Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1920)
e G ate C ity J ournal 14. N Y S S A . M A L H E U R O O U N T Y . OREGON. FRID AY, DECEMBER 10, 1M0 IHyasa and IPicfnfty K 0L0NY 0 w> hee is receiving and branding the ca/i' tie preparatory to their being taken to the various feed grounds. William 1'erklns went through 'efeda held hW reg- From Our Regular Currnpi • t. HIGH GRADES 'Bunday a orn Sunday with seven or eight hundred Seven'll Grade—NTne AN« and on« i hat he will oon- cattle wMehffhe will feed In Big A Brief Mestiate of the Daily Evento in a Lire Town A birthday party waa gi ven la.t fl, Mayo Oowins, Boyd Shaffer; Kolowy oatfrega- Bend; and Adam Murray from Jun- What Your Neighbors Are Doing. eight A ’a and two B’s, Abram week at the Oug Suhweiaei bom« in jy of the monh >.-ura brought sheep to feed on the honor of Cart SobweizerS 17th birth- Vaughn, Alary Tombs. Slippy ranch. er. Aire. Alta Smith went to Nasipa dix- A number of he young people Harry Sharp returneJ this week Eighth Grade—Nino A’e. Frances E. iF. Pratt- is incapacitated this ¡Reed and family Saturday. from a business trip trough the Klinkenburg; 8 A ’s and one B, of the neighborhood were present Nevada, and week on account of a kick he re and report a very enjoyable time. -Mrs R . R . Clark Isdted at On «state of Washington, extending as Gladys Garrison. home tor a few ceived, while helping to brand cat John Oantreil, of Mbntour, Idaho, tario Sunday. far west as EUengburg. He reports Sixth Grade—Six A ’s and three i. ntersi and well- tle. vidted wtih his son, Ray Cantrell, 'bait he found much anxiety regard b’A Jessie Carter, Verna Thompson. In a letter received from A. D A. A. Crawford of Weiser, waa in ‘slon of Mr. and family this week, re ¡urning to ing the business outlook, notwith Wanda Young ¡ADorey, who has lately motored to Nyssa Monday. baed place. hta home Tuesday, Ray Cantrell d Allas Oortnne Oallfomia, he s aiea that the drive Ulmer waa 'a Ny-ioa from standing the overwhelming vote took him to Frui! land to take the given Sena or Harding and the HIGH GRADES IN THE HIGH was very pleasant, but that he has a of Air and Hcmedale Monday. train. Q. O. P. SCHOO- Plymouth this seen no ipMmce in Oregon or Oali- C. F. Smith was in Nyssa from Mr and Mrs. Archie Sin-lair and The regular meeting of the City ifVmiia wihiich compares with the Apple Valley Monday. Two A '« and two B’s JJIlle Hun", fa.nlly went to Nyssa at unlay, Council wat held Monday evening, Tressie ¡Lackey, ,I*a :I I> .-is. agrnan and Mba Snake River Valley tor agriculture Airs. Etha Hale spent Sunday with with Alalyor T. J. Caldwell and braving the ram and mud. wero dinner Mr. iMtorey says, "Outside of the eli One A and four IT* - J nnie Newhy her mo her in Weiner. Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. B .-loir and and Wornioilmen Megorden, Tret v- ;g home Sunday. mate, Snake River Valley as tali Five IB’s—'Gertrude Tensen, Mary 'Misti Juanfa Bigelow weiu to On F. I). Sherman waa in Nya<a Sun nxan. Goshert *aod Foaiter in attend II ti : tendance ait fomla beat. LMatheny, UJonnie Ailatheny. tario Saturday where Miss Juanita day from Glenn’a Ferry. ance. L. iR. Dr^jftiaupt, county agricul Wedoeoday oven- ¡Four Bis—Clyde Beam, Loyd Hoxie. had her throat treated. Kigineer. Leland and Carl Fean thOauand dollors turist, met with the men of the Kol FIREMEN WILL TRIP Robert Long, Irene ClOsson, Myrtle The young people of ' he nit« fam a.u.oed to Kuna Tuesday. ony t'hii weejj to make arrange ted. ily gave a dancing party Saturday THE LIGHT FANTASTIC Fields, Dora Tnangle an. J . H . WilUamapn o f Salt Lake t a are trying to ments for ordering a carload of Jer evening. MONTHLY SCHOOL REPORT w as a visi.or in Xyesa .Monday One of the social • vents which is The auction the control pi seys from the coast. Number of ru,;41s rem ¡ntng to Mildred, Evelyn and Flor-nce De- Mr. and Airs. L. B. Frye were being awaited with .pleasurable an.l- pure nasi ng Red ¡sale will occur soon alter the cow: il'ord ai:e dinner at the KJInghnck visiting relatives in Ontario Sunday tpetions by the Nyesa '>ubUc is the da e, 2T2. ilf. which are arrive. Mr. hreithaiipt, and S. P Number pupils on -icbaol regi iier. borne inday. Mrs. Archie Sinclair oi the Kol- Fireraen'i, bail wlbich 'Will be held on ■Ora ham, live stock improvemen weeik. Airs. J. 3. Glascock and children. ony, wasi shopping in Nyssa. Monday X«w Year’s eve. This is the first 301. ts were thans- chairman, are going to select the Whole number da>a at ton Nan 1', John, 'r., and AMce, aceompmled by Airs. Robert Elliott, was in town annual ball of his organization and Monday: John cattle, and the Kalony is going jo Oita "ctowelter and sous, WiU- from her home on Bridge Island the receipts will 'be used to assist in 4429 1-2. ee, and Roby, send C. M. Beaumont, >vho 1 'am and Hart, motored o Ontario Whole number days abs< n-e. 186 Monday. equipping the department ip do ef eed from Elko. JuJge of cattle. -oturdi y, re u-ning Sunday «umber of times late, 112. Airs. L. Thompson and daugiiter, fective work in fighting fires and The first mee ing of the year of C.ianie i eyio of Kun- aa City, Number of pupils neither absent Miss Lucy, wese Ontario visitors Should receive the moral and finan lldren are pre ¡the Parent-Teacher Association was M v, arrival in Owyhee la-4t week, cial support of 'th* community. An nor late, 136. • u.iuday. program to moderately well attended. The way Average number pupils belonging, »pending a few day» <K the O. Ei Teddy Hon of Vale, -.ttenied the ei.ficiont lire department will be a and ¡means o f providin'? he hot as ewe, SaTiwelzeir home before going oul 271. big asset to the town and aid in dunce given in he opera house Fri- and Mrs:. ¡Mar school lunch was the main ubjecit into the hiiisi ter a surprise vleit to Average dally attendance. 260. keeping down tihe rate of insiurance. day evening. aud Ontario Sat- Jit was decided that the dishes, uten his sister, Mrs. Herb Iooye, and hue- Per cent of attendance, 96. The 'boys are making big prepara L. C. Pounds and Mr. and Mrs. found such bad sits, and vegeables would be, as band. Da l aw Duncan were in Nyssa Croon tions tor the event and a splendid back. Most of nearly as possible, donated. Anyone Geo Kroth, who t<ouf#i the old time is a-isnred. Wilder Tuesday, Mlset rShewey’s oom, the second from Ny e.i to who ban anything which they wish Krogh place last toll, 1» now engag grade, leads In having the highest m. Kerwin, ret urned Monday to contribute should notify Mrs ed .in rejuvenating the interior with FARM DWELLING BURNS per cent of attendance—99. This is ii cm Boise, where he spent six ell hay has Pr4 ohekt, Martha Overstreet, or IFire destroped a dwelling house the be?t record of at endance made a coat of planter, looks rather weeks in a hospital. e, a sheepman. ¡M r». DeBord. A report will be ■Yiispicioo« like’’ now, doesn't It? iHurrah! tor the L Lund, brother of Fred Lund, near Ajpple Valley, belonging to Airs. so ilar this year. j made at the meeting Friday, Dec. 10, WVxnder if he is going t-» ’batch’* R. R. Clark of Nyssa, late Thursday tihe sheep man, arrived in Nyssa Second Gralde- * * there. eed IDO tons at 3 o’clock at the school building evening. The -ontents, Including a Mis® 'Reese'« First Grade comes Monday from Seattle. F. L DeBord motored o Koewell ,-y and tot haling Everyone InVerested In the school piano and C her thing« belonging to next wl h a -per cent of 97 1-2 per P . M. Biuikley leift -Monday for Wednesday for a Ford loal of beau and betterment of he community is wei'k’s s ay at Kalama, Wash., wher« Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'White, and cent, and Mrs. Reynolds Seventh tiful apples which he got from H. R. Eddie Powell Included and needed some furniture belonging to Mrs:. Grade follows closely with 97 per he has. property interests. Gee, who ha« a fine fruit orchard A hastily assembled: grouip gave le collie doits Clark, were In the house and ¡were cent of attendance. Air. and Airs T. A . Burton of there. s week, Ur. and Mrs. Smith and Richard oneumed. Mr. White, th only one The three loweet Per cents of at- Uni y were registered at Hotel West Pupil« neither abeeot n v lardy ha Oltis, and A. surprise house .wanning Friday even here a the time, waa doing the Third Grade, 94 ; are: ern tlie first of the week. tor the past month in ¡Mrs- Achweis- Mr nail ln ing. Four table«) of Progress've chores when he discovered the ' jj - jj ih Grade 94 3-10; First Grade Mrs. R. R. McQorty visited her er’e room are: Mini ns nud Nina îage meeting Five Hundred were in play, until de ¡touse a tnaee of flames He man (Aldus Thompson), 96. sister, Mrs. L. F. S3cbirmer, in Smith, Ruby and Alta iBtr- low Joe licious ice cream and cake and cof- aged to aave a trank and a baby The other 'per cents of attendance eM<u(,ia VVeiser, during the weeik end. Elia Pullen and Guy third prize fee were served. Thosee enjoying carriage, Which were near the door. are: The Ladies' Guild will meet at the Glenn. Those in Mre. 'Friar’s roam show, the evening were Mr. and. Mrs. The Joeis is eetiroa1 ed t $25,00, Fourth Grade, 96; Ninth Guide, are: Georgia Ru«l, George Huffman. home of Mrs. J. J. Sarazin on n has been IKingiman, Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet with no insurance. The origin of E6: Sixth 96 112; High ¡Dottle Cantrell, Della Bctoweizer, Vir tal, vhere he Air. and Mrs. Greeting, Mi. and Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 2 p. m. >f the fire s unknown. School, 96. Christmas Ouu'at-n "Santa Clauis gil Vanfoasen, Jesse Pullen <nd Ken fractured hip, Mrs. Hickox, Mr. and 'Mrs. Martin. During toe week ending Dec. 3hr, neth McDonald. at Alisa Prim's," at the Preslby;erien RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS a 'ecent n Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. H. R Miss Reese’s room had a perfect at church Tuesday evening; Dec. 21. Billy Perkins «wave in from the A drive 1» on for ihe sale of Red Scott, the Misses Kinganan, Mhrtln, tendance, there ¡being no absences hi Ik- this week with over 800 head Mrs, A. L. Roberts of the Olw ’rose Christina* seals and the haveball v and Overstreet, and Messrs. H. R. Grocery, went to Payette on busi school children are busy selling the n r tardiness of cal t'e which he will feed In the men and the ©oott, -Merrit »reeling, filwrrice Judd, ness Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Ben-1. A good many stock and Cheep little red stickers. This drive Is in on the new and Robert Overstreet, Win. Thomason of Crane creek, is aid of the tuberculosis patients of WORSES WANTED—Elve sddlare men are "rotmdtng up” their mock per head per month.—¡Will Ooie- visiting his sister, Mrs. W. B. Oregon and the receipts from the •«urchaeed the THE COUNTRY TOY’S CREED COon'Inued on page 10.) man. Ail<v. dl0-3t Hoxie, and family 'here this week. -rale of the »cals will be used to help cattle and L. believe Ciat lue country which Reuben Danielson and Charley them recover; heir health. Mr». J. (Sod made is more beautiful than the Thomason arrived in Nyssa Sunday Doydell is local manager of the e x * « » » ♦ ♦ ♦ « « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < v 4 « v « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ city which man made; tihai: life out- from Pendleton, where they spent drive and if the school children we have many of-doors ami in touch with the earth the summer. shouldn’t be able to furnish you Jf». PRICES is the naiurul life of man. 1 'be Charles Fremont Smith, the sage with all the seals you wan Mrs. Tin» Covers lieve that work, la work w'herever i iiruwib king and alfalfa grower of the itoydell will be glad to supply you. Warmers. Tire, fin.1 it; 'but that work with Nature East Side, was a Caldwell and Boise Etc. la more inspiring than work with isitor this week. METHODfST EPISCOPAL CHURCH the moo; Intricate niachinevy. A homelike 'place ’ o wjrahAp. Rav. W. F Shields, was called to RICES You will find the friendly, efficient 1 believe that the dignity of labor Portland Wednesday for a meeting Henry Young, Aiiinlster. RE? service of *his bank will meet all depends not on what ,von do, tnuu on Sunday, Dec. 12. the interests of Albany college. oompleite your banking needs. If you cannot Sunday school at 10 a. m. how you do It; that ropporltiinity He will return aturdgy. 5.00 come in person, we shall be very Classee to- all. Chrisfm;i,-. Program by the 3unday per set 4.60 comes go a boy on the Harm a- often glad to have you de, o>tt by mail,and as to aiboy In the city; that life is Preaching eorvice at 7: 9 r. m ■ school Friday evening, Dec. 24. The >; fncm- 12.00 you will find this practical. I>et ue Subject, Workmen Won d 6 tor 1.00 larger and treer and 'ttappier on the primary department will give a can- talk to you abo i your tanking con 'Pict ure lectures on 'i u iiy ana farm than in town;that my suoceev ata "The Little Joy Givers.'’ t>er set nections, or write o us The Mal Thursday evening at 7:30. depends not upon my location, lvut ............. « 5 0 Orin Wallace, manager of the heur Oconty Bank Is oonservattve A cor Hal welcome arwatts you rtock of Port! upon myself—not upon mv dreams, Shoestring pump t»U8e, recently but no ind'ifferent to the need« of repair any but upon what t ad ually do, not purchased ,he Oecar Pinkston ranch its customers. It 1« Jbie and willing ROAD TO TWIN SPRINGS «pair rub- upon luck but upon pluck. nd will move there next week. to suinrfy legitimate reqtalrement». IMPASSABLE FOR TRUCKS I believe in working when you Robert Elliott, a piwnJnent citizen « ihet that we CONSULT UM FREELY Henry Fields started to Twin when you pl^y, N'Y'sciA ueo- wortc, and playing Bridgp Island, h«?. gone lo Moun- Springs Saturday wl h a Joed if ot- ard -roatment atvl in giving and demanding a rin Home.ldaho, where he will be square deal in every act of Life-t- the employ of the Proenix Utili ton eeed meal cake tor Frank Mr- Knlght, the sheepman 'hut roads tl Horse shoe Edwln Osgood Grover. ties Co. were no muddy he w«w compelled to re don’t have Miss Alma Eanp, formerly of FOR SALE—Pure bred White Leg .Vy-sa but now o f Vale, was one of return wi'.hout reaching hie Jeatina- Kong, China He had made several tripe horn Pullets and Hew? Phone party of young people who »ttend- tion *»3F13— .Mrs. Chaa. Garrison. he Im re given irt the opgra previous»!' i NYSSA SCHOOL NOTES Reasonable Conservative Bui Not Iudifferent Malheur County Bank E AND SHOP RIES 10, OREGON M SHOAT3 POR l.euok— Adv. dio-kf SALE.-F ran i E VALUE O F S E R V IC E [depoaitor who receive« the most help i- the ®TyWn ta'o f h »e relations with hi? bank endeavors to give, from the beginning, the •ha» makes long-time friends * Includes the ; ne« courtewe» tb*t have no nwen much ;o every patron The pro- cover* more then the los-, of actual cash o Itor» are subject. W e ende n or no guard a«*ln*' taaa by madrine) pians and doubt- ANK OF NYSSA »ident. FRANK O. HALL, Cashier ED E. YOUNG. Aact. Cashier mmmmmummmm voitue Friday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. C C. Cotton re nted Monday from I Jobe, where Mr Oo ton had gone last week to receive surgical transient. FVirtun- Ntoi.v an oi>eratin was nor nerewary The Eastern Star KensinfRon vHl hrf pivtertained at he home of Mrs. t , . rm Fiwiday. Deoember IS. in the nfteroor-n. with Mr» C C. Hint. Mrs Dirk Twisen Mil Mr? H iVailtera an* bodesees The tM- tam Star Kenatng wi ha? been (¡o*tpon»d frtrni> Dec. 13th ontii I a " . y?t!h, a' which time it will meet at thabomr ofMrs H WMters. with Mrs f C. Hunt and Mrs D. Ten- <en anrtsting hoWeefef Mr-. L. Thompson and daughter 1 wry wer< Ontario visitors Saturday P. M Binkley returned Thwwday 'mm Por1 land While there he sold his Ki-aara ranch 40 miks north of Fur. and tor |2500 IOANRA ORCHARD Fhrmere are very ir.duetrlous tn this vicinl-y Jnst now A Urge mount of lev'Ming land, plowing tad general cManing up ia toeing done. Mrs. Bier art, wife f former S'yw i hai*ber. hvs been quite sick at er home norito of Nyuea. l«ll Kirk hauled ano her cyrtoad f runes Frl«»ay nwl ’AatiWay from he ldanha orchsrd tor hJp tivnl. ? LIBRARY CLOSEO CHRIST^A S Ba unJay. the 2S*h. being Ohrlst- nan he Ny«sa \***kc library will be Ir ed, but will be open on Monday the 27th, to receive book» dun on the 20»h FOR SATA1 : ORBAP—Seven« y-flve •m**. 25 yearling wether», 20 flve- year-oM #»'«•, IT good young h o «»» Write box 211 or »ee R F. Rtober- gor— iA<r. dHMf * RELIABLE I 1 N S I J R A I N C E Protect your Residence, Household Goods. Bsrn and Granary »gain st loss by fire. Automobiles in sured agam »t loss by fire, theft and transporta tion. Wills. Deed". Mortgagee and Contraeto written. N o U ry public Cull at residence Phone 77 J. H. Wolf. N y «* , On #»«.