man o f tke commanity
David Qrahana, manager o f the East­ county dues out o f a common fund to
FOR SA LE 15 shares Owyhee Ditoh Thursday
It is soon to be replaced
ern Oregon Lead company, was ia be raisod by giving some form o f en-
Stock, $40 per share, good terms; with a now three feat woven, wire
town Saturday ta moot with the direct­ tert inment whan neeossury.
1917 Mitchell louring car, newly paint­ fence, a much needed improvement.
ors o f tha Shoestring ditch
An effort will bo made to have the ed, good condition, good tires $600—
Kenneth MaDanald visited his eeus-
Dr. Moore, o f «n tario was called to aounty club leader present ?* the next half cash.
R. W Swagler, Ontario,
attend a sick horse belonging to John meeting, which will be held on Friday, •rogon.
(Continúan on page aipba.)
Ray laat Sunday. Mr. Ray recently March 4. A eemmittao af five— Mes-
lost two valuable haraaa from •iekn»s»_ damas Pratt, DeBord and Greeting and
Nyaaa vlaitara ta Oatario Monday Messrs. Beaumont and Morgan, wee
ware: Mr. and Mra Farcy Prie*. Mrs. appointed to assist in giv n - t*-« club
Pearl Bingman, Mra. H afh in s. V ia work needed encouragement an ini
Vanairdaa, Wm Data, 0. C. Hunt, petus.
8. D. Goahart spout Friday ia Baia«.
Surprise Party.
P.-T. A. Meets
Methodist Episcopal
J. P. Danaway and Wm. Canfiald,
A com fortable, homelike pía -o to
worship whore you will always be sure
o f a cordial welcome.
Our business la to help folks know God
and themselves.
D 0 N. C. M scia i(forty has moved
One Buick 4 car, in good shape. A
into the E ozio house at tha corner of
Main and Second streets, form arla oc­ Kood buy.
One Colombia Grsphenola. practically
cupied by Marshal C. W. Raharger.
Ha will usa tka house both aa o lir e and near. Cheap,
()M second-hand 6 volt ba ttery A
residence. Mr. Raberger has moved
into the Lynch house.
vary good buy
Good abspo
Inquire Uoetl Gould, Box $56, Nyss,
An astronomer baa predicted ootd
Oragaa. —Advertisement
weather and atorma throughout the
antry for February. Looks like ha
Always tha ailvor Lining.
was partly right, so far aa this sec­
W all admit that the future o f the
tion ia eaaearnad. Thara hava keen
•o culled etvltlaud world unfold» no »to
Hurries o f anew that the aid timara who
diant proape-t to the vision o f th«
have forgotten tha M iliardo o f the
dent. Still. the »ky can »ever
East call »term», but what does
black, but that a WVpound
mean sold wasthar? So far this a
melon will spray the frowning
ter the moraary la tka tbarmamatav way with rainbow* and spangle
with Hashes af gold.-
has not had even a speaking acquaia!
anca with tko aero mark.
Henry Young
Mra. O D. Cola a f Fayatte viaitad
her mother, Mra, J. W. Wills, at
Nyssa savaral days last weak. An­
Wastoa F. Shielde, Pastor
other daagktar, Mra. B. B. Batlar, Sr.,
Praasliag at II a. m. Dr. Van Nuya
also visited at tk« Wills homa Inst Fri­
o f aha educational work In Oregon will
spoak la tha maraiag at
s a l ia
Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs Frank Millar
tka evening at 7:30. Rav. Wm. Baird
and Mr#. W. S. Clora will aatartain
will also he present.
tha Eastern Star Kensington next
A eoavpntlaa on edueatienal work
Monday afternoon at tha homa a f Mra
Saturday at 3 p. m. at tha ehureh.
Youar. All Eastarn Star ladle< are
tp ««la l maalc at tha morning and
cordially invited.
evening sarvieas.
The Pastime poo! hall was sold the
iunday aahaol at It a. m
first o f the week to C. A. Arthurs and
Christian Endeavor at 8:30 p. ui.
R cs-re Shelton. The new proprietors
Prayar masting at 7:80 p. m.. Wad
took ''oaavfsir.n Tucadsy Mr. and Mrs. neaday.
W. K. Dolan, tha former proprietors,
Preaching at both saboal districts in
who have mad* m u v friend- in, big Band.
left far Boiae Thursday evening
Service» for FEB'Y 13, 1921
Sun lay School
All men are oordially invited
Brotherhood elass.
A -r> rial clava na«
b l
«• iee at 7:30
ergrniied far
-viriLor Lotter.” 2 Cur
Ladies Aid wtl! meet WeHnewtay after
noons at the par-onage.
Wills. Deeds,