Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
KR» «sa E a s t m a n PHONE 2 kodaks THE ONTARIO PHARMACY T H E H EX A E L STO R E All Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Headquarters for out-of-town visitors. When in Ontario call on us. SODAS. CANDI IS NYAL’S QUALITY GOODS Courtesy Service ‘ # T 1 1 E L A X “ Y O U W I L L PHAR5ÍAC Y L C B E T T E R H E R E ” WHY get your drugs and medicines elsewhere when you cau get them here? A trial will convince you. O R E G O N Y Y S S iY GATE CITY JOURNAL)^ynew Seed Corn Spring- Building Lost Plan your spring build» ing now. See our plans and let us figure your estimates. Lane there can be but As usual Nygsa will go '“ over projects started, but the top” with a rush In the drive with proper agitation by Nyssa for Armenian aid. We feel like I w„ have high grade seed c o i n -lo w . published every Friday at Nyssa, Ore and her allies. * Ontario and Vale, taking olf our hat to Nyssa every Silver Mine whit« corn and Yellow dent gun, by corn,—for sale. Those wishing seed there are indications that the . • time ,« we think o f her record dur- should send their order os soon as pes- H. F. BROWN _ . .... . Owyheo project will be one of .ing the war and subsuqently sible, not later than the first of March, them. and would divest ourself of other as we will ship all on hand after that Filtered as aeconu-viaaa matier April >* 1910, at the postoffice at Nyssa. There is no divided sentiment garments if it were necessary t o !date to *« eastern seed house, v.og.m , under the Act of March 3, 1879. H ATFIELD BROS. in the Nyssa country regarding a id to her fame. Now if Nyss« f74t will put as much ‘ pap” in her ef the feasibility and desirability of SUBSCRIPTION RATES : project. Every man, forts to get water on the Owyhee One year, in advance...................... $1 60 of the Six month» in advance .......................76c woman and child from Adrian to project as she did to w in the war Dead Ox Fl«t is whole heartedly a new empire o f irrigated land The front lid of a Majestic range. and enthusiastically for it. How will be opened right at our door. Lost between John Ray’ s and Jim Dun ★ ★ ★ V. ★ can's. Finder please return to Lee * * best to proceed to keep the merits' --------------------- Boyd and receive reward. INCOME TAX PAYS of the project before the heads of > . ... , , F O R P U B L IC B E N E F IT S . c, . . If it will help get water on the the Reclamation Service is th e' . *i ,Lia „ Owyhee Project, the Journal is ; For Sale. "Viewed In Its largest and only question. Along this line a truest sense, the payment of Good strong pump jack, x.early new. Nyssa business man suggests, _____________ taxes Is payment for beneflts Soe A. D. Morey. received or expected. Only from | that a booster club should be or - 1 i . . . ,. . . r, . A former editor of the Emmett I p - a narrow and essentially selllsh ganized immediately. Such an [dfcX who is now Asestiatod r , e68 corre. ami shortsighted viewpoint enn organization would be of untold : gpondent in France writing to the (he Individual propose to lilm- For Sale, self Ihi' evasion of tax liability benefit as ail aid to the officer’s \ Index from Coblenz, Germany, says 12 yearling steers and two cows. as a desirable coarse of notion." Fred Koopman. of the district and in promoting thHt ,'thu American doughboys are n513t — Daniel Roper, Commission the publicity for the Project that *he ^ German girls and er of Internal Revenue. . r * i i that “ >8 German g,rD ate quite crazy I IS necessary tor a successful and ; thtni8elve3. Me , ay8 that in 8pite < f Wanted—Woman or girl for genera^ ******* *********** ’ triumphant finish. To th e Jour-. t ie cola weather the parka are crowd- housework by the hour, day or week nal this seems th e fir s t Step t o ' a i i n t h e evening with eager couples Power Washer. Mrs. W . W , Foster. WANTED. BOOSTERS. ; be taken, and we would respect- *nJ thut bench *eat* are at a premium. ... . r v i .l He declares that while taking a stroll President Wilson Wednesday 1 fully suggest that Mayor Lalu- through a public park the othe: night Butter wrappers printed at the Jour sent word to congress that he in w ell call a meeting for th* PIU* I he counted scores of American dough, nal office. tends to get behind the bill ap pose o f effecting such an organ- ' boys who were hugging and kissing propriating #100 (H*0,000 to te- ization at the earliest convenient .German lassies.” If there are any P R O F E S S IO N A L . , of our Nyata boys at Coblenz, we want cl«im arid, swamp and cutover date. (General Pershing to send them right lands to provide homes for dis- We have been wanting the Owy home. V. J. ENOS charged soldiers and sailors. hee Project a long time. Now Chiropractor An official high in the Reclama let’s get it. 9 to 12 A. M. - 7 to-8 P M tion Service stated at Nyssa last •GOOD SAMARITAN' OF EUROPE N Y S - A , OREGON Saturday that if we want the Perhaps Bill Hohenzollern Owyhee Reclamation Project ami went to Holland to escape taking Sw itze rla n d S u re ly H a s E arned R ig h t to T h a t T itle F ro m W a r-Strick e n will work for it we can have any nonsense from the United JAOB PRINZING, M. D- N a tio n s S u rro u n d in g Her. Surgeon and Disease» cf Women actual construction well under States after the war Since the buttle of Morgarten In way within 18 months. W. J. WEESE. M. D. 13in Switzerland has blazed Die trail Internal Medicine It is well known that the Owy The ex-kaiser is said to be very toward human freedom as the "Good hee Project stands well in the melancholy over his downfall. Samaritan” of war-stricken Europe, EDGAR S. FORTNER. M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat estimation o f Secretary Lane and Cheer up, Bill; the worst is yet sn.vs Frederick Dossenlinch In Ameri can Review ot Reviews. the officials of the Reclama to come OFFICE HOURS: The Helvetian republic was born 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 tion Service at Washington, but at the end of the thirteenth century, there are hundreds of other pro The great problem ju9t now through a desire for emancipation from despotism, when she scrap- Office over First National Ba’-k jects with less merit whose seems to be how to make Ger antocratic heaped the divine right of kings. The Telephene No. 31 J. Ontario, Oregon bco dersare making dverv possi. many safe for the Germans, very pact (known as the “ Vow of Grutll") which the ancient federates b!e effort to have their prajects swore to on that quiet spot, the Grutll, W. II. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher Many a man has been robbed recognized, so it behooves Nyssa on the classic lake of Lucerne, on the ATTO R N EYS-AT-LAW to get busy and stay on the job by his friends while watching nis first day of August, 1201, embodied the great principle of “the right of thus* until water is actually flowing on enemies. who submit to authority to have n the lands of the project. Even voice In • thefr own governments.” Wilson Bldg D atato, O r with the hundred million dollar Let’s have an armistice with There the old Swiss proclaimed self- government agnlnst Ihe autocratic rule appropriation asked for by Sec- old Gen. High Cost O’ Living. of the Ilapsburgs. R. W. SWAGLER YOUR LIFE HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH? Old Line Life Insurance protects you during the years of production, and provides for your family after you are gone. I am anxious to advise you on this import ant matter. Britt Nedry Gem State Lumber Co. NYSSA, OREGON yoooooooooo^t x>c*x>ooeeooo<® Ghoice Meats We keep constantly on hand a carefully selected stock of cLoice meats, including Beef, Pork’ Mutton, Veal, Sausages o f va rious kinds,, Hams, Lard, Veal, etc., in fact, everything found in an up-to-date shop. Sanitary Slaughter House We are especially careful about the sanitary con dition of our slaughter house, and ell meats are pre pared for the block under conditions of perfect cleanliness Patrons are invited to inspect our slaughter house at any time. Nyssa Meat M aiket C. W. de BOER. Prop. •>oooooocoooo< xx>ooooooooo<£ PECKHAM CASE CO. House Furnishers’, and Funeral Directors. I. H. Kellar, in charge of Parma Store. House Phone 50-SSS Since those early struggles Switz ATTORNEY-AT-LAW erland fought fiercely and unfalter ingly to maintain her liberty and Rooms 12, 14, IS Independence until following the Na Wilson Bldg. poleonic wars. At the congress of ONTARIO OREGON Paris In 1813 the European powers— France, Great Britain, Russia, Portu gal. Prussia and Austria— formally and authentically acknowledged that DR T O. HUMPHREYS the perpetual "neutrality nnd inviola DENTIST bility of Switzerland nnd Its independ Office in Kerrick Blk, Parma, Idafc ence from all foreign Influence are In Phone 48. the best Interests of the policy o f the whole of Europe." For Sale 20 acres en Bridge Island. House and ether buildings. 5 acre* in alfalfa 12 acres levelled for grain. H. T. Franeia. F»4tf. D r . PHONE NO. 8 Phone 50-SS Stares at Caldwell and Parma, Idaho. i H O T E L W E S T E R N A. R. McCARTY, PROP. J. J. SARAZIN First Cla3s Meals— -Moderate Prices. P H Y S IC IA N A SU HURON ' Office between Second and rh.r.l on Main atreet. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRADE Chicken Dinner Every Sunday — N yssa Barber Shop Shaving. Hair Catting Hot and Cold Bath« 1 \ 1 J 1 t j WITH ALADDIN SOAP D Y E S -C O M - P L E T E L IN * W R IT E (.171 . . . . . . W RITE W ITH W A T E R M A N FO U N TAIN TEN S I’ K T C H E S w,TiV E a s t m a n k o d a k s Per aale by n yssa OREGON f FOSTER’S D BU G STO R E