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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
An Interesting Story From One Just Returned (Continued from page 1.) America has got 'em all skinned in everything. ” Mr. Petty has a number of relics that would be enjoyed by any one who could look them over. Among his col lection is a watch taken from a German soldier killed in one of the battles in which he fought. HU collection is a very ghod one and too numerous to de scribe in this issue, owing tothe limited amount of space in a country paper. He carries his Honorable Discharge which he is very proud t>f and we here with print in complete form: Honor Flag Celebration Saturday, May 31 In honor of Malheur County’s record in four Liberty Loan and Victory Loan drives. ' Ontario, Oregon Honorable Discharge From The United States Army -M iff < G-. : Gem State Lumber Co. Choice Meats We keep constantly on hand a carefully selected stock of choice meats, including Beef, Pork’ Mutton, Veal, Sausages of va rious kinds,, Hams, Lard, Veal, etc., in fact, everything f jund in an up-to-date shop. Sanitary Slaughter House We are especially careful about the sanitary con dition of our slaughter house, and ell meats are pre pared for the block under conditions of perfect cleanliness Patrons are invited to inspect our slaughter house at any time. Nyssa Meat Market C. W. de BOER, Prop. .« » - W i *- .«» « »- Attention, Dairymen! MORE MONEY FOR BUTTERFAT Have you tried shipping cream to the coast market? We pay highest cash market prices, remitting promptly for each shipment. Write us for cans, shipping tags and prices. No deductions except for express. WE ALSO BUY POULTRY AND EGGS Union Meat Company PORTLAND, OREGON NYSSA FLOUR MILL Sells Flour and Feed Chooping and Grinding Grain bought and sold led Ball Suit Cases and Trunks jj PHONE NO. 8 NYSSA, OREGON H .4- For Men the long run, too. You can’t figure the cost of rubber boots ai d other rubber footwear by the 1'iKt price. You’ve got to know how much wear it will give. You can put “ Ball-Band” footwear to any service and judge it by we ir. Then you will see why it gives the greatest service for the money. Look for the Red Ball. You'll And it on a!', ‘ Ball-Band” footwear. WILSON BROS. Department Store Nyssa Boom Poles Masts Timbers <-. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, to whom It may concern, that the uuder- signed. Executor of the Estate of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased, has filed in the above-entitled Court his final report and account, and the said Court by order dated the 26th day of April, 1919, has fixed the time for hearing on the same to be held at the Court room of said Court, in the. Court house at Vale, Oregon, at 2 o’clock on Wednes day, Jnne 4, 1919. And all persons who may be interested in the said Es tate of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased, are 2XMERICAN initiative, endurance and enter- hereby notified that any objections to / J L priseffirought th e settlersacrosstheconti- the said final report and account, if nent through deserts and over m ountains. The same spirit built the railroads, developed mines any there be, shall be filed in writing, and oil wells, strung telephone and electric power stating the particulars of said object lines, opened up giant forests, built ships and, ion, on or before the time set for the last but not least, conquered the burning desert said hearing; and that if no objections and made it a garden spot by irrigation. Let us keep this American spirit of initiative ever before are filed the said account will be set us and not submerge it in sloughs of paternal tled and allowed as filed, the adminis ism, socialism,and too m uch officialism. tration of said estate closed and the executor discharged. This notice is ■ " ■|[ iiiiliiiiiiiBiS published for four successive weeks in the Gate City Journal, by order the Hon. E. H Test, Judge of said Court. Lyman Allen Green, Executor of the Use Fleming Egg Preserver, the NOTICE TO JO U R N A L NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Estate of 3arah Jane Peer, Deceased. cheapest and handiest preserver, C. C. Wilson, Atty. for Excr. known. For sale at Fostetr's Drug CO RRESPO N D EN TS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE First Pub. May 2, 1919. store.—Adv. m38t4 (Please Sign your Name to the STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Last Pub. May 30, 1919. your next list of Items so I may be COUNTY OF MALHEUR. See Gem State Lumber Co. for boom REPORT YOUR NEWS TO THE able to know The Journal corres In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN pondents are —Editor.) GATE OITY JOURNAL. poles for hay derricks—Adv. WAGNER. JR , Deceased. TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: YOU ARE, HEREBY. NOTIFIED. That the Final Account of Clara M. Crandall, Administratrix of said Es tate, has been made and duly filed in tha Office of the Clerk of said Conrt, and that said Final Account and the settlement thereof will be heard by said Court on Tuesday, June 24th, A. D. 1919. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court Room of said Court, in tha Court Housa of said County, in Vale, Oregon. All persons interested in said Estate may, on or before said day appointed We sell it because we believe it is for such hearing and settlement, file tlie best you can buy. We sell it be his objection thereto, or to any par cause nr. a who have worn rubber ticular item thereof, as by law re footwear for years have proved that quired. “ B»ll-Iland" gives them better com Dated this May 14th, A. D. 1919. fort and more days of wear than any CLARA M. CRANDALL, other ma’.e. Administratrix. “ ilall-Band” is the cheapest in May 16 June 13. Oshkosh Overalls Levi Strauss Overalls Men’s Work Shirts Men’s Dress Shirts MunsingWear I Cooper Under wear. Hay Derrick Material Kÿiÿiÿift? y. y». HONEY The Sweetest Cheapest Sweet — (EMBLEM) To all whom it may concern; TVs is to Certify That Fremont J. Petty A. S. 111490, Co D. 121 Machine Gun Battalion. The United States Army, as a testimonial of honest and faithful service, is hereby Honorably Dis charged from the military service of the United States by reason of Circu lar 106 W D 1918. Said Fremont J. Petty was born in Tabor, in the State of Iowa When enlisted he was 26 years of age and by occupation a farmer He had blu3 eyes light hair, medium complexion, and wai f> feet 6 inches in height. Given under my hand at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. this 25th day of May. one thousand nine hundred ana nine teen. t H C. Smith, Major A. G. I). Per. Adjt., - Commanding. 4 HONEY, Fosters Oregon If you are in need leave your orders. you money, P. M. WARREN, PROP. PECKHAM CASE CO. ESTRAY Notice h hereby given that the fol lowing described animal* to wit: One I Brown Mare branded triangle on left Stifle, weight about 1000 lbs One bay mare branded with oarlock on the left shoulder, weight about 1000 pounds, have been taken up for running at large on the streets of Nyssa. Notice is further given that unless previously claimed, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the livery barn In tha town^if Nyssa on Thursday June 6. 1919. V, R. Cbipman, Town Marakall. Dated 17th day of May. One New Kitchen Kwten with bins that Kent Kome off. Mail Order houee price! (No freight) 97. 14 . Nyssa Exchange Store Sharp Bld g. I can save House Furnishers and Funeral Directors. I. H. Kellar, in charge of Parma Store. House Phone 50-SSS Phone 50-SS Stores at Caldwell and Parma, Idaho. Simpson’s Transfer C. D. Simpson. Prop. Drayage Auto Service Feed Yard PATRONAGE SOLICITED N vi Oregon