t h e • c OWYHEE MICKIE SAYS iMr. ami Mrs. Ray Cantrell went to Emmett Saturday for a few days visit. (Mrs. Hen Logan gave a birth lay dinner in honor o f Mr. Logan on Sunday evening. * ■ all TU' I M ICl'aulde Smith, who has been very ill with la grippe is now sitfriciiently recovered to be around again. m m 1% t € m m M ■ Pi m m M U l his pictures indicate. The trip was a little too much fo r him as he oejae home sick with a touch o f pneu monia. OH, YOU JULY THE 0NETH and: has been .condemned %»r until repairs can be made. rIE j ' (MM ^ ^ „ ONE SHE KEEPS . Gem W ord received from Miss Marian ijow e of W alla W alla by her parents ^ stated tnat she had unex. ectedly m «t Mrs. F. Kdingback, o f Nyssa, who 1« there for a shora visit, on the streets o f W alla W alla, and that they enjoued a pleasant visit to gether at he home of Mrs. K lin « ’ back's i>areuU. State Lumber Mrs. T . M. Low e has consented to g ive a demontion In the making o f home made hominy at the Liopan Co. home in the netr future, date -as yet not stated. The opportunity to gain this useful knowledge should not be neglected by Owyhee housewives and all interested1 are invited to be pres ent. Mr. O tto Schweiaer of .Caldiwell visited a t the -o w e ranen this week. The Parent-Teachers w ill have a m eeting a t ouse Friday afternoon. association the school The roa'i on th e Owyhee ditch bank is umumally slippery lately. On Tuesday evening while d rivin g home from school the Huffman children narrowly escaped a slide into the river. Try our Nyssa Meat Maiket use became the ow ner» o f a new Over- . ¿ y ^ a u t o m o U i« . The onion la one o f the most vnlua hie vegetables, and should he entea freely throughout the year. A little sprig o f parsley eaten after eating onions will remove the objectionable odor. O n i o n s Stuffed With Nuts. — Boll "5 — even sized onions • b i n e or m a n until teuder, remove the centers, chop and mix these with butter, chopped nuts, salt, pepper and bread crumbs. Fill the onions and pour around them Graduate o f Palmer School o f Chiropractic. Chiropractic Fountain Head a little thin cream or rich milk, or any. Nyssa, Oregon Office hours—9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. broth with which to baste them while baking. Serve as a garnish to a plat ter o f pork chops or they may take the place of meat. Baked H a n — Soak a iiani over night. Ilf the m o ritn f put In a kettle one FOR S A LE — 80 acres on. State onion, o * carrot, six cloves, six pep percorns, one bay le a f and water to Highway, one mile north west of cover. Simmer fo r tw o hours. When | N'yssa— G. M. WMTKLdiFF, James- tender remove the skin, place on a town, O. Advlfttf. ruck In a baking pan and Imke two to _________________________________________ three hours, hasting with elder and n ; W A N T E D __A loan of $700 or »800 cupful o f water from the ham liquor. I on dwelling property in Nyssa. Obli When done stir im a tablespoonful of | at The Journal office for particulars. brown sugar into the elder sauce and cover the ham and brown. Serve hot — a d m -2 0 . with the liquor from the pan poured FOR S A LE — A few Choice Hol around if, or served in a gravy boat. String beans are delicious cooked stein heifers, due to freshen soon. for several hours with a piece of sweet, E. F. Pratt. — AEv IS tf firm salt pork. They are good cooked with olive rill or with bacon. Season P R O F E S S IO N A L . them sometimes with cheese er chop ped parsley or chives. Hot Potato Salad.— Boll half n dozen PH Y S IC IA N S and SURGEONS potatoes and slice while hot. I'M thin slices f f bacon and cut them into smal^ bits, using half a cupful. Pour J. J. S A R A Z IN oft the fat, leaving two tnblespoonful«, Stir Into this one tnblespoonfnl o f flour, Phjrsidtnn and Surgeon a pinch Of mustard, a dash of cayenne and salt to taste. Stir until smooth, adding gradually one-half cupful o f Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. mild vinegar. L et t ile dressing boll, C. W.;de BOER. Prop- jid d the bacon and adm ail onion finely chopped, (lien the potatoes. Serve very hot. WEE6-E, W IL L IA M Nippon Salad.—T o one cupful of ■ crab meat non one dozen stuffed olives EDGAR FO R TN E R . M D chopped, two c u p fjls o f celery and Fiench dressing well seasoned to mar Physicians and Surgeons inate. Serve wit^ mayonnaise dress W E A R E TOiLD T H A T LUM BER IS ing garnished with capers and pickles. Offices Over First National Bank N O T H IG H, T H A T A BUSH Eli. OF GRAIN, A T O N F H A Y , A HOG, A F rt¿ E SH E E P OR SiTBHR W IL L BUY OREGON O N TA R IO , MORE LU M B E R T H A N EVER BE FORE. GOVERNM ENT STATIS TIC S IN D IC A T E T H IS IS TRUSS— BUT JUST T H E SAM E IT COOTS DON S. N UM BERS, M ONEY T O BUILD. TH E R E F O R E , NOW, MORE T H A N EVER, IT B EHOOVES T H E PROS PH Y S IC IA N a SU RG E O N P E C T IV E B U IL . .Jft T O ftp G U L A T E HIS EXPH N D 1TURE8 UPON AN IN Parma. V E S T M E N T B A S IS - R E A L V A L U E Phone 40 IXMl E V E R Y DOI j LAR. TH IS IS W H E R E T H E GEM STA TE COMBS IN. C M IR O PR A C TO K W H E T H E R IT IS T H E N S W HOME A RE-MODEL O F TU B OLD W IT H IN T E R IO R FIXTURES AND 3U IU r in f u r n t t u h e , o r a b a r n , o a V J ENOS rage , G RANARY. HOO-HOIWE. M AC H IN E SHED, FMSD RACK, chiropractor HEADER BOX, H A T R A CK, Oft Graduate of Palm er School r f EVEN A GATE, O U ll "CUOTOll- Chiropractic K R S-AID " PI A N « W ILL, H E L P YOU NYSSA, OREGON BUHLD BCO NOM rCAflAY, W W H . l Office hours 9:00 a. m to 4:00 j>. I AND W E L L PH O N E N O .8 ABSOLUTELY PURE Census taker Davis made his head Mrs. GooMim— Is your husband n tee quarters at the Kllngbaok home totaler, Mrs. Wayback? w h ile canvassing up the river beyond -Mrs. Wayback— Only at. limes, Mrs. Mitchell Butte. Goesuni, ami he prefers «.'"Ifee, any " | Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fisher recently how. NO C L IF P O M PAINE ...... “ What is the secret <>f lier popu larity?'' " I don't know. That Is one secret she enn and d ats-keep to, herself.” Fresh bolted P o m Meal fo r Sate iu any quantity, sacks w ill b e furn ished'. W e also do custom o ^ d j n g AdvJan 9-tf Hatflqfd W m . Peutr returned Mondkiy tfom Portland, w b ere he had takgn a cur O. load o f cattle. W hile there he saw General Pershing In a parade, says he is a younyer looking man than B E TW E IN TRANSFER AND K. VALE PHONE Val«, TRANSFER, PI one C. H. Or<ffon. D E N TISTS Supplies a n d Accessories DR. T. O. H U M PH R E Y « DENTIST Telephone 81 NYM A THE N Y S sA , OREGON Autnatbile and Gtncral Repairing - Ptfrma Idahe DR. A- R ROBERTS (7 Bedas. Panna, Idaho Phon« 43 D k 'UTIST Prop: Between Depot and M»in Street O n t a r io , O r e g o n . PATENTS • . c O ffice 117.-Res. O N T A R IO M l » « « . » S M to In— ni | D. SWIFT & CO. lli- 2 OBBG'ON. atto rneys GATE CITY GARAGE OVER BXRN C. M. C R A N D A L L FUTURE A TTO R N E Y A T LA W MANNER FOR THE OREGOH OF ANO IN A THE WILL BEST INTER EST OF THE PUBLIC. JOHNSON. W. FI. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher a t t o r n e y s - a t - u a W Guaran * Y/ilaoa Bldg i ,lotero, <>r R. W. SW A G LE R C. W. Reberger THE »ATIBPACTORY LORIN Auto Accesoci es and Supplies ™ ÍM*M TAKEN MANAGEMENT CONDUCT THE BUEINE** IH THE VA£*E Repairing W ork HAVE N VIS V FEED P A T I N T LAWYERS, Auto teed I ENTIRE I 303 Seventh St., Washing?™, D. C J PA U L SMITH Nyssa Oregon NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Building mad Mtvp too ifionoy Writo today. Good, young, heavy/ work team—a well broke and reliable team for any work. f W ilson Phones: P A T E N T * BUILD FORTUNES *” jrn». O ir fr M P h o n e 52 DR. W . G HOWE DBNTtST t r n r i# m u r k s and copyright* obtained or no f*p. Send m o d ^ L k etch p « o r photo« and de- vTlptfon for f K k S E A R C H and report on patentability. r r f^ o c p * . For Sale * Chiropractors locate and adjust the cause o f rheumatism by using C H IR O PR AC TIC VER TE B R A L AD JUSTM ENTS with the bare hands only. The canse will be found in the pressure on the nerve*, thru the vertebrae (small bones of the spine) being displaced. The vital force is thus prevented from How ing thru the nerves to (he various organa and abnormal metabolism is thus produced, with the resultant formation of Uric acid. These vertebrae are pui into proper align ment by the Chiropractor The result is H E A LTH . Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free. GUARANTEED The sudden high water in the riv er Friday caused a big tee jam at the railroad bridge near Kingman station. Several attempts have been made to blast the ice out but the bridge .was considerably damaged IE B RAIN EYES EARS NC AT ARMS HEART LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLESN KIDNEYS SM ALL BOWEL LARGE BOWEL G ENITAL ORGANS THIGHS L L B Q i Home Brand Lard M r. and Mrs. Gea. Smith recently sol'd their ranch to Mr. K e rr o f On tario, who brought out a load of farm impliments Wednesday. The Smiths are not obliged to g 'v e fl ic.-ts ion until the first o f March. IH M Chiropractic for Rheumatism » su bluxnted fW W tm V. J. ENOS» D. C. Miss Fay Miller, o f Emmett, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ray Oantrell. The ice went out oif the OwyHee river with arush Friday evening, the break up oecuring very suddenly. Over tw elve hundred sheep belong ing to Aleck Ballentine, o f Caldiwell which were being fed on the river bar at the W . W . Smith ranch were overwhelm ed and drowned. Several hundred sheep belonging to J. „ Gordon and Mr. Sewell were drown ed also. A crew o f eight men finish ed skinning the dead1 sheep Wed nesday. Mrs. Ballentine came over from Caldiwell to take i picture of the heap o f dead heep. A II H i m OB soy of the M o w in g psnam sy b t o u n i by •arres Impinged u U m spU w kf FOOD FOR TODAY. oowi* t ' PRESS Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family who have been living in Nyssa since August, are m oving back to their homestead in the Owyhee. ■ j l t\NO HOURS 6ET0R.E iMr. and Mrs. Clias Fisher and son Paul and Mr. Geo. Skinner were guests o f grandma Bradley's Sunday evening. M « M changes Helping the hopeful, a hundred to one; And through the cliaoe, htgh wisdom arranges Ever success, if you’ll only hold on. IMisia Maude Clark has been very ill with lagrippe for several days. ■ m Never give up! There are chances and T he tnpe \ n tu vr » e « l AV cm mvmAL. a • the : • KITCHEN CABINET g o o d nvgv W \ ' - t u « EVUtVASfl**' a.o%w VS GCCt \K VAN KV»' V GOTTA. GOOD N OTION -t' OO » W O I TUA. TH PATER 'S 9V)T \ JES' SIE M S U KE g EOIWS FOLKS NEVE«. G if' OVER TvC VOER 'CVt \NE SET (B Y OUR RBOULAR CORRESPONDENT) p a t i m ] Room» 12. 14. 16 Wilson Bldg. I O NTARIO - Nyssa Feed Barn LORIN JOHNSON. PROP. A TTO R N E Y -A T-LA W - OREGON V m