Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
ling A meri Christmas Gifts R em em ber th at- J el E W E L R Il R e c o f J M ¡ech. rs Ire E •U »*C R lPT lO N RATE*: On« year, In a lv a a o a ..................***** 76 8lx moLitbü, ln Ätd/fiaiioe. . . . Y fo i mi H R ‘ K U it n ; f O JB CAP C RA Sa ©AMÒ , w sa w a n "GR v w c a s » '>4 fcOA » O vito eiv ctt hw vhä y GABÍUBD OUT W e r HRBV OSCCtj SATOSvhED v w r c o u '« r e u w » W W AOMBROatVl* sw . « a t o r r o ) una I * - : i n ■i > DIAMONDS, WArCHES, PEARLS JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVEWRARE • Dio \ î f t LAST” O N T A R IO TOMBS THAT ARE INDIVIDUAL ORISON Heating Plaoe« ef Chinee« Ruler« fie Constructed ac to Reveal Char acter of Occupants. V /• We wish all our frieittdsand patrons • i A Merry Christmas i THE NYSSA BAKERY i. A A » H . A F F t . , PR O F. , J , I M M V . I I K H H I M H •H l i n i l l H l K I Nyssa Realty Co. ’ I m m m m REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE « i \ , i Auto Insurance covering Fire, Theft Transportation, Collision and Accident ; m : ’ LET US WRITE YOUR POLICY ï J. Boydell, Agt. P h o n e O ffic e 42 Mf __ R e s id e n c e 33 N y e u , O re g o n __ _________ ________ ^ A t tba Tung Ling, or Eastern Tocnbe of tha Manchas, nature baa worksd hand In hand with man te produce ■ harm onious whole, w rites Roy C hap man Andrews in Asia Magatine Moat of the trees aboat the tombs have been planted, but they have been so e le v a * / ebeeen aad placed that they leok as If they had grown Just where, le n atu re's scheme ef thing«, they oaght te be. H iere la nethlag gtar- tocly artificial la the appearance t í the park. Although the tamba are alike In gen eral plan, they a r t at tha same time as Individual as wove the em parsn themselves. Bach la a subtle expres- gloa of the character ef the one who sleeps beneath the yellow roof. The tomb of Ch'len-Lang, the artist empr or, lies not fa r away from th at ef the empress dowsgar. Stately, beau tiful In Its simplicity, It la aa Indica tion of his Ufe and deeds. In stalking contrast ta the palace built by ih i em presa, fee her eternal dwelling, fc- tvevagantly decorated. vmln#erleu*y declaring to tha world the million« «pent upen I t It representa admfcably the personality ef the tren-wMed ruler who in life held her place by fan and Uilrlgua and lavitii expenditure and who was determined to he known, even In death as the greatest of ttm great. B ut a hundred years from new when Ch'lan-I.uag*e Mausole um, Uke the painting ef an oM mas ter, haa been mad« area mere beauti ful by tha touch ef age, th at af the empress will be worn sad tarnished. Young Author Falla Down A young author sends me the maaa- acrlpt of a story. He clatme he has a new Idea. His ‘‘new lie s ” la th la: A young man and woman are m arried In the usual way, and, during thalr hon eymoon. lore each other with great devotion. But In a year the young man finds he haa tired of his wife, from seeing her so m uch; from toe at««« aaeerl- atton. He anppoee*. ef eeen e, that ahe has net tired of h im ; such a pee nlblllty does not enter bis mlad. How ever. he resolves to be a aguare man and cenfeas ta hie wife lust haw be feels She alao talks frankly, aad It develops that the wife is as tired ef the husband as the husband Is ef tha wife. I am compelled te »sport to the young author that this la ne develop, ment of a new fact la life.—■. W. Howe's Month Ip. Hanged for Net Drinking. An old English story tells of "the •addler of Bawtry who was hanged for leaving his ale." It arises from the atory that on the way to the gib bet where Bawtry m alefactors expl- ated their crimes It was the cnstom to 5 A QUICK -LUNCH S KS5=3“. isms - beer, a saddler, marked for death contemptuously refused the proffered draught and was promptly hanged. «7 Just as many minutes later as he h«d declined to dally a breathless horseman arrived with a reprieve I W h e i ia to w n emit a t D A D ’S PLACE For a dish ef i C H IL I, IA M C W IC H .S , F IE , CAKBS. C O P P IE . C IG A R !. STTES AND C A N D 1 U . CIOAK- G pee fra* 7 a a . ta l o . » p. m. A. H. WILLSON, Proprietor. > V» - HMH *' *W M Np«| m a n d to u rn a J . huabaMd ami wife, end W. L d era il, To Alla« Jaaso* Mead and S m ina J . Meed, husband and wife, and W . H . Lucratft, to e ahova a n m h a m s o r t h » » t a t « ' o r QHJfiUON: I Toa are hereby re*»árad te a Pi-«er and t a s v a r to a «oui p lain t Oled .f im yoa in th e abewe entitled suit e a or W o r e the «rpáre/tíoa of t l i week» firom the dato of tho fin * puM cadoo of tide aumanoaut, and « rou fail to «newer, fior wan* thereof. plaintiff above nam ed w ill awfly to the Court for the relied prayed for in Ua com plaint on file h erein to w n ; For an O rder and D ecree the above entitled C o u rt ’- hat you and each of you have no rig h t, title, Inter««:, Hen, claim o r * str* e in and ,o the N ortheast Q u arter of the Southwest Q uart« (N B ^iS W fc) unum language H at kind, and likely to loco Section Fifteen, (to ), TOwnnhip the country gn Sixteen (1«) South, R ange F o rty Globe-Democrat. seven (47) M. W . M „ to M alheur County, Oregon, to g eth er w ith the on W aterfall« enemeota, h e re d itam en ts and a*> rival la beauty purteoauoas th ereu n to belonging o r ,cts ef the Pu< in anywise appertaining, an d fo r an been discwvt Uider and D ecree quieting o la ln tlffs lope ef the Casca ugh w ithin 40 m title s g s to rt esuh and all of you to ty of 200,000 peo and to said premhsae a n d h r o th er fa r as the ree« and further relief g- to th e C bujt F . A . G A L L E G L Y , Sale* Mgr.,Njt seen them until may aeem J u r >vnd eqattahle Tills wumnone Is pobllstted p«r- i figlla lie alm ost In the cent« ausmt to an O d e r of th e H on. Del- reserve, set aside __________i to protect Bull 1 Ion tttggt«. C ircuit Judge of M alheur the aaarce of P ortland's wi (Xvuniy, Oregon, dady m ade an d am- erve Is closed te •«red on November 11, 1DS0. Dployees of the | I t. W. BWAOIJQR, the d ty of Portli i H M M M » W W O « » » 4 4 4 4 4 4 » 44 M t h A ttorney Dor P lain tiff, ay go th are on business, a | taken t f protect the tlmbei Keel<Un« ■* O ntario, O Come te the a w atershed against Area th a t ml Date of f i r s t FmbMcmtlon, N< started by careless campers. her 12th, ISiW. which Includes Cute of L m i PabMuatloa > off m ountains and for ber, M th, 1»M. i h f congress In 1892, ” guarded ever sta r NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SA LE IN fa r quick H im Like Deer«« e f Fate. FORECLOSURE. Ilf a num ber e f the wi W h « r * e a l y f i r s t d a i s machiilikli BY VTO/TUH OIF AN BXMCUTION ng the W orld v a n d ■ •rvita UN FYARJOCILOiSURiH, duly Issued by ully dodged bal ____ ito-deallng m issile ’-he Clerk, of xhe C ircuit O ourt o f to« eg ageing his life, altho state of Oregon, Dor toe Oountv of „ H i w ay to cause gr Maiheur, dated th a 32aJ d ay of No- « B k h a rd J. Foran, tht vemvt>er, 11 * 20 , in a certain w ilt to th e l « 14 wa« Instantly killed said Circuit C ourt Dor to e sold Comi a taw days ago while sti a tow a short distaace ft ty and Butte, wherein O ntario N a Paterson, N. J . 1 tional Uejiki T rustee, a C orporation, I forehead w ith a » as Plalatiff, recovered Judgment thigh and right t ht the oguinet O ntario Building Oooipany, a an k la; tore p r o p r ii t o m Corporation, aa D efendant, to t o . h a t, both shoes and sum of Fifteen T housand Dollar« I th e hip. P In th e w ar with (1115,000,00) w ith intererst tnereon and N lath Mac! from to« 15th day of F eb ru ary , ISIS, seemed to have a t to e ra te of 8 per cen t p er annum B u t when old Ju p and One T housand Dollar« | ( l , - pled a bolt a t him tt F o rtu n e had dea 000.00) atto rn ey 's foes, an d to e er w as ended. further sum of Fifteen a a d 20-100 B o i s e P a y e tte Li ja s a n G IF T S T H A T \ A lead ■ m m O oew ow t WEKTLS » Blackaby Jewelry Store ftol—Iff, ftn é in f U R M C r TO USAR. O * t^OU CUB A. W B W W B t '¿XSL V - Just completed shows I a r a f l daily use In .* ghree or four ki Is highbrow F jh and the R strange, Inexpl klndTlirhich gives all tha sound of fa r wo have never seen why In certain New York i third Is “thoid," bird Is '^b( ae Is “eolne' rhere. th a t eoun —w hether on o r to Harlom or even In Brc •to know. W as I A t C h r i g t m a g t i m e w e lay by the nobody i ^ _ ja a o t T he New York a n d r e l a x in t h e p le a s a n t spirit of ^ J of th a t ora does not seem tc Thn converse of the b< i n g f a l l r e i n t o o u r fin e st faellnga. | street sweepers ions fiction of th b o n d s o f f r i e n d i h i p in th e «ieh»nW)i] it a Sunday sell ffifcg "eolse'' has sw ept o g re e tin g s . ■fuse then. It cam e vi pot and may be p a rt oi , we know. is large enougt a number of dialects and M a y t h i s M e r r y C h r ia tm u tia« £ dona contain them, so t d h a c r f o r t h a l g a g g ffert» «( the w gmaais ta pretty well di^ i by htoM»e<'li. We know N y a u r g o o i f r i c a A s be m any. ) i hfi its -loffing” laugh and t as by OUT P a rtin g ” one. "A South la a s f the “a ” to “bal ’osk” to Mas va. Head Is the ideal «rift—the f if t that lasts, the gift that in creases in va'ue the older it gets. We have many gifts that lasts in 1. . U lta Ja m e s MICKIE SAYS w< o r thb 9TATB OF OttBDON, FOR UALHSUR COUNTY. t u b c ir c u it c o u r t ! Entered at the Poatotfioe at ' Oregon, eu ««oond-cUs* mall matter. A Good Trencherman The phrase originated at the time when people ate their food off trench e ra These were usually clean white h hollow ^ w P on rn both ^ V n aides, ,p " ' ,Dd ao w,r# that oft™ meat eould be served on one aids and pud ding on the other. p Company ! Nyssa One of the best Shops in Eastern ! BROWNING & H ill DcXUara (U 5.20) costs and th e further sum of Ten T housand Dol lars (»10,000.00), w ith in'.ere*, th e r e on from AuguBt 15 191», a t th e ra te of ten per cen t per annum , a a d the further sum of Seven H undred and Fifty Dollars (»750.00) atto rn e y 's fee«, which Judgm ent wa* enrolled and docketed in th« C .erk 's office of »aid Oourt in said County on toe 22nd day of Novem ber, 1920. TirnRHPCKRE N x m e a IS HHRF3- BY GIVEN, T h at 1 will on the 5th day of January, 1921. M th e B out of U :30 o'clock, in the forenoon o f said day, at the N orth m ain en tran ce door of the Oourt House, a t Val«t in »aid Oounty and S tate, sel' a t pub’ic auction to the highest bidder or bid ders for cash, th e following deacrih- ed real property, to-wit: * 7, S, 9 and 10 in Block «. City of Ontario, O regon. T h . above real property with its appurtenances taken and levied upon M tJle Property of said D efendant toe O ntario Building Company, s Corporation, by virtue o f & m ort- 3»«e given thereon by th e above named Defendant, or a s m uch th e re of aa may be necessary to aatiafy * id Judgment in favor of the O n tario National Bank, T ru rtae, a Cor poration. together with all c o s » and disbursem ent, t i n t have o r m ay ac crue. ■ MERCHANTS l| I From 11:30 t# 2:31 t ! Meals 50 cents 5 TH E NEW [ Ontario, Ore*»» I Service I Garage p Fi Ft SOME GOOD BUYS IN SECOND HAND CARS AND TRACTORS Ih te d a t Vale, Oregon, thla ] « h day of November, 1920. H . LEE NOB, Sheriff. Bl C . W. GLENN, G«* r nriefi. oh iMte of sal* January Sto. l**i, g 11 .•• %# —• I J at W orker, kse let m e m a i v 1 Why. when be wai i two m edals fo r i |a n d m apping »on W eekly. ecs a t All fo r Jay. |s p e n t several weaks I f a fav o rite aunt • burbs, and ha w as r ose ha ppy weak« w h er a visit. Hewe aa d now Uvea Ii Junior cam e home vane« to his fat was « 1 na m an [ to ; why., they d id n 't, to t tout bulldtei the fills me Lining. th a t tl •a M u r e of worl H u n fo ld » nr I te the a •ston of th e sky a m never bee th a t a •V pound wi ay the frow ning a shows i end spangle flashes a f gold.—B T j* * I* P « ty . Date of f ir * w rttloatton Itecw thav 3rd, 1920, 1 fam orlal Trees. i f how thoughtfully i selected and how t) kntlng has been di I Intelligent care to h j thrive, say s the Am ssociatfon of Wash register your memo Jonal h o n o r roll. M | been dlsuppolnted \ th e ir w ork baca th eir Job comph shovelful of aaO the tree. I:. - C . C . COTTON, E coo or «y. gold a snybo- ever mean ■ po t the end of |y ever seen re tu rn with to e difference ar bous« and