*• Oía 4“ln* 1,1 elr G ate C ity SBS head pò ® * mds Mr HAT =T= NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1920 XIX NO. 1 ° n «> b KOLONY PARENT. ASSOCIATION » fe* new. _________ m » ' Morgan, ®ec- secretary pro tarn t Jtobmrton treasurer, held meetlBK at the school jYkjay to fpteh business per- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E i n g o f hot luacto <4. The necessary uten- the food nappies Hut- by th* H H H <w «ek. --th e t th a t g the old* a v e manti t8 ifl t o very onerously, begin the serv- The f o llo w in g com - of mpnlbei op, with Miss Ovwwtreet chairman; uro- gfefrgC J f i T -l' Creeling, dhair- preas. 'htr Ded lord, chair- id (by the presi- r.a appoint - Olf one to see that t t y f H stove is put into IT. o f p e w memlbersi were The -chxil boaTd, j J, P. htcOmnis, chairman, Elliott : Jid H . Clark, met with tihe adding their name.- to M is'. They voted to aaiy funds to ‘buy penes for tihe hot pictures were the IP. T . A at with Mr. Parsons {the pictures 'and Harva "tag the lant ern. An in! er- program Lyras also arranged 4M p in g and assistants, h goodly(Jttni :i 'r in ttendnnce. eryibody boost for adopted. P. T. t N CHURCH ields, Pastor . . . . tt 11 a. m , Subject OftHsttnus.” Chris' mas Reese will ren- Wertem F LAS! g .erviice at 7:30 (M im i S:>0 j at 10 a. m. Savor at 6.30 p. m. he Owyhee Dec. 10, Suibjeot, “Christ - p. H k . (M im i s Bhe ; _ every Wednesday tub of the Christian ifcy $ will give a Can- nBKntsSansi at Miss Prim ’s ” Tueaday, B le c . 2lBt, at 7:30 p. AB should 'near and see this o f the yon: will give their ^ ■ ■ rc is e s on Ohrfttmaa 34tlh. i P . m . The ^ ^ R a n d Santa Claus will fan d young people are Sunday school, and |es for the joys of hudband. Mesdames J. S. and Geo. Glas cock and Mrs. F . L DoBord attend ed the meeting o f ;‘he P. T . A . at the Kolony Friday, all Joining tnere, aa their children attend the school in that district which is build ing up a flourishing school, with an enrollment of 43 pupils.. Bruce Walters took a fat cow, o f which he was ‘'proprietor” to Nyi.sa, to 'he butcher Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schluipp and family moved recently to Harper. Mr. Roby of Homedale taking up their last truck load o f household ef- fao® last week. Little Dorisi Klingback was ill the firsii of the veek. A set of Red Cross pictures' were ¡shown at the school house F'ddlay afternoon with the community lan tern, those at ending reporting them excellent. They are to be shown in Warren district and in the Kolony tihisi woCk. Mrs. Lowe sent, for them some time ago, expecting them to be here during the veek o f the Red Cross drive in November but hey arrived too late. The Sunday school superintendent, Mrs.. Klingback, announced Sunday that amy contributions which ran be made for Armenian R elief will be gladly received'. Jesse and Elba Pullen were guests o supiper Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. S. D. Bigelow, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley re ceived a letter from F. Robinson, who with his w ife and daughter Frances, lived for a year in Owyhee, leaving last spring for Portland, Or. Mr. Robinson stated that Mrs. Robi son died on Friday, Nov. 26, from the malady, creeping portalysis. HOD 1ST EPISCOPAL 1 CHURCH es able, homelike piece to worship, where you will always be sure e f a cordial weleeme. H E N R Y YO UNG. Pastor, ir businass is to hslp folks knew themselvea sod God Service* fer December 19, 1920. •ndsy School at 10 e ’ clock, with classes fer everybody ■eking service at 1 o ’ clock. Subject—"W h ere Is God?” Ira lecture on Wednesday evening, Decemoer 22 at 7:30 im m M M m u n m HMMMMMMtiMMlMM 9 } Horn, Saturday morning, Dec. U , Brief Basóme oí the Daily Event* in a Live Town— 19C0 to Mr. and Mrs. Ivlroy Huff, j What Your Neighbor» A r e Dumg. man, a daughter. _ Mr. and Mrs. C . E. Schiwetaer M r. and Mrs, Audrey Waird wont G. W. Drisaoll waa here from Hom- and daughter Della visited Mrs. F. to Hols© Thursday.. dela yastarday. Thompson, in Ontario, from Satur Mrs. Zens Raaabaad was an Ontario Phaenix Warren was a Vale visitor day to Sunday. this week visitor Wedaasday. * Mar. and Mrs. George Glascock J. S. Moore of Owyhee has gone to P. I. Spier and daughter, Addie, are and children, Emma, Viola and Thel Nyasa visitor* today, ma, motored to Nyisse. Monday, re Bakor to reside W . L . Gibson was an Ontario Mr. and Mrt. Elmore McLallan ware porting the roads sli.jhtly improved visitor Wednesday, Nampa visitors the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs.. S. D. Bigelow and Mrs. Fred SChue of Spokane is ex D. P. Pullen were business visitors Mrs. George Schwoisar was ia On pected in Nyssa thlsi week. tario this weok having dental work to O nario Tuesday. Dewey Hoxie wasi here from On done. Mount and Nina Smith visited tario the first of the week. with their grandmother, Mrs. P . M. G. W. Snyder, L. E Gsrviab and P. Joseph Irving of Portland was in Binkley m Nytssia from Saturday to Lawrence came in from Homedale Nyssa seveilal days last week. yesterday, where they recently finished Sunday. Elsie RJiy and Mr®. Harry Gosihert a hay baling job. McEwan's brought their sheep in were Ontario visions yesterday. from the hills Monday, tailing them Mr Boyer, brother of Mrs A. Ralph Reberger and Pearl Bing- Fouch of the Hotel Western, loft with to feed ‘ at the Bigelow ranch where man were Ontario viat ors Wednes his family this watk for Baker, who.-* they have purciha.-ied hay day.. they will reside. Cecil Smith motored to Vale Fri Mrs. Rabergsr returned Sunday from day afternoon, taking Mrs. Wim. Col. Wilmar Taylor, tba aactioneer, Pri chett, Kolony school principal, Boise, where aha visited for several announces that tksrs will b* another over for a week end visit with her days. big Traders' Day tale at Npasa on Fri (Continued on page 8). ice IHyssa and Dicinity From Our Regular Correspondent. i Kolony Parent- on, t)he -fficers Conrad Ma tin , HES, SILVI .»»■ Owy hee Plan for the future 1 y » » become a depositor in the Bank of Nysss, ysu begin ass association that will latraaaa in value the longer it ■ee. A oa begin at once, howavar to recaiva tha definite *r®m yaer eceoant. A * a regular customer, we naturally I deape r Internet in your plans and success. **• timd, your association her# affords mars oppor- far ns to help you in every day transactions, and also at | whan you require aesistaaee ef aa unusual nature. E BANK OF NYSSA »ALTERS, President. FRANK D. HALL, FRED E. YOUNG. Aeet. Cashier Cartier $1.50 PER YEAR 5c PS.Ì COTY IDANHA ORCHARD A U C a B ii Mr. and Mra Harry G” ehert visited at the Jehn Ray home Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. John Canselmo re turned Monday from Hoiso, where they spent several days last weak. F rom ear regular corre,p.indent Mr. ind Mrs. R.. J. D.uia were com;ielled to cloee their orhool oa the 3 h on account of .Mr. Qevt-/ health. They have resigned and w* are temporarily without teachers Georg* Ma Jab* and Allan Green of The board think if :hey can get one Kingman Kolony have completed their good teucher they <ao mate out, -ae Contract of cleaning Cancelmo’a dryar. the school 1® not crowded about 28 pu)pil8 in all. Cleaning was don* by steam. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fogle were vis iting at the Idanha Sunday. Mr. Fogle was also looking over the Tom Coward property. Nick Smii’s infant blalvy 1» very Several bands of sheep have been soon moving in from tho hillo resoatly. flick with whooping cough Lucile, the a mall daughter of Ira Dail, who ha® (been very hod with A Surprise Farewell Party A surprise party was given Miss Ruth pneumonia, Is improving fast, Mr®. OhQ® BuJland i® able to be Lanfear last Friday evening at her home on the East Side, and was at sit in* up. Ira Dadl and two daughters, Mleees tended by nearly the ontir* Eighth Grade of th* public school. Th* eveat Pearl and Mary, were ehopplmr to was in tha nature of a farewell party \'y.-sa Saturday. for Miss Lanfsar, who moved to Burns C.. W . Barrett and Ntdr SmB wen: to live. to Vale Monday on bus noa* con nected wltth tlhe w hool. The Farm Bureau mee'tog at O 'r o J. H Waif attended the moetingof the County Farm Bureau at Cairo last ■dsturduy was well attended. There Saturday and reports an interesting was someone there from everywhere Nyasa visiters to Vale Tuesday were day, December 24th. session. V. V. Hitkox of Cairo was C. W Barrett and wife and Cheater Leland sad Stanley Fenn and H. I. Nysaa Lackey from Arcadia,^ Ny-sa wta® Ow ing to the Christmas festivities re-e'ectod oounty chairman. Raley. there will be DUt one picture show at men wore elected as follows: P. Ten- represen‘ed by Albert G!t son and Mire. D.. W . Gibson nd little the M E church next week It will sen, head of Buying and Marketing de W . L. Gfbson. Mr. Klnr nan from (Jiuigihter were Ontario visitors Wed be given Wednesday evening. partment; Community Betterment E. Kingman Kolony. Ml«® Mart* W il nesday. Sheriff Froman of Canyon county,Jda M. Dean; Crop Improvement, F, C. son, county club leader. James Mrs. P. M. Warren and daughter, was in this vicinity tha first ot the Fry. Smith and wife of Ontario wore Mre. P. Bingman.were Payette visit- week deputising men to look out for mingling with the crowd but the Mg- C H R IS T M A S E X E R C IS E S homestead shack thisves, who have ra Saturday. es thing in evidence wlas a fine The Presbyterian Sunday school Mrs. Frank Miller w|as registered been operating ou the Idaho t'de. lot of good tlhing® to cat at the Bristol hotel in Boise the first Mrs. H. R. Sherwood and Mbs Lucy will give its Christmas exercises J. T. lying was chopping in On of the week. Thompson treated their Sunday school Friday, December 24th, at 7:30 p. m tario Friday. . These exercises are free to all, and Miss Bertha 'Slalhien from Apple classes to a party in the basement of Mrs. Frank Bdrward® wenr to Oald hey will entertain and pleatse. the i ’rasby terian church Saturday after Valley spent Sunday at the John well Sa'urday to spend a few day*f noon. Twenty happy little folks en Eiveryfbody is invitod to be present. wiitlh her sister, M t ® EJmmett Steel. John Forbes nome.. Early comers have the best chance joyed the event. Mtoa Thelma Thompson and Mies Alis® A. Barbee has aocep.ed a for seat®. Nellie DeFrlece were visiting at Im position as booklkeetper a t Wilson Lee Seaffer and J. W. Stuart each Dial's Sunday afternoon. ' lost a bunch of turkeys one night re Bros.’ big department store, MASONS ELECT OFFICERS Clyde Tiong and family are hodk at H. * W . Adaims returned from cently asd have been unable as yet te Annual elect’ ’on o f officers of home again Susuravltle Tuesday evening, where locate the stolen fowla. It ia supposed they were taken by a party of men i Golden Rale i/idge No. 147, A. F. Franlk Edward® and family haw® he tins' spent the past tw o montlhe. a wagon, as wheel tracks leaving the A. M. was held in the Masonic hall moved to one o f the houses on th® Mrs. Lanfsar and daughter Ruth Frank D. Hall waa road and stopping in front of the Stuart Monday night. K. S. & D. ranch for awhile. thia waak wont to Burns, w harf Mr. residence ware discovered the morning re-elec,ed Worshipful Master; E.. M Nick Smit 1 «ought tiwo cow® from L&nfear had preceded them, and wdl after the tufkeys were taken, also the Dean, Senior Warden; Fred E Blokker, near Nyssa for *135 each maka thair home there. bodies of two hens that had evidently Young, Junior Warden; A, H. noy- Mr. Mackey and family and Mr. A. B. McIntosh lias sold bis pise« di“ d and bsen thrown ouL Mr. Stuart dell, secretary; Charles Crawford Pamaford and family have moved near town, formerly owned by Ed Rich, also loat a quantity of canned fruit. Treasurer. In o the house on 1 he H int ranch and will move to Toledo, Wash. Installation ceremonie® will be vicated by Frank Edwards and fam 'H. W . Thoda, who has been look held Monday, December 27'tih. ily. ing for baled hlay in this locality fo." John Zttteroob. who ha® been very several days, returned to Boisie Tues SALE.- Frank 14 SHOATS FOR sick, ia improving day. Leuok__ Adv. dl0-’-f Little Oonly Butler i* on the sick The Uarlstmas holidays will begin I. B. Hazeltine fram Canyon City, W'ednesduiy, Dec. 22, and continue Itot. gama warden for Eastern Oregon, was HORSES W ANTED—Five dollars Evelyn Lackey, small daughter of ill Tuesday, Jan. 4th. This makee in Nyssa Thursday an official business per head per month--W1U Cole Mr end Mrs, Herbert Lackey, who and was a guest of Rav. Hoary Young. ohe vacation three days longer than man. Aidw. dl0-3t iis «pending the winter with her a w eek and ia made possible by the T w o bands of sheep in charge of grand-ipirenite, CMr. and Mrs J. T . tin-ree Inst Lute days which are to bo HORSES W A N TE D -Five »dollars "Red" Johnson were brought from Long, is visltinig her aunt. M tb A1 eouttukd as part of the regular school per head per month— W ill Cole Clow Hollow this week, to feed year htatead o f being adued as extra man. A lv dl0-3t Thompson, for a few day» grounds near Nysda .or a few days. ■ nil ------- — ^ “ -ime. Tba Nigger Rock road work has been Tito following group® of rooms will only partially completed, aa perl ot the subscription money is still uncollected. give shoi*t Obristmais programs Wed A statemoet will be made aa soon as nesday afternoon, Dec. 22. these matters era adjusted. The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Artla Robartaon want to Pocatello grades, MTs. Reynolds and Mis® Sunday to attaad the bedside e f his mother, who rocoatly underwent an Meckiara. The TIB Yd and Fourth grades, Miss operation. He returned toN ysaaTaes- day and reports tnat bia mat Her is g e t Boydell ami. Mis® Millikin. ting along eitely. You will find the friendly, efficient The First and Fifth grades, Frank Fry was in town Tuesday service of ‘ bis bunk w ill meet all Gray and Mb'® Reeee. for the first time since recovering your banking needs, if you cannot The High School gave its first 1H from a sick spell. Frank hlad been come in person, we shall be vary eriry last Frida'ÿ- R wa* the victim of a severea ttack of glad to have you deposit by mail,and Song, by the .vbool. "swelled head,” an aibeees® ha "in * you will find thta jiractioal. l » t ' * School f’»!*er, <^°yd Hoxl* 411,1 talk to you about your Lankin* oon- formed in his ear. Paul Da via. nitrtlons, or write to u® TYte Mal Quarte:, Jack Barrett -Tim Kake- The annual mealing of the stock heur Oounty Bank is conservative beeke, Bert Daivis, lldbert lo n g . holders o f the Kingmao Colony lrriga but not indifferent to the needs of Reading, Geneva \’au«hn. tion Company will be held at the King- it® ouatom»«rs. It 1® Jble and willing man Colony school house on Saturday, Song, by the Sohoof- January 8 , 1921. to supply legitimate requirement®. 4 Duet, Mildred F o rtes and F. E. Y O U N G . Secretary, CONSULT US FR E E LY Warren NYSSA SCHOOL NOTES ConserTative B u t N o t Indifferent : Récitât ion, Viola MitCurdy. Piano Duet. RWh Barrett and Ger S e a s o n a b l e and Reasonable FOR the Auto Owmjr w e have many trude Tensen useful Xmas Prew n fn FRIGES Paper, Clyde Beam.. HERE ARE LO W EST. T ire Covers. Son*, By the School. Motor Meters, Foot \\ 'armor*. Tiro, Top and Cusihlon Covet w, Etc EVERY DAY P RICES W H Y PA Y MC»RE7 FORI) Radiator Covers cwm;4oto ............................... .............$ 5.00 FORD R e’ r Tire Chains par set 4 60 FORD Rear Casings *16«; froo* 12.00 FORD Spark Plug Core*, 5 for 1.00 FORD Shock Absorbers, «per ae* of four .......... .. 6.8® We carry a large ito "k of For«! tart* and arc*aeorlM. rwrrtr any kind of Job gv- any rir«, «pair rub ber boo s and front the f a c t that we sell a pile of goods to N 1 '3 3 A neo- rile proves our pri c m and rratmeat are right. W e adjust Miller ai»d 1 Tors»« Shoe T ire « in our "ivjp. W e don’t have to vend them to H «u g Ko ng. China. PARKER'S TIRE AND VULCANIZING S HOP Photo* AUTO ACt JESSOR #ES 177 O N T A R IO ', OREGON Malheur County Hank VOOOOO* ................. .. Orcha/d Pruning. 1 prune all classes of orchard *®' .bade tree*. H ave bad 25 year* •* perienee in thi® wark. Address H. Monee, Nyasa. Or. RSTHAT Cam* to my place, ene-l half mil* west of Nysaa, ene rad bull, brand*« E oa right hip. Owner ean have aam* by paying eoat o! k®#«uig and tising. I f not elaimed m 20 day* from j th* date e f th ■ first publieaU-n o f this ' notiea said ar iroal will be •old 1 ° ^ ,* y coat.. H K. SHERWOOD. First publ ieati®n Dec 17, 1910. ............................... .... « I K l l l i l l l l l l l l l ) n r REUABLE ¡IN S U R A N C E Houaeholfl Good*. B*r» Protect your R**id«"ce Automobil®» 1»- •nd Gr*n.ry ag»in«t lo«» by fire, •■4 t r ® «»p «r tg - »urrii agnin't iom by fir«, th®ft Sid Oon tion Will«. D®«da. Mortffgg«« writtan. NoUry puWie Phon« T7 Call »t rwidMce j FDR 3AJ j T . -Home (Awnfo- ran** and a f.ow pi®ce® o f fu m itu », *>• nearly m »w Inquire at Journal of- fice.Aidv. dlO-tf Olin ‘ gegr,rdrn“ To® uTtOWg Mon- J. H. Wolf. My*®«.