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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
th e U All Corners of the Earth Complete History of the Past Week Told in Paragraphs— Prepared for the Buiy Reader IN TE R M O U N TA IN . An airm ail (dune from Cheyenne, W yo., piloted by 1‘llot Cox. crashed Into the wireless statlno at the lauding at Omaha while Cox was attem pting to make a landing. T h e plane was wreeked, hut Cox, making his first trip to Omaha from Cheyenne, escaped injury. W a ge reductions o f 50 cents to $1 fo r em ployes o f copper and zinc mines iu the Butte district and m ill and sm elterm en at Anacouda and Great F alls w ere announced Decem ber 10, follo w in g a conference between mining companies and representatives of unions under contruct with them. A lb ert Scurry, a barber, 45, was killed by blows from an ax wielded by bis w ife, at Tacom a. Mrs. Scurry called the police, who found the husband dead from a blow on the side o f the head. John Murphy, o f Cheyenne, has ad m itted thut he shot M ary Odum, a room ing house keeper at Los Angeles. She is in a serious condition. Murphy attem pted to hang him self in his cell, hut was unsuccessful. A Tacom a hospital, in order to pre vent a mixup o f babies, now takes the mother’s fin g er prints and the child's foot prints. Records o f the lines o f the feet, which are said not to change during life, o ffe r a permanent means o f identification, physicians say. Elbert H. Gary, chairman o f the board o f the United States Steel cor- | (Miration, declared in an address at : N ew York, that should Japan and the United States clash, the people o f the United States would be more to blame f Japan. He de- ttuiu the people nounced what he teruied "Japanese baiters.” Spud Murphy, alleged Sun Francisco gangster and companion o f the three suspected murderers who were lynched at Santa Rosa, lias been de nied n change o f venue by the San Knineteen court. T w o persons w ere burned to death and heavy property damage resulted from u fire which destroyed a hotel at Hamilton, Texus. T h e Amoskcug Manufacturing con*- puny ut Manchester, N. I I- has an nounced a ten-day shutdown com mencing December if-’ and a wage re duction o f per cent. The mills employ 111,500 persons. Federal grand Jury Indictments against sixteen o ffic ia ls o f the Daniel Hayes company o f Idaho, charging con spiracy to use the mails to defruud. c it y J O U R N A L ., NY 8 SA, OREGON, One Big Tree Makes an Entire Say s « e w jJ Eu,™ic E,»*“ «?! Acid stomach * ,lll1ch ^-atonic up aa,| and ( d m which? b"n. A «ablet t»k«. qwlclt relief. £ healthy and h *»? J s » liable D"b t suffer fr» ? llen i 0 0 cange, for a trifle « S i an tee. ™ •• *■ U n t e r NAT* W A S H IN G TO N . Republican members o f the senate tinuuce com mittee are o f the opinion that a poll o f form er service men should be taken to determine the kind o f bonus they desire before any sol dier legislation is undertaken by con gress. T lie system o f government which Irish republican leaders propose to set up in Ireland was described before the investigating com mittee ut Washing ton by I.aurenee Glnnell, form er Irish member o f the Kritish parliament, as “ an Ideal co-operative commonwealth," Depnrtution o f Ludw ig C. A. K. Mortens, self-styled Russian soviet ambassador to the United States, is understood to have been virtually de cided upon by Secretary o f Labor Wilson, who has had the case under advisem ent since the conclusion, a week ago, o f the hearings in the de portation proceedings. Establishment o f machinery over seas in co-operation with foreign gov ernments through which aliens before breaking up their homes may deter DO M ESTIC. mine whether they w ill be admitted The Tenants’ P ro tective association to the United States, and legislative has filed w ith the ^ity clerk ut Los consideration o f the proposals o f the Angeles an in itiative petition calling second industrial conference, are out upon the city council to enact an anti- standing recommendations in the nu- rent p ro fiteerin g ordinance, or call u nuni report o f Secretary Wilson. special election to puj)S upon It. H enr.v Morgantheau o f N ew York, Discovery o f the ruins o f a pre form er ambassador to Turkey, has historic villa g e and cemetery, In which been selected by President W ilson to w ere many relics o f great value, iu act as the president's personal rep the N a v a jo country in N ew Mexico, resentative in m ediating between the is announced by the Am erican Museum Armenians and the Turkish national o f N atural History. ists. According to Kugene C. Grace, presi F O R E IG N . dent o f the corporation, the B ethle Canon Mugner, a parish priest, was hem Steel corporation w ill refuse to killed by a policeman, who declares sell fabricated steel to builders and the priest was endeavoring to inter contractors in N ew York und P h ila fere in the urrest o f a "re b e l." The delphia districts to be erected on the soldier w ill face court martial. closed shop basis. Charged with the murder last y'ear T h ree hundred men employed by o f her twin girls when they were six the Arizon a Com mercial Mining com weeks old, Am y A d olf, daughter of pany, with properties at Copper H ill, Tom m y A d olf, hereditary chief o f the on the outskirts o f Globe, Ariz., were I.lllooet Indian tribe, was arrested at (brow n out o f work when the eutire North Vancouver, H, C., while a search opertalons o f the company were sus was being made fo r the bodies. pended fo r an indefinite period fo l General Benjamin H ill, the secretary low ing telegraphic Instructions from o f war, died at M exico City, Decem the o fficials In the east. ber 15. H e hud been critically ill for P olice announced that Edward several days. J. Murray, do years old, under urrest Form er K in g Constantine o f Greece, lit St. Louis on u charge o f attem pted on his way from Switzerland and exile swindle, adm itted that he escaped to reoccupy the throne o f Greece, was from the H u n ts 'ille , Texas, peniten received at Venice with all the honors tiary last December. Checks to the due the sovereign o f a friendly nation amount o f $50,000 w ere found on by the Italian government. M urray follo w in g his urrest. Austria was elected a member of Janies Addison, president o f the No the league o f nations by the assembly culm State bank o f Noconu, Texas, o f the league on December 15. The which was closed by a state bunk ex election o f Austria was without oppo aminer Monday, was found dead from sition. T h irty -fiv e votes w ere cast in a bullet wound early Tuesday. favor o f her admission. T w o mem Jack Dempsey knocked out Bill bers w ere absent and four abstained Brennan in the tw elfth round o f their from voting. scheduled fifteen-round hunt at New T h e telegraphers and station agents York. December 14. Brennan put up on the National R ailw ays in M exico it game fight, and did more dan: have ordered a gneral strike immedi to the champion than any tnun who ately, which it is feared will paralyze lias yet faced him, Dempsey si. :. 1 1 the lines. the signs o f having been ia a great The Opel automobile works In K.i*- fight. selshclin. Germany, have shut down, Blinded by red pepper hurled Into the management announcing the em Ills eyes, Richard K. H oegllng was ployees had assumed a threatening robbed o f a diamond stickpin, a dia attitude because their demands for a mond ring,, a watch and S-MXt. In- told Christinas gift o f UMHI marks fo r mar the police at Los Angeles. ried men and MX) marks fo r single men Chicago Is facin g a figh t which It had not been granted. welcom es and w ill go to gladly. The Th e members o f th e German relch- jan itors’ union lias voted overw helm stag went on rations o f black bread ingly to strike Decem ber 31 unless its without butter and c o ffe e without demands are met. T h ere are ititiX) sugar or milk on Tuesday when the Janitors and they are demanding an managers and employes o f the roch- avera ge increase o f 50 per cent. stag restaurant refused to serve the T h e National Association for the forbidden foods in "v ie w o f the g ov Advancem ent o f Colored People has ernment's apparent intention to con made public a letter to the federal at tinue raiding hot, ’ s to compel them torney at N ew York, requesting him to obey the rationing regulations.” to investigate Inform ation received by It is rumored that disturbances have the organization that “ the Kuklux occurred in both Prague and Belgrade, M an is organizing u branch In this the capitals o f Czecho slovakia and district’." J u g o s la v ia , a fte r attem pts to es T h e plant o f the Golden State Tuna Tucking company at Long Beach. Cal., was virtually destroyed by fire fid- low ing an explosion. An adjoining cannery was also destroyed. (¡ATE tablish communist those countries. governments Douglas fir is the naa.e given to one of the nest iimo« species may lie seen in the above photograph. e u M n jm western part o f the country. venlence o f transportation. One o f the TA LLEST IN CHICAGO arigh t^J full o f youth m<j y y o u ra if you will k* In order by r e p ^ , whea we “ t Th« world’« «undid ^ Hv«t, bliddir and C!* U| •r emi«» o( lib ud |ù . j .4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4' 1696. AU dnup w ,^, Look tor lb im . r.oj u .¡Tv- V.;'.vy v * 93 35 53 ! .< £ v * | y X $ j nc 'W I * '5 X 59 *S 55 «* « « #* S’! ♦ «! » f ifc « » 59 5* »# j if if if I « *& i V* $ S f 5 9 5 V 8 # \i 5 * * * a « « « if * t » « » x s ft * « a * ftf >> *< » - — 1 Cuticura Compiei A r e Hej Year, good-bye Ta( i diel a lot of new thins t told us a lot of on bed us to step bette id us up and knocke klked cross to us, a understood, and didn ie knew you thought So«« 25«. Outsat £a(j Fret—Ofl Nap «flau 51 YVe will send 'vlthovt co«wi Texas and Oklahoma to um oil development. ComplMt plied by state and icvr»» Address PBOVIPINT STI Union National Bank Blic 3 9 you steal n'va Ith the efforts o i of mistakes while yo Id Yenr. But Taps t [ahead and did thing g them carefully out [told us afterward o I So. >*ou see, w ft you. Old Year. |mes we were dlsap tre a t things passed u: for them, now, too. h Is but an unfolding [ii reaping, a going t( Be and a getting up It ter- and laughter, ivorl* | Time plnys about us (e going away. Old \ ear hoc with what we have IT n p s ! [w e have lost or failed f .’ ml U rtilo Voli » Firn Ww Instruction« how to kwtwd orilo. I“. Howat. SoltUki« One o f th<- r».uiels belonging to John C. Wanner or Newark, N. J.. heard that a certain place In that town wns still dispensing something “ damp," so Lv went to Investigate. Removing a Great Pyramid of Salt Chicago’* tallest skyscraper, the new W rlgley building, stands at the north end o f the new M ichigan boule vard bridge. It is the first skyscraper to be built north o f the C hicago river, aud rises 308 fe et above tile bridge. BLACK AND TAN Time to Cill 15 The monthly assiiis «■ ress at the mining cs|I W olf, and tire courthows ed with a motley tfciwtl deep. If some*tat mil all the proceedings. The uproar got on! nnd ut last the judge $ no longer. An impora arose to his feet and "Gentlemen, and tl* must insist on onto - house. Here I’ve tried! ready and haven’t tw a single word of the id lets— just gladness for I million prods o f every L a y In the somewhere [anew In the glad New I awaken us on the mor- pj. we failed— we won. In. we smile, nnd a few Br smiles. But we blow ■ten to them. Old Year. Importance «8< Examine curefulij CASTUKIA. that f»W»' fo r infunta and dtlidni" Bears the S W Signature ijt In Use for Ovw» £ » C h ild re n Cry k i t m tl eyes New t e a r s ouj [strange olln podrida of Iter and Fourth o f July. Cred In with early muss, the cathedral, which is 111 the women attired in Li the poorer class bare- |h.- wealthy In sombre le k mantillas or shawls I r head*. But immedl- ■enkfast everybody be- I and preen for cullers. Lr,- plastered Into elab- k with cocoanut oil and ■red or yellow blossoms. Grow Rubber In U" Heretofore lt > * ! f Mexico, with its lug shrub, had a 1:1,1 contlne'it of 'he i* ' The survey now I* -■ University of located more than t hushes, h v a o f t l « » quality, if not wholly w ithin the I ■ er. Already shn.t*- tain n o re th*n . . -< « f 'l Ä “ tv umiliasi- * c H o v r’ s T f J j what we «j“ “ A remarkable view of one of thi pyramids of salt in the famous salt field at San Fernando. Spnin T l are carrying the salt to n harrel- Ing honse near by. At Sat. Fernando, salt water from the ocean is let Into evu(Miratlng tied* by means o f dyke gates. First Italian Piane on the Rhino laim , 0 _cui CATAWm ‘>.TiRRH ^ HALI/S A typical soldier o f the R oyal Irish Constabulary auxiliary corps in his picturesque uniform and full equip ment. H e is one o f the so-called black and tans. His Trouble. Young Tom my Ttddlesom e tim idly approached the sturdy policeman on traffic duty not fa r from Tom m y's school. Divers, directed by customs Inspect ors, recently recovered opium valued at JUUXXt from the bottom o f Hono lulu harbor. T h e o fficers said the opium had been thrown overboard from a ship which came from the orient and would have been picked up by smugglers if the inspectors had not nipped the plan in the bud. T w o Greeks carrying passports for Lucerne and in possession o f bombs have been arrested at Milan. Italy. It Is believed the men had plotted to attempt to assassinate form er King Constantine o f Greece. quid, taken „ blood v jyytem, tl-“ * 0 1 , and resterlni Alt Drug*!«“ -, oi Central The pcoplo «m e of the riets are located- ml contented ^e^ sonny. W hat's yi*tir trouble?" "W e ll," answered Tom m y, “ w ill you come to school with m e ? Tm lute sgaln and teacher said the next time I was late he would break his h c a v 'e *' cane over my hack."— Houston Post. No Sim ilarity. M asn t It a kind o f comic governffent yfbi * ere tryln _ to rnu? “ N o," answered the ex kins. “ Tim government never prmluced Hi h o ill genuine profit nor the popular ..«■ elation to a regu*sr j ,,,*1 ^ ^ avertible, dne ,,n;!n:;C«p^ ortlbzers a no ““ Katherine' a surgeon?” Idly carvin* C6nö. nur J a tb r r. tub the m ining gear. II I ¡tb r r me aerk. f a t II [or pearr. fo r support, amtb tbr tnrmoU o f I 1 Œhg prrarnrr btatu- I anb loy . A b tor p rrr Burr. U t ila natra ro il photn oa fa r r to fa r r I J a th rr . A a mr gazr IU i . anb trrtnbU b r fo r r [knoum fo rrra anb Ita I r r b rurnt*. anb aB mr I m qatrrg anb tbr btg- p tn o e . U t thr rlouba kb blatlnar I h r r krrp - k abnur Œhtnr attm! n a t a o f btaaatrr anb Itb r nnknomn anb fo r - p mottlb tirar S h y fctng. “ 3 t ia J . br not ■ R a k r tta r t t r at homr p . amib tbr clam or* o f I t n r m o ll o f rurnta. nr H o f tbr brrp. anb amtb M r n l a o f atrnggU anb I r I r a n * C h n a t * sakr. 5 .^, 5 « F. J. Cheney * c — - "Please, Mr. P e rllc e m «n ," he snld, “ do you lock up men who knock little boys about?” He wns a kind-hearted constable, and. pitying the youngster, placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder ns he re plied: A hydro-airplane, manned by two Italian avti ihot«graphed in the Rhine at Coblenz. Germany ield as Bolshevik suspects, but were released. •,i»ntj « a f n e « a e iu s c d b r , ff « j in Net operating Income o f all ex cept tw elve o f the principal railroads o f the country in October was $S” . 1M7.374, according to a statement Is sued by the Interstate commerce com mission. This compared with a net operating Income o f $79.878.655 for British regulars are standing guard all o f the principal road* In September over twisted and blackened tuin* le ft C onviction In N ew Y ork o f David after Incendiary fires which Saturday Lam ar, the "w o lf o f W a ll street." and and Sunday swept the city o f Cork. H en ry B. Martin, on charges o f con Ireland. Rstlmaten o f the loss run a* spiring to prevent the transportation high as *15,000.000. M ore than o f munitions o f w i r to the allies, w ill stand a* a result o f a deck-loo o f the supreme court. m h a w «««