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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
T H E G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L, N Y S S A , OREG O N. noirci y Womanhood Physicians Recommend Castoria jC /s the demandi f to-day know the real human doctors right around in your neighborhood: the doctors made of flesh and blood just like you: the doctors with souls and In the Health an d Strength hearts: those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily o f the W ives and Mothers Rests the Future Integrity as in the broad daylight; they axe ready to tell you the good that Fletcher’s Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love for children. Fletcher’s Castoria is nothing new. ment. We are not asking you to try an experi We just want to impress upon you the importance of buying Fletcher’s. Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a number of imitations on the market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby. C h ild ren C ry For A L C O H O L - 3 PER CENT. , A c t a b l e Preparato for As -, , similiiUn^lheFood by Recula- limitile Stomachs and t o g s _ I V KANTS neither Opium. Morphine¡nor M ineral. N o t N a r c o t k 2» : ! P utputn S u t £ £ 2 Ï* &G; M w a _ AheipfuTRcmedyfor pmt*ryfrwn Consti paüon and D iarrh o e * ‘ and Feverishness and . L o s s OF S tE E ? ] resultiti 4 (herefre^2n lnfawy yi>7siiüieSijnatn<L ot I !$£!§■ Do the People Know? CHILDREN ! Thereby' Promoting DuJwtiofl ‘ Cheerfulness and RestXontaite h e C evt Ä ur G ohp « « '. Do y ou k n ow w h y you are asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria w hen you w ant a child’s rem edy: w h y you must insist on Fletcher’s? T o r y ears w e have been exp lain in g how the p op ularity of Fletcher’s Castoria has brought out innum erable imitations, sub stitutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of generations to come w e appeal to the better judgm ent of parents to insist on h aving Fletcher’s Castoria w hen in need of a child’s med icine. And remember above all things that a child’s medicine is made fo r children— a medicine prepared for grow n -ups is not inter changeable. A b a b y ’s food for a baby . A nd a b a b y ’s medicine is just as essential for the baby. T h e Castoria Recipe ( i t ’s on e v e ry w ra p p e r) has been prepared b y the same hands in the same m anner for so m an y y ears that the signa ture of Chas. H . Fietcher and perfection in the product are synonym ous. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GE N U I N E NKW YORK. C A S T O R IA ALW AYS Bears the Signature of m o f the Nation. OBSTACLES MET BY AGENTS W a must preserve our womanhood There is need, greater thaa ever fo r strong women. Apparently, the race is not as sturdy as formerly or our women are victims o f an over-civilization and less able to resist disease. Thousands suffer and thousands battle brought good results, but a« more are destined to suffer from I was bound to get well, I took that most insidious o f diseases, twelve. catarrh. Ninety-seven per cent of Fifteen years ago, I started witk the people ha” e catarrh. It is not confined to the head, noso and P erun i and I wouldn’t be without it. My w eight is now around 20t throat as many suppose. Catarrhal inflammation may attack the stom pounds and I am hale and hearty ach, bowels or any portion o f the at the age o f €3. I can do as muck body where there are mucous lin w ork as my daughter." ings. It is no respector of persons The use o f Peruna fo r forty-five ©r position. Everyone is liable to years In the American fam ily has attack. V. proved its worth. I f you are sick, Mrs. M ary Frlcke, 507 Bornman do not g ive up. try Peruna. W rite Ft., Belleville, 111., was one of its The Peruna Company. Dept. B, Co victims. She says: **I have weighed lumbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's ns little as 100 pounds. For years Health Book. It is free. Peruna it I suffered with my stomach, cramps sold everywhere in liquid and tab and severe headaches. A fte r read lets. Insist upon having Dr. H art ing Dr. Hartman’s Health Book. I man's Famous Peruna Tonic. Atk decided to try Peruna. The first your dealer for a Peruna Almauacfc E x t e n s io n W o r k e r s E x e r c is e P a tie n c e a n d T a c t In O v e r c o m in g M u c h R e sista n c e . (Prepared by the United States Depart ment o f Agriculture.) In boys' und girls’ club work preju dice and preconceived opinion, founded on lack o f knowledge or misrepresenta tion, are two obstacles that county agents and demonstrators meet every day. To surmount them is not the easiest ta s k ; to convert opposition Into hearty support Is an achievement calling for unusual patience ami tact. That both o f these virtues are i>os- sessed in large measure by a majority o f the extension workers may be ad N o W o n d e r. duced from the reports constantly com “ I understand sin» carried tlie house ing to that bureau. A farmer in Maryland had no use by storm.” “ Sure— po wonder— she did a light fo r “ book farming.” He upbraided ids son. u member o f a boys’ club, for fol ning change right In front o f the au lowing the agent’s Instructions in seed- dience.” — Florida Times-Unlon. corn ¿election. He called the test for 100 per cent germination “ foolishness,” und walked o ff in utter disgust. The boy, encouraged by his Instructor, kept at It, demonstrated the proposition, grew the selected seed, and got a typi cal high-grade crop, a decided contrast to dad’s. That settled it. The “ fool ishness" turned out to he “ a good Applicants for Insurance Often idea.” The farmer has become an enthusiast. Rejected. A t the very outset a woman demon strator in a northern county o f Texas Judging from reports from druggists wi.s opposed by the parents o f a bright who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that village girl, anxious to become a mem ber o f a boys and girls' club. The has been very successful in overcoming mother was not a believer in “ these these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is new-fangled Ideas” and the father had soon realized. It stands the highest for no sympathy with any "crazy theory its remarkable record ef success. stuff.” In spite o f the absence o f any An examining physician for one of the form o f invitation, the demonstrator prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so manv applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majorjty of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y ., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Exact Copy of Wrapper. G r o w n W ise . C hief o f I ’ ollce ILutler o f Bos An gelos was quostlonlng a woman who, through mistake, hml been brought In on a vagrancy charge. It turned out thut she was quite the contrary, being a working woman whose husband was In France. T h ey grew quite chatty aud Itutler rem ark ed : “ You seem to he doing quite well us a business woman.” “ You bet I am,” she retorted. “ And right now I ’m just waiting fo r that hushnnd o f mine to come home nnd spring the old g ag about my not being able to get along without him." C a n ’t B e D on e. A r t if ic ia l W a rm th . “ W hat’s the idea o f the gas stove and the fu r overcoat?" “ Isn't it A p ril? " nsked Mr. I ’enwlg- gt*. “ It is.” “ A p ril with tlie balmy breezes and the skies o f blue?” "T h a t’s according to popular fancy.” “ T h e * 3 you are. There's no use try ing to turn out delicate creations o f thought about A p ril unless by some means you cun provide a temperature approxim ately seasonable.” “ Got any jack with you, matey?” asked the gob. “ Split it fifty-fifty with me, w ill yer?” “ Can't do it, old pal. I ain’t got that much." O n th e F e n c e . “ Do you-believe,” asked the thinking man whose heavy thoughts had worn wrinkles up and down his forehnd, “ in a Hades o f lire and brimstone, where evil souls are sent to sizzle fo r all eternity?” “ W ell,” responded the chronic con sidérer, “ as n m atter o f reality, I don’t ; but as a m atter o f advisability I certainly do.” A n c ie n t P r e c a u t io n s . “ W e’ll rave this frien dly agreement o f ours carved upon a monument o f T h e needless infantile death rate stone,” said one ancient king. “ So that ail the public can read it?” ow ing to neglect nnd ignorance co“ ts added the other. O n e E x c e p t io n . this country $3,000,OtX) a day. “ N ot only th a t It w ill make it im “ A soft, low voice is peculiarly a woman's possession.” “ W hat’s the I f tw o people can live on less than possible to treat it as a scrap o f pa p er." _______________ m atter with speakeasies?" one it Is because they have to. \ FRECKLES Now It tka Tima to Got Rid of These Ugly Spots There’s no longer the slightest need o f feeling Ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne— double strength—la guaranteed to remove these homely ■pots. Simply get an ounce of Othlne— double ■trength -from your druggist, ant! apply a little o f it night and morning nnd you should soon see that even the worst freckles have hugun to din appear, while the lighter one» have vanished en tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce la needed to completely clear the akin und gain a beautiful clear complexion. He sure to ask for the double strength Oihlne. as thla Is gold under guarantee o f money buck If It fa il* to remove freckles -Adv. A M e e t in g o f Y o u t h f u l P ig - C lu b M e m bers. spent the night with them. B efore the fam ily awoke in the morning stie went into the kitchen, made biscuits accord ing to tlie “ new-fangled idea,” helped in the preparation of the breakfast nnd — well, the biscuits conquered. Today that little girl is the leading member o f a club. During tlie past sea son her garden was such a success tlint she will linye n bigger one this year, ami the cooperation of her par ents. And, according to them, “ any tim e thut agent comes tlds way she'll tlml welcom e on the floor.” One more instance, the three covering some o f the important phases o f agent work in the South: Tlie colored farm ers o f a certain county in a far South ern state used to pay no attention to crop rotation or diversification. They grew the same crops In tlie same fields, only sueh produce ns suited their par- tlculnr whim. Nor did they see any necessity fo r home sanitation. They didn't know anything about the neces sity for either, and cured less. As for the county agent, he was an Intruder, They have different ideas today. Nut only do they grow the right crops, but also they take pride in the appearance o f their fields nnd buildings. There Is n friendly rivalry among them now, and the one-time Intruding agent is be sought to set them right in all their problems. Thus opposition ran he overcome to day more than ever through the proper approach, the stlek-to-lt attitude, Hnd the tact o f the eonnty nnd field agents and demonstrators o f the extension service. T h e O ld L a d y A g a in . "Y es,” snld Mrs. Blunderby, “ my nephew Is homo again, and you should Just see his collection o f momontums o f the w ar."— Boston Transcript. A n x io u s S u sp e n se . “ A re you going t o , keep your new cook?” “ Can’t say. W e don’t know yet whether we suit her.” The hand thnt rules the dy peptic makes the plo. M Y HEAD! W li n tha h ead foela thick or aches, when one feels all out-of-sortx — perhaps a c o a t e d to n g u e — it is the signal that poisona are accumu lating in the system, and s h o u l d be cleaned out at once. Auto-intoxication can lie lies! ascribed to our own neglect or carelessness. When the organs fail in the discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generate toxins— actual poisons, which fill one’s own body. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bil iousness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia, loss of weight and muscular power, de crease of vita lity or lowering of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of the eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, many forma of catarrh, asthma, ear uffect’ jiM and allied ailments result f -on auto-intoxication orself-poiso ling. Take castor oil, or procure at the drug store, a pleasant v e g e table laxative, called Dr. Pierce’« Pleasant Pellets, composed at May-apple, aloes and jalap. OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS f j i ! I j j j | flrlcTice pays flint old nge begins With action and enables the organs to throw weakened kidneys and digestive organs. off the poisons which cause prematiirw old age. New life and strength increase This being true, it is easy to believe as you continue the treatment. W h «* that by keeping the kidneys nnd diges completely restored continue taking a tive organs cleansed and in proper work capsule or two each day. GDI lJ MED ing order old nge can be deferred nnd IA L Haarlem Oil Capsules will beep you life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed in health and vigor and prevent u return by the average person. of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease For over 200 yearn GO LD M E D AL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the have settled down for good. A t the first weaknesses and disability due to advanc I'sign thnt your kidneys are not working ing years. I t is a standard old-time I properly, go to your druggist and get a home remedy and needs no introduction. box of GO LD M E D A L Hamden» Ofl GOLD M E D A L Haarlem Oil is inclosed Capsules. Money refunded if they d© in odorless, tasteless capsules contain ! not help you. Three sizes. But re ing about 5 drops each. Take them as member to ask for the original imported you would a pill, with a swallow of ; C O LD M E D A L brand, lu sealed pack- water. The oil stimulates the kidney i ages. L e s s W o o l U se d . Reports front m anufacturer* ns re ceived by the bureau o f markets, de partment o f agriculture, «bow that ( there was less wool used In February than at any tim e since such statistic* have been compiled. T lie February consumption amounted to 27..“»00,000 in iiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i ; pounds In the grease, •"compared with 63,700.000 pound* In February o f last year. Strikes which shut down mills and the Inability o f small mills to se cure wool bccnii*’? the wool sold by When barley is fed to live stock, the the government at auction w a* sold grain should be crushed. on a cash basis, furnished the reason • • • f o r the small February consumption. Quality is more important than site In selecting the breeding stock. R eadily Adapted. . . . | "W h y are songs o f the sea so popu A t present prices there Is no cheap la r !" *T suppose It Is on account of er grain feed fo r breeding ewe* than the whistling buoys.” oats, . . . W / 1 _________ * WX.IM.M, Clean,In,. No Intelligent sheep raiser, no matter ■f B e lre sR In , «nd H e « l l » , _ * * — L*tl*o— Murine for Red If he owns a large or small flock, will nesa. Soreness, Granula breed ewe lambs. I | LIVE STOCK NOTES I fiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimir ill If Both barley and oats should h« ground for pigs, and a high protein feed like ground soy beans, t a n k a g e or linseed oil meal fed with them. C o u ld n ’t B e H a p p y . “ W hat are you grumbling about." said the city man to the discouraged farmer. You ought to be the huie piest man In the world. You own a farm and can spend your life out in the open.” "M ister,” replied tlie farmer, “all I ’ve got to say to you is that I ’ m not rich enough to he happy on n farm that won't raise enough to pay the in terest on the mortgage.” I. I tlon, ItchingandBurning of the Eye, or Eyelid,; z Drop,” After th. Marie*. Motorin* or Gall win roar confiHerce. Ark Your D iuxki M (nr Marine when jmwr Era. Need Care. MU M a r l s . E y . K . m . U y C o ., C b l c a s o Hooked to Death! This may happen if your cattle have horn«, or they may injure each oi lier and keep the whota herd excited. BE HUMANE. Prevent boros growing while calve« are young. It means a contented and more profitable herd. D a D R . D A V ID R O B E R T S * „ « m HORN KILLER jg U At our dealers or rorrPAiD m Consult Da. D A V ID R O BER T» b a b o u t a ll a n im a l a lim en ta. In fo r m a t i o n fr»*e. Send fo r p rice ___ lis t o f m e d ic in e « M id g e t F R E E copy “ T h e C a ttle S p e c ia l««!” w ith fu ll In fo r m a tio n on Abortion in Cr>wt. DR. D AVIi) ROBERT! VETE RIN AR Y CO . 100 Grind Ave.. Waafcssbs. » i s ▲ toiU*t preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate <1 indraft. For Rsstmin* Color and Beautjr to Gray or Faded Hair, 60 c. and $l.u0 at Pru«*i«U. A T T E N T I O N Cam pera ‘ ‘ rain F o ld in g Otm ,* Stove. Cheapest, most cfliclent for catiiprrs, prosp ectors, m in ers W t. I ‘ j lbs Pnstp d |t.2§ W m !.. Crain, 1941 Bat re 11a A v., f.on A n s e l««. s a fe t y K a / o r B la d e s ; sh arpen ed b etter than new. H etu rn ed p rom p tly. D otip i» e d * e « • « do*., sin g le fOc. P O. B o * 1315. L m a r y * > « 4 --------------— r - -T - — - -J w . N. U., Salt Lako City, No. 18-1911