- '« < i m p i l i I «—W-iyy», , BUY NOW 'Let's get business going- and keep if going”—Buy Wisely, but buy now. VOL. XVII <£l)c (Ditte Citi) NO. 40 minuti NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 1919 B U IL D N O W You can notice the earmarks of prosperity along good roads. * $1.50 PER YEAR 5C PER COPY ' assurance giver, because of the scientific importance and the practical nature of her talk and her aenuftistratien. Miss Florence Besly, a graduate nurse especially assigned to this edu­ cational work by the American Red Chautauqua Attractions Cross, will lecture an the afternoon of Bankers Called on to Explain I n N v t s a I n n * 9 9 O A ? C 1 the third day on “ THE RED CROSS- In N y ssa J u n e Z b A K fcW D A nd a prophecy .- How Treaty Was Brought and will hold an instruction conference Into United States. Tha Nyssa Chautauqua association on “ HOME CARE OF THE SI^K ." met in the city council room Monday The American Red Cross holds a unique evening and electad its officer and place in the affectiens of the people of Washington. — Resolutions asking committee men for the work to be done all the world, and the message of its the state department for the text of in preparing for the opening of our representative, carried to ua under Rad the treaty with Germany and directing Chautauqua to be held in Nyssa. The cliffe auspices, will be eagerly sought the foreign relations committee to In­ dates tor Nyasa's three-day inapera- The whole inspiring, educative pro­ vestigate how copies of the unpublish­ tional community meet are June 23, 24 gram is symmetrically arrange. There ed documents have reached private and 2b. is something worth while for avery- hands in New York, were adopted bjt Co operating with the Radecliffe ono and nona n*ed go fifty milos from the senate without a roll call. Chautauqua System, the local organ­ home to get lively entertainment and The request for the treaty will be izer* of this annual getting together fresh cultural impulses, when these are referred by state department offleials are arranging for a rousing time with brought in such rich measure right to to President Wilson and Secretary twelve gripping events on the program. the community. The success of our Lansing at Paris and pending a reply Entertainment numbers of the first Chautauqua can be read in the striking no official opinion is available here quality are to be combined with fee- features outlined and in tbe sincerity as to whether the lext will he forth­ turs illustrative of the great central of tbe community's purpose in arrang coming. theme of this year’s program—Educa­ Ing for it. Under the investigation resolution tion for every American child. Introduced at the request of the white The quickened spirit of democracy Children*! Day Program. house by Senator Hitchcock of Ne­ preparing for tha dawn of a new era The Childreu’a Day program “ Th* braska. senior democrat of the foreign embraces Education as tha only road College Bell’, will be carried out at tbe relations committee, it is expected to future progress. Embarking on a M. E. Church next Sunday at 11 A. M. that a far-reaching inquiry will begin crusade foi real education and staking Various groups representing school within a few days. The committee ita ancceaa on the finer and more joy­ groups, boy scouts, camp fir* girls, met Monday to formulate plans which ous things of life, the Radcliffe Chau flower girls, etc, will take part in this may include the summoning of mem­ tanqua, and ita local co-operators invite program. The Warren and th* Owyhee bers of the American peace delegation. the whole community to make the town Sunday School have been asked to Adoption of the Hitchcock resolu- the dynamic center of the United States assist in the exercises. A cordial in­ for three days. vitation to all (Continued on Page Eight) The local Chautauqua promoters are building for an ideal—a raised standard of living for everybody. And they are building with ideas The program is loaded with material. THE FIGHTING YANKS, a group * of military boys in the uniform* they ' wore in France, will make the Chau­ tauqua atmosphere, vibrate with the speed of their rapid-fire entertainment on the afternoon and night of the first day. This organization of inatrumen- talists, vocalists and dramatic entertain­ ers will give the opening program ita humorous and its rollicking touch with their colorful “ trench” repertory, O U R F O U N T A IN - THE COLUMBIANS. rollicking youthful spirits. j ) l of them, but ar­ tists of the highest order, will order ’two concerts on the second day. These are skilled instrumentalists as Wall at highly trainad vocalists, and their esthetic musical numbers are of­ fered in combination with c olorful costume affects. THE RELLINO TAYLOR CO. has When you are warm and uncomfortable you will be surprised been reserved as tha concert offering of the closing day and tha assurance is at the relief you will experience through one of the many given that its offering will be of the cool, delicious, refreshing drinks we dispense. first quality in artistic affect. Sam Bel- lino, tha Accordion King, will bring with him his big instrument wite the pipe-organ tone and will demonstrate not only its complex technique and its dignity as a muscial instrument, but alio his mastery of it in both lighter and aym phonic effects. Lloyd Taylor will con­ tribute a group* of reading* and imper­ sonations to the concert program. Mr. Taylor is a rapid fir# artist, a dramatic TRY THEM ! dynamo.' The six lecture* are not leas enter " Y O U 'L L DO BETTER. M E R E tainir.g, witty snappy and radiant, on# ! is assured, but they have averyeenoua purpose. The big, throbing questio 1 | of the hour is Elucation. The Chat- tauqua orators and demonstraors will make this subject ring. Dr. W T. S. Gulp, broad, eloquent, P H O N E ,V I A Y l i r I N t S S A iw keen, analytical, constructive, the ma:- I ter of fi.OOO audiences, will give the opening afternoon lecture on "THE High Officers Involved in At­ LAMP OF ALADDIN.” This lecture will be remembered long after the tempted Rakeoff on $30,- khaki tent has departed. There will 000.000 Sales. *»e stimulate brains and around amotion before he hat finiahed with his graphic Detroit. — With the arrest here of I picture of the achievements of the four men. one of them an army officer, trained minds of the world. His even­ "THE GREATEST department of justice agents disclosed ing subject, an alleged conspiracy to defraud the THING THAT MEN MAY KNOW.” government in the sale of $30,000,009 will promote ideals of true education, worth of army supplies to be salvaged not of the hands alone, nor yet of th * head only, but alto of the heart. here. The marshal of thi* educational cru­ The United States grand jury has re­ CARRY |A CHECKBOOK turned Indictments, it was announced, sade will be th# Chautauqua Director, against Captain Soterioa Nicholson of Dr. A. M. Hyde, who, on the night of BUSINESS MEN all do this. Why don’t you? Carry Washington, chief finance offleer of the second day, will carry th# central ing a checkbook eliminates th# necessity for carrying them# to • practicel level under th# the ordnance department.for this dis­ cash, ani in addition to being the aafe way—ia syste­ trict; an unnamed army officer recent­ topic “THE PROBLEM OF THE UN­ matic. Th# record of every expenditure is placed on the ly sent to Fiance in connection with PREPARED.” The Director will in­ eheckstub-which remain in your possession. the disposal of excess supplies; Grant ject froth element* Inte social life • nd. The Malheur County Bank is alwaya glad to initiate new Hugh Browne, a millionaire sportsman jn snappy, live wire phrases, awaken patron« to the advantage« of a Checking Account. us to the beckward condition* of and racetrack 0 » ner of Del roit, and Won’t YOU be next? Fred C. Collins, vice-consul for Greece Amercian life. Hie third nigh; topic Preside*” will bo "PUSHING BACK THE H J Ward........... and president of a local realty com ___Vice-President John Ray HORIZON-Individual. Home. Com­ panr. Cashier J. H. Wolf. All but the officer in France, togeth­ munity.” a fertile subject thnt invite# er with Bert Harris, a Junk dealer of eloquence and imagery but thet affords New York, are held at Fort Wayne, also a valuable basie for objeerjv# in­ an army post h ^ e, for trial. Accord struction in idoals. In« to Arthur I. Barker, chief of t h e j Of particular significance will be th# bureau of investigation here. Collins. lecture on “ HOME MAKING" and the Brow ne and Harris are -charged with conferencJon “THE HOUSEAROi'KD conspiracy to eliminate other bidder’ THE CORNER" by th* RedclifT# W om­ for the material. the'M ds being held en Specialist i* Horae-Enginoenng. on lao low that the highest of the three the afternoon #f th* eucond day Thnt l would be far below the value of the . ah# will be listened to with absorbing supplies disposed of. ’ interest by both men nd a women is the THREE BIG EDUCATIONAL DAYS IN NYSSA SENATE WANTS TEXT OF PEACE TREATY I K 1 The hotter the day the cooler the drink that you secure from our fountain. No one else has ever equalled our quality when it comes to soda fountain products. NYSSA COMNUNITY CHAUTAUQUA Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday June 23, 24, 25 Season tickets now on sale. Get your badge! Social Tea. Honors War Victims Gold Star Memorial services for the 60 O. A. C. faculty and student soldiers who lost their lives in the great war were held at Corvallis Monday. June 10. Among the honored who died in the service of his country was Julian Lowe ¡of the Owyhee. All parts of the state were represented in the honor list of those making the supreme sacrifice. The Ladiea of the Second Division of the Presbyterian Church will give s tea at the church basement on Thurs *«y afternoon June 19. All cordially invited to attend. Mrs. P. Tensen Mrs, Addie Wilson Mrs. Wm. McKenaie Mrs. John Kakebeeke Mrs. Harry Sharp NOTICE I t T m EMBERS Mrs. Bert Hoxie OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Mrs. C. W. de Boer There will be a meeting of the Mrs. C. C. Hunt Commercial Club next Tuesday even Mr*. Dick Tensen . ing. Something doing. All members REPORT TOUR NEWS TO THE utged to be present. Tuesday 7:30p m. OATE CTTT JOURNAL. ISADORE LAX. GOOD SHORT TIME INVESTMENT If You Have a Hundred Dollar«, or more, you wish to ip vest for a short period a Certificate of Deposit furn­ ishes you a convenient and gilt*edge way to keep your money working for you. Cretificatas Are Issued for six or twelve months and draw five per cent interest and are negotiable. We Will Appreciate an opportunity to serve you Bank of Nyssa A.(G. KINGMAN, Pres. FRANK D. H ALU Cashier P BIG PLOT TO STEAL MILLIONS ALLEGED n JUallmù-Bounin' Sank ' C » r harm ac Y I A