Small T o w n —C o p y 6 91 SALVATION ARMY TO MAKE BSYS FARMERS Negkcted Yomnsters to Be Given Th rough Training in Mechanics of farming. FISK With thorough appreciation ot the value to the atate of trained agricul turists. veraed in modern methods and with a knowledga of applied mechanic! necessary to modern farm ing, the Salvation Army In its Home 8ervice Program for Oregon, plans to make useful farm hands, If not farm experts of many neglected and dependent youngster*. Throughout the state C E R T A IN man in N ew York filled out hit there are always lads whose ages income tax report. range from seven and eight to fifteen years, who will have no future apart It showed an income so large that his tax was from poverty and comparative ignor 53%. A n d his toted gifts to church and char- ance and probable criminality. Op ity fo r the ye a r w ere $148. portunities such as those to be effered by the In duaf'al and Agricultural Think o f it—thousands spent for luxuries and sohool the Sal v atlon Army plans to pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world establish at Ncrth Yamhill, on the 100 acre farm on which now stand the a little better than he found it! buildings of the Bishop Scott school, Most o f us do better than that; but not so very will open before those lads a useful life. much better. Brought up to manhood In clean Our average daily gift for all church causes it surroundings, with daily Instruction In ordinary schooling and practical in — less than we spend for daily papers struction and practice in farming, the —less than a local telephone cad youngstera will not only be saved from — less than a third of the day’s car fare bad citlianshlp but given an honorable — less than 3 cents a day ' profeailon or trade with which to earn their own way as man. Next time— B U Y FISK N o wonder that 80% o f the ministers o f America At the Yamhill school, to be pattern are paid less than $20 a week. N o wonaer that •d after the famous Lytton school con F O R S A L E BY ducted by the Salvation Army in Cali the church hospitals turn aw ay thousands o f sick fornia, both boys and girls will find people a year. N o wonder that China has only all the essentials of preparation for one doctor for every 400,000 people. N o wonder life’s battle. The girls will be taught that every church board and charity society is sewing, household duties, cooking etc. The boys will be trained in several forever meeting deficits, forever passing the h a t trades and in farming, horticultural It isn't because we are selfish; it isn’t because w s and animal husbandry pursuits and don’t want to help. It’s just because no one has ever put modern farm mechanics. And while their bodies and minds op a great big program to us, and asked us to think oi the #r# being trained their responsibilities work of the church in a systematic businesslike way. as citizens and members of society The Interchurch W orld Movement represents the united will not be neglected in fact, one of program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed the strongest teachings of the Halva their whole task, no business could have done it better. lion A m y la Americanism. The school la nen-sectartan. They have budgeted their needs; no business could have Through the efforts of tha Salvation a more scientific budget. Th ey have united to prevent the A m y in Portland, several boys hav possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million d o t bean token from up atate Oregen lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual oaas towns ant placed at the California STATE OF OREOON, paigns are joined in one united effort. farm school temporarily until the COUNMY OF MALHEUR, fund* made available by tha financial SCHOOL DISTMCT N0.26. And they come to the men or women who love Amerisa oampatgn, May 1 to May 10, provide —to you— this week asking yqji to use them as thechao* List your Farm s ar Dry Lands with ub for tha opening ot tha Yamhill school. •el through which a certain definite part of your Notice is hereby given that at tha Oaunty advisory beards in every coun Can be be applied to make this a better woild. The year 1920 in you^ opportunity to Bell. ty in Oregon are helping the Salvation school district bond aleetion hereby Only you can determine what part o f your income that A m y in this great work with children called to be held at the High Schoo W e are bonded and licensed m em bernof the should be. Building, Nyesa, Oregon,- in and for «chool district No. 26 o f Malheur aounty, I s a good time right now to answer that question IN T E R STA TE R E A L TY ASSOCIATION Oregon, on the 8th day o f May, A. D W e ’re passing through the world just once; how much I92\>, between the hours of two o'clock A Square Deal Guaranteed better will the world be because y o u passed through? m. and saves o ’clock p. an there will be submitted to the legal voters thereof the question o f contracting a Uni * 4 April 23th Tha "citixene’ division" quota for bonded indebtedness in the sum of Financial List your lands here and be ready for the rush when ! ! to _Malh*ur County in the united simalta- $24,600 for the purpose o f constr.cting Campaign May t o « the roada get fit, t neous campaign o f tha charthes co op- a school building and purchasing such ' erating in tha Intarchurch World Move- additional raal aetata aa may be nacre mant has boon set at $3,800.00. Tha se rf (or school purposes in and far said citizens’ division state quota is $230,00“. district; tha vote te be by ballot upon This sum ia tha total for the general which shall ba tha words "Bonds—y es" campaign, and in addition to the da and ’ Bonds—n o ," and the voter shall nominational quotas, several o f which placa a cross (x) between the word J. BO Y D E LL, M gr. already have boon announced. The ‘ Bonds” and tha word “ yas” ; or be NYSSA, OREGON Phone 4 campaign will be directly in the hands tween the word bonds and the word j o f the Interchurch County Director for n o " which indicates hi* choice. * * 4 4 4 « * 4 » 4 4 »4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 »4 »»4 * 4 * * *4 4 4 4M t 4 * « M t i «M > < . this County. The polls for tha reception of the flu publication i f this tdvrrtittm tni it m oJt ie iu h h tkreufh l i t , This does not comprise a budget for ballots cast far or against th* con thirty denominatimi. the Intercharch Movement as an or traction ot (aid indebtedness will, an geiiixation. The subscription* to thi. ■aid day end data and at the place fund ara to be divided among the c o aforesaid, be opened at the hour of operating churchaa. In tha coming two o ’ clock p. m. and remain open un united simultaneous campaign member til tha hour of seven o ’ clock p. m o f j ships o f the various cooperating tho same day whan tbo same shall b e , churches will be asked for millions ef closed. dollars to carry on work which is not By order o f Ih# district school board o f a demoninatinnal character, but ia o f School district No. 2* o f Malheur for the good o f society in it* broadest county, Oregon, made this 15th day sense. of April A. D. 1920. “ The citizens o f the country who E. M. DEAN, hav* the good o f the social order at Chairman District School Board. heart will b* asked to contribute also through this citizens' division," said ATTEST: C. C. HUNT. the county campaign director, "net District Clerk. can be ebtained only through perfection in every for the benefit o f anyone denomination, Q ualification O f V ot aas. detail. Fourteen year*’ experien ce ha* created a not even for tha advancement o f tha Any citiien o f this state, male oi reputaition that show the highest standard o f eat.biaued churenes from tha narrow character. point o f view, but to tea end o f bring female, who ia twen’ y-ona years el ing better, more wholesome conditions age and haa resided in tb* district 3( Nyssa, O regon throughout tha world. Far hospit days immediately preceeding the meet ing or election and has property in th* | als, schools, missionary centers, Cases that require same are attended by lady as * 4 4 4 4 4 » f o 4 m » 4 4 « « 4 * 4 M m O » » » » * » » * * * » « » * * » » « <’ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ welfare work in backward industrial district, as shown by th* last county ; sistant. fields. Tha program o f the cburchea assessment, and not assessed by the j in the Interchurch World sheriff, on which he or sne is liable or ♦ »♦»»♦»♦♦♦»♦»»»»»♦♦♦».{■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦S ♦ Modern Chapel and Funeral Directors at your Movement ia more than a 'Christian ’ subject to p a ; a tax, shall be entitled program in it* ordinarily accepted sense to vote at any acheol meeting or elect- j service as applying . o particular religious de ion in said district; provided, that th* j nominations. It is a humanitarian property qualifications imposed by this movement—Christianity in its broadest section shall not apply in the election . of school directors and school c erks; C R AUGUSTUS H. L P E T E R 0N provided further, that any person Em balm er’ s License Embalmer’ s License I have too much land and with to sail shall bo deemed to have complied with all or part of, $0 acres between Owy th* property qualification imposed by No 283 No. 332 baa aad Shoestring canale in section this section who present* to th* direc 4) •6. A 240 acre relinquishment at tha tor* or jndges ot election satisfactory Big Bend, t whole blocks about evidence that he or she has stock, 3 acme each in Nyssa, Several desirable ■hares, or ownership in any corpora lots also in Nyasa. 29if tion, firm, or copartnership which ha. W. B. Hoxie. property in the district, as shown by Nyssa, Oregon th* last coanty assessment, end not a* O N TA R IO , OREGON ■cesod by the sheriff. on whieh such OU who are without Telephone Service; com pare it* METHODIST CHURCH corporation, firm, or copartnership daily cost to yon with many other thing* y< . buy Rev. W. W. Deal. Paitor pay* a tax. even though his or her in •ach day. We believe yon will find that it will ahve you Services at 11 a. m. on the 1st. 3rd dividual name doe* not appear upon money. T y It. and 8th Sundays. At 7 80 p. to. on tha the tax roll. 2nd and 4tr Sundays. Sunday School ovary Sunday at 10 a FOR SALE—4 god grad# cow* Hoi- That’ s Warm Enough. Do They Sell the Rica LaterT steins; 10 two year old heifer* and 6 An astronomer has come forth with In the interior of China native* on* year »M and on* ball 2 year* old. In hatch both hen and d oc» eg*» hy burr the belief that the temperature of the FOR BALE -6 year old work quire C. Blok her, 2 miles north o f ing them In lukewarm rlea, which they eenter of the *un Is not more than 10,- 1,400 peunda. Wm Peutz. »***> »*— ' Nyesa. | OUU degree, centigrade. reheat daily. How much should I give to make this a better world? T IR E S A T ^ H E only tires built to an ad* * vertised Ideal — an Ideal that definitely indicates the policy and aim o f the m akers o f Fisk Tires. The Fisk Ideal: “ T o be the best concern in the w orld to work for, and the squarest concern in existence to do business with.” . Gate City Garage t SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND i 1020 ELECTION NOTICE (OdO O PPO R TU N ITY ì MALHEUR COUNTY’S QUOTA IS $3,300 CMNTERCHURCH Nyssa Realty W o r ld M o v e m e n t of North America SEASON'S NEEDS o SUCCESS In Any Endeavor Hat Dye Blue Stone Formaldehyde Wrigh’ts Condensed Smoke Prescriptions Carefully Filled Foster’s Drug Store Ontario Furniture Co. STOP A MOMENT Y Malheur Home Telephone Go