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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
cat » V/»-* f tf ljH l» ^ crrr joomnal , wtma , ,« f Hub W ard m aeo a trip to Hoodoo Mr. and Mrs. J , $ Parson, of Nam p i , this week. w ere visiting in Nvas* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J . B iv le ll w ere Buiss Geo M ib c l i f t Tu.'«day eve .irig for visitors during th a week M unesota. Mrs. Ruby W alker was an O ntarie C larence MeC nnell of Owyhee was A Brit : Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— visitor Saturday in Nysaa W ; ive lay. What Your Neighbors Are Doing. Mr. and Mra. Fry and childrdn were E. M. Grei.; was hen- from O -taric, W ednesday. week end visitor» a t Ontario. O scar C antrell and so rs w ere in Pay Jack McConnell made a trip this week B. F. and Geo. W are were here from Nellie K irk waa here from O ntario e ttu Sauturday andpurchaad an ew car to hi* ceirip at Dry Creek and R i.ereic'c. Nampa, Tuesday. Tuesday. Dave D ugger, of Midvale, waa in B ert H unter and H erb ert Tunny c f "D addy” P ra tt was in N yssa from H arry Sharp is constructing a ten t N yssa Monday. O ntario were here on business Wednes Owyhee, Wednesday. house. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sm ith, of Owyhee day. Dick TVnsen is doing ju ry duty a t -Mis* Ines Green visited friends a t were shopping in Nvaaa Monday. A t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vale this week. New Plym outh this week. Boyd D jm n w ll# leave for th e hills Hansed, oi. Tuesday evening a t 8 p. m , John Cancelmo was seen in Boise W arren Fenn is employed near Vale Elder Gilds from Pocatell * united in this week. Tuesday. this week, plastering a tunnel. M. N. Fegtly o f Vale attended the the bonds of m atrim ony, in th e pres Jack Teutsch v a i a visitor in Boise A. D. Morey is im proving hie reai celebration o f the 101st anniversary of ence of a num ber of friend*, Mr. Roy Sunday. deuce preperty by a woven wire fence. the Odd Fellows here Tuesday evening. Kelley end M m Edn t G atdener, both of near Ontario. W. H. Sandy want to Caldwell Mon Mrs R obinette o f Vais was visiting Adolph Snyder retu rn ed Saturday day. M. O. Cox, Tuesday. from Wyoming. He report» no shear M r . Addis VVi'son an i d au g h ter Gar- -Back To The Land." Ed Christenson has purchased a third ing on account o f th e heavy fall of t de, were b a k er visitors this week. iatereat of Brown Brothers in tha Blue •now. A card to The Journal from Rev. C. M tsdames Holmes, Claybourn and Bird Stock and Poultry Ranch. H arlay Jones e f Vale and Miss M s'- E. Truebleod says in p art, ‘‘We have Miller were visitors in P ayette Tues Mita Richie of P arm a is spending the calls Paterson ef N y-aa were quietly joined the ‘Back to th> L and” move day. week, w ith her Slater lira . Barney m arried in Vale, Monday Only a few m ent Have resigned my charge here and intend to move a- once to a nice G. W. Clark and A rth u r Long of Wilson. in term ediate friends w ere present. little fru it farm which wc have recently I oise were in Nyssa 8unday and visited Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Nicbelaon spent C. D. Simpson and fam ily le ft W*d purchased i l r and Mrs. M. F. Dolan. the week end in Boise, visiting her □asday by truck to G lann'a F erry where Mr. Simpson will be employed fo r the Mr and Mrs. S. D. G oshert accom m other. New Transformers A num ber of m em bers of the L. D. sum m er with hia truck. panied by Mrs. J . Dennis were in Vale Owing to work being done on the S. church will atten d *onferonce a t Sunday, Frank A ia r la from S alt Lake u ity new transform ers which are being in Boise, S aturday. dropped off in Nyaaa S aturday n ig h t for Mrs. “ Bud” Anderson returned from stalled a t the eub station in Ny »a the Mrs Frank Stubbs will go to Boise a few hours vl it w ith his ur.cle, Fred p< w er will be off m ost of th . d ,y Sun Vale this week where she had been S aturday to select a piano for the Re- L. Sheets and family. visiting home folks. day. The new transform ers are an in Jam es Kelley, forem an e f th e Pipe dication th a t business in the vicinity is Owen T est of Ontario, was here this bekuh Lodge. Misses S tauker, Evan» and Lawrence Line Farnj, made several trip s to On growing. week in the in terest of the Standard X w ere Sunday guasta with Mias Eva Boy- tario during the week end in the in Oil Comoany. te re st of employing men for farm work. X dell. The members of the G. A. R. are An Error ÏÎ H T. F rancis w ent to Vale Monday Tna Nysaa B akery haa tk ii week re planning to hold memorial day services In la st w eek's issue appeared a local which will be on Sunday May 30th, out for ju ry duty. He wae accom panied ceived a big, new electric oven which X by his wife and tw o dau g h ters. M ra. hslps to m ake N yaaa’a bread w ith a mention sta tin g th a t He..ry M cNre and cf respect to our soldier dead. Roy Cook had leased the Service Ga Ralph Servoss and fam ily accompa Paul Baird and Mrs. A lbert lred ale. little more speed. I t bakes 120 leaves rage. This mention was erroneously nied byT . J . Caldwell w ere out joy A p arty consisting of Barney Wilaon, ot a tim e. reported to this paper. Mite Pearl Wallace and Mies Mabel riding Sunday, m aking the rounds of H arry G o sh ert Marlin Wilson, A lbert X Parm a and Caldwell. Cook, C. H. P reity m an . Geo Green, Sm ith, whe have been teaching achoei Another Millionaire in Nyssa. a t Dead Ox F la t w ere visiting th s for 3pecial preaching seraicew ill be held 3. B urbridge and Con Wilson wove out Mr. J H. C antrell of Owyhee, pre in the M ethodist church on Sunday eve to Cottonwood last Sunday They r e m er's sitte r, Mrs. Bhadow, a t Pipe Line ning by Reverend F. E. Finley, of port good fishing and tro u t in fine I hape, Farm during the w eek. They returned sented Mrs. J . S. Pinkuton with E m m ett, Idaho. All are cordially in with George Green the acknowledged to O ntarie, Sunil y w here they will a t sack of pota osa. Mrs. Pinkston is M tend the teacher» convention, Monday, now thinking of buying an in te re st in champion fisherman. vited to attend. X the Oregon Short Line. ¡| IRyssa and Dfclnity | Ü “ f WIJAT B \N *IN G H XSDONE FOR FARMING B \ N K I rG f a c il' - - i l orvleev hev*» m i d e i * po*«ible to develo'.i oorc I- i l iJ ,,ro i l m ir - p r o lic ts They h.tve a d - ! ¡h - grow th of th s c jn n ijm ty and udded to th^ pro*pèrity of tha m n fo m -r K ight here » t bom * th e Malh ur C i intv Bank is con ctanMv I- d'->*r ncoura, m^nt t >w ird uphulldng It h t s j . j i e t I in ibe oponmg of n ; v U n is, the increasing o f ersos, t- • c l " ^em enf of livestnek herds l u re source-, ara available for ev ry so rt of legitim ste f i r m- jng activlty John Ray, Vie» Président H. J. W ard. P resident ... H. ~Wolf. . . . . . Caahlor 3fôaîHeur(îrmn% NYSSA. OIUOON v-> ■ - 4 » a x x a a is x it:a H i a x x s s s s s s s s s n X X x X X X m X x w x x x m x x X X X' Nysaa Hardware Co. to come, but the weather man is against us and we cannot work against the elements, so we are going i X t to take this opportunity to rid our stare of ali Spring X hi M erchandise. x x Our Loss and Your Gain X R ight in the face of an advancing market and in the x height of the s iring season. x x x M ILLIN E R Y x x X Put It Off! Do It N O W D o n ’t SACRIFICE SALE M x x X X X X u X n X u X X X in X I k Get voar HARVESTER MACHLNERY RE- X X PAIRS before the reason’s rush. X X X [X X X X FARMERS A TTE. n T ON X X Seed Grain recleaned at th e mill X WE HAVE OUR STOCK IN AND CAN X X tor 10c per hundred pounds. X X FIT YOUR WANTS X Chopping feed, 10c per Hundred X pounds. X Feed Barley chopped and locked X X X per 100 pounds >3.60. X Entire stock of New Spring Merchandise offered at X Corn and Barley mixed a t $3.50. X H X Chopped C ora peer 100 pounds $ 3 .3 .. tremendous reduction. W2 anticipated an early X t orn per 100 pouaca $3.13. X spring and made great preparations and are get- Seed barley p er 100 pou 1 1» $3.50. X X S. D. GOSHERT, Proprietor. X X Seed W heat, L’lueetem , cleaned and tin g tired o f this WATCHFUL W AITING for spring ready to sow, per 100 pounds, $4.50 & X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M X X $20.00 Georgette and Braid Hats a t ......................................................................... $14.85 $15.00 Hats a t ....................................................................................................................... 1140 $130» Hats a t .......................................................................................................................... 9.1o * !0 H a tsa t ..................................*.............................................................................. 7 00 Lot I. a large assortment, a t .. . . .............................................................................. .5.00 Lot II. a large assortment, at .................................................. ........ 4J0 See our Graduation Hats at Special Prices SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES $87 51* tricotine s u it s ................. $57.50 $80 tricotine su its....... 5O,o0 ■17 50 all woo! Jersey Suiis . . .. 29 00 50 coats at . - . . . ......................... 30.00 35.('0 coats a t....................................... 25.00 $35 00 serge dresses a t........... . 19.00 V5.O0 serge dresses Ht---- .14.00 19.00 serge dresses a t .....................13 00 55.00 tatïeta dresses a t.................30.< 0 37 50 taff'-ta dresses a t ................... 27. £0 PETTICOATS $13.00 s ilk embroidered petticoats at ........... 11 00 silk Jersey Petticoats at ....... ................. 9.00 silk jersey talTetta flounce pottieoats at A limited number at- ..................................... 11 00 9 00 7.00 5.00 SK IR TS $3-"> fancy silk and satin skirts at ............... ..................................................................27 50 $25 funcy silk sport shirts at ........ ........................................... ............................ 19 75 $1850 plaid skirt* ...... .... 1250 $14 wool serge skirts at ..................................................................................... 900 $12 fancy silk skirts a t ...................................................................................................... 8.00 HOSE Colors black, browo, gray and white $1.75 silk fiber hose at.. ............ ...................................................................................... 145 1.00 lisle hose at........[................................................................. ................................... 70c ONE HUNDRED CHILDRENS HATS AT COST We cannot quote all the bargains here but come in and I'Mak them over. Seeing is believing. The Sale starts full force without any restrictions except for cash—and cash only ____________________________ _____ - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XI X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OREGON X X m £ £ l XXXXXXr*ESKH X X X X X X X X X X OUR PHONE NUMBER IS 10 R X OUR MEATS ARE BEST AND ALWAYS X FRESH X COURTEOUS TREATMENT X PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED ’J* Ì . a.: üku X X GLYCERINE MIXTURE SURPRISES NYSSA X The qu irk action of simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, e tc., as mixed in Ad M ler,i ka, is surprising. One spoonfu. relieves ANY CASE gas on stom ach or sour stom ach. A dler i ka acts on N BOTH upper and lower bowel and re X move» all foul accum ulated m atter whioh poisoned stom ach. O ften X CURES constipation. P revents appen X d'citia. One lady rep o rts jjjjj has no X more pain in back of head or g as on 3tomach since using A dier-i-ka. S. F. F o ster, D ru g g ist n x X WB BUY, raise, and cell fur bearing rabbits, and o th er fur-bearing an imals. L ist w hat you have with us, statin g your low est prices on large lo t shipm ents. T he F u r A Specialty Farm ing Co.,515-117 N . P . Ave., F a r go, N . Dak. IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N, FOR T H E COUNTY OF In Tit# M utter of th e E sta te of WTLUA l YI KENNEDY, Deceased. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T hat iiuory Cole, executor o f the E state of 'W illiam Kenned}-, deceased, has rendered and filed w ith the Court Jen -said for se ttlem en t h is Final Vceount o f his adm inistration of said esta te ; and th a t Monday, May 3rd. 1920, a t one o clock P. M., o r as soon th e re a fte r as an be heard, and in the C ourt Roem of said Court In Vale, M alheur County, Oregon, have ■een appointed as th e tim e an place for the settlem en t o t a id account, a t which tim e and place any person in terested In said estate may appear and file objections to the said am ount, and c o n test the sam e EMORY MODE. I A MONTHLY MAGAZINE S2.64 The Year S eed 10 Cents for Sam ple Copy to , C orrect X English P u tii h . 3 Evanetoo, Illin o is Co. Good Things to Remember X % X X n Nyssa ieat Market C *r. de BOER. Prop, i a 0 X X X X X X X [<r XXXXXXXXXXXX! M ALHEUR. CORRECT ENGLISH How To Use It x Style Shop M IL L Said Executor. Saturday Morning, May 1 O N TA R IO FLC U R F irat publication April 2.1920. I « a t publication April 84, 1920. ______________________________ y j N YS SA SPRING FENCING See our line of POSTS Gem State Lumber Co. NYSSA, OREGON PHONE NO. 8 For an evening o f Entertain ment and Rest Come to the ,IBERT ------ THE ATE Saturday, Sunday, Tueaday, Thursday and F. :day Night