Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
BUY NOW ‘Let’s get business going and keep it going”—Buy Wisely, but buy now. VOL XVII I)c (Date NO. 39 BUILD NOW You can notice the earmarks of prosperity along good NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 6 1919 To Give Rousing City Council Holds FT" Welcome to Boys m m Its Regular Meeting r-v -t v J t On July Fourth JM » The Journal ie in racipt of a letter from the chairman of the publicity committie for the Malheur County Veteran's Reunion and celebration to be held in Vale on the Fourth of July, in which the city of Vale extends a hearty invitation to all of Nyssa and surrounding community to be present. The letter in part is as follow«: Gate City Journal Nyasa, Oregon:- As you probably know Vale is plann ing on a big Fourth of July Celebrat ion this year which will be arranged chiefly as a home welcoming of Malheur County boys who donned the uniform and backed up the principles and honor of America. While the people of Vale have as sumed the financial responsibility of the entertainment it is the aim of the committee in charge to make the day 1 a truly cojnty wide celebration in < every respect and it is their hope that every service man in Malheur County will attend in uniform form the lirst Malheur County Veteran’s Reunion ! and the greatest Fourth of July! celebration ever planned for this county. | Thru yeu the City of Vale wishes to extend a hearty invitation to the ( people of Nyssa and and surrounding ' part of the country to be present at I the county seat on July Fourth and co- operate with them|in giving our home boys a rousing welcome that will con vince them of the appreciation that ia many times due • W“ mi m n .... ' 'o- : • •: ivi:- . 1 JT'?. INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE &&&■ - -4 the discovery, G ALSED settlem ent and de m m velopment of America. Columbus found the con tinent, the Pilgrims landed a t Plymouth, Jamestown was settled, our independ ence was won,and thegreat west was opened up, all in th e face of official opposi tion and discouragement. It took the vision, courage and enterprise of the indi vidual to accomplish these result?. In spite of this record our country ismen- aced today by a school of politicians w h o w o u ld crush individual enter prise and initiative with a perm anent system of pa ternalism and socialism. J PH U » Seeks All Entitled to Care and Treatment j iiPCUAL POR NOME ★ M U S t ? C E R » A LI» ..s Ut • ' > Washington. D. C — To insure care in hospitals and sanatoria for dis charged, aick and disabled soldiers, sailors and marinas and male and female nurses of the Army and Navy the Secretary of the Treasury, Surgeon General Blue of the public Health Service, and Col. Henry D. Lindsley of the War Risk Insurance Bureau have planned a campaign of national publicity to find ail persons Portland, Ore., On the eve of the entitled to such treatm ent and instruct Vicorty Rose Festivals, June II, 12 and 13, every indication points to the most them how to obtain it State and municipal health officers, successful of all festivals. representatives of the National ! A squadron of seven—possibly eight, Tuberculosis Associatiou, and the aeroplanes, six JN4H, one de Haviland Aaaerican Red Cross have been re and one huge Martin bomber, will fly quested to refer to the various branch- from Mather Field, Sacremento. under es of the Puttie Health Service all the command of Lieutenant Colonel persons needing relief. Officials of Watson, jit is possible that General corporations, benevolent associations Monohor, commanding officer of the and others will be asked te give their field, will take the flight in the Martin assistance in this effort to provide care bomber which is being tuned up in to every man and woman to whom it anticipation of theflight. Theplanes will arrive in Portland late June the 10th, ia owing. VICTORY ROSE FESTIVAL There’s Magic in the Very Name ICE CREAM Piaticularly if it tomes from our store. We have Ice Cream for you to eat here all pure, un- adualterated, healthful IceCream. W hat Dessert More Appeals to the Children or Grown-Ups as wed-what treat > ia moore appreciated downtown than Ice Cream th at is Right? You will find it so here. ■ * m si ' $1.50 PER YEAR 5C PER COPY ^ after the trip over the Siakiyous jnd Honey Recipes stop at ’Medford, Roscburg. Eugene, Salemand possibly other Western Oregon (Prepared Specially for the Journal by cities. They will remain here to take Mrs. W. W. Foster.) part in tna huge uerial circus and a t STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. times will carry civilian passengers on Take equal weights of strawberries flights over the city. and honey; mix the two and dry in the Rear Admiral Fuilam aboard his aun, or in a warm oven; put into care flagship, the Minneapolis, will bring a fully sterilized glasses and cover with fleet of warships from southern waters. paraffin. It will require from 12 to 24 Two seaplanes will be brough by the hours in the sunshine. A cup of honey Minneapolis, the first to be seen in weighs 12 ounces. Two boxes of straw action in the Northwest. berries require from 12 to 16 os of hor- Salem, Oregon City, Bugene, Madras, ey. Roseburg, Hrowsville, Hillsboro, CANNED STRAWBERRIES. PrinevUle, and LaGrande in Oregon will all enter floats in the festival pa To each quart of strawberries add geants while Seattle, Tacoma, Port two tablespoons of water. Heat to boil, Angeles, Chehalis, Montesana, Ridge ing point and let boil for fifteen min field. Kalama, Camas, and Centralia in utes. Add one cup of honey per quart Washington will take part. Other Ore and bring just to the boiling point a- gon and Washingtod cities have yet to gain Take from the stove cover the make formal entry although their kettei and allow to stand over night. presence has been assured. Vancouver, Wash and heat glass jars in boiling B. C., with its float will give the festi water. While hot, pack the cold berries val an internationa tating. into them Put on the rubbers and The Victory Industrial parade will be covers. Partially seal the jars. Stand held June 11th under the joint auspices them in a boiler of hot water on a of the festival and the 16th annual rack. Heat the water to boiling and convention of the Pacific Coast, Ad keep it boiling for eight minutes. Lift vertising Men’s Association. The mon out jars and seal tight If this method ster military parade will follow June is followed the berries, will remain 12th in which the principal military plump and not rise to the top of the units and organizations and their jar. auxiliaries will play leading parts. The huge floral parade, the feature of every festival, will be a glorious climax for Hundred Fold Returns tne Festival June 13th. The Oregon States Game warden In addition to the fleets of warships has been instrumental in increasing the and aeroplanes, the parades and many fish hatchery production in Oregon other features, a street carnival of and thus helping build up a great in. several blocks in the heart of thn city dustry, salmon packing. will be another magnet.,. By the exp:nditure of a few thousand Under the direction of the Progres dollars, Oiegon has been enabled to sive Business Men’s Club, the housing , increase the j value of fish taken situation will be handled in a manne. from its streams to millions of dollars that will provide accmmodations for annually, thus increasing the assessed everyone and eiimiate ail posiibla over i valuations of the state, making werk charges. for theusanbs of people and develop- Portland gates are to be thrown open I ing can manufacturing box manutact- and a royal reception for the men home ! uring and similar industries This is a from military service will be the key good examply of the expenditure of note of the 1919 Victory Rose Festival tax payers money and constructive work weich brings back a hundred fold Social Tea. returns. I he Ladies of the Second Division of Scientific development of fiah hatcher the Presbyterian Church will give a ies not only preveuts the depletion of tea at the church basement on Thurs the natural fish supply, but increases day afternoon June 19. All cordially it. Oregon’s example in developing its fish industry can be profitably followed invited to attend. by many States. Mrs. P. Tenson Mrs. Addie Wilson Mrs. Win. McKenzie Mrs. Kemp, formerly president of Mrs. John Kakebeeke the Oregon W. C. T. U. and one of Mrs Harry Sharp the National speakers will be in Mrs. Bert Hoxie Nysea on Thursday, June 12. She Mrs. C. W. de Boer H an albie and very interesting speak Mrs. C. C. Hunt er on hte present national prohibi Mrs. Dick Tenen tion situaton. She will apeak at the Oregon is asked To raise $250,000 for Methodist church at 7.30 p. m Dome home service work of the Salvation early as Mrs. Kemp mint leave on Army during the week of June *2 to 30. the evening train. $ 1 30,000 Road Bonding Measure Monday Evening Carried Heavily The regular monthly meeting of the town council whs held in the council room Monday evening. The following bills were presented and allowed: Nyssa Hardware company, $12.50 C. D. Simpson 28.00 Gate City Journal a.40 Idaho Power company 105.28 J. J. Sarazin 14.00 Nyssa Garage 3.00 V. R. Chi pm an 90.00 Bank of Nyssa 15.00 J. Hoydell 25.00 Total 295.18 A petiton was presented for con tinuation of water main from the T. O. Carman property to the resldense of Joseph Mayrs, in (block 70, Greens addition to Nyssa and signed by four property owners and future water users. On motion of Councillor Gos- hert, and seconded by Councillor Me- gorden the petiton was granted, and the Nyssa Hardware company and the recorder authorized to purchase the necessary material for same. The pro'positon of P. M. BinkTey and others re extending small pipe from the Frank Leuk property to tihe Zimmerman property on the nor th end cf Third street, was referred to the watter committee. •Reports from most of the precin cts thruout the county for the spec ial election held Tuesday show that the $230,000 Bondind measure for the construction of permanent roade in Malheur county carried by about two to one majority. Nyssa’» vote on this measure was 42 for and 2 against. All other measures In this precinct carried by a Wg majority. Prom latest reports before golna to press Malheur countyhas voted In favor of every constitictonal ameud- mene and measure by a big majority though the voting was extremely light. The state vote Incomplete, Is as follows: 6 percent rotad indebted ness, carried; Industrial Hospital, ettrried; Irrigation bond amendment, carried; $5,000,000 bond amendment, lost; Lieutenant Governorship, Lost; Roosevelt Higtowtay, carried; $5,000- 000 bond bill, lost; Soldiers aid bill, carried; Market road tax, carried. Harry Brown to Do All the Light Work The following is a clipping from the Payette Lake Star of McCall, Idaho: ‘‘The Star office doesn’t propose to take any mere back talk from subscrib er#. We have received reinforcement! Vale Chautauqua and are prepared to handle all comers with ease. Mr H. F. Brewn, formerly June 25 to 30 of the Nysea Journal, has joined the force, and will devote his time, talents Vale is to have a six days chsutauqua and moral support to this great family which has been announced for June 26 journal and household necessity. Mr. to June 30 inclusively. The publicity Brown is an all round printer and new commette say they have a real musical spaper man. and w# want our patrons treat in store for the music lovers of to drop in and meet him. He will have Malheur county and that they will not' charge of the light work of the office, regret the time that is spent if they 1 •ueh as doing the job work, getting out attend this big six day event. the paper, picking up news items, at Twelve musical programs in alt will tending pink teas and beauty con testa, be presented with i >qt-l of twenty while the editor will attend to the heavy four artiste appearing during the six work, like looking after »■•* fishing days. and the chicken*. Call and see us in action.” What was formerly a notorious gambling den in Chicago has been The Salvation Army will make a turned Into hostel bv the Salvation drive for funds to maintain and extend Army with a capacity of 190 beds. its home service the week of Jude 22. FARMING WITH PROFIT The aim of every farmer is production with profit. To help individual farmers to plan their success and carry it foward to the dtsireable end is our business. Our experience in serving other farmers may give your plans more than an even chance to succed. Our time and personal attention are at your disposal to pring success to your plans Bank of Nyssa A G. KINGMAN, Pres. FRANK D. HALL,Cashier