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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
m GATE cm JOtTtft Owyhee The smallest store with the biggest business wishes the ones who helped to make it so Andy Hawwo left Saturday tot VinM | Arizona. tobere ho will work in th e m ines th is w inter. Mrs. George G'aacocJt ;md oblldren w ent to O ntario Sunday u> be at the bedside of h er m other, Si*». R obert- son, who is critically ill la 4 hoepttal th e re . A t latent avuikible report» ^ J ™ H H H ^ | | *■ she was som e b e tte r. Fred Sniveiy, who hue been trap ping in th e -vicinity of Juniper m ountain since th e liriiter part of Beptemlber, returned to Owyhee last week. Oral H tte, who has been suffering as a reuuK of a horse-kick recta ved some tim e ago, visited tUe doctor in N yssa Friday. APPY I YEAR PHONEt, Kingman Kolony Additional Local (C ontinued from page 1) O nly o n e h o t d ish w ill oe served each d ay . Misa Ella Olson was a P arm a vis ito r W ednesday. H . J . WTard was a business visitor T h e B azaar h e ll by th e lad ies of to Boise W ednesday. Big Bend T hur. d a y evening wus a M rs. D. R . Linder of Anqadia, was sp len d id su ccess, n e ttin g f<52, w hich will be u.:ed fo r th e Com m unity chopping in Nyesa W ednesday. M r. and M rs. A. Bailey of Owy C h ristm a s e n te rta in m e n t to be held T h u rsd a y ev en in g a t th e P a rk P a hee were in N yssa W ednesday. •Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nicholson vilion Missi P o t, Dean of W omen a t th e U n iv e rsity o f O regon, spoke w ent to Boise to itapend C hristm as. •Mr;’. P. M. W arren and daughter, n t th e m e e tin g T h u rsd ay . Grace, w ere P ay ette visitors Tues T h e Indeipendent, S cientific Ameri day. can, Youith'si C om panion, McCl'..r ee Miss Vivian E hrlich w as th e guest and th e N atio n al G eortraphlc a re be o f Miss E lla O lson a t th e F rank in g giiven to th e school. T he te a c h e r and s tu d e n ts will be g ia l to have Miller hom e Thursday. •Mr. an d Mrs. L ester E rn est are ».ny otiher magazinies a fte r perusal by exipected h e re from Boise tom orrow th e d o n o r. o -ipend C hristm as with relatives. M e s srs. E rvin a n d E lw ard Nichol Misses Mildred and Lois Johnston c a m e from New P ly m o u th W ednes of Poise a re spending C hristm as day to v is it th e i r b ro th e r, W alter N ichols. M r. E lv is N ichols will re week w ith th e ir aunt, M rs. J . Lynch. m ain h e re som e tim e . H . A. Diven of Vale arrived in D. W . Jo h n s o n m ad e a business Vyssa T hursday and h as accepted a ra il in N ew P ly m o u th Friday. He losition w ith th e M alheur County re p o rts v ery »disagreeable roads in Bank. th a t vicinity. M r ,, an d M rs. F. E. Young en ter M r. B lo d /e tt m a,le sev e ra l trips tained M r. and ‘Mrs. Dick Teosen in to th e K t/lony th is w eek. and fam ily a t a wild goose dinner M r. a n d M rs. M organ and little M argaret. A n n a n d T eddy w ere -In Miss Ru h Dalton of Namipa is n e r guests, a t th e M artin hom e S u n spending C h ristm as with her aunts, day. M rs. D. W . Gibson an d M rs. F . A M r. lit-hlupp, w ho h a s been living G allogley, in H . W a lte rs' ho u se this Pall, has M rs. A. Pouch of H o te l' W estern, m o v ed b is fam ily to H arp er, O regon left last w eek for Union, (where she W a r* on th e tile d rainage, which will spend th e holidays w ith er for tw o m o n th s h as been progress daughter, M rs. J . W . Spencer. ing v ery ."lowly on acco u n t of quick C. D. Wbod, wife and son Jack san d , is again ad v an c in g a t th e rate th e week end a t th e Hotel o f 200 feet a d ay . T h e tw o spurs W estern, g u ests o f M rs. Wood*» w hich cro es th e rilro a d —som e 2800 parents', Mir. an d 'IM rs. A . V . »Vil- fe e t—a r e b e in g «lug by h an d , and tile lianis laying of th e se la te ra ls is going for M rs. A lbert Cook's division of the w ard siniul'aneoitc'iVy w ith th e work Social C ircle will give a Holiday Tea on th e m ain lin e . E . M. rtain of On on T hursday. Dec. 30, in th e ten e ta rio is in s p e c to r o n th re e spurs m ent of t'he P resb yterian church Ed S terlin g h a s ta k e n th e place of Everybody invited. Mr. H o ric la ll a s forem an. Aboti Mrs John Vlanderpool o f Kingman 20 men a re em p lo y ed . Kolony, who w as tak en to the hoe- Ye Old T im e C o n cert" will he pi al a t O ntario last w eek suffering p resen ted at th e Kolony school within heart trouble, passed away building J a n u a r y 71th by th e Roswell 'a st T uesday evening. ch o ru s u n d e r th e le a d e rsh ip o f Miss Mire Edna G ruber, w ho h as been P earl H a ll. M iss H a ll's a b ilf y ae a ‘caching school a t E m m e't, arrived m usician is w ell know n throughout n X yssa Mil*« m orning to spend th e c o u n try . T h e ch o ru s h as t)re C hristm as w ith h e r sister, M rs. Rob nted "Y e Old T im e C oncert” in e rt Elliott, and fam ily on Bridge fo u r tow n« re c e n tly w ith p reat suc- Island. T h e b a se m e n t o f th e residence of R. E. Servos.» was Thursday evening, d »how hours, and mm« '■•re taken. T he nria -nt ranee by • u ttin g ti he basem ent w indaws Mr. and Mrs R oberts of he Owl G rocery, th is week purchas 'd th e s to re an.1 m erchandise a Vpple Valley and h av e already taken ■«»session of property. They will move th e stock an d fix irrre or th e ir sto re h e re to th e ir new loca tion. «The T hree Klnge of Pologne.” T his re fe rs to th e th ree wise men of the E ast who followed the s ta r to the b irth p la c e of Je su s C hrist. T heir nam es a re usually given as M nlthazar G n»par and Melchior. T h eir hones a re supposed to be preserved In the c a t h e d r a l o f Colgate. N token of our appreciation yonr friendship and pali age we desire at this time to e't greetings of the season and I W m . Peutx, Snively, Andy„ K roth, m otored to V ale on b u ein e» W ednesday. M aw s. W aiters and MC Knight were in Owyhee on business Tua.-> best wishes for your good health happiness during the cominr , W erner Feuitz is back in school a fte r an absence of five weekt* owing to «hooping cough. tMrs. Schw eizer reports four new ponpiils in school—Ttorojhy, Charles. G eorgia and Fay C ulver. Fred, Elba and Jesse Pullen were In NVana S aturday. O rri n W allace and i timily moved into th e O scar Pinkston place, which th ey are said to have purchased, the first of the week. 1» expected Mies Marian Lowe home from W hitm an O»liege. Walla WWla, on W ednesday to spend her C hristm as vacation w ith h er parents, M r.' and Mrs T . M. Ix w e T h e Owyhee school w ill give a sh o rt C hristm as program Friday af ternoon, a fte r which » b o o l will ad journ u n til a fter th e holidays. C larence D eltoid of liom edale v t - ited his bra her, F rank, and family Friday. C harles Nerwhdll, S r , visited Geo. Glascock th e firet of tl»e w eek. D ottie C an 'rail is ob.iged to miss school on account of whooping cough. Mire. Lowe announce* th at the lan tern pis'tires, ■■Scan««» in the life of C hrist," have arrived irom the U ni versity of Oregon and w il soon be shown in th e th re e school dSstricv, Wkrren, Kdlony and 'Ow yhee, under the aintpioes of the P . T . A .'s of each d istrict. R ay Coleman is anticipating a trip to California for a visit with his father anil plans to gy> during holi- d are. Mrs. W. F . P ritc b e c , principal of Kolony school, and children. Wilson, Barbara and Loyd, a t the DeBord home Anna Schw eizer obliged to miss attendance a t high school the first of the week, owing to illness. The telephone of order again a fte r a respite of v few days. The P. T . A. held a monthly meeting a t th e school house Friday; voted to pay all o utstanding hills and made plans Dor an e n tertain ment to be given in January to raise money tor th e little F rench w ar orphan, P ie rre B ardina, whom the D e p a r tm e n t Store C arlsbad Always in Danger. halve a short C h ristm as program C arlsbad, the fam ous health resort during th e Sunday school hour on is built on a crust, underneath which Dec. 26th. All a re cordially invited la a su b te rra n e a n lake of boiling wa to atten d . ter, and all th e hot sulphur springs M r. and M t s . John W all and chil have to be ceaselessly watched and dren, K enneth and John, J r ., cam e the p ressu re k ept down lest the tore down W ednesday to Lowe's, w here be destroyed. «hey will visit over th e holidays. P icturesquely P u t 'While in O n 'a rie la st week FYed D isgusted cop (at crossing)—Some KMagback purchased a sm all grain chauffeur, you a re ! Say, if you were grinder w hich h e runs with a sm all crossing the S ahara desert you'd run gasoline engine. Sayw he ca n put a Into a h y d ran t.—Boston Transcript sack of barley through in e ig h t m in utes. 200 TO N S HAY FO R SALO—Peed g ro u n d s an d ru n n in g water on PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Piace— iW. H . B eam , R. ‘F . D 1, ... W eston F . Shields, P a sto r.......... V yssa. O regon. Special service Dec. 28th. Oo’den Rule Lodge No. M7, A. F & A . M. • N O T IC E TO CREDITORS and Golden R ule C h ap ter O. E S. N otice is h ereb y .-Iven that the No. 131 will alt tend a s lodges in a body. T his is th e tost S abbath b e u n d ersig n ed w as aipipoinited adminis fore 9 t. Jo h n 's Day, a g re a t d ay in tr a to r o f th e r e ta te of Harriet M. R am sey, d eceased , by order cf the .Masonry. Special music, q u artette. C h rU la o E ndeavor at 6:30 p. m ., C ounty C o u rt o f M alheur Oouaty, and a specially good m eeting Is ex O regon, m ade a n d entered on Dee. 9, 1920. .All person« having claims pected. a g a in s t th e said estlaie are hereby Sabbath school a t 10 a . m P rayer m eeting every W ednesday n otified to p re s e n t th e same, veri fied a s req u ired by laiw, to the un- at 7:30 p. m . P reaching a t W arren .school house densigned a d m in is tra to r a t Ms office in O n ta rio t O regon, within dx a*. 2:30 p. m. P reaching a t Big Bend a t 7:30 m o n th s from th e d a te of the first p u b licatio n o f th is notice. Done and d a te d and first published Sabbath, Jan. 2nd, Men’s M eeting at 7:30 p . m . T h e Bible cla ss of th is 17th day of December, 1920. WELflJS W . WOOD, Parm a will put on th e program and music. Every one la requested to A dm -tnirtrstor of th e Hs ate of Har rie t M R am sey, Deceased. plan to com e to ‘h e m eeting. dri7-et H arvesting by Machinery. The beginning of practical methods the direction of harvesting by mg- ” ” » “ '»t nn»ll 1S3L * * * * m * m m ****ii,i|! ^ v MJtaAP—Seventy-five 25 J -^ rlln g w ethers. 20 five * * * * • 17 horse«. W rite ** High-Sounding Titles. Chinese em perors a ra never men tioned by name from the moment of th eir accession, and are generally al luded to by tom e such title as “Lord of a Myriad Years." or “T he Son of Heaven." * T. Rriberrar__ A N D E R S 01* Ostarla