Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
I f a promoter tries to tell you stocks that will deudle in a year and promises to pay 10 par cent annual dividend, be Published every Friday at Nyssa. Ore- assured that somebody is trying to gon, by make an easy living on your hard earned cash. D on't be a fool. Lead FRED L. SHEETS. that stock promoter to the front door and gently kick him over into the next FRIDAY, MAY 30. 1919 county. GATE CITY JOURNAL NOTICE OF SCHOOL j MEETING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THfi STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To COUNTY OF MALHEUR. the legal voters o f School Dietrict No. 16 o f Malheur County. State o f Oregon, In the Matter o f the Estate o f MAR CELINO LAUCIRICA, Deceased. that a SCHOOL MEETING o f said The undersigned having been ap District will be held at High School Bld’g, on the 16 th day o f June 1919, at pointed by the said Court, administra 2 o ’ clock in the p. m. to vote on tne trix of the Eatate of Marcelino Lauci- Entered as aeconu-ciaea inatier A p r i l The best way to build up a city is proposition o f levying a special district rica, deceased and having qualified; 14, 1910, at the postoffice at Nyssa. for each and every man in it not to (ta x NOTICE Is hereby given to the cred Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, 1879. The total amount o f money needed itors o f and all persons having claims strive to rend and tear down, when ever a man in a town is doing well do by the distrist during the fiscal year against said deceased, to present them, SUBSCRIPTION RATES : not try to tear him down All the beginning on June 30, 1919, and ending with the proper vouchers, as required One year, in advance_______ . . . . $1 50 resident* o f a town are partners, not on June 30, 1920, is estimated in tha by law, within six months after tie Six months in advance........ ...............75c opponent*. In all likelihood the more following budget and includes the fiirst publication o f this Notice, to business done by your rival the more amounts to be received from the either Modesta Laucirica. at her place county schcol fund, state school fund, of residence at McDermitt, Malheur you will do. special district tax, and all other mon County, Oregon, or to her a'torney. C. M. Crandall, at his office at Vale, A wodow lost a hog. We do not re eys o f the district: Malheur County, Oregon. fer to the death o f her hu^hand. She BUDGET Dated May )6th, 1919. lo*t a real hog and advertised for it. ESTIVATED EXPEN DITU RES MODESTA LAUCIRICA. The editor say* the hog must have Mr. Isadore Lax returned from read the paper, for he came hiking 1. Teacher's salaries________ $ 7,760 Administratrix o f the Estate of Mar Portland Friday, where he was home on the dead run as soon as th 2. Furniture ................. 100 celino Laucirica, Deceased. May 16 June 13 working in the interest of the uaper left the postoffice. This is not 8 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, era Drainage Amendment, Roosevelt fiarst instance where a hog has —read sers stoves, curtains, a newspaper—and incidentally forgot Notice to War Veterans, Highway and other matters of 300 etc ................................. There is to be formed a Great War importance to the interest of the to pay for it 25 4. Library books ..................... Veterans’ Aasociation, in Vale, on the State. Mr. Lax reports that the There ara two ways o f getting iuto a 5 Flags ................................. .. Mourth of July and all soldiers now in feeling of the entire State is to new spaper-purchasing an interest and C. Repairs o f schoolhouses, ._ the county are requested to be pres outbuildings or fences 150 1 ent, "Help one another,” and in so purchasing an interview. There 25 I doing we will make prosperity atill another way—pulling the wool 7. Improving grounds .......... Bv order of 25 8. Playground equipment .1 .. over the editor’s eyes and getting ROY M'cCABE, for Or°gon. 1.080 Ex-B. S. M ‘ Coldstream Guards, 1st for nothing. This is a very popular 9 Transportation o f pupils Mr P. J. Gallagher sends Tuitqn o f pupils .. .. 10. form o f entry. Division 1914-16, m!6-j27 460 . 11. Janitor's wages _____ message to the Journal which is 125 evidence that Mr Lax is abso No place on the globe will you find 12. Jan:tor’s supplies ______ NOTICE 460 13. Fuel .................................... as big-hearted, generous and noble lutely true with his statement Having sold our garage and black 14. 25 L ig h t;................................... people as reside in this old town. They smith business we request all those The message is as follows: 16 are not much ou dress parade. They 15. Water ........ ........ ........... knowing themselves indebted to call 50 Portland. Or , May 24. 1919- da not wear silk atockins and silk hats 16. Clerk’ s s a la r y __________ settle theis accounts at their earliest 10 17. Postage and stationery . . Journal Nyssa, Or. Portlant but they have hearts as big and warm convenience. Also those having bills 18, For the payment o f bond going strong for irrigation bonds as ever pulsated in human breasts. against them are requested to present ed debt and interest them for settlement. They are entitled to our ener thereon, issued under COOK BROS. getic support. Do your best for ¿A foolish woman can make a lover Sections 117, 144 to 148. a husband, but it takes a bright w o r n - m2-tf Nyssa, Or. the entire reconstruction pro an to keep a husband a lover. and 422 o f the School 700 Laws o f Oregon, 1917 . gram. NOTICE TO RED GROSS 150 19. Miscllaneous ___ ______ P. J. Gallagher KN7TTERC. For Roosevelt Highway 24. Total estimated amount Will those that have knitted arti Newport, O r.,— Lincoln county is ot money to be expend cles, finished, unfinished or yarn An Affirmative Vote for waking up to the advantages o f the ed for all purposes dur- please return same to Mrs. J. Boy- Each of the Following Meas proposed Roosevelt highway along $11,440 dell at once. ing the year ures Meana a Square Deal the Pacific coaat. B. F. Jones add ESTIM ATED RECEIPTS ressed a special meeting o f Newport R E. Bradford, proprietor of the for our Returning Soldiers From county school fund during the citizens last night on the snbject at Nyssa Livery & feed Stable invites the Boys and Prosperity for Ore coming school y e a r ___ $2,127.50 meeting presided over by Carl Davis patronage o f the pnblic. Courteous From state school fund dur< gon. in which he not orly explained the treatment and reasonable prices. ing the coming school Six per cent county indebted highway, but also the irrigation pro May 2tf. year __________________ 412.50 ness for permanent Roads jects in eastern Oreeon. A straw vote Total Estimated receipts, was taken afterwords and everybody amendment VOTE 300 YES not includinathe money Industrial and Reconstruction voted “ yes” for adoption o f both to be received from the measures —Oregonian. tax which it is pro Hospital Amendment Vote 302 posed to v o t e ...... ........... $2,540 Yes. * S T R A Y E D -O n e 2 year old ligh tJer RE CAPITU LATIO N State bond payment of irriga sey heifer, branded on the right hip Total ettimated expenses tion and drainage district bond ith the following brand: for the year ........................ $11440 Anyone finding animal o f _____ interest Vote 304 Yes. Total estimated receipts, such description please notify Mrs K, Five million dollar reconstruct Clark at Caldwell’s store not ineluding the tax ion bonding amendment VOTE to be voted ................ 2,540 Shaving, Hair Cutting Balance, amaunt to be 306 YES. Hot and Cold Baths PROFESSIONAL. raised by district tax _. 8,900 The Roosevelt Coast Military Dated this 21st day o f May, 1919. Highway Bill VOTE 310 YES n yssa OREGON A ttest: Reconstruction bonding bil PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS C. C. HUNT. VOTE 312 YES. District Clerk. H. T. FRANCIS, Soldiers’, sailors’ and marines’ J. J. SARAZIN Chairman Board o f Directors. educational financial aid bil Pushers and Pessimists Pushers are usually in the thick of the business fight, producing. Pessimists growl on the outskirts, waiting to seize the spoils the pushers win. Pushers build and pessimists tear down. Pushers blaze new trails. “ ONE FOR ALL ALL FOR ONE” * Pushers are bright, cheerful, joyous and brave. Pessimists are gloomy, doleful, grouchy and weak. Pushers boost each other and so. boost all. Pessimists knock each other, and thus they fall Pushers bring prosperity. prosperity. MR. DUNLAP SALES MANAGER NYSSA, OREGON W e Indorsement OF LAND OW NERS OF KINGMAN COLONY D RAIN AG E DiSTRICT. JACOB PRINZ1NG. M. D. M odem " Fìfeartm $ Ammunition To Elect a Board o f Three Super visors o f Said District. W. J. WEKSE. M. D. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Internal Medicine a meeting o f the land owners owning PO R TLA N D PAPERS. land within the KINGMAN COLONY EDGAR S. FORTNER. M. D. D R A IN A G E DISTRICT, as created F IF T E E N G R A N G ES T H R O U G Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and established by order o f the County H O U T T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, OFFICE HOURS: A LSO 1000 L E T T E R S FRO M T H E dated May 10, 1919, is hereby called to 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 P R O M IN E N T M E N O F A L L meet at the Kingman Colony School W A L K S O F L IF E T H R O U G H O U T Office over First National Ba k HoU9« in said district on Thursday, the T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Oregon 12th day o f June, 1919 at the hour o f two o ’clock p. m. for the purpoae o f S P E C IA L S T A T E E L E C T IO N ON electing a board o f three supervisors J U N E T H IR D CHIROPRACTOR for said district. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 23rd day T H E S T A T E F E D E R A T IO N O F o f May, 1919. LA B O R . V. J. ENOS A M. MOODY, T H E C E N T R A L LABOR C O U N C IL County Clerk. Chiropractor OF PO R TLA N D By J. R. Weaver, Deputy. T H E C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N E R S F to 12 A. M. - 7 to 8 P M. May 30, June 6 SEVENTY STATE. S IX PAPERS IN PO RTLA ND TH R O U G H M IS S IO N E R S . THE PORTLAND K IW A N IS THE PO RTLAND AD THE PO RTLA ND ROTARY T H E STATE M ER C E . NYSSA, OREGON CLUB DENTISTS CLUB. CHAMBER THE PO RTLAND COM MERCE. Surgeon and Diseases o f Women THE IT S C O M CLUB OF CO M - CHAM BER OF DR. A- R ROBERTS DtNTIST T H E M E N 'S C L U B O F T H E F IR S T C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H THE HOTEL M E N 'S A S S O C IA T IO N T H E OREG O N M O TO R A S S O C IA T IO N . DEALERS VOTE 310 X YES Special State Flection June 3rd Roosevelt Military Coast Highway “ Oregon’s Road to l*rospetity” (Paid Advartisamen) PIANO FOR SALE \Ve have stored at Nyssa a strictly high grade piano, which for quick dis position will be sold at a substantial discount. Terms to responsible par ty. If Interested write at once Tor particulars to T H E D B N V B R MUSIC COM PANY, Denver, Colo. ATTO RN EYS-AT-LA W Wilson Bldg On taro. Or W. SWACLER ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW Room* 12. 14, 15 Wilson Bldg. ONTARIO OREGON We repre«ent the following Old Line Companies: Royal, American Central, Queen. Hartford, Aetna, North ern, London and Lancashire, New Zealand, Firemans Fund and Continental, National Surety Co. and U. S. Fidelity Guaranty Co. • i Protect your property, buildings, livestock household goods, auto mobiles, tractors, machinery, hay and grain, anywhere and everywhere. , Have you noticed how many fires recently without insurance? Does it pay not to be protected? J. BOYDELL, I “ Wesolicet your Patron, age and will do our best „ to please you. PATENTS 1 t r a < !e m a r k * «m l copyright* obtained o r no fee. Send model, »ketches o r photos and d«- scrlp” >n fo r F R E E S E A R C H and report I on patentability. n»tnk reforonccs. P A T E N T S B U I L D F O R T U N E S for y on . Our fret- b ooklets telt how. what to invent | am i save y«Mi m oney. W rite today. D. SWIFT & CO. p a t e n t la w y e r s , Resident Agent Street, Nyssa, Oregon. ” Main Call Phone 42. Job Printing— . ' STOP A MOMENT V O l wh° are without Telephone Service; compare it A daily cost to yon with many other thing* you bu each day. We believe you will find that it will save yo money. Try It. Malheur Home Telephone Co ; ^ ^ ^ S r ypnih SL, Washington. D. P -:—î— : I W W I ' H -K -:- Willard Storage Batteries W. II. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher T h e stock equipm ent of over d iffe re n t makes o f cars. 150 Free dis- O ur tire nd battery w ork and thorough. tilled battery w ater. inspection and I Real Estate and General Insurance .................................. -M -H -W -M "H 1 $♦♦♦ > I -:—î— P hone 52 ATTORNEYS Co. Nyssa Realty Shootinf KiâhT4 between Depot and Main Street O ntario , O regon , . ster n L O O K FO R THE RED BALL TRADE MARK Notice of Meeting Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m PESSIMISTS DE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE?—AND DO? Yours for home building, prosperity and push— Shop Physician and Surgeon Pessimists throw blight on all PUSHERS BUILD REAL HOMES. LIGHTS TO LIVE IN SHACKS. Nyssa Barber VOTE 314 YES Pessimists travel in ruts. Batteries recharged and rebuilt at reasonable prices. Good service Guaranteed on all our w ork. it expert HOUSH SELLS l irst ciass bee! at moderate prices. b u s in e s s ^ 4 ® BEEF Beef can b« had every 10 p ' m ’ at Rvery thing kept sweet my p la c e ot and clean Service Tire & Battery Co. A satisfied customer is the best business en d ow m en t and our cusfomers are always pleased. A trial will convince Ontario, Oregon H. M. Housh, the Meat Man i M 8 t 8 H t H -W -t-H -H -H -i-;. **** * ............................................................... .......................................