The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, January 21, 1921, Image 3

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After Long Suffering Mrs. Siefert
were In doubt about this cntU we was very weak. I felt like vomiting.
heard a dog bark.
Hinton waa nauseated, his stomach
“ I took bearings with the compass was very bad, but our heada were as
on the shack and the place where the clear as they are right now.
dog barked. W e decided to land. We
“ I f we had had a definite object we
were In low clouds about 1,000 feet could have gone fifty or a hundred
high. The wind was north by west, miles without so much distress. We
the sun had been heating up our bag saw so much of the same sort of
Thrilling Story of the Adventure and we began to go up. We reached woods that It appeared we were not
0,500 feet. It takes a long time to go going anywhere. But we were not
of the Balloonists Who Were
from that height.
going In circles because we were
Make a Bad Landing.
steered by the compass zigzagging
Lost in Wilds of Canada.
“The clouds were below us and through the wood.
That counted
Pottsville. Pa. “ I suffered with
above us.
We got down about two against us.
female trouble for four or five years and
o’clock. It was a bad landing and we
“ I began to lag behind pretty much
■ was very urei
were pretty badly shaken up.
We and Hinton suggested that I take off
] l was not
were not hurt or thrown out, but the my flying suit. I did. nnd walked in
I my work at times
basket was smashed against the my underclothing the rest of the trip.
I and took medicine
I from a doctor and Lost to ths World 29 Days in All— ground.
"Hiuton wrapped my suit around him
Ig o t no benefit.
Wandered Four Days in the Woods
"The balloon caught between the as a sort of blunket. Just before noon
I saw Lydia E. Pink.
trees. We had taken the pigeons Into I had a nasty fall over a tree trunk
With Nothing to Eeat Except the
Ih a m ’ s V e g e t a b le
the basket to protect them from the Into a hole three feet deep. I was
¡C om pou nd adver
landing. Usually they ride In a cage bruised aul scratched but I got up
tiaed in the news­
Mattlee, Ont.— After being lost to tied outside of the basket. The weath­ aloue.
papers and took it
and got all right,
Hunch Fails to Help OuL
the world for 29 days, four of which er was clear and nearly freezing.
g a in e d
t w e n t y were spent wandering In the woods,
“ All three of us stepped out of the
“ We didn’t eat at noon and made
pounds or more and the three navy bulloonists, Lieuts. basket In our flying clothes.
I took fire and warmed up and started off
am now able to do my work. I recom
the grip. We were soaking wet. Kloor again all together. W e were pretty
mend the Vegetable Compound to my Farrell, Hinton and Kloor, arrived
friends and you may use these facts as a here. Lieut. Farrell told the following took the pigeon cage. We started off blue wiien we camped the (bird night.
at a terrific piice to get where tjie Ouf hunch about the third being the
testimonial. — Mrs. S a l l ie S ie f e r t , story of their adventures:
We dfd not stop fo In­ lucky day fllvvered.
Lieut. Farrell’s story of the flight dog barked.
813 W. Fourth Street, Pottsville, Pa.
The everyday life o f many housewives and wanderings of the trio begins with spect the balloon. From the bearings
"Hinton said, ‘Let's write some let­
is a continual struggle with weakness the morning hours In ltoekaway nuval I took In tlie balloon we figured the ters and put them in our pockets,’ but
and pain. There is nothing more wear­ air station on December 13 and goes dog to be south by east from us.
I said, ‘No, we’ll have plenty of time
ing than the ceaseless round o f house­
to do that.’
hold duties and they become doubly hard
“ Hinton could hardly hold his head
“ We started through the forest on
when some female trouble makes every up to the meeting with the Indian at
bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on Moose Factory who saved their lives. that line. I carried my grip for one up. It was very cold and It sure was
“ It was Just au ordinary balloon day.
We went on until dark and our worst night. We slept again with
i f you are one o f these women do not hop,” Farrell began. "It was for train­ made a tire. I smoked two cigarettes Hinton near the fire and me on tlie
suffer for four or five years as Mrs. ing. Hinton told me after we left while we rested; so did Kloor. Hin­ outside. I had the flying suit on, but
Siefert did, but profit by her experience that the gas In the balloon was ten
It was too cold to lie still, and 1
ton did not smoke.
and be restored to health by Lydia E.
days old, stale and Impure.
“ We did not eat that day; we car­ would get up often.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
“ When I did Hinton did too, nnd
“ Hinton called me up at about twen­ ried the pigeons until the next duy.
ty minutes to 12 (December 13) and There was some snow on the ground, we would both sit near the fire for a
told me I could come on flight If 1 so we got u lot of pine brush to He while. Kloor slant fine, almost In the
wanted to.
No special orders are on and I picked a lot of rotten wood fire. He kept getting his feet In the
needed. We Just got permission from with my penknife. W e had no fire­ fire and we would have to pull them
Commander Cummings o f the post arms—only the knife and the box of out.
“ Next morning we kidded the kid—
and Executive Officer Douglas.
“ I am senior officer of the three,
“ Hinton went on a little to find a that’s what we called Kloor— and told
but Kloor was In command of the stream. While he was gone he laid him he had been hogging the fire.
flight, as he Is a balloon officer and 1 off Ills Hying suit to make better head­ Hinton Imd the matches, because he
am n gunnery officer. I have been in way nnd he could not find It on his knows how to light a fire. We were
careful with the matches. W e would
aviation for three years and have way back.
R eg U S.PaA OfT
flown In every kind o f aircraft. We
“That night 1 slept next to Hinton. go stiff when It took Hinton two
left at 1 p. m.
He was next to the fire. I was on the matches to get the fire going.
Trio in Bad Shape.
Left With Four Pigeons.
Outside. Kloor lay off to one side and
"W e had four pigeons; we let the slept. We got on line together in tlie
“ Kloor had lots of pep after his
first one go with a message for tlie forest.
Hinton and I didn't sleep. night's sleep nnd Hinton was In bad
Biooklyn navy yard.
shape. I was a bit better off than
We got up at daylight.
“ Hinton nnd Kloor had heavy un­
Hinton, but not much. We started off
They Eat First Pigeon.
derwear and uniforms under their fly­
“ We ate a pigeon that morning, De­ without food along the bank of the
ing suits. I hud only the underwear cember 15. We cleaned a pigeon and creek. I had a hunch that night might
and the flying suit. I had a grip with cooked it.
We divided It in three have frozen up the creek and I left
my uniform and some other things in parts, a couple of mouthfuls apiece. them to go down and try it out.”
it. We had eight sandwiches and two We drank water out of moose tracks
The distance covered that afternoon
thermos bottles o f hot coffee. None and holes in the ground.
That is was not more than three miles. Next
of the underwear was electrically what probably made me sick the next day (Thursday) almost the snme story
day. We started off, I carrying my was repeated at nightfall, their dis­
C H E S E B B 0 U 6 I I M FG. C O .
“ We expected to land next morn­ grip.
tance from tlie "hypothetical" village
S t a t e S tre e t
N ew Y o rk
ing in upper New York state. We had
“ We came to a creek that day (the being still as undetermined as when
no maps or charts except a railroad Indians call th is, stream the Neseo- they'made their landing.
map of the Canadian Quebec Central haga). Hinton was leading and kept
Friday proved to be the lucky day.
line, which I bought. We had three moving too far to tlie wfest.
In the morning Tom Marks, n Cree
chances to land before we did. We did
“ I proposed to him to go southeast. Indian trapper, who was inspecting
stop once at Wells, N. Y.
In 30 minutes we got to tlie creek, his traps on the outskirts o f the set­
“ We made fast to a tree near a which was not frozen over, so we had tlement of Moose Factory, an island
light. It was In a window of a farm­
to follow the bank. We camped again in the bottom of James bay, noticed
house. A man came along and we In good shape. I, for one, was not tracks which he Judged to have been
asked him where we were. He told
very hungry, but we were cold when made by three white men. H I» curi­
Catonlo G ats H e r Up /
us, but he could not say what big town
osity getting the better of the native
we stopped walking.
we were near.
"Over a year ago," says Mrs. Dorn
“ W e had made a fire and rested at Indian timidity In the presence of the
Kloor Game to Go On.
Williams, “ I took to bed and for 10
noon, but we did not eat In order to unusual. Marks followed up the tracks
W e cast loose and went up again. conserve food. We
months did not think I would live.
argued about until early In the afternoon he came
Eatonlc helped me so much I am now Il rained and blew during the night. where we were. I figured It some­ upon the three balloonists.
up and able to work. I recommend It We could have landed at Ottawa at
Kloor*« Story of Trip
where in the woods in Canada, but
highly for stomach trouble.”
11 p. in. We saw the lights of a big
“The first days out were the worst,"
Eatonlc helps people to get well by city. But Kloor U just a kid and he wasn't sure.
said Lieutenant Kloor, describing their
How They Were Garbed.
tnklng up and carrying out the excess
was enthusiastic about a long flight.
acidity and gases that put the stomach
"A t that time 1 was still in my experiences. “ W e lmd practiced walk­
out o f order. I f you have Indigestion, We all agreed that w e ought to do a flying suit, Hinton .In uniform and ing with snowshoes at Moose Factory
There had been rain
sourness, heartburn, belching, food re­ decent flight.
Kloor In uniform nnd flying suit. We while we w^re there ami thought we
penting, or other stomach distress, from Wells on.
uli wore Hying boots. My grip kept were experts with them, but after go­
The wind was north by west. That
take an Eatonlc after each meal. Big
ing a day on the trail chauged our
box costs only a trifle with your drug­ night It blew hard and rained. There getting foul o f trees, so I threw it minds. It was quite stormy, too, and
gist’s guarantee.
was no sign of civilization. But we
the first week we were out we en­
thought It would be all right in the put It in a tree. Before that I got countered three severe blizzards.
morning. At daylight we saw only for­
“ On Sunday a week ago it became
The rain had calmed down. nnd put them on and threw away my so bad we were compelled to retrace
There were low clouds nnd fog.
our steps for more than a mile. We
The rain stopped at 8 a. m. (De­ gone.
also found that the dogs we hud with
cember 14). We ate all our food dur­
us were inadequate for the load we
ing the night. We had two packages miles the first day nor more than sev­ were carrying and had to send back
en or eight the second day. Our night
Catieora Soap is the favorite fo r safety razor shaving.
for more. The weather, however, was
but you cannot smoke in a hydrogen camp was on the creek. We did not not very cold. We had lot» of moose
balloon. We realized we were in bad
Alcoholic Anthology.
a bit of a kind of moss we found grow­ meat to eat and I think we are all
“ Did you ever see any sense to that that morning.”
feeling fine."
ing around.
Explains Flying Technique.
old song, ‘Drink to Me Only With
"What scientific values to he de­
“ We were not cheerful. We began
Here Farrell paused to give a brief
Thine Eyes?’ ”
to dread thnt this dog harking prop­ rived from your trip?” was asked.
“ I never did,” answered Uncle Bill explanation o f the technique of bal­ osition was a kind o f phoney. There
“ The main scientific fact demon­
Bottletop. “ Nobody I ever knew In the loon flying.
were so many noises. I figure now it strated,” replied Kloor, *‘ls tliut a
old days was satisfied to say, ‘Here's
was a w olf barking. We saw a lot of balloon of 85,000 cubic feet capacity
lookin' at you’ without the customary last,” he said. “ We had twenty-one
can remain In the air for more than
accompaniment.’ ” — Washington Star.
twelve hours. We were In the air
apiece. At first the balloon rises with
for twenty-five hours and could have
“ Kloor told us he had been praying
all the cargo. Then it begins coming
remained there longer. Further than
down as the gas deteriorates. When — not out loud, hut Just to himself. that I think nothing ought to he said
I'm not much on religion; I didn't
Has a cold, grip, or other infectious
until we report to our superiors.”
sandbag nnd that sends you up again. prny. No more than I made a propo­
disease sapped your strength? Do you
Dogs Hail the Arrival.
suffer backache, lack ambition, feel dull
When all the ballast Is gone you sition they should dine off me.
Kloor, a blue-eyed, ruddy young fel­
and depressed? Look to your kidneys!
"Hinton and I discussed our course
go up for the last time and have to
Physicians agree that kidney trouble
come dowu as soon as the gas begins while Kloor was pfaylng. We had to low who looked to be In the pink of
often result« from infectious disease.
admit we were In a pretty serious Jam condition, was the first to arrive. He
to weaken.
Too often the kidneys are neglected be­
cause the sufferer doesn't realize they
’Our twenty-first bag went over that and felt pretty blue. But when we came whirling around the bend of the
have broken down under the strain ef
uiornlng. A fter /that we had to throw quit we had a hunch that the third Mlssanalbi Into the town, riding on
filtering disease-created poisons from
the dog sled, with Sam Salnxbury,
equipment to keep up. We hauled day was going to be lucky.
the blood. If your back is bad, your
“ We ate the second pigeon and killed Toronto explorer, who had gone to
In the drag rope which Is used In
kidneys act irregularly, and you feel all
run down, use Doan'I Kidney P ill»
making landings and cut ft Into sev­ the other one the morning o f the third meet him.
Doan'$ have helped thousands. A ik
The howling of huskies tethered be­
Kloor put (the
eral pieces. - We used each piece as day— December 16.
your neighborI
ballast. It was not very long before dead pigeon In his pocket. We did this fore Indian huts here was the first
warning of the party’» approach. A
to do away with the cage.
the last piece went over the side.
J o n a h Mathias
later Kloor's sled came over
retired farmer^ 8.
Second St.. Brig­
bec.ted np the gas In the balloon; got their feet In the Are. Now their the snow. He was bundled to the
ham. Utah, aays:
that makes the gas expand and sends flying shoes were burned and they had eyes In the garb of the country—
"I suffered from
severe attacks of
to throw them away and walk In uni­ mackinaw, moccasins, wool cap and
the balloon up.
boota. My shoes were In the muffler— and no one recognized him
times It was hard
until he had slid stiffly from his sled
air. AU we saw was trees, lakes, and best shape.
for me to get up
from a chair or
nnd Introduced himself.
Hikers Growing Weak.
It was about 1 :30 p. m. that
from a stooped po­
“ I feel fine. W e’re all all right. All
“ We were all growfbg weak and fell
we saw a shack In the woods.
sition. My kidneys
caused me more or
a lot In holes and over trees. Hinton I ask Is that I get to a fire," he said.
less trouble, too. iE——
o-, ■—
I used Doan's Kid-
ney Pills and In a few days the back­
ache left and my kidneys became nor­
Trivial Accident Brings Disaster.
The gypsy moth has caused a great
Cal Doan’* et Any Store, «Oe a Boa
deal of trouble In this country, and
Scotch Interests are planning to ob­ much money and energy have been
The first bicycle driven by pedals
tain 4...000 electrical horsepower by spent In the effort to exterminate It.
was made In Paris In 1866.
Ecuador takes Its name from the fact harnessing three lakes, and to utilize The trouble started when a French
the waterpower running to waste In naturalist named Trouvelot, residing
that It is situated on the equator.
Deep-Seated Coughs
In the town of Malden. Mass, left a
Oil production In the United States the watershed o f the Tay.
4crelop arriouf com paction* i f ocstcctcM.
Use an old and t iR t o t r ic d remedy thot
As a form of hazing, “ plebes" at the paper box containing gypsy moth eggs
increased 25,000.000 barrels in the Inst
ha* airea re twf.ctkm far more then fifty yean
United States NaTal academy at An­ on a window ledge and it blew off.
The West Indian crab la bom In the napolis who are unable fo guess the That was In the early eighties, and
sen. matures In fresh water and then dally dessert are forced to eat their he waa making experiments with va­
passes tbe remainder of its life on dry meals sitting on tha floor under the rious kinds of caterpillars as silk
t Contenta lSFluidl
Was Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
F o r Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
A n antiseptic
dressing for cuts
sores, etc —
A necessity
where th ere
are children.
B ad S tom ach
a l c o h q l -3 pu b m u t .
J similutin^Uiclood by ula-
I tin&thcStomachs and Byv» *
Thereby Promoting
Cheerfulness and Rest Cuota®
neither O p iu m . Morphtoen*
Mineral. N o t N A H G Q T IC
A lw a y s
B e a rs th e
S ig n a t u r e
jä t A f i
For Over
T h irty Years
r e ^ d U T ifith e fr fr o m -m ln fa n cy
fcetaiaüeSijitfW L"*
■preteimmaCffl»"” "6
y E V T Y O R fL i.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
T H S C IR T S U R C O M P A R T , R S W TO R R C IT Y .
Juat to Impress Him.
A Jew In Itussin was ordered twenty
strokes with the knout. The whipping-
man was also a Jew, so the other was
able to “ square” the affair for 20,000
It wus arranged that the one should
merely crack his whip while the other
screamed. This was done nineteen
times— but the twentieth stroke was
“ Why did you do that?” cried the
“ To let you realize what a bargain
you have got,” the other said.
W it h o u t M u g
Feel All Worn Out?
A Utah C am
D O A N ' S V X iY
in N e w York City alone from kid­
ney trouble last year. Don’t allow
yourself to become a victim b y
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
Thte world's standard remedy for kidney»
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles»
Holland’s national remedy since 169&
All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed.
Look lor the nuns Gold Medal on ovorjr boa
and accept no imitation
Name “Bayer” on Genuine
Sends Her to Bed
for lO Months
C u tic u ra S o a p
l*ure M aple Hujrar, In ca k e fo rm , p rice 40«
lb In 10 ib. lota.
In clu d e p ostage when
o rd erin g . R ic h a rd J. B ran t, S h an kavllle, P a
W a t s o n B. C o lo m a n ,
Bato* reuonable. lll«he*ir*f
r i u n ì la w ,» ? . Waahlnstoa.
Il C. AdTloaanS t>ook
Many a man lives to regret the de­
Warning 1 Unless you see the name mise o f his w ife’s first husband.
“ Bayer” on packqge or on tablets you
nre not getting genuine Aspirin pre­
The smaller a man Is the harder It
scribed by Dhysiciuns for twenty-one Is for him to eat crow gracefully.
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural­
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumlwgo and for l ’aln. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets o f As­
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin 1» the
trude mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld.—
6 B e l l - a n s
The Inevitable Tune.
“ Daddy,” pleaded the sweet young
Hot water
thing, “ can’t I have an automobile?
Sure Relief
You can buy one for a song."
“ Yes," grunted her harassed isirent,
“ and I know what that song will he—
‘Over the Hills to the Poorhouse.’ ’’—
American Legion Weekly.
W. N. U„ Salt Lake City, No. 4-1921.
K ill That Cold With
C * I4 s , C ou gh *
’ O
i '’
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Tako no chances. Ksop this standard rstnsdy handy for ths first snoots.
Breaks op a cold in 24 hoars — Rslisvss
Grippo in 3 days—Excellent for Hsadachs
Quinina In this form doss not a (Tact tbs hand—Cascara is bast Tonto
-No Opiato in Hfll’a.
i: Look Out for Rheumatism
As Winter Approaches
♦❖ 4»9^»>^*0“fr<-c-M-c-x-:-:-v4~x-:->4~x~:~x~:-<~X"i"X~X“M ~ x «i»> £
So many cases o f Rheumatism blood remedy that has been sold by
come from a tiny disease germ that druggists fo r more than fifty year*.
infests the blood, that physicians S.S.S. acts by driving out of ths
blood the disease germ that causes
are beginning to realize that this Rheumatism, thus affording real
source o f the disease is becoming relief.
quite prevslenL O f coarse a dis­
Begin taking S.S.3. today and if
ease that has its source in the you will write a complete history
blood cannot be reached by local o f your care, our medical director
remedies applied to the zurface.
will give you expert advice, with­
One remedy that has given splen­ out charge. Address Chief Medical
did results in the treatment of Adviser, 101 Sw ift Laboratory, A t­
Kheusatism is S.S.S., the fine old lanta. C