Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
m « A l « CITY JOUKHAU I<TP, a . Ocrnw r*. Drink Water When Tired. Dr. Eliza B. Mosher o f Brooklyn urged the members of the Women’s Medical society of New York stare to drink a glass of water at 10 a. in. and others at 3, 4 and 5 p. m. This, she told them, would dilute the products o f fHtlgue which were entering the blood and causing that tired feeling MICKIE SAYS asrr1 Mca&S.' -tu' OU\X '40 l VUU KEEP OV4 <èOOO I ©OVA© FOLK© '© -XE) VSaJER. fiSK TU eva t o picvt t V ae \«. © tu a -^ — ©UT TU' © 0 6 9 SAN© KE CAVjft APPOWD TUÄT VUViO OP FCUSMDol N O KAOfc£\ NDERTAKING ! H. L. Peterson MISSOURI'S CENTENNIAL, 1»21 A big feature o f M i»-our!'» «n - teunfaj c*l«bratIo®, th* lOO-'k «nnl cersiry o f the Admission o f the etiute into tli« I'nloo. that will be held at and with •'*'# Mi.siouri State Fair at Sedalia Auiguwt 8-21, i#21, will he a I “honitMoonrtng o f all living tenner I MSeourtaao from tlirmighout Am r C. R. Augustus LICENSED EMBALMERS ANNOUNCEMENT I Many former* Mia*r>1 it U tnu ar« now I citizens o f thla sftatt—if any o f th«m I wtho read tbftv ,» interested in tha' cal! by M'other Mlr,»o"ri fo hoarth- I stone gathering of her absent so.)- I in 1 daughters, they are requested to I waid their pro ent address to V Barclay VanDyke ait Nyssa, Oregon, lit . F. D. N o . 1, and this Inform i- tion will be forwarded to the Mi - ■sour! Centennial Committee, Sedalia. Adv. d34t W DIRECTORS * íh u k Modern Chapel and Funeral Car at your service <3& H a v e t a k t n o v e r th e M c D o w - e il U n d e r t a k in g C o. I n t e r e s t s . T h e s a m e h ig h c la s s s e r v ic e w ill b e m a in t a in e d a s in th e p a st. I ONTARIO- FURNITURE UNDERTAKING J. 0 . Phillabaum and Hugh Allen ilea and FUNERAL MMuummmm^Muuu i v m i m o i h k r i COMPANY WHEN BLANKET IS REMOVED Russians May Be a Great People When Hie Bolshevik Cloud Haa Been Dissipated. M I ISTEIN I IN” Tliait'e wihalt many people do when they shouldn't. You wouldn't join a huadness or social conversation be tween tlwo persons unless you were welcom e to do so. W hy then do ou listen in on a telephone conversa tion wlhen you are nor. wanted? Do you know that :o d o so iAKES IT H ARD TO ____ HEAR #or the parties who are entitled to have their conversation secret and uninter ruip ed ? DON’ T DO IT ANY MORE MALHEUR HOME -ard Has Dropped ‘ j I I . $2.25 . $1.15 ™ 5 per cent o ff Cash Sales Guaranteed Absolutely Pure yssa Meat M aiket After the glory o f the setting sun li was dark. The man felt afraid as he stumbled on after hla companion who. | woman-Uke, went straight ahead, re gardless o f all obstacle!. Angry marmnrs frem the unseen people whose toes they trampled on followed them like the wash of a steamer. Rut she paid no h eed; to | him fell the duty o f «utterin g apolo- glaa. Just as despair was seizing him he saw her straight ahead. She had ob tained a seat. And Investigation show ed that the one next to hers was | empty. Into It he sank thankfully The picture was one of love and brav ery, with the usual fair heroine and handsome hero nnd beetle-browed vil lain. As they watched he slipped an arm around her slender waist and drew her to him. She straggled for a moment, raueh to his surprise. Then she yielded, and he felt her nestle close to his | manly chest. Five minutes later the picture end ed. and the lights went up. Then he I understood— he was embracing the | wrong girl.— London Answer!. J ANDERSON & BURBIDGE I I K X X M X X M I I X I I X K4 E R E D H A N D !! e this the nover-tr-be-forgotten Chriutrnas by giving HER r»*h«r That L A I N -D R Y --E T T E Dries Without a Wringer H L i* ,-Ri D i HAND and TTRED BACK forever. n, JrnA*,! th whlch is mor* than money. R GIFT COl. LD BRING MORE CHECK AND COMFORT A pleasure to demonstrate G R IF F IT H E L E C T R IC C O . O n ta r io , O re g o n ................................ ........................ a eoeeeeee*e«< ^ CKHAM CASE CO. Furnisher« and Funeral Directors. Keller, in charge of Parma Stoae. House Phone 50-SSS P h c¿ X>wSS 1 S t * « * s t Cald'vell and Par nta, Idaho. Pool Whan Sleep W ill Not Com«. | Don't hate the world and kirk all ; night Just because you don't happen to go to sleep. It damages your own nervous system, and any tender re gard In which your roommate may- have held you. Anger cats up energy nnd la responsible for next morning’s | very unpleasant day-after feeling. The lack o f sleep mattered not at all. If I instead of thrashing about viciously y«n had curled up cozlly and day dreamed. your night might have been salvaged, all might have been well.— Exchange. Dreaming of Old Age. To dream of old age Is a sign o f coming good news. To «ee an old ian la a sign o f love for the young dreamer, a sign o f success for the »turn person. To see an old woman _ one's dream foretells an Immedi ate pleasant surprise.—Chicago Ilerald aod Examiner. ©rain Quickly Ripened In Norway. It Is a curious fact that grains ripen earlier In Norway than In the south o f | Europe. an advantage due to th<- h>ng days and short nights o f the summer to the north. w il s o n b r o s . ^ W ill r e p r e s e n t u s a t N y s s a . Call Wilton Bros, or cal) dirtet- Hall FUNERAL SERVICE CARS FREE BEVERAGES, CIGARS TOBACCOS AND CHOCOLATE CANDIES i J. 0. Phillabaum I Hugh Allen m C. M . N ic h o ls o n Manager. Da/ and Nig Phon*. 227 Night Phone 178 ONTARIO OREGON A Christmas Gift To Lighten “ Her” Work Yeung Man Understood W hy the Malden at First Shrank From H it W arm Bmbrace. ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ E A K N E & S , Vic* President and General « Manager. ^ W O N D ERFL ; Nyssa il* WHEN LIGHT DAWNED ON HIM TELEPHONE COMPANY 9 lbs net weight .................. Naii 5. 11 bs 6 oz net weight ........... Proprietors ■ i* Nobody caa tell what a horse looks like until his blanket Is taken off. Who knows! When this unspeak able bolshevik screen Is removed may be the Russians wllPemerge as a great race. Every people has done hard and queer things at times. “ Girard" writes In the Hhiladelphla Press. Oxford university is. perhaps, the Intellectual center o f the earth, and yet Oxford was so benighted that It burned the books o f John Milton, as blasphem ous It was Oxford, also, which declared during the Revolution ary war, “ that Americans as a peo ple have forfeited their lives and their fortunes In the Justice o f a state." Now look at the other side. In that same war, the czar o f Russia re fused to sell 20,000 soldiers to King George to fight against George Wash ington. And we, here In the United States constantly abuse the Turk, who kills an Armenian now and then, and for get how w e killed the Indians for three centuries. On one occasion, the zealous Christians o f New England, not far from Harvard, shut up 700 Pequlnot In a modern prison and. ac cording to John Fiske, all but five were burned to death or murdered. So 1 say that I d the next century the Russian and the Turk may travel around the circle as fast as John Rull and Unci* Jonathan have In the last hundred or two years. 1> F u n e r a ls c o n d u c t e d fr o m th e H o m e , C h a p e l o r the C h u rch o f Y o u r C h o ic e J. Weil & Co. -A Vacuum CLeaner OT that SHE want» to worh to work less, tut rather »he want» a chine# to »errs her family more. She knows how mueh better »he might employ th# time »he »pen«* laboring with a broom, and »he realizes how much longer her rug* and carpets would keep their brightneas if they w e r e regularly eleaned with an eleatric reeuum clearer. She wantc this labor-saving machine to free her to do the more important thiega »he crave« te do. What more useful or practical gift could yoi giv# her? N O h io a n d H o o v e r E le c t r ic C l t a n e r s - First they loosen the dirt and then they au^k it up. They’ re ideal aw< ep^.s that swallow the dust they raise. The Christmas that sees one of them arrive Special December Termi in your home will bo long and gratefully remembers^ C o m e in a n d S e le c t O n e T oday $5 Down $5 a month — a n d E le c t r ic a l T a b le A p p lia n c e s The thrill «woman gete from receiving one of these (In# olec- trical gift« for Chriatmas nod the satisfaction they have in «tore for her make them many times worth what thoy coet- Universal Walflc Irons Uni versal Percolator« and Urne U n iversa l, Weatinghouae and American Beauty Toaatcra Edison Glower Stovee I on creai Portable O rta* Universal Grilla l ui*creai Chafing I n i 'creai Tea Pot* l »tabes And Don’t forget the IKectric Tree Lighting SeU Diamond. E v e r Ready. A rburiot We have a complete stock of globe« for them. E le c tr ic S h o p — Id a h o P o w e r ( om pany jj