Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1919)
na VOTE 304 X YES ON JUNE 3, “ MAKE DRY LANDS WET AND WET LANDS DRY ’ The John Day Highway Starts at Nyssa, the Entrance to the Oregon E T-* f HP If You Want to Develop the Resources of Malheur County and the State of Oregon Your Vote Should Be In Favor of the Bond Issues to Be Voted On at the Special Election June 3 BUY Citi) Journal NOW ‘Let’s get business going and keep it going”—Buy Wisely, but buy now. VOL XVII P. J. Nyssa District G allagher A Booster for m I » 1 * ■ V‘ y Good of State Gets Honor Flag Through the patriotic efforts of the citizens of Nyssa and vicinity, in every way possible in winning the war, and returning our boys from over seas, we can well be proud of the returns we have gained. This week, through County Chairman J. It. Blackaby of Ontario, the U. S. Treasury Department awarded to Nyssa and community, a community Honor Flag for the good service ren dered in tho Victory Loan as well as all other loans. The flag was received Wednesday by Frank D Hall who is now looking for the proper place to establish a flying ground for thi3 beautiful emblem of patriotism. June First is the Date Fixed for Transfer of Policies Ontario, Or.—Special to the Journal. Washington, D. C. The War Riak — P. J. Gallagher. Representative for Insurance Bureau has tentatively fixed Harney and Malheur counties, and a June 1 as the date for the issuance of prominent attorney of Ontario left for the new life insurance policies for Portland and other points Saturday which soldiers, sailor* and marines may evening where he will work for the in exchange the policies issued to there teiest of his county and state on meas under the War Risk Act. Application ures of great importance. He will for conversion are now being received make three speeches a day until June While no intensive campaign to in first, making a speech at noon each day duce holders of the War Risk Act poli for the first eight days in different cies to transfer to the new form of in places in Portland. surance has been launched as yet, ap Mr. Gallagher has several good meas plications are .invited now in order to ures to be voted on at the coming elect obviate a rush when the time arrives ion; especially the Irrigation and drain for transfers to be made and also to age amendment. The amendment pro encourage holders of the policies to vides for a state guarantee of interest make the exchange when it is most for five years on bond issues by irriga- convenient for them to do so. gation and drainage districts legally Building Addition The bureau has also made it known organized. This measure if passed bv that it will not consider policies as hav To Nyssa Mill ing lapsed even though, after discharge, the voters on June 3 will mean the de velopment of seven million acres of P. M. Warren is a busy man these a rnan may have chased payment or land and the opening of a way to a hot days, ” in the morning while it is has notified the Bureau that he wishes home for many thousand families. cool” he is putting in tht? concrete to cancel his policy, until ample time foundation for the construction of an has been granted for reinstatement. addition to the mill. The addition is to The Bureau’s policy will be to allow a Two New Soldiers be 30x30 and will go in to the air abit; soldier, sailor or marine to put his pol Tho a littie L te The Journal hear when completed it will be three stories icy back in force by payment of back with reports the news of the arrival of high. He will also install in the nea- installments within a period of six a pair of great big twin boys at the future an elevator for the e^re of m;nths. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keck. the local grain market. Up to the middle of April, the Bureau They were born on Sunday May 11 had paid 105,COO claims lor insurance weighs 81 and 9i pounds. This report Sends Renewal and Best a vurds for death. Only 1,604 claims is good but not their best for at their have been disallowed, and in a good home there have been born 3 pairs of Wishes to The Journal. many of these cases the action is not twins in succession. Dr. Sarazin re The following letter from H. R Mor final. ports mother and babies doing fine. ris is one which shows appreciation: Battle Grounds, Washington, May 15, Dear Mr. Sheets: I ai» 5 irfing you Must Make and S lid in g ! 1 The Nyssa Hardware is tr.ying to fl.EO for The Gâte City Journal for File Return on or break the speed limit now days they another year. We cant get along wit.i have some tractor’s on exebition that out the light The Journal—wishing you kre fine lookers “ The Waterloo Boy” all kinds of success I am jours very Before June 1 5 was running like a real car when seen truly, H. R. Morris. Treasury Department, Internal speeding past the Journal office the Revenue Service, Portland, Oregon: other day. If you must sell your Liberty Internal Revenue Collector, Milton A. Bonds, sell to Albert Hinach. If you Miller, has received from Washington Nyssa is short on modern houses and can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy of a full supply of income tax returns for a contractor could db '«'ell erecting a Albert Hinsch. Hinsoh buys and sells distribution to partnerships and per Liberty Bonds at the market. —Adv. few for rent here. sonal servico corporation throughout the state of O.egon, and they will now be furnished upon request. Every partnership and personal service cor poration engaged in business during any part of the calendar year 1918 must make and file a return with the Col lector on or before June 15, 1919, re gardless of the amount of its gross or net income. While the tax upon incomp of part nerships and personal service corpora tions is payable by the inih'idual mem bers thereof, a return must be filed See our line of Hair Tonics, Shampoos, and Hair showing the result of their activities Color Restorers. during the calendar year 1918. Heavy penalties are imposed by statue for failure on the part of any Get after the Insect Pests NOW before they get you taxpayer to file required returns within the time prescribed by law.” —we have the Powder and other RequisPs. Very respectfully, MILTON A. MILLER, Collector. Is Your Hair Coming Out? To freshen your summer vardrobe, we have the ne cessary Dry-cleaners, Dyes, Soaps and Soap Dyes The above are merely suggestions of the service we can render. Come to us with yctir problems in our line, you will soon "g t the habit” by being con vinced that it gives us pleasure to serve you to your complete satisfaction or wo are dissatisfied. Watch for the “SPECIALS” each week-end at the Lax Fountain « LAX PHARMACY “ You'll Do Botter Here.” PHONE 14 NYSSA OREGON No Fish! Just a Ride Among those who were out of town the past fe.v days were Messrs Jei ic rhomp- on, Delno Gibson. Arthur Bov- dell, and Fred E. Young accompanied by Mt-sdames Thompson, Gibron, Boy- dell and Young. They went over on Clover Creek Sunday for fish but in stead of getting fish got a nice fifty mile joy ride. A Real Sport C. W. DeBoer, proprietor of the Nysss Meat Market has proven him self to be a better sportsman than those who went over to Ciover Creek. Mr. DeBoer capture,. eight of finest two-year ok. steers e*tr put on tha market. He foend them on tie Pete Tensen ranch. adv't. NOTICE TO RÜJD CROSS KNTTTEBC. Will those that have knitted arti cles, finished, unfinished or yarn pkase return same to Mrs. J. Boy- deli at once. The well known Mayer’s Shoes for Men. Women and Children are bring closed -out at lower prices than else where at Hinecb’s Closing Out Sale. Now Is your last chance for bargains In Shoes__Adv. Honor Flag to • For thi: good work that Malheur Ccunty has done in the Victory Liberty Loan and other loans, Malheur county is to be presented with a county Honor Flag Following is a letter in which contains complete information; Mr. J. R, Blackaby, County Mana ger Liberty Loan Committee. Ontario, Oregon. Dear Mr Blackaby: The record of your co’inty in the Victory Liberty Loan, as well as all other Liberty Loans, has been such a splendid one that Mr. Cookingham and myself desire your County Honor Flag to be presented to you and your committee in a fitting manner. • Accordingly we have asked Lieut. R. B. Kuykendall of the 347th Field Ar tillery, the firat man to reach Oregon from the Army of Occupation, to carry this flag to you in person and make presentation on behalf of the State Liberty Loan organization Lieut. Kuykendall will bring with him a large collection of trophies, in eluding German gas masks, machinrf gun, automatic gun, (lame thrower etc. If you desire to have the flag pre rented at a mass meeting of your citi zens. Lieut Kuykendall will bo glad to give a talk of an hour or so relating his experiences in England, France, Belgium, and three months in Ger many with the Army of Occupation. In a couple of days 1 will wire you the exact time of his visit, which will likely be on Mav 31 in the afternoon. Yours very truly, Robt, E. Smith, Liberty Loan Executive Manager for Oregon. Ontario, Oregon, -May 19, 1019—As soon as a definite date has been es tablished, a suitable program will be arranged that Malheur County’s Honor Flag may be presented in a formal manner at a public mass meeting of her Citizens called for that purpose. J. R. Blackaby. County Chairman. You can notice the ear :«• rks prosperity along good Four Big Nights oc PER COPY Is s e ls DI8E. ONT» O ntario Physician With the Masons Be Presented to Malheur County B U IL D N O W $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 23 1919 NO. 37 r-| At Parma, Vale, and Ontario, on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week and Thursday night of last week. The Masonic Or der has been very busily engaged with degree work. On Tuesday night some of the Nyssa boys went to Parma and on Wednesday some went to Vale where degree work was out on, and last night at Ontario members from all over the county were in attendance. The State Grand Master being with them for the evening. • On Thursday nightof last week thoae who attended lodge and enjoyed the banquet at Ofttario were: Frank Hall, Fred E. Young, J. Bo; dell, Charley Crawford, Ralph Swafford, I. Lax, B. P. Smith, C. M. Baumont, R. B, Dun lap, VesGoshert, George Palmer, and Thos. Coward. . Recommissioned By Government We are pleased to learn thi gcr 1 news that Dr. Jacob Priori! g h .3 hern recommissioned by tho United States Government and placed on the Medical Reserve Corps o. U. S. i'rrny This makes Mr. Prinzing subiert to call nt any time. Dr. Prinzing is the oldest surgeon in Malheur County and ranks among Iss best physicians of the State Be v ns one of the first toofferhis servic to tha government when war was dic|arod with Germany. He was commi'sior*! iu the U. S, army in May 1917; on ac count of his age commenced active ser vice in May 1918, und served eight months, when he was honorably db - charged. During the time Mr. t'-ins- ing was in service he was asiiiit t camp surgeon at head quarters at Cunp Lewis. ui bai Qf of res of > at- irican meets f tha anau. (stra ta tes >rgla. Road Work to Begin Next Week The graveling of the high way from Nyssa toward Cairo on the Boulevard will begin next week, the gravel hav ing been purchased. When this work is completed we will have this much of the state highway and a good start for the betterment of the Malheur county roads. Albert Hinsdh deala ln Bonds Stocke, Notes and Secaritiee__ Adr. Memorial Day Services Memorial Day services will be kr-ld in the M. E. Church, Sunday May 25, at 11 a. in. All soldiers and sailors r e dial ly invited. Program as follows: Song, America; Congregation. In vocation, Rev. C, E. Truebloot! S ing. Choir. Announcements and n.Taring. Introductory remarks, ComraJs J S Pinkston. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Ad dress, Miss Ida Ray. The Inst Roll Call, Paul Trueblood. Our Unknown Dead. EdithMorehead. Moment! Ser mon, Rev. W. F. Shields. 8 onr, 3 U r Spangled Banner. Benediction. NYSSA BANK STATEM ENT O F TH E NYSSA, OREGON. Called by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon at the close of business May 12, 1919. RESO URCES Loans and discounts................................................................ $125,109.83 O verdrafts................................................................................. 663.51 Only 7 more Weeks U. S. Certificates and Liberty Bonds ............................... 9,550.00 Until the 4th of Bonds and 'Varrants .............................................................. 7,437.26 Banking house, furniture and fix tu r e s........ .................... •*.630.00 July Celebration Other real estate owned.................................................... .... __ 388.25 • Cash and sight exchange........................................................ 55.758.01 The 4th of July is but seven weeks Advance payments on Liberty Bonds................................ 175.00 away and from all reports, many are planning on going to the county seat to celebrate the “ Declaration of Inde pendence.” Preparations are being made for the biggest event in the his tory of Malheur-county; and it will, no doubt, be a g ath rin g long to be rem embered when the veteran» of ’ 61 to 65,” and the Spanish War veterans" and of the 20 th century meet on that date for the purpose of forming a Great W'ar veterans association. To my mind it would be well if Nyssa and all surrounding community would mike the county teat their place to celebrate his 4th of July $204.711.86 L IA B IL IT IE S Capital s t o c k ............................................................................ $25,000.00 Surplus fund • 5,000.00 Undivided profits...................................................................... 9.25273 Deposits .................................................................................... 165,459.13 $204.711.8<‘ A. G. KINGMAN, President FRANK D. HALL, Cashier Honey Recipes (Prepared specially fur the Journal by Mrs. W W. Foster.) Honey Oat Meal Cookies. Jeep shortening, ¿cup sugar. 2 eggs, Jeup honey, jcup butter milk or sour milk. M a on psper 2 cups whole wheat or white flour 2 cups raw oat meal, 1 tps. each of cinnamon, nutmeg, salr, and baking powder. Pour into firat mixture. Add 1 level teaspoon of soda dissolved in a little water. Drop by teaspoonsful 2 inches apart on well greased pan^ Bale in a moderate oven. Made of whole wheat these cookies are fine for children. 1 cup of raisins may be added. Steamed Brown Bread Im p corn meal, 2 cups graham or whole when, flour, j cup honey, 2 cuds tour milk, 1 Uo peonfui salt, 1* tea- I spoonf ul soda. 1 tablespoonful ho ling | water Mix together the meal, flour j and salt; add four inilk and honey, then the soda dissolved, in the boiling water. « [ One cup of raisins improve this excel-1 lent bread. Steam three hours in covered recept- ■ 1 ables, wh’ch should not be more than i full at first. Recipe fills three pound baking powJer cans, well greased. m CLIPPING ‘ WOOL COUPONS” THAT’S what shearing tince means for the sheep raisers. But even then there may be some little time before the proceeds begin to roll in, and a ‘‘tiding over” is sometimes necessary. The Mal heur County bank is always ready and willing to go the limit in co-operation. In case you need such service this is a pretty good time to pre pare for i t ONE FINDS US PREPARED TO PROMOTE BOTH j PRODUCTION AND MARKETING FOR THE RANCHER. II. W olf................................. Cashier h Y IS A . O U C O N *