Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1920)
Olì« T he G ate C ity J ournal TOI*. XIX NO. 17. Fine Dairy Cows tureau Are on the Way Advisory C ouncil County Agent Breitliaupt receive! Holds Meeting a telegram from S . P. Graham, «ciatioii ì 1 palnj »t o e and health % NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31 1920 chairman o f [he IFarm Bureau Lite- stock committee, * who has been *JTh« w M « r y council of the Farm scouting for good dairy ow s in the P mtmii m et in Ontario Wednesday W illam ette Valley and C. afternoon. This body is composed M. Beaumont and lE. Frost, purchas of ohe obelrmi o f tlie communiy ing agents for the Kingman Kolcny boreau» at utuch there are now ten. and Oregon Slope pools, respectively, Those in attend nee were Pete Ten- to get what they wanted In ihe ten of Nyasa, G. W Dean of Cairo, ahai>e of good gride Jersey cows, B L. Patch of Kiverdale, .1. i-. • rating that the two cars left Port Bonita and J . L. land on Tuesday nigh . They should I m o A o '. of Oregon Slope, arrive here Friday or Saturday. tooting was presided over by After putting in several ’.ays look snt V l V . Hictoox, acting sec- ing over available stock, these pur Bvna bsike- talking the min- chasers decided upon tw o carloads and "hen notified Professor P tts council adopted the new ■wtho is Dairy sjiecialist for Oregon le o f dues which calls for a and a celebrated judge o f di iry j|fee o f $1 as heretofore cattle, to com e and inspect the ‘ .the dues to per s o c k . A letter from .he professor is' much less than says he found that an exceptionally amat of the bounty farm bureaus are fine bunch of stock had been select (Banging, as. som e pay $r>, others ed and that he considered the price and name a- much as $15 per much more reasonable than the aver r m . Howov after debating the age being paid. Mr. Graham also is cotin c decided that w ell pleased with the initia' pur i bait®*" to increase the ntem- chase and is now looking up more MEp ch a rge a lower amount s ock in another county for the ben Organization is com plete, efit o f the next purchasers. o f the dues will go to The catit’e will be unloaded at B k National Federation, of Pa yet e and Adrian and auction sales nfy has decided to he will be held in the near future to di ft member. vide the stock. Anyone can bid on The oousjcil also arranged tenta the stock offered1, but only members tive dates for community meetings o f the ¡tool will get the benefit o f 1« ba held during January for the the plan which ha?1 been adopted of purpose Of deciding on work to be prorating tine cost. The auction will done in each community and the take place in the communities where election Of new officers. These the pools were formed so that the fataa Will he recommended to he purchasers will not need to move ¡atlbainnen who will be the ‘Stock far to get it home- The _____________h a meeting to arrange cattle are all tested before shipment. 'got- bokking an all-day reorganization Their a'ges are from two to six meeting; a t ‘-Which both amusement _xears. So far as possible, cows and business features will be on the •which are com ing fresh were select program. A con inning form of ed in order to avoid difficulty in membership «agreement was adopted shipm ent. Additional pools of or- which will do away with the solici- iliers may be formed at any time ■Iftinlien-iliii* after It is wlhen a few men wish o secure cows, hut Mr. Graham advises that It»» ** put into use. even'd there is a movement on to hold for and i TO NEWLYWEDS higher juices1 owing to the approach girl « p rise w as given Mr. .and o f spring, the urging o f business men Thtm P rice on last Monday not to sell and the smoothing out of toy t the home o f the bride’s the difficulties between ‘ he Qriry- Surtí Iff. and Mrs. J. H. man's League and some commercial .Thom pson .when some 4© fnends of concerns which were trying to break lh t young Ssou.ple arrived and start the league up. ed the feature of the evening with MASONIC SERVICE •M tin Qftns. pans, cowhells and TheDivine services >t the Presby •r dome time, o f serenade the terian church last Sunday were well crow d was invited in, where a attended. About 35 Mansons and 25 Star w ere present. did treat wus given, after“ which o f th e Eastern had prepared special the •waning was spent in playing The ch oir The sermon was appropri ft. alter which the serenaders m usic. ted, wishing Air, and Mrs. ate and Inspiring. In every way the i ft long and happy married life. day was pronounced by those jrres- ent as a very great success and the fe s al day of Saint John the Evan -F rew my place at Nysaa, gelist has an uplifting meaning to all i fa ce bull, cron in each aar, o f the craft and to all o f the chap en right hip. N otify H. ter. ■aa, Oregon — Adv. yeti >re < ■■Kin IRyssa and Dicinity ( land R« 1 for ah *■ I writ* W M A. F. & A. M. AND EASTERN STAR HOLD JOINT INSTALLATION A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town — What Your Neighbors Are Doing. Wm. Vogts was here Valley Tuesday. from Apple f Mr* Will Strode o f Nampa was a guest o f Mrs. F. D. Hall Thursday. F. R. Lund was a Boise visiter the Albert Chapman o f Rawlins, W yo., first o f the week. was here Wednesday visiting his son J. H. W olf and w ife were Boise vis Arthur. ltors oyer Christmas. W. Gruver, a prosper farmer o f the Mrs. F. Lynch and son Arthur were thriving Adrian community, was in Nyasa Tuesday. Boise visitors th's week. J.ohn Gordon and Adam Murray, Ben Smith o f Mitchell Butte was a Malheur county sheep men, were in Nyssa viaitor this weak, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Vandyke »pen', Nyssa Wednesday. H. W. Adams left this week for Cal- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. SheatTer spent "forma to spand the winter with bn sister, Mrs. W. Hall. Christmas with relatives in Boise. Robt. Elliott returned Monday te Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall spent Mountain Home, after spending Christmas with friends in Payette. Christmas with hiu famiiy here. Mrs. Grass Ernest and ten John of Farm Wanted Wanted to hear Boise are 'dsiting relatives in Nyssa. from owner o f farm or good land for Mr. and Mrs, Laflin o f Nampa sptnt sale reasonable. L. Jones, Box 551, Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olney, III. Miller, Mrs. Mabel Murray returned to her “ Bobbie” Teat o f Ontario is a guest home at Vale last week, after a sev at the home o f his aunt, Mrs, Etha eral week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Haley. Roy Mobley. Attorney E. M. Blodgett made a The duek season closes todsy and trip to Caldwell Thursday on profes local soortsmen have been putting in sional business. overtime for the past few days getting Mrs. Frank Phillips returned from theirs while the getting is good. Boise last week, where she had been Charley Toombs started to Home- viliting nsr parents. dale by auto one day this weak hut Harry Leuck, who is employed on a got stuck in tha mud i nd completed dairy ranch near Nampa, was home to the last ten miles o f the journey on spend the holidays. foot. Mrs. Clement o f Ontario was visiiing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mammock re her daughter, Mrs. George Schweizer, turned to Bone tha first of the week, and family the fiiret o f the week »fter spending Christmas with Mr. dhriatmas with friends in Boiea. Johnay Long a farmer Nvssa boy, Hammock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. new located in Naaspa, spent Christ Hammock. mas with relatives in this vicinity The Eastern Star Kensington was Mrs. E. B. Butler o f the Boulevard entertained Monday afternoon at the and Mrs. O. D. Cole o f Pavetta were home o f Mrs. H Walters, with Mrs. Christmas dinner guests o f Mr. and C. C. Hunt, Mrs. D. Tensen and Mrs. Mr*. J. W. Wills. H. Walter* as hoita*«ea. Harry K. Fritchmaa. ex-mayor and Mr. and Mrs. Gaorgo Davis o f Apple prominent real estate man o f Boise, waa in Nyssa Wednesday looking after j _r" e*_v_*d a real, worth while Christmas present. The stork acted property interests as Santa Claus and left a fine baby Clair J. Cibson left this weak for boy at their home early Christmas Fort Worth, Texas, where he will be morning. Dr. MacLafferty was pres associated with his brother-in law, ont to receive the youngster and In Bryan Fayne, In the ail business. troduce him to the family. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway enter tained at Sunday dinner. Those pies- ant w ere: Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and Mr and Mrs. E M. Craig e f On tario. Viaiting mambarB from Ontario put A meeting of the Nyssa Commercial on initiatory work at tha loaal I. O. O. F. lodge Tuesday evening. A t the Club was held Monday afternoon. eloea af ti.a work refreshments were Among other matters of business at tended to, it was decided to send an served. agricultural display to Portland and A meatiag o f the board o f directors tha necessary arrangements ware made af tha Owyhee Irrigation Dietrict will to carry tho plan into affeet. The he held at the office o f tha secretary, exhibit will be placed in tha window of J . Boy dell, on Tuesday, January 4. the Maiar & Frank atore, ona o f tha Arrangements will ba made at this most prominent business houses in masting far the annual election o f o f Portland. Fund* are needed to carry ficers to be held oa Jannary 11. an this advertising and any axe wishing Watch night services will be held at to ooatribnte send chock* to aesratary the Methodist churth this evening. o f tha Commercial Club, Nyssa, Ore Light refresements will ba served and gon, who neede money all tha tin s. a social time enjoyed until 11:30, when • » ♦ » f t » » » ♦ »♦ » ♦ • ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < a religious meeting will be held. At VANDERPOOL. midi ight the bell will ba rung to pro- Tha funeral o f Mrs. Elis I »er-Wre claim the birth of tha new year. You are cordially invited ta be present and Vanderpool, late o f Kingmx. K • I ny, was held Thursday, D scsvrU i *. , .. in enjoy the occasioa. the Ontario Baptist chur L, Key. Cock j p. M. Warren o f the Nyssa Flout ran offieliting. She is survived by Mill and Ed Warren are working over her husband, John Vanderpool, and time on a large quantity o f com which son Kenneth; father and mother, Mr Mr. Warren has purchased from local and Mrs, Chas. Boulard; sisters. Mrs. farmers. They shall it and ahip it to Madaline Long and Misses Florence. fortable, homelike place to worship, where you will always be outaide point», and find ready sale for Margaret and fithol, and brother Otia, sure e f a cordial welcome. it. They will handle about 400u bash- and Mrs. Chas. Bplaun o f Vale, aunt of ■ ENKY YOUNG, Pastor. els and estimate it will require 30 days deceased. Funeral arrangements wore Our business is to help folks knew G«d and themsalvaa more to complete the work. in charge of Phlllabaum A Allen Ur- dertaikng Co. Ontario. Oregon. Bill Lucas’ old gray mare, which is Services for January 2. 1921. POT* ’ W ill S«n4 Fine Display ta Portland A joint inttallation o f officers of Golden Ruts Ledge, No 147, A. F. & A. M.. and Golden Rule Chaptar, Order of Eastern Star, took plare at Masonic Hall last Monday evening. J Kakabecke performed the dlffiealt work of installing officer in an efficient manner and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin as Marshal did particularly we*l. A num ber of Masons and Stars from neigh boring towns were present Mrs. I. Lax, the retiring worthy matron, was presented with a beauti ful picture o f Sir Galahad by fellow officers and a beautiful string of pearls from her sister in law, Mrs A. Tan- nenbaum, of Toledo, Ohio. A big banquet was served and inter esting taiks w ire made by E. M. Dean, Rev. W. F. Shields and J, P. Duna way. The new officers of tha Msaona and tha Stars are; MASON'S Krauk D Hall, W M ; E. M. Doan. S. W .; Fred K. Young, J.W.; A. II. Boy.’ell, Secretary; ('has. A. Crawford, Treasurer; Iaadore Lax, D .; C. H. Prectjrman. J. D .; D. W . Gibson, J. S .; S. D. Goshert, 8. S ; F. A. Gallegly, Tyler; A. J. Ward, Marshal. generally believed to bo one of the two equine» which accompanied Noah A an hia trip in the ark. was raffled off this week. The Journal hae been un ► ♦♦»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M t M I M » » K H H » » able to obtaia documentary evidence o f who won her, aa all the ticket hold ers emphatically deny It. but eircum atantial evi.ieuce points strongly to Jesse Thompson, o f the Nyesa Trading C o . aa being the lucky man. The animal netted the ow - r *50. which helped considerably in aaauaging Mr. Your friendship and confidence in thi» institution Lucas’ grief in parti 'g with his old 5 To Our Friends and Patrons: 5 ■ to thoroughly appreciated. We consider your (rood : " j'l toward the Bank of Nyssa invaluable. We thank you for the butiness you have entrusted to us the past year. We desire that you continue the pleasant rela tion» and enjoy the banking privileges at your dis posal, with a feeling that y®u and we art working together for »ach other’s good of the community. May we see you here often during 1921, We sre at your service always 'HE BANK OF NYSSA W ALTERS. President. FRANK D. HALL. Cashier FRED E. YOUNG. Aeat. Cashier W E TH AN K YOU for past patronage. We will, daring the coming year he in bettor shape tnan ever to »«va you money—more room, more stock, lower prices is our slogan just now. Onr expense is light. We give you the benefit. EVERY DAY P R lC *» WHY PAY MORE? FORD Radia*o r Covers comptât» ....................................... y s.oo FORD R*ar Tira Chains per set 4 *0 pot. FORD Rear Casing- *15; froo* 1* 00 Jerry Hurley returned the first of FORD Spark Plug Core«, ft for 1 the week and walked In upon hia FORD «hock AbiTofbarr. par aat friends here as unconcernedly as o f four ................................ *•*** though the sheriff o f Malheur county and a goodly portion o f the inhabitants Fan baits far all makes o f ears. Ford thereof? had eat boon hunting for »erne back lights, side and back certains, ate. trace o f him, fearing that he hod met I.srgaet stock ef tire» and aato aecaa- scries in the country. Rubber boeta with fool play As soon as hia r«tern re .»¡rad. Better burry and get a fra# became known an impromptu recep tube with a rasing. tion was held at Jack Lynch’ s and the PARKER S TIRE AND sode pop flowed merrily. Jerry had VULCANIZING SHOP t,„en in a hospital at Spoken» for sev- eial week» wi*h an etterk o f the fta au to A c c e s s o r ie s mrd didn’ t know that he was miss Phone 177 ONTARIO, OR£OCN ing until be reached Onsario. 6c P I ”. C W Y Prospeccs Bright • for Federal Aid for Irrigation Vala, Or., Dec*. 2« An ai»propria- Won o f at leas *1 nno on© and i»oesl- *>’y up to * 2 . 000,000 wiH be made by congress next year tor the comple tion of the Owyhee jmojec according tc P. J. Gallagher on his return this v eeV from Washington. D. C .. " here he has been in the n >-reet of I astern Oregon reclamation wtyrk. And also he returned vdtb a ro ll lest from the Oregon de’ o ca'ion in congress that an exhibit c* Malheur county products from Irrtg d farm*! be prepared and sent to IWs thing: on to be used by the delega ion in se curing need« I funds tor r< lametl ’n work In this county. These and other optimis'd« rea sons for the ripid devek nent at thir country wore, told n*.- nbers of .'he Ontario Commercial e tto W ed nesday evening by the returned Mal heur county legislators at the regu lar monthly mee lng o f that b o iy " hen 54 members o f the chit) s it down to a chicken dinner served In the asaemfbly room o f the city hall a* Ontario. TTospeeta for rapid dc lopment of the Irrigation projects In this dis trict are bright, indeed.” raid Mr. Gallagher. "A good sized a|*pro|vria- tion for 'the Owyhee jjrojeet is prac tically assured. But the brightet hopes o f all held out aire the good chances for the early passage o f the Smith-Fie' eher bill. In brief, this will provide for the issuance of government irrigation ‘bonds', of a low rate of interest, in e^rf' mgs for IDANHA ORCHARD. 'h e bonds of any approved district and enaible the districtf to have a Dr. Saraiin was called to attend the long jieriod of time tor the payment infaut daughter of John Caneaimo o f these bonds Wednesday. "One of the firs» thing: we want Mr. and Mrs J. Cancelrno returned to do in t'hte (Vistrict is to oropare home Monday, after spending Christ and .«end to Washington an excellent mas in Boise. exhibit of the product® - tow b on A W. Field and family spant Christ our irrigated farm« In the Snake mas at the home of H. D. Holmes. river valley. There i* » room »11 tm-pared f° r the exhibit an I 1 hope A Pleasant Christmas Party to have U ready ’o sen I sarly in Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kobinson pleas January.* EASTERN STAR Mrs. Audrey Ward, Mlar.-hftl; Mrs. i. D. Goshert, Chaplain; Mrs. F. i . Young, Adah; .Mrs. C. H. Pret- ymun, Rutih; Lva Boydell, B.-ther; Mrs. C. Crawford, Martha; Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, Electa; Mrs. F. Mil ler, Warder; Fred E Young. Sen tinel. antly entertained a number o f friends at a turkay dinner on Christmas day. A ftir tho dinner a pleasant evening was spent playing various (ames. The guests were: Mr and Mrs. Will Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Robinson, Will and Garfield Lows, Frank and Tyler Mullins, C o n , Clarence and Earl Davis o f Nysaa. and Tommy and Herman Rust, Jim Hnd Charlotte Huffman o f the Owyhee. WANTED—Morse» to wrtn < r at *5 per head per month —Will Ordern a a . Adv Orchard Pruaing. 1 prune all classa« af orchard and ■bada tra»«. Hava had 25 yaari ax- parlance in thi» work. Addr«»» H. G. Monca, Ny«»a, Or. dl7-tl ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ft Farmers Appreciate good banking ssrvic»- service that is courtftftus, prompt, helpfdl «sd constructive. That is just th» kind of ssrvicft w* render all customer». Are you one of th e* If not, call and opes ■ Checking Ac count. We will appreciate your business. ÏTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School at 10 o'clock. With classes for everybody. ^ M o g service at 11 o ’ clock. Su bject—“ Turning the L e a f.’ ’ New Y ear’s Message. ll.W PER YEAR r Malheur County Bank .................. . « * ■ * ■ * ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ * * * ■ * i R E L IA B L E | I INSURANCE Protect your Residence. Household Go»ds. Barn and Granary against I om by fire. Automobilea in sure«! againot loss by fire, theft and trtnsporU- tion. Wills. Deeds. Mortgages and Contrasts written. Notary public. Cull at residence f 1 7 7 J. H. Wolf. Nyaaa. Oragaa. M