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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1920)
"Ton m««*ly honnd! Ooln’ to m* nT what waa It thoaa tw o man said, tha her for money, am I? M .y b . J ™ « men you had tha trouble wtthY’ "W ell, you see. Cowan was drunk like to say that agin, d— n >ou. That’. Hoot the size o’ your s o u . an’ naturally all worked up. He's ■ Cowan. Take that, you whelp! You sort o’ good lookin’ chap an thlnu sines won’t he so d - n beautiful you™*'* he cuts quite a swale with women.” "Hut what did he sayY' when I get through. There now! I*er- "W ell, ho run Into me up there on haps you’ll lay quiet awhile. He got to his feet and glared about the street Just now, him and ’Red' Into the ring of Interested faces de- Kelly, an’ said I was after you fer flantly. „ . . that money, I told him he was a liar “Any more of yer want to say what an’ then he sorter let loose a remark he did?” he demanded. "Hera, you, I didn’t ta k l kindly.” "W hat remark?” Kelly; you laughed when that dirty CayyUM à. C MeClar» * Cm *'1VD "H e— he sorter Insinuated that I’d pup said she was homely as a hedge fence! Come here, you redheaded never marry you for uny other rea- [n i I m U I I H i r m i n n r i i i n » m i i i i i m i i m i n T i T i i m i i m m T i n i « n P terrier,” and he gripped him by the son.” “ He did— why Y’ throat shaking the fellow helplessly that's why, if you really want to filed out I put ray head down on the "W ell,” he blurted out deaperntely, back and forth In hla mad rage. “ I'm table there and laughed until I had know.” “ I’ LL MARRY YOU.” tears in ray eyee. The expressions goln’ ter marry that girl, if she'll have finding no possible way o f escape, "he "Then you did know me?” Bynopals.—Tom Shelby, a rancher, “ No, I didn't I saw you at the on those faces when I picked you out roe, nn’ there ain’t nobody goln’ to sorter said yon wasn't awful good slain the looks o’ my wife, either. You lookin' un’ then I pasted him. That’s rtdea into the frontier town of funeral an’ I knew you wa’n't no would have made a dog laugh.” Ponca looking for a good time get thnt, you coyote? What do yer all.” Shelby wanted to say something, but Ponca man. I didn't care who you after a long spoil o f hard work Her lips parted, her eyes opening I was or where you came from, Just so his mind seemed to be utterly blank. think of It now—hey? Spit It out; and loneliness on the ranch. In 400 wide In ustonished amusement. stead, he runs Into a funeral—that you gave me a chance to get out o' He could Just stare at her dumbly. what do you think of her nowY’ of Dad Calkins, a retired army Kelly had to spit It ou t; It was all “That I wasn't good lookin g!” she > ROOMS this hole, I would marry an Indian The silence became so embarrassing man o f whom little Is known. A that he finally got awkwardly to his he could do with those fingers grip laughed. "And you actually hit him to get out.” girl, still In her teens, survives for thatY’ ping him. Calkina McCarthy, a saloon keep "Then that was why you took me— feet. er e*.u r o u e s s leaning ciusen, c o “Let go—d—n It—let g o ! II I ! “ I’m— I'm awfully glad you took It “ I sutv d id ; the other pup laughed so as to get out o’ here?" chlea that the gii'i, now alone in that way,” he stuttered. “ You see, She's—she's the handsomest woman I an' he got his dose about the same | She nodded. the world, siiou.d marry, nneliiy time, I didn’ t hurt ‘lied ’ Kelly none; “ That’s 'bout the size o f It. I didn’t I don’t know much about girls and so ever saw; you—you let go o’ m e!” starts a hunt lor ehgioie husuauue NKTWtWiu, Shelby flung him to one side In utter take no stock in what the preacher I was afraid you might be mad. I'll and tiie minister goes to com er M teem ?» U., disgust, hurling nn oath after him as | with tiie girl. 8he agrees to pick said, for I ain’t no weeping willow, have to go now, I think, Miss." a husuand from the score of men “ I’m very sorry, but I’m glad you he reeled dizzily Into the protection Tom Shelby, an’ I don’t need nobody lined up in her home. To his con ( mm va of the crowd. He cast his eyes once came. Good-bye, Mr. Shelby." to take care o f me.” sternation, she selects Shelby, who 75 He took the outstretched hand, con In contempt about the circle, seeking Shelby Inughed. had gone along merely as a spec- P**! Pt» (*L "You made a mighty poor guess, at scious of the warm pressure even as some other antagonist und finding He declines the honor. In dignant, the girl dismiaaes the as that," he said cheerfully, “ when you he fumbled at the latch of the door. none. HodqwWiWn J semblage. “To h—I with all of you!” he de picked me. I'd a took you to a worse His eyes were downcast and his face Homed; nor did he breath? easily un clared. “ Get out of the way there!" place than Ponca." Thp.v fell hack to give him safe pas “ There ain’t none,” positively. til he was again outside, alone in th CHAPTER III— Continued. darkness o f the night. “ Where Is it you live, anyhow?" sage and he strode straight on past “ Over on the Cottonwood; 'bout six the dance hall and turned down the I “ Straight ter h— 1, I hope,” the Buf CHAPTER IV. dark path leading hack to Calkins’ falo Gup J. P. burst out. forgetting ty miles north, up near the reserva shack. He had but one thought now. | his clerical role in a sudden expres tion. H—I! But It’s lonely up there; The Proposal. one purpose; he had burned his sion o f feeling. “ Whatever caused the not another white man In thirty miles." He stared hack at the closed door, bridges behind him. After what he I “ Y'ou nre rnnehing?" fool to butt in?” “ Just startin’, you might say; run- still dazed but capable of swearing at had said nnd done only u single course I “Oh, he didn't Intend nutbin’. Tom himself for being such a blame fool. remained. Without a pause or a re- | ain’t that kind. lie Just drifted 'long nln' a few head on a free range.” “ But you’ve got a house, a place He felt a vague suspicion that he had gret he went straight to the door nnd ter see the fun. Yer can't blume him acted foolishly and that the girl was rapped. It was no timid touch of the 'cause the gurl took n shine bis way.” to live In?” “ Sorter shack—yes; a corral an’ a amused at his awkward embarrass knuckles this time; he w-ns still too The two disappeared, their voices sod stuble; that’s 'bout nil. I'd he a ment. The Interview had proven nl- angry to either hesitate or doubt. And still grumbling, and Shelby got to his dandy, wouldn’t I, ter ask a girl to go togther different from what he had there was no sign of embarrassment feet und moved along the edge o f the anticipated; the tears he had come to in word or act when rhe door opened • r Central Me». tent to where he could view the shack { ;llRoomsCmtiMTiji wipe away were conspicuous by their and she stood there looking at him better. Through the window on that . -> - lA lT LAMC'T; ,-k absence, and Instead of bringing com In wonderment. side an unobstructed blaze o f light fort and courage to an extremely mor W A L K E R 'S BEAUT fi poured forth, hut even us he stood ‘‘I’ve come back to say another word rD’ itrh tranafonura tified young lady, he had found her staring at It the girl appeared fully to you," he announced simply. “ I’d S w it c h « worth lui h filled with merriment over the affair like to come In." ■evented in the glare and drew down sam ple from centerot J and quite indifferent as to Its outcome. the curtain. He saw her clearly, like “ Something has happened?" cleaners t m à i She was different from anything he muniti?. a picture In a frame, one round arm "It has; I’ve Just hnd to lick two C l o t h « insured had previously conceived. He hnd uplifted to grasp the shade. He drew return porta«. confidently expected to encounter a ra pups who got too gay ’bout you. They a quick breath, almost o f astonish M y .rs Cleaners » Dm; ther ordlnury young woman of the com said some things an’ I said some ment. conscious o f the rapid heating WHO DDKS lo t t a i monplace frontier type— the kind he things. Now I’m aimin’ to make good. carm enta ' Maaterrltna' o f his heart. By heaven, she was You said you’d marry me awhile a g o; had known for years. unitary and acientt»: a» actually pretty! He had never thought y Parcel post. Wepra She had proven herself nothing like does that hold?" that before; but then. In that ruddy C leaning & DyeiniCa.1 “ Will You Take a Chance?” She was leaning against the tnble, what he had conceived. She hnd been light, the strange Impression took pos MONI 'HINTS. WSj smiling and self-possessed, mocking staring at him; her face seemed to session ns something entirely new. Marble & Granite Ce, 8 go white and her hands toyed nervous Just shook a little sense into him, him with her good humor and treating And It served to strengthen his pur hut I reckon It’ll be a week before TYPEWRIT EU. Daìà the whole affair as a Joke. He was ly with a knife she had picked up. and Royal. A!! other on pose. lie would not play the part of Cowan gets out much. Then I come exchanged. Utah Try* You—you had trouble with two the victim, rather than she, evidently. a cow ard; he would go In and ex- ( down here.” FLOWERS FOR AUà In her estimation ; and he had actually men. over me?" she asked, her voice plain; he would make her understnml I “ To ask me to marry you?" M orris Floral Co., »! IS felt like a raw boy In her presence, trembling slightly. "What men?” exiictl.v how inntters were with him "That’s the Idea. I told ’em I’d do S A Y IT WITH FLOU ‘Red’ Kelly and a gnzAho named unable to think of a word to say or and why he acted as he had. it. ’Taln’t likely you'll feel now the solicited. Miller Fiorai what to do with either hands or feet. Cowan; they was both here.” Yet this was accomplished hesitat "Oh; they were ..ngry at you for same way you did at first, but If you A R T HMHKOIDIIT o " How immaculately clean she was and ingly and In doubt. He was at the achinery emhroidtflH do,- then I'm In the game. I ain't got M ready of speech. He saw again the that?" tow n butine« aohsitd door twice before he found sufficient m uch; I told you all 'bout that, but “ Sure; not because you didn’t take picture o f her. sitting there facing him, U U liB E R STAMP» i courage to knock lightly. There was her eyes meeting him frankly. Yes, no notice of them; then they got drunk if you're a mind to rough It up on ea r tags also madt S no response and he used his knuckles she had made a fool of him, all right, nn’ undertook to ride me; said It was the Cottonwood, I’m here to go shares etc. Salt Lak« Stan» a trifle louder, intensely conscious of SALT LAKE BUSlrf and he turned and strode up the path, a put-up Job between us ter get away with you.” a desire to turn and run away. But The girl gazed at him In silence, her a ve lod g in g ; worh o ia ^ oblivious to all else but Ids gloomy with that money.” there was no opportunity. The Inteh “ What money?" thoughts. breath coming quickly, almost In sobs, clicked sharply and the light streamed AGENTS “The twenty-five hundred you was a strange, misty light In her eyes. There were numerous people on the directly Into his face, fairly blinding C R E A M BOUGHT. I goln’ to get. The preacher told you “ You—actually want me to marTy main street, although the principal him. W , tern Creamery M yon ?” groups were before the dance hall and about that, didn’t he?” "Oh, so It Is you hack again?” she M U S IC A L tNSTBLSÄ She shAok her head, evidently be McCarthy’s saloon. Shelby stopped In “ Sure; that’s what I com e back for.” it.iy n . —Beebe. Everydm asked coldly. “ What did you want?" the glare of the former to consider wildered. “ Are— are you after that twenty-five - a l t lathe City ^ “Just—Just to have a word with what he hnd better do. his mind vibrat "Where was I going to get all that hundred dollars?” HEMSTITCHING, P t jj you-—privately,” he explained lamely, ing between Joining the others at the money?” “ II—I, no !” i emphatically. "I forgot bun 1 embroidering. blinking his eyes. "I—I thought may "I Picked You Out Because You Didn't bar or seeking his bed at the hotel. “ Why, McCarthy was puttin’ it up; to tell you 'bout that. I won’t take a w ork . The Embro e W l be I could explain.” Live Here.” He was still undecided when two men he and some other bucks, so as to give d—n cent o f It. That’s what I told H A T S REM AD E f “ Explain what?” charge* prepaid. tWI suddenly bumped into him and he rec you a stnrt after you was married." them hounds an’ I’ll tell McCarthy the out there an’ live? No, sir; thnt ain’t “ Why—why how this thing happen \V 13 W A N T JdddTtUl ognized Cowan and “ Red" Kelly, both She drew a deep breath, looking same thing. I ain’t that kind to mar f t W ill p a y ed, Miss.” His confusion rendered him my style; It wouldn’t be decent.” struight Into his eyes. drunk enough to be ugly ami Insult ry no girl cause she’s got coin. The s h i p direct She did not speak for some time, her almost Incoherent. “ You see, I—I ing. The first stared Into his face “ You mean those men came here for five hundred Is yours, fair an’ square, »l.D .h.M oBlLBD IiTIlK J io n ’t want you to think I'm that sort.” eyes roving about the room and then with a sneer. thnt?" Indignantly. "They were will but. there don’t none o ’ that two thou U sed ea r bargain#. A ^ returning to rest on his fare. There “Oh, you don’ t? Well, I’m not thnt “ H—I. ‘Bed,’ If here ain't the bride ing to marry me so as to get that sand go Into my jeans. That’s got to R U B B E R HOSPITAL was no smile on her lips, yet some sort, either. Come along In, If you W e cu re injured nnwuW how she did not look sullen or In groom,” he exclaimed Insolently. “ Say, money? Good God! I was to he sold! be part o’ the bargain.” H ot W atar bottle». TirttlW want to ; I'll hear what you have to where you been nil this time?” "But yon don’t know anything about guaranteed. U O n j f i different. •ny.” Shelby drew hack slightly, hut hold R u b b er S a !« C a ..J M y me?” “ And thnt was why you said no? Shelby never felt quite so awkward You entne hack to explain? It wasn’t his temper, his brain instantly clearing. E L A S T I C S T O C W W fl He grinned good-humoredly. and impotent before in all his life, as n u O ecta ren aW°J “ I don’t hold thnt to he any of your because you disliked me. then? Be “ I reckon there may be some things tla T ru ss fit t e « . S. B. » he did standing there, fiddling with cause you despised me for doing such business," he replied coldly. you’ll discover about me, fer the mat the hat in his hand, while the girl a thing?” WELDING. AUT« M * “ Well, by thunder. It Is. just the ter o’ that. Maybe It’s 'bout as fair carefully closed the door behind him. “ What, me? I should say not. same. You butted Into this game with one way as another.” Her own appearance o f ease, even of There wa’n’t nothing done that wn’n’t out no warrant, an' yer playin’ us "Yes, I suppose It Is. You really enjoyment, only added to his deep em Ker one. I all right. I don’t blame you a mite. fer a parcel o f fools. mean what you have said?” barrassment. don’t stand fer It It was a put-up You ought to git married." “ I sure do.” Job. You an’ her are In cahoots for For the first time he really took "D o you really think so?" M D KITTING CO* “ When? How soonY’ notice o f the room, how plainly It was “ Yes, I d o ; this ain’t no place for a that money. She didn’t never look at "Tom orrow morning. I aim to get Special»« « fa m ish ed ; a deal table, two chairs, single woman who wants to he decent, one o’ us. Your pretendin' to he sur out o’ here ns soon as I can. How the stove, n few hooks on a shelf, with to live In. Besides, you're old enough.” prised was too darn thin. H—I ! I bet Is It—will yon take a chance?" a small clock between. Everything yer Just come over from bein' with her “ How old am I?” Ills voice was strangely earnest, looked cheap, hut Immaculately clean, an’ laughin’ at us—yer d—n skunk!” "Seventeen, maybe; I ain’t much on nnd his eyes, as she ventured to glance and. as bis eyes wandered back to the guessing ages—specially women.” Shelby’s face hardened and his teeth up, were honest and kindly. set grimly. girl, that was what Impressed him ” 1 am nineteen." she paused, her "Yes," she said slowly, “ I will, Tom most shout her—cleanliness. It was teeth gleaming as she smiled. “ I wish “ Don't go too far, Cowan.” he warn r . p 8 ä - '1 Shelhy.” evidenced In fnce and hands. In the yon would tell me about yourself." ed sternly. “ I got some reputation ns C ANC« « . . T8*? « ! dark skirt ahd white waist. In the A. .M. Free!»!,»- He glanced up at her surprised and a fightin’ man myself an' I don’t take smooth strands o f hslr. everything peaceably. Now. listen to twisting his hat about In his hands. “ Well,” she said pleasantly, “1 reckon “ That won’t take long," he said so me. you drunken brute, nnd keep a A denotata hom e-com ing. you might ns well sit down, ns long berly. “1 ain't got much history, so to civil tongue in your head. I have seen as yon are here.” -■ speak. 1 was born In Kentucky an' the girl, but we didn’t talk none about od . S » n c h » « He found a chair and dropped Into run away when I was seventeen. marriage and. what’s more. I wouldn’t (TO BE CONTINUED.» It, and she took the only other one. Been out In this country ever since, touch that money, not a cent of It bee hands clasped In her lap and her soldiering most o f the time, and then even If I was to marry her—she ain’t A eulestntn «“ T Grateful Carlo. serious eyes watching him with un punching cattle for the Six Stars. that kind. v?r I ain’t.’ lady the TlrtU* g J In Kentucky three men were shot "Gnah, yoa must think I’m a sucker disguised curiosity. Saved a little money and stnrted in to death In a fight about a dog which He made s nuia* 1 “ I didn't expect to see you again,” to go It alone. That’s about all the Tom Shelby. What the h—| vou got one o f them hnd killed. Some men to git married on? I’ll hef yer never ahe broke the silence which was be story." never live long enough to learn that turning sign»L coming awkward. “ What was It thnt “ With a lot left out. Why did you seed two thousand hefnre In all your when a dog becomes personal prop life. Tell that to the marine*-there brought you backY* leave home?" .|,e craned t # * * erty the tie o f pride and affection ain’t nobody goln’ to marry her ex "F act Is I don't know.” he explained, “ Oh, they wanted me to go on In cept for the cash." makes ihe animal a serious proposi sky startled at the sound of his own voice. school and be a lawyer." ••Mister, - el« tion to be trifled with, and that many "What do you mean?" “Yoti see I— I sorter got an Idea you Idef.T “ Yon finished high school?” men were born to love dogs. This re “ Why. she’s homely as a hedge fence him on th* * The bellow Went Toppling Over. might he lonesome and— and a hit "S ure; what made you think that?” minds us that In the happy days of your elrlvlDN - •Red’ was Just sa.vtn' that If she’d a mail at me, an' so I thought maybe She laughed. '\ *t nr,n*Hy true? Nobortv boyhood our most faithful and de hut if I better drop In an' tell you how It “ Oh. Just a word or tw o ; you've got picked him. he’d have Jumped the h!nted such . * a m e fn. , ht„ JZ voted friend was an old pointer named Argonaut servatioo. money or no money. Ver atl happened. But It don't look like Into the habit o f talking like these m n’t string m #P k I i w »*» mean no Carlo. Never did we eat a lunch ywu was inad.” people out here. So have I. for the "You say zhe’i homely Y’ ont o f doors without sharing It with “ Nek Tm aot mad. I flared up for matter o f that When yon live with “ Y™ rt h* ,r W lo '“«plain You don t Just so* it right. They « „ "I sure do. an’ as damn mean as she the devoted Carlo, and that noble a minute, hut that's all over with. I them for years. It’s hound to twist urad (hat Old Galkin, had died S looks, I reckon." and loving dog Invariably manifested ain't botherin’ none about that on :!!!.” your tongue. I can speak good Eng Shelhys face was like flint and his '-ft you without a cent, sorter helnles, his gratitude hy shaking himself vig “S c I see,” somewhat more at ease lish when I fry.” right fist crashed square Into Cowan’s out here, an’ that the town owed ” orously and letting ns In a reciprocal I> e rh r-T* * J j and crossing his legs. ” 1 reckon «hat's "An' the thing yer want to do most sneering lips. The fellow went top ■ * " " " alt m o w 2 way have shorn 50 per cent o f hi* one of the about the right way to look at It. Is to get away from Ponca?” pling over and oefnre he even knew most active fleas.— New Orleans last night j “ Yes." Wbaiever made you pick me?" what had happened the ranchman waa States. “ Why. naturally. I took the hest- “ Yer sure don’t hold no grudge Th* upon him, holding him flat to the Inoklii gone I snw. Mister— Mtsfer— ” against me for what happened to Red Flaf 0 e earth and pommeling with both hands Easy Parv “ Shelby Tom Shclh.v; so yoa didn't night r ^•l| racket, maybe ,t , a l m o s t ,y . „ It was soon over with, shelhv giving ••The ' V o? f Her lips and eyes smiled •ven know my name?” Chorus Otri— What aro I to do In the F ern ste “ Why. qf course nor. R was too his opponent no chance to break awav “ No ,'rtca o f what It w a s ; I picked new revue? She twisted her hands together , world, srot h1* ’ L l an» out h<- »'i»e you dldn t live | ridiculous for anything. Afte, you had j "J, W" h * fr,nk Stage Director— N othing! Y onll them that have nothing to sing, nothing t* say. - u Well. ren n r Its h glad r r i* know ,n ,° ™ £ that. £ Now Ivstac^P* sad almost nothing to wear COMRADES OF PERIL By RANDALL PARRISH 'c~ys£à — -----wüTrwj 1 I *00 M