Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
Obie Wilson Makes the Supreme Sacrifice The many friends o f Obie Wilson were «lie<-ked Thursday to learn from a telegram received by Ernest Wil son that Obie had died in » hospital and his body was to be buried that day. The wire was from Barney Wil son and sent from McKenzie, Tenn. No details o f his death have been ceived, but it is believed to have been caused by pneumonia resulting from a severe case o f influenza. In his last letter he stated that he was in the hospital with a severe cold. ' He was buried at his old home in Puryear, Tenn , where bis father and mother and several brothers and sisters live. Three of his brothers have been in the ermy, one o f whom is Tom, who went from here to enlist at Fort Stevens in 1916. Kingman Kolony A p p le V alley Cash Must Come! All Goods Must Go! By Our Regular Crrespondtnt R. 8. Mclntire was a Nampa visitor Tuesday. P. I. Speer Braden ranch. has moved onto the L. SPIER’S GREAT Sam Brown and family visited rela* tives at Wilder Surday. C. J. Jackson ia having chard bulled out this week some • or' A force o f men from the Minton ranch are now pruning on tho Nelacn tract Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mcl.ltire spent Sunday at the Rev. J, B. Story home In Parma. Quite a number from Apple Valley attended the Nonpartisan Leagne meeting at Nampa Tuesday. CLOSING OUT SALE (B Y OUR RECSULAR CORRESPONDENT) Alene Stephens sprained her wrist at school the other day which is caus Mr. Kingman, Webb and Harva Otis, ing her a good deal o f trouble. were in Nyssa on business Friday. The Ladies’ Aid o f Appie Valley will The Martin family and Mr. Hysmith meet with Mrs. J. J. Hicks on Thurs spent Snnday at the Maxwell home. day afternoon. A tea will also be aer- Mr. and Mrs. Kingman. Miss King- ved. man, and Joe Bruning were guests of E. G. Johnston is having a five room the Packs at dinner on Thursday even hjuse built by Contractor McCny on ing. on 3 o f the Apple Valley Fruit tracts on The Gsange has decided to resume the Nelson place. the regular meetings. The first one will C. R. Sharp and family came down be held at the school house on Saturday evening o f this week. The meeting from Hailey this week. He will work will be social,as a programme has been on the Blackburn ranch. The Sharps prepared and refreshments will be ser are relatives o f Mrs. Axel Norland. ved. A crowd o f Kolony people attended the Sunday evening services at the Big Bend schoolhouse at which plans for building a high school at Adrian were discussed. The lentimhnt o f the com munity sterned to be almost unami oualy in favor o f it ard committees were appointed by Rev. Shields, to take charge o f the business connected with it. The committee from the Kolony includes Mr. Parsons, .Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Overstreet. WARREN SCHOOL NEWS Oscar Tinkstcn is on the sick list. Milton Thomison o f Hailey who has been in the service o f Uncle Sam as one o f the home guards at Grace, Ida., visited his neice Mrs. Axel Norland one day last week. Little Paul Morris was operated upon for adnoids and tonsil troubles in Boise on Tuesday. He was getting along nicely and is expected home with his mother on Thursday. ^ A number o f the neighbors went ovtr Friday afternoon and hauled bay from the field and stacked it at the barn for Mr. Liaginan who is sick and unable to work. Mr. and Mrs. Lingman wish to thank these good friends for this gen erous service. School wat very well attended, the Rev. and Mrs Ilersheyand Mrs. W. time being changed to eleven in the C. Morris and Paul autoed to Boise m u rn iD g now. Monday to attend the National meet Finn Warren and family, aLio Mrr. ing o f the Centeunary Movement of the churches. Rev. and Mrs. Ilershey Uulluck spent Sunday with Hal H aley'l returned Wednesday evening. Mrs. at the Bigelow ranch. Morris is still in Boise. An entertainment was given in hornr Mamie McDonald came o wer from o f Wsshington’s Birthday on Friday by Boise Saturday where she is attending Link’a business college and spent oyer the pupils A good crowd came out to Sunday with home folks, returning encourage tho yeung people. Monday. Mise Blanche is also attend Mabel and Frank Kuntz are enrolled ing college. Both the girls pass«.) a satisfactory monthly examination in school this week. Muck Johnston and familv Sundayed Blanche receiving a grade o f 100 per cent. at J. H. Smith home. The Parin' Teacher Association will Presbyterian Church meet on Friday afternoon at the schorl Weston F. Shields, pastor.^ house. Preaching at II u. m. Hiram VanDykan is working for J. Sunday School at 10 a. m. B. Smith. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m The pupils who were not taidy, or At 7:30 p. m. Sterioptican views on Korea. All come. absent for mo&th ending Feb. 21: Thursday there will be » New Era Gladys Wilson, Geneva Woods. Helen Conference at the Presbyterian church. Woods. Mabel Woods, Vernon Wilson Dr. Arthur F. Bishop o f New York, Bernice Baldwin, Edith Bsldwin. an authoritative representative o f the burn Hsiley, Sherman Keck, Marion, New Era Campaign, Dr. Wm West- I.esteT snd Gilbert Klinkenburg and wood o f Baker Oregon, and Mrs. A. Johnnie Koopman. T. Hill o f, Oregon, will con duct the Conference. The program is as follows: M. E. CHURCH. A m eelin^w ith the women at 4 p. Mortgage burning All members m. Banquet at 6 p. m. to which all ami friends o f the Nyssa M. E church the organizations in the church are to are requested to be present next Sun be present, including 3ilndav School day at II a. m. teachers. Supt. of the S. 8., Elders and Brief talks on the early history of Trustees o f the church. A t S p. m. a the ehurcb will be given by laymen. papular service for everybody. This This will be followed by burning o f the will ha the host and most inspirational mortgage Sermon by Rer. A. II. service o f the day. To this service all Soward of Eagle. Idaho, who was pas the people are earnestly invited. tor at the time o f the building o f the church. Special music. Benediction. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. C. E. Truebiood, Pastor. A Bargain 2tt acreajill Ir. cultivation. I with good House, Barn, Granary, ami FOR SALE hen house, all well fenced, and fret ! One fresh, high trade, Jersey water right, one and one half miles ^ heifer, with heifer calf; price from Post Oflice at Nyssa, Price |35(lb Alao 20 acres adjoining the above, j $65. —Gus A. Schweizer, R. 1 all in cultivation, no buildings, gone box 69, Nyssa, Orepon. o28tf fenca, *2000.00. We also etTer, 160 Acres unimproved Notice Land with 60 shares o f the Capital I Is hereby given that I have a lien stock o f the Owyhee Ditch Company | upon one horse, one mule, one pack at *4,000.00. Or will sell the land I saddle and two saddle bags and con without the Ditch stock for *ltkk > .0 0 I tents, claimed by I .ester C. Scawoll, This land can be pumped onto with a for feed and care at the rate o f one lift of not over 16 feet, is about Tw dollar (SI.> per day; commencing with Milas from Nyssa. Also a model 20 acres under th< the 26th day of November, 1918. and continuing until the day o f sate thereof Owyhee Ditch, all in I igh state o f cul- tivation. good house, and out buildings j ' -4 that, by virtue o f thia lain. I ...1 vhc aforesaid property at pub a bargain at *3600. ’ » al'., 1 ve several town houses! lie auction, to the highest bidder for rash, at my place o f business in Njaaa foi sale at reasonable figures, and easy County <>f Malheur, State o f Oregon terms Call and see us about our 200 acre i on the 81st day o f March, 1819. at the hour o f two o ’ clock p. m. and that the farm. 70 acres in alfalfa. 156 shares! proceeds thereof will be tint applied paid up water right, in good location, in diacharge of said lien, and the costs immediate possession, easy terms. We can sell you any kind o f farm or and expenses of keen and sale o f said property, and the remainder, if any, dry land you may waut; also indirectly have one or two large stock ranches will be paid t« the owner thereof. List your property, for now is WILLIAM MILLED listed Dated thi*27lh day o f Februaro, 1919. the time. NYSSA REALTY CO. f283t For Sale J. Km doll. Mgr. OF CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOES NOW GOING ON! EVERY ARTICLE SACRIFICED! NO RESERVE! BUY NOW! REM EM BER! THIS IS YOUR LAST AND ONLY CHANCE to buy CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS and SHOES at WHOLESALE LOST ana less. Iheie is ro half way doing things here. We are selling Men’s and Boys’ SUI IS, OVERCOATS, FURNISHINGS and SH0ES, and thousands o f dollars of every day needs at prices to defy any competition or mail ordor house in the United States. The man or boy that misses this opportunity to buy wearing apparel will regret it many times in the future. The world war has sent everything ‘ sky-high” in price, and there is no telling what unreasonable prices you will be compelled to pay in the near future for merchandise inferior in quHlity to the kind we are sacrificing at this great Closing-Out Sale- We are cutting prices still lower in our desperate and final effort to CLOSE OUT every Dollar's Worth o f Merchandise before MARCH FIRST. If we had told you one year ago that you would be paying today such high prices for all kinds of merchandise, you would ne'er have believed it. It is a fact just the same and prices are still going higher, so by all means let this be a warning, figure out your present and future needs, and take advantage of this last and only chance to save, for the great World’s war has sent prices up in leaps and bounds, merchandise is going to be scarce, hard to get, and of an inferior quality, so by ail means take advan tage o f this sale, buy for less than wholesale cost in almost every instance, anticipate your future needs, it will be the best investment you ever made. BARGAINS! Hoys’ All Wool Overcoatr, worth over will be closed out at BARGAINS! Men’s Tennis Shoes; worth $2, on sale to close out per pair Men’s Heavy All-Wool Sweaters, worth over *8.30 wholesale todav. on sale at 98c $3.95 Choice of one lot of genuine Fiber Suit Cases, to close out at $6.45 Five hundred pairs of heavy Can vas Gloves will be closed out at less than wholesale cost, per pair $1.45 Boys’ best *1 Union Sniia will be closed out at 15c 79c The best *2 Felt Boots will be closed out at Men’s and Boys, Wool Jersies, worth to over *3. will be dost id out at 89c $ 1 .9 8 Choice o f any John B Stetson Hat in the store, worth to over *5, for $3.95 Misses $3.50 Mary Jane Slippers w ill be closed out at per pair $1.98 Boys’ 50c Summerweight Porisknit bnirts and Drawers, choice to close out I9c One lot o f Men’s Dress Shoes, val ues to $5, choice to close out ____ $3 69 . Dne lot of Men’ s Overcoats, small sizes, values to $1-5, choice at One ot of Men’s Hats, goocfstyles, worth over *2 50; choice to close out ’ $6.95 $1.39 ___ cnysi. .sch°o1 Shoes, worth over $3 50, choice to close out Men’s best quality $25 Wool Suits will be closed out at $2.89 B oy’s b< st $1 Hats will he closed out at 69c One lot o f Men’ s Heavy Work Shoes, worth to over *•>. on sale at .45 ______• 1 0 c ___ $2.85 One lot o f Men’s Negligee Shirts, small sizes, values to $2.50. choice at One lot o f Menls Dress Shoes, worth to over $7, choice at $4.95 Genuine “ Headlight," ‘ Carhart" and “ Levi Strauss” Bib Overalls, worth over $2 50 , to close out couA _____________ 89c Men’s best quality Shirts, worth $1.25, for _____________ $1.95 The famous Gordon Hats, newest styles, sold everywhere for $4 and $5, choice to close out at All Arrow Brand Collars, selling every place for 25c, choice to close out Blue Shir“ “i" be D r*ss 79c Work One lot of Men’ s Ribbed Shirts and l rawers. worth *1, on sale to close out 90c Merrs $2.30 Khaki Pants per pair T 48c to close, One lot Boy’s choice at $195 Caps, worth 50c, 19c » Never before such an opportunity to save., ,Lot# of Merchandise to go at less than wholesale cost. OUR FIRST. LAST AND ONLY SALE. COME L. SPIER’S STORE, INyssa, Or. Notice Main Street, Nyaaa. Or. le hereby given that 1 have a lien upon one horse, branded LD on the left «boulder, owner unknown, for feed ■nd care at the rate o f fifty cent« (50c) per day. commencing with the 23d day Two good milch cows and farm im NOTICE of December. 1918, and continuing un plements Will take hay or fresno work til the day ef sale thereof. in exchange. * Nyaaa, Oregon, January 29. 1919. And that by virtue o f this lien. I will • W. W. White. •ell at public auetion, te the higheet NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that bidder for caah. at my place of busi there hat been filed with the Board o f neee tn Nysee. Malheur County. Ore Direotore o f the Owyhee Irrigation gon. en the 24th day o f March. 1919. at the hodr o f two o'clock, p. m.. the Gaaollne Engine, 6 horae power. District, a Petition aigned by Rex Mxr- foregoing property, and that the p ro Alao 4 inch centrifugal pump. plie. Bonnte V. Follows. B. F. King, ceeds thereof w 'll be first applied in « • t P Klingba.-k M Elia I Lyn». ■ I Footer. C. H. the discharge o f said lien, and the costs ; Brown, W. C. Faobion, J. M. Fair- and expenses e f keep and sale of said banka. Oregon Western Colonization property, and the proceeds, if any. will be paid t# the owner lb< roof. Co., and John Wood, praying that the ^ W ILLIA M MILLER Jereey Cow giving milk, alao one landa deaeriti»! a«, all that portion ef Dated this 28th day o f February, 1919 f o o l gasoline »tove, four humara. S. Ike S } o f the 8 } o f Sec 22. fw p IS S.. IP . Bigelow. l R. 45 E.. W. M lying aouth o f thaJNa For Sale or Trade For Sale For Sale rm (£JBS3m *tSKR ÎL iiitiHn« on T W * y , Um T * vada Ditch: the Si SE } and all that aat portion o f the N }N E } o f Sec. portion o f the N J SE}, and all that ing south of the Nevada Ditch; portion o f the 8 W } o f Sec. 23. lying ' }N W } o f Sec. 29; the S}9EL south o f the Nevada Ditch: the S}SW }. ¡•II that portion o f the N }SE} and and all that portion o f tbe N} SW }, ’ ot the SW } o f Section and all that portion o f tbe SE } o f Sec. >>'«* south o f the Nevada Ditch i. lying aouth o f tbe Nevada Ditch; all that portion e f th . K ie o n and the NE} and the N W } o f Sec. 25. and - — ------- « M S W }. and o f the N W ISE}, and of the SW}NE* 7t the NE} and the N }N W } of Sec. £6. > -e. 21. lying aouth and the N }N | of Sec. 27. all in Twp IS Ditch; alao the S*SE} “ ■•N evada and S., R. 45 E.. W. M; also the following 8}SW t4 o f Sec ‘lin land, in Twp 13 S.. R. 46 E.. W M.— [ tg, S.. R. 4« E.. W. M. * - in be — exclu. " that portion o f the 8 }S W }. and o f the led Irrigation SW|SE} o f See. 19, lying eeuth o f the , i ’letriet. *" * Nevada Ditch; and the NW}. and all l By Order of the Beard 5 •$ Director». beA. f f a ^ n,J nUrMted or * ho may be affected by auch change, o f the S r ,wof the Diatrief-,re h,reb$ OSH SET £ nt t b * ° f f ic e d. at Nyaaa. Oregon, at ¡u regu- Ur meeting to be he»d on T u ead^ March}, tuto *» a . . u**iay. w h, thVlTrt ^ cn b ed ' “ *■the' h” '- Secretary Owyhee I r r ig a ,io J fíffik t Corn far aale. F. D. M organ.j24tf