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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
NYSSA SCHOOL NOTES (Crowded out from last weak.) mind his enem ies." "W ell, yea,” said the superinten dent of schools. ‘I f he is i executive, he can't do It. -Some injures ^implied by th e Sec "W illiam, attend to what IY l aay- retary of th e Treasury: In the is-* hut. You're listening to me with year $763,000,000 was expended on erne ear and looking out of the win each Of th e ver 20,000.000 school dow with the other." children in the public schools. The total estimated expenditures for luxuries was $22,7000,000. The ]>eople open’ twice as much for auto mobiles as for education; p ractically three times a * much was spent on t'taretiiee, cigars, jv l 'obaeoo; one hililon was eipent on candy alone as compared with seven hundred elxty- three millions on education; while one additional $350,000,000 for xof driniks brought the total of these item s up to nearly liwlce as much as the total ror ednwatlon. The amount for “luxurious foods,” $5.000.000,000 ogether with "luxurious services,” $3,000,000,000, or ten times a s muc*h as expended for the education of children In the public schools. "Upon he trained intelligence, the clarified insight and the disciplined will of our people in all like lihood will depend the Sate of the world in the decades thus, are to come.” EDUCATION F IT S FOR SERVICE With no schooling the dhd’d has only one chance in 150,000 f ren dering distinguished service. With elementary schooling the child has four timesi the chance of the one without it. With ‘H igh School educa‘*op he has 87 time« the chance. With ooJ lege education he has 800 times the chance. Fewer than 1 per cent of Ameri cans are college graduates, yet this 1 per cent has furnished: iFifty-five per cent of our presi dents. Fifty-four per cent o f or.r vice presidents. Forty-seven per cen t of our speak ers o f the house. Thirty-aix per cent ' f our mem bers of congress.. Sixty-one per ce n t of our S ecre taries of S ta te . Sixty seven per ce n t of our Attor neys General. Sixty-nine per cent of our judge* of the Supreme Court. "It's wrong ftrr a man to keep , OlP«PU»MWt\Vl* '««'A «B A A A * t v n w * £ w* '***££*' Tpy, A lls tDO GtXXr! TVÖifc TO NOMT* 1 uArr*cT\cau\*rrWB. x a I A FA M A * V * r x W * * '* ■ < * “ * "M ap p in g " the A ir. The greatest discovery rot mad# 1« exploring the air la that the atmos phere conslsta of two layera, the low er extending from sea level up to 10,- 000 meters. In which there la a steady fall of temperature with elevation Thla Is called the tropospnere. Above this there is no fall, and up to 20.00O meters a alight rite. The upper layer la known aa the stratosphere. It W actually possible today for an airplane to rise from the ground to the bottom of the stratosphere, say about six miles, In one hour. If we want to ex plore somewhat higher, say 20 miles, we Install light instruments on sounding balloon. VSUA OSAO If « A t* LICENSED El ant FUNERAL I Hla Idea of Train1* Action. There la a story of a Suffolk (Eng land) yokel who, having lived some distance from a railway station, and being content with the society around him, had never had need of a train, and. being brought Into contact with a railway, stood watching this new won der not far from a tunnel. His de A Ifa If a scription of It afterward was that a Alfalfa receives Its name from an train was more or less llkp a rabbit— old Arab word which means In Eng “he ran up to the hole, let off aa awful lish “the best kind of fodder." The screech and bolted Into I t ” plant look* something like clover and ■ grows very rapidly. In fact It grows ft Grades of Witches. so qnlckly that three or four crops In the olden times there were three <na bo harvested during the summer. m classes of witches. The black witch was a harmful affair, and the white ft Taking Chinas* Census witch was a helpful spirit Then there The Inhabitants of China are count ■ was the gray witch who was some times harmful and sometimes helpful. ed every yeer la a curious manotr. Indictments against persons accused Th* eldest master of every te| houses of witchcraft had to state the com has to count the families sad make a ft list, which la sent to th* Imperial tax- plexion of the spirit that bewitched. bouse. ■ ■ H ■ u ■ ■ Less by Storing Pulp wood. It ha* been found by observations made at a sulphate pulp mill that pulpwood kept In storage from two t* three years yields on the average, 28 per cent less pulp than wood used when It la green, says Popular Me- chanlcs Magazine. Pulpwood stored even one year loses 14 per cent of Its value In pulp production. Action* That Count. Let oa. if w* must have great ac tions make our own to. All action I* of Infinite elasticity, and the least ad mits of being Inflated with celestial i air until It eclipses the sun and th* moon.—Emerson. Chopping and Grinding every Sat urday at Hatfield Bro* ‘ mill at Nyues Comme«] every Saturday. Precursor of th* Plane. The harpsichord, comparatively mod Your patronage aoHtrited.—Arr.dJ-Jt ern, represented an attempt to con struct a horizontal harp that was (AAS KPVGOJE, 1 3-4 played upon by means of obloog wood eed very little, will sett <*o»p (or en keys called "Ja c k s" Our piano la cash or trade (Or cattle. See J . B. modified and Improved harpetconV Invented In 1711 by Bartolomeo Crlato- I Hatfield at residence 4 blocks north n falo of Padua. of Bank of Nysaa Adr. dJ-4i m m ■ m m n s ■ ■ * ■ ft Modern Chapel Car at you The Hub Store of O n tario, O regon, is on« ofj chain of forty fto re s, we buy and sell for less, ■ ONTARIO • FI COMP, Buying for the sto res in la rg e quantities enab us to sell good m erchandise a t prices you have paying for cheap «tuff. W e wane you to comi ^ our store and look over o u r good s, g et our pr 7 0 and be convinced that it pays big to trade at a H i cash store, where it is one p rice to all. ISTI A child can buy as well as you Th ait e whalt many they shouldn’t . V a husdnes« or social tween tlwo persons welcome to do so. listen in on a te tlon wfaon you are you know that :o d THE HUB IA K ES H E; for a S q u are D eal ■ ®or th® parties wtK have their con vers; uninterriup ed? Ontario (1 1 1 1 WON’T DO IT (Hill MA m E ■ E ,ard Has I A M ERRY XMAS ft H ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ft ft TOGGERY BILL 9 lbs net weight .. N*;5. 4 lbs 6 oz net weigh MERRY XMAS m ■ 5 per cent off Guaranteed Abs V our C alendar Is Here |kn this the naver-t giv W O N D ERFL Good Cloth«« for Men Ontario - - ft ft ft Oregon 'iti »f ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft TELEf 4 , A . L A K N ESS, V ic* Presiden! m u IT iyssa Meal ANDERSON & 1 E R E I faah«r That Nyssa Hdwe. Co. 1 Ae the RED HAN iS»ve in health wh t R GIFT COULD BRI A pleaauti G R IF F IT H O n ta rio , C ¡CKHAM ( Furnisher« and Kelkr, in charge of Fan Howe Phone F Store« at Cald'vell i