c »' W b . . » , ****** t G ate C ity J ournal 16. VOL KINl NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 24 1920 K0L0NY Birthday Surprise Party V fflyssa and Dicinity r e more g )f our sail >f our est Bob Newby Injured GOODS.* ce Tracing Missing Man e- Honey r B M j.r •noon,Dt ind Taste ER’S'Hflj Ive your ems Remember i S«ti bums ÍTH0DIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH H E N R Y Y OU NG . P a sto r. Our business is to help folks knew Gnd and them saivaa lachinw Service* for December 19. 1920. Sunday School a t 10 « ’clock, w ith classes for everybody th in g service a t 7:10 « ’clack. S u b je c t—“ A C h ristm as T hought " Salt U» 6c PRK r o p y A quiet weiid ng which w*» eot- emnized at Boise, was that of Mis« Delia Ethel Thompson to Perry F Price, whirti took place a t -he Chris­ tian parsonage on last Thursday at h igh noon. The cerem ony was performed by he Rev. Oharlce W. Dein and was " apl ed by im m ediate relatives, of the bride. The bride w ore an extremely »mart and beautiful frock o t navy- blue iricotine, and carried a boquet of white roses.. Following the cerem ony an ela/b- o rate dinner w as served a t the Owyhee. The table was decorated in lovely red and white roses. The bride is well known here, hav­ ing been employed as bookkeeper at th e Nyssa T rading Company store for several m onths. ilhe Is one of our fairest and most. Prim 'd,” given by the Ohoiul club of .youngest daughter of Mr. anti Mra. J . H. Thomipeon of this .lace , and Mr Price Is the second son of Mrs Dr. J . T. Price o t N^z Perce, Idaho, end is a well 'known and popular young man a t th a t place. After March 1st, M r. and Mrs.. Price will be a t home to their friend® at, th eir fine farm hom e at Nez FVive A R C A D IA K rom oer regular eorreep indent The aehqol board was fortunate 'n »tcoring F. A. Oallegly and Mt*. Clara Thom.|ieon to fill the vacancy left by Mr and Mrs R. J Da via B o h children and parents i ere eorry to loee M t. and Mrs Davia, aa they w ere spkndid teachers, hot Mr Gallegiy and Mra. Tihonv.-son both come highly recommended and every one la sure to like them. T he »mail batty girt of Nidfc am t w-ho has been verv bad with wtioop- tng cough, is some b e tte r Jt thta tim e. 1-ce and Harold, th e am a’l sons, of Ira Da.11, are on th e sick list again 'Mts. O. W. B arrett was calling on Mrs. Q u in » and Mra. W o« Sun­ day afternoon. K enneth, th e sm all eon of John Y&nderpooi of the Otwyhee ueighlbor- hood, la staying with his grand- parent®, Mr. and Mrs Clias. Bou- kird, while hla m other la sick In the hospital a t O ntario. C. W . B arrett w ent to NAmpa Monday on business. Hertha ttall w aa visiting a t the home of her uncle and aunt. Mt. and M » . fha®. Thompoon. So-i.lay. late moving H unt and Mrs W . F Shields. The to Dklahoma some tim e in the near willingness® of fuKur 0 -in-law, Ralph Fleming, and cheer made possible an evening of poeelbly accom pany them . great pleasure for them selves a n d 1 T W allace, who hue been for all wlho heard them. T he claas woricing for Ohet«er la c k e y for the choruses, dialogues, and every feat- ^w'° 'e ft WiJe Val­ girls., canned Roods boys, bn ««ball boy* and Santa took ‘heir parts -«1611.' ley Monday and houedit a team ctf The young poople of the Christian mule® and paid (300 for them . A, E . T hent, who ha been In Endeavor society a re going on with th eir work .ami soon will give a con­ Sait Lake GUy for th® poet »ix year®, cert for the public. A work of this is sick a t th e hom e of hi® lau g h ter, ldnd on the p ar' of our young people Mrs. C, W . B arrett deserves and should receive every WANTED—Morans to win r r at: (5 encouragem ent from all the people per head per month JWItl < olein®n We shall look forw ard with glad ex­ Atdv. pectancy ;o their next iMOgniim O rchard P m a in f . FOR SALE—Horn® Oomfo- rat and a few pieces of furniture, nearly new Inquire a t Journal See. Adv. dlO-ti I prone all elasses e f ercberd eed shade tree*. Have had 2d years ex­ perience in tbie w erh. Address H. G. Monce, Nyssa, 0 » . d!7-tf «♦«♦♦«♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' Christmas Greetings We de«ire to expreds our deep nppreciitio« to oxr friends and euetomhrs f»r your val­ ued patronage and friendly eooperatioa, which had assidted us in our success In the past. In extending to you cordial greetiag« for the Holiday Season we siacerely hope that the New year will give yau ila full raeaaure of prosperity Charley Spinner wa* in town from Boise this week shaking hands with F'OR th e Auto O w ner we have many his many friends. Charley was a t one useful X m as Preset»'» I’RICES tim e chairm an e f the N yssa Purity League, which enjoyed sach wide H ER E ARE LO W EST. T ire Cover», popularity a few years ago. Owing to M otor M eters, Ftoot W arm er*. T ire, the fact th a t prohibition is now in e f­ Top and Cushion Qoveca, Btc fect and M arshal Kfeberger sittin g on EVERY DAY PRICES the lid his visit was celebrated by « ■ » ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ I WHY PAY MORE? opening a few battle* of soda pop FX)RD R adla o r Covers com ,Jot« S anta Claus paid his annual visit to ■ ................................................. .( 5.00 the M ethodist church Thursday ave« M FORD Re>r T ire (thalne per set 4 50 Itiag, where b* was accorded an » r- >vj FORD R ear Oaaings (15; frtm* 12.00 thosiaatic wel-em* by the little folk*. | FORD Spark P lug C ores. 5 fur 1 0« The aid saint was In his usual happy j g FORD Shock A bsorbers, per net mood and dispensed his preseats w ith ^ of four ......................... . • • • ® a lavish hand, aad ceaspletaly woa the * W e carry » ' a r»* * o rk r °rd h e a rt! of hie little friend*. An inter- W Protect your Residence. Houaahold Goada. Barn imrta and .vceesorl -a, repnlr any «•ting program was given ia eonnee- B kind of Job on any tire, »»pair rub­ tion w ith th e other featu res of th e ) | «nd Granary againat loaa by fire AuUaiobilaa in- aad transports- ¡M[ b e r b o o s and from th e fact th a t we evening. aure.1 again*t ioaa by fir#, thaft aad Contrae» »ell a pile of goods to NYSGA oeo- The «tty stre e t work has beee com- H tion. Will«. Deeda. Mortgagos ple proves o u r price* and rra tm e n t pletod fe r this eeason. F irst s tre e t g written. Notary publie are rirtit Phan* 77 from the Wlleen ditch eeuth to the «« Call at reaidaace W e adjust M iller and' H orae Shoe Gem i t « » Lumber ysrd and Mala | T ires in o u r Aof>- We don t have s tre e t w est te the achesl heese. *• | well as a n im b sr e f interaeetlag j ^ to send them to Hong Kong. Chinn streets, have been covered with f i r e . _ M fM e Ol PARKER'S TIRE AND gravel end when pecked Will be equal " to a macadizad read. The eaaecil h a e | « VULCANIZING SHOP done s goed job end can retire « M l P AUTO ACCESSORIES th* coneeieesnesa of d aty well den# | Phone 177 ONTARIO, OREGON Seasonable and Reasonable Malheur County Bank RELIABLE oungffW ! r p H B gpirit of the »«asen prompt» u* to exproen our ^ appreciation of your pash fevore and w« extend | our beat wiihes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND f HAPPY NEW YEAR full of prosperity. THE BANK OF NYSSA S0 YEAR THOMPSON-PRICE Alia» Oil era Id G reen was th e re- § ol j*.»sed aw ay ctpdent of a blrthiday su rp rise party ^ hospital a t On- a t h e r liom e on SU/turday evening, Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— m orning a fte r th e occaion being h e r fiftee n th b irth ­ day a n n iv e rsa ry Garries. w ere play- What Your Neighbors Are Doing. ed and re fre sh m e n ts served. T hose w as M iss 1311a p resen t w ere: as h o rn in 1894 at Chas. Crawford motored to Boise % -n le Fields, Viola, E rnest, Oeo. I John Blanton was hare fiom O ntario S he m arried Air. Thursday. and C h arley McCurdy, H arl Davis, 1 Monday. O cto b er 26, 11)16, L e ster Sew ell was in Nyss* from Isham Anderson was a business vis­ B e rt an d P au l Davis, R uth Servóse, , — i p * t a e ) M in th e K o'ony fo r the itor to O atario Thursday. Jam e« D uncan, Clyde Beam , Lloyd P a y a tte Monday. d a V 8 of p a st T«ar* 6lhe leaves h e r ’>ar- P. J . Connoly o f D raw say was vis HoxJe, Edna Dennis, Oarl Sohiwelzer, Ralph Gvenough of Vale visited with flO W r E k M r. « ¡ S p l r a B ullard, an d lo u r Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Willson, of the FYank and R alph R eberger, Blossom itin g in N yssa Tuasday. U 0 |||( g b tiW B and a ia ie rs a t A rcadia be- Chili Cafe Thursdey. A nderson, A nn ette, Law rence and Lena A dkins of Pendleton was ible, passed aw ay W a rre n B lodgett, E dith and L eonora . N yssa visitor Tuesday. Violet Cos is nome for the holidays Robeson, Je n n ie N ewhy, C h arlo tte A ugust Beech w as in town the first from Baker City, w here she is attend Ijr is very sad because of H uffm an, Wim. ing the St. Francis academy. MtoOomald, Jam ee of the w eek from P a y e tte . MM. Vlanderpool is known H uffm an, C ora Davt®, G oldie and Ves Goehert and Will Cathey, two H arry A dam s was h ere from Cam­ A ' deeds and is loved by F rn n k le L euck and C herald G reen. prem inent Nyssaites, were business bridge the first o f the w eek. Mrs. P ate Glascock and children of visiters te Caldwell Thuisday. M issel M argaret aau Elisabeth C ar­ Owyhee w ere N yssa aad O ntario vis­ te r are home for the holiday* from th of S alt L ake City, ito rs T uesday. Bob Newby m e t w ith an accident ; Che railroad', M r. Ked- Miss Baldwin haa resigned h er posi Boise, whar* they are attending col iting th e W ashington W adneedy by wbicb he aarro w ly es­ tion w ith tk a M alheur County Bank lege. P ra n k Ha.ll, a n d he caped su stain in g a broken jaw and the and retu rn ed te h er heme in Boiae. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pinkston spent m et a t A drian loss of several p erfectly goed teeth . He aaveral days thin week w ith relatives F ran k R srabaud le ft yaaterday for l tr y to reach a s e 1 tle- wee cran k in g up th e engine which LaG rande to spend C hristm as w ith his on the Owyhee and report a splendid o p erates th e tre n c h e r o u t on th e King- tune. tfce ' man Kolony d rain ag e ditch and the sister, Mrs. H arry W illiams. Mr. and Mra. Claude Willson went to t e to About (1540. Lloyd Shields o f B ayard, Iow a ia o rn ery c a itte r “ kicked b a c k ,’’ the L C unningham of Baav & handle strik in g him in th e jaw ju s ti visiting a t th e home e f his uncle, A. Boise Wednesday to spen« Christm as w ith Mra. Willson’s m other Mrs. L. consu ltin g en g in eers, fo rw ard of the cheek bona. Bob took A. bhaeffer of the N yssa Bakery. Grimes. ijr fo r P o rtlan d a fte r a head er up into th e a ir and came M aks your chickens and cows com Seymour Ross and faaaily of near «ouit te n lays In his vl- down on th e back of nis head and saw fo rtab la by providing them stra w fer O ntario are scheduled to take C hrist­ a g r e a t num ber o f s ta rs th a t ke had scratching. Call C. W. DeBoer. d241t mas dinnea tomorrow a t the Tom • 'l l N r c u t h is knee severely n e v e r »«en before. The handle b ar G eorge O Sm ith w hs recently sold Coward home. H e w n t immediate!} to inflicted a severe flesh wound and hie ranch in K ingm an Kolony, le ft F ri­ Donald, the two year old son of Mr. looianed sav erai te e th b a t no Donee .M osul a doctor. day for P ortlaad, whs re he will spend and Mrs. Clive WiPiams, has been w ere broken, and Bob cam e home to T. M m sun h as sold h is hay to the w inter. vary ill. but '* reported to bo much re cu p erate. ____ ______ B w Connelly M r. 'Morgan will Dr. Cochrum of P a y e tte was in h o tter a t present. V 8 MiaAs b u ilt N yssa Monday looking over th e te rri­ The Chipman divorce case came up , M r. K«Uy Is 'baling h is h*y to tory w ith th« viow to opening a dental for trial this waek but was postponed until January 3 to allow the plai null' S h eriff Noe was in N yssa from affiee here. hu ltz shipped a. carlo ad W illiam McConnell le ft the first of j t0 8ecur® witnmaaws. Í A drian m th e P o rte n d V ale T uesday to g a th e r evidence re­ g a rd in g J e r ry H urley, w'ho left the w eek for Ja rh rid g e , Nev., w here i Bob E lliott came home Thursday in : N y a a i la s t sp rin g fo r O rangeville, he will be employed in th e mines until evening from Mountain Home, Idaho, who ia th e new yen- O sy th e first of Ju n e. w here he ia employed, to spend the e n t for P u c k e tt & w here he had c h a rg e f team s on . . . . , .. ... holi lays with hi* family. g ra d in g w ork being lo n e there- H e An im p o rta n t special m eeting of the nied M r. P u /c k e t on Johnston, who is in charge of is re p o rte d to have le ft th e re in member* of th* N yssa fir* d ep a rtm en t i Boise this w eek. Ju ly fo r Nysea, w ith a sium of money will be held n e x t Monday evening. All » «»“ P1 « of of * oolie» “ f,w 'Mrs. F red P ow ell » ill th is w eek. on hi8 p erso n am o u n tin g to (1040, m em bers e ra urged to atten d . , ■ ,1,> back ° " the hills- w ai Nya*a a Shofier and Mias ' yaaterday to sea about aecering fe.d Miss V iolet Co* came home from f8r his ea ry a re hom e from and it is- feared h e h a s m et w ith a t B aker the first . ... a in In stitu te i t W el- foul play. N othing h a s been heard S . t . . F runeis , Academy . O sa S to rts is home from Mt. Angel, Of him sin c e t h a t tim e an d his of th e w eek, and . will spend C hristm as „ .. , , ... „. m as holidlaiys. nf .., . . . . , near Portland to spend the Christm as _ . . . .. . , , » of th e Sunday school Nysisa frien d s have no know ledge ox w ith h e r p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. W alter h » Hurl«}' boo A lfred eeason. Osa is attending school there jr®. M artin 's W ednesday h is w hereabouts. Mr j and has ju s t recovered from a broken larg e p ro p erty holding» n e a r Nydsa. to >make fudge for the The in fa n t child o f Mr. and Mrs. foot received in a football game a fte r th e school pro- E rn e st W ilsen haa been quite ill w ith Mis, Marjon Low, cam„ hom„ Wt>d. Giving Her F a ir W arning. pneam om a th is week and i* unddr th e neidRV from W>1U W a|la. w ash., t, E va. John hail Just been reprim anded by car* of D r Saraain. M rs. Newby ia wh* r. she is a student a t W hitman eol- will fbe of in te re e t o th e n tn y da of J lx . von R eaden, w ho for- bis m other for som ething he had done,,, a tte n d in g as nurse, lege, to spend the holiday season with when he w ent into the bedroom w here 1 Hvwd on th e B oulevard, to his new little baby siste r w as lying In j P a t M urphy, building contractor in her parent», Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe. ÍMMMMMIII | M A h e Is recovering a t his her crib. H is m other overheard him ch arg e of the new school building, who Jaek MsDanald cam* home this i la P o rtlan d a fte r a revent s a y : "S ister, you ought to go back haa been quite ill a t hla heme in Pay- wseh from Corvallis w here he Is *t- IM H IM H ljj w here you cam e fro m ; you can’t do atte the p a st tw o w eeks, retarn ed to tsadm g O. A, C. H* is taking ad- a p p en d ic itis. Nyaaa W ednesday much improved in v atsg * e f educational privileg. s H ot lunch tv a* served at » ch o d anything you w ant to do h ere.” ~ — —— ^ — health. gnaated by the governm ent to sold.ers Monday for th e firs t tim e. A sy s­ W* are in th e m a rk e t fo r baled tim - j tem la to be in stig a te d w hich will othy hay, feed oat» and potatoes. ' A box of cigars w as left a t the Lax of the late war. ■WnglRy th e work an d n o t th ro w ail M ust bu good q u ality and price* rig h t. P harm acy the firet of the week as a N yssa hunters are a ra a tin r aonsid- M m raaponA ibllly upon o n e person. Only products th a t will p ass inspection tr e a t to the many friead s of Percy erabia havoc am aeg th* wild gees* ef M i» NWb ,,-a» appointed chairm an a t tim e of delivery will be accepted. Price of Nez Poree, Idaho, who wa* the neighherheof. F. L. Young waa Of th« co m m ittee and she will Mail q uotations to wedded In Boiae last week to Mia* e u t ta e day this weak and secured three and A rti* Robertaoa Wrought in be aestated by ,wo high school girls. E a ste rn O regon L am b er Com pany, E thel Thom pson, of Nysea. tw o Thursday. W h n SaBftlies a re needed Miss Neeb E n te rp rise . O regon. Mra. A. A. ShaafTar Mr. and wUl repent to Mrs'. P ritc h e tt, chuir- C hristm as with ral- Th* peapla liviag along the read will spend FOR SlAILE—Thoroughibred M a «f * th e soliciting co m m ittee. Baise. M.. BhaefTar from hare to th s Idanha orchard svl- tives in p ington m ontera. Mra. • T •« from the daetly believe in the old adege th at will raeer, a siste r Gibbon__ Adv. d 24-3t (C ontinued on page 8) E aet whom h* h a sn ’t auen for nine the Lord helps those who help them ­ selves far they have bean doing some years. Rev. H enry Yonng was called this community road work aad report a fine graveled highway aa fa r as the or­ week to conduct th e funeral service e f chard. Mra. S. A. L aw rence of John Day, who died on F riday, D esem ber 17, a t Rsscee Shelton was in F- <■ '* a hospital In P ra irie City. Funeral week from hi* hnmsst. . u . Burnt services w ere condected a t her home river, where he is spending the w inter in Ja h n Day and h er rem ain» interred He has a choice 20-acre tra e t adjoining in th* Canyon C ity eem etery Mrs. town upon which he raised a bumper Trow bridge was th# m o tla r of H. H. crop of barley this sum m er and was Trow bridge, th e well known esttlem an down w ith a view c f disposing of the ifo rtu b le , hom elike place to w orship, w here you will alw ays b* crop, but found i o m arket for it. su ra e f a cordial welcome. of this vicinity. Off $1W PER « . W A LTERS. P rsaid en t. FRANK D. H A l L. C sahler FRED E. YOUNG. A sst C ashier I INSURANCE J. H. Wolf. *