EASTM AN THE ONTARIO PHARMACY KODAKS P your r need t We w ity to Desir M T H E Headquarters for iß È N Y A L ’S Q U A L IT Y N E S T O R E All Mail Orders Promptly Filled. GATE CITY JOURNAL SERMONETTE Westen F. Shields, Pastor. rublished every Friday at Nyssa, Ora- gon, by H. F, BROW N Notice Mwing < taken up of underi Nyssa, h Seven he leftside proving i I albin the 3 Ä d Gross WI SODAS. ANDIES Teachers’ Examination I State T e a c h e r s ’ Examinatons will be held at the Court House in Vale on December 18,19,20, and 21, 1918 Following is the program for one- year and five-year subjects: Wednesday- Arithmetic, Civil Gover­ nment and Geography. Thursday—Grammar, history, Phys­ iology, Orthograpy. Psychology, and Physical Geography. Friday--School Law, Theory and Practice, Writing. Composition and American Literature, Saturday- Algebra. Teachers wishing to write for Special Primary and L ife Certificats will kindly make arrangements with the County Superintendent regaring pro­ grams for this work. F A Y CLARK County Superintendent of Schools. n293t N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . Department o f the Interior. Land Office at Vale, Or., November 13, 1918, Notice is hereby given that John Prati, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on Jan uary 21, 1918, made Homestead Entry No 05811. for Lot 4, Sec. 32. T. 19 3, K 47 E. and Lot6, Sec 5.T. 20S , R 47E.| Willamette Meridian, hsa filed notice ofjintention to make final three-yesr proof, to establish claim to the land al o v j described, before Register snd Receiver. U S. Land Office, at Vais, Oregon, on the 18th day of December 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: H. Ward, C. C. Carter, E Rich, Jut Hoffman, all o f Nyssa, Oregon. THOS JONES. Register. Text, Joshua 7:13 "There is s devoted thing in the midst of thee. Oh Israel Entered as secoiiu-ciaae manor April thee canet net stand before thine one ».•. 1910, at the postoffice at NyBga. miss, until ye take awey the devoted under the A c to f March 3,1879. thing from among you." Joshna sent three thousand men against Ai, and they were badly de SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, in advance................... $1 60 fasted with a loss o f thirty-six men. Bis months in advance...................75e The loss of men was not great, but their loss o f courage was deplorable. Ci^l^tAisXÁerint/ie This just followed the victory of Israel îrom every fona of loss SURPRISING ECONOMICS. at Jericho, and Joshua knew that the Plans for conservation are effecting defeat would revive the hope and cour- from a burned b lo c h surprising economies, while startling aze o f the eneasy. He fell on his face wattes are being neglected. Aside from to a lost paclhige before Ged in prayer, but God com­ war’s destruction, the avoidable loss of manded him to arise and stand upon his human life Is enormous, and we are feet. Evidently it was net the time for r< r "/ou i s a j/e * r t told that In New York state there were preyer but for action. There was sin íi a n d a ‘D o lla r last year 837 deaths from automobiles trn dem arku nm lcopyrl^hU obtain ed or. «a. - and transgression in Israel’s camp. f c t . Bf*nd model, nkctclie* o r pliutoa am) <»e. J clone, an increase o f about 100 per ivi-inti'in f ° r F R E E S E A R C H "»«i w»*»«* The atrength o f Joshua and his peo |£tcn!9>>;Uf)r. Bank refereneea. i cent In five years. The food waste pie was not in the site o f the army, but P A T E N T S B U IL D F O R T U N E S for | About one dozen sheep pelts between from the killing o f animals on rail­ |iqyV. j what to tn v« ju. O ur f :•*« booklet* t*!| fiqw, you, in patriotism to God and freedom from Nyssa and Arcadia. Finder please1 ami suro you money. W rit» fcflUy. roads would feed a great army. The PR O FESSIO NAL. ■In. In tbo investigation Achsn was call telephone 189-N1 and receive re­ Cotton Belt route o f the S t Louis discovered as the offender. He was the ward. 2t Southwestern operated only 1,809 weakness and disgrace o f Israel and PA TEN T LAW YERS, V . J. E N O S miles o f track in the year ending with L.303 Seventh S t, Washington, D. C.j Butter wrappers printed while you her armies. A t the capture o f Jericho June, 1917, but on this track 2,792 ait at the Journal offlea. everything was to be devoted to de- head o f cattle, horses and sheep were ! struction and to Jehovah. Obedience 9 to 12 A M . - 7 to 8 P . T . 'I R E comes first as causing killed— a loss o f possible food prod- ' i to God was the vital thing. Achsn dis­ N YS S A , OREGON nets estimated at more than 1,000,000 the greatest losses, but is obeyed God and stole a Babylonish man­ pounds. It is believed that a greater tle, two-hundred shekels e f silver, and first for that reason alone. waste per 100 miles occurs on many fifty shekels o f gold and hid them in J A C O B P K IN Z IN G . M. D. Some other form o f fatality Western railways. An example o f hi* tent. In one sense his sin was per Surgeon and Diseases of Women might be far worse for you waste-saving Is furnished by the Lon­ senal, in another sense it was national, D. don General Omnibus company, which la there any sin that ia simply personal? than a fire. D o not learn Internal Medicine no longer deans the axles, eagiaes and Ia net the whela nation weakened by these things after they happen. other parts o f vehicles with kerosene, the moral corruption and dagredatien D. W h ate ver your circumstances, but removes the oil and grease In a o f a singla citizen? There was only one Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat occupation or possessions, you solution o f caustic soda, leaving the thing to do and that was to destroy the metal perfectly clean. Five-sixths o f sinner, and so repudiate bis transgres­ O FFICE HOURS: are vulnerable to the blind god W e r o w h a v e on d is p la y a g r e a t n u m b e r o f 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 the kerosene formerly used Is saved. sion in the sight o f Israel that the con Chance. T h e Hartford Fire The oil collected from the soda bath« j «cience o f the people would be quick Insurance Com pany outwits Office over First National Bank oily cleaning rags, Is sent to a ened to absolute obedience and moral Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Oregon central depot, where the oil from the j purity before the living God. Israel chance, because it covers ail 11 various garages. Including that extract- ; eeuld prevail enly in being right with rides. Its policies surround ed from the rags. Is cleaned and bar­ j God and true to his commands. Achsn ALSO you with an interlocking coat W . H. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher reled. The rags are ready for fu r­ was sentenced to death. He and his C h ild r e n ’s W a g o n s , S le d s , K id d ie s K a r s . S a m -E K a r s , A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W o f mail made up o f Hartford ther u A , while the oil reclaimed, be­ family and hia belongings ware burieu ing now unsuitable for lubricating, beneath a heap e f stones. Terrible was ». . D o ll B u g g ie s etc policies, leaving no unpro­ runs two 80-horsepower Diesel en­ the condemnation visited upon him by tected point A l a r g e a n d choice lin e o f h a n d p a in te d p ieces in Wilson Bldg all the people. A ll sin* must be per O n taro , O r gines, a surplus being left for sale. W o u ld it not give you greater ■enally repented o f before God if there c h in a a n d s e v e r a l p a tt e rn s iu d o m e stic d in n e r w a r e . O u r peace o f mind to have this Everyone has noticed the very largo is to be salvation to the sinner. I f the R. W . S W A G L E R number o f names o f foreign charac­ sin is against society, it may be races- complete protection? The ter In our casualty lists. They gen­ ■ary for society’ s welfare, that the sin- A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W erally outnumber what may be called f ner be destroyed. Is there any sin that Insurance Service Rooms 12, 14, 15 "native” names. “ Native" names o f Is not in some way against the good cf of «*• Wilson Bldg. s h o w s m a n y b e a u t ifu l w a t e r sets. a m o n g o th e r t h in g s Americans are now the names found all the people? A community must Insurance Co. O N TAR IO OREGON In every country In the world, though obey God. A nation must obey God O u r stock is we still persist In the odd discrimina­ That is the way to be victorious. This o ffen i> through this i tion. Now note what the treasury truth ia ao emphasized that it cannot DB T O. H U M PHR E YS department reports regarding subscrip­ be changed. The secret e f the pewer DENTIST tions to the last Liberty loan. Eight­ e f any community or nation is in obedi - Office in Kerrick Blk, Parma, Idaho a n d you s h o u ld se e it to g e t an id e a of what we have to een per cent o f that loan was sub­ once to God and in moral cleanness in Phone 48. scribed for by people o f 88 foreign bis sight on the part o f tach and every o ffe r. nationalities, with the Germane show­ ciUsen. A community can not harbor ing In the largest numbers. N o one a moral raprobata or a great wrong­ D u . J. J . S A R A Z I N needs to be told that thla la m ta full doer and net pay tha penalty in weak P H Y S I C I A N A 8U K O K O N A community is o f men o f German birth wbo could naa* add disgrace. O ffice betw een S e co n d an d T h ird not be more thoroughly American If under the moral law o f God. The nation ibey had been born here. Just so with is bound by the moral law. The world on M a in street. other thousands o f aliens. A ll are ia in the grip e f tha meral law. Does Americans; all believe In America; not the greatest moral obligation go to them America la everyfhlng, says with the greatest unit o f society? No Good strong pump jack, nearly new. Buffalo Express. Ours la a wonder­ man any where can evade the demands S h a v in g , H a i r C u t t in g Soe A. D, Morey. • f the moral law no matter what he ful country. H o t a n d C o ld B a th s professes religiously. What will the 1 *Tm a brother to a scou t" said a lit­ World d# with William Hehenzollern? y s s a OREGON tle boy. This was his explanation for He and all Germany followed the his 12 yearling steers and two cows. attempting to help up a Dirge woman t irian Treitsckke who taught that n513t Fred Koopman. who had fallen and f o r picking up Christianity did nat apply to the state her numerous package* which hadl The state baa but one sin and that is fallen. “ I ’m too young ta be a scout, te be weak. The basest and most in­ but my brother la on M f That boy's human thing* could be done to advance brother was a w alking recommenda­ the state, and far the state a citizen tion o f the scouts, a ¿4 an embodiment should sacrifice not only bia life but as o f the scout law. T h e best Judges willingly hia honor. For tbo gratifi­ and witnesses o f the real character o f cation o f his selfish ambition the Kaiser a boy are hi a jtooqger brothers and pludgad tbo world into a bloody and in­ sisters, „ e, » ' - e i f l i j f f g j j human war. Can the World forgive him anropentont? Can crown hoed* Democracy is marching on Id Eu­ commit euch fins and go unpunished P E N C I L S , T A B L E T S . IN K . E R A S E R S , rope, King Georg* has abolished while tho humble citizen suffer* for a F O U N T A IN PENS the practice o f hjittlng traffic In tha yaat deal lass offense against the wcl ■ ^ T O U w h o are w ith out T e le p h o n e S e r v ic e ; c o m p a re its streets o f London w h m royalty ia tak­ fare * f man? Will the whole world now X d a ily cost to you with m an y o th er th in g s y o u b u y ing a drive. He, says the people must follow in tbo way o f strength, or will eac h day. W e b eliev e y o n w ill find that it w ill save y o i it go in the way of weakness? Christ­ not b e Inconvenienced. This is a m oney. T r y it. slight thing in, itself, bnt It shows how ianity in its high standard* o f honor, truth,justice, pity, and human brother­ | the point o 'i view la changing under the stress r/f war and what reorganisa­ hood ,haa wen the War. W * ar* all « » tion than« is going to be whan It la being deeply convicted that from 1918 onward and aa never before the iudi over. vidual, tho community, the nation, and « f l i p« the world must got right with God. The near plaft win open t v ■ •in in any form cannot bo embraced I'illty of an artuy of lduOOOVOOO men. nor tho ainnor condoned without weak , That ought to interest the kaiser a naoa and humiliation. Touch not that little. It alto ought to Interest the which God haa forbidden. I f Joeiah home folks to know that the army of Gilbert Holland waa right when bo 3.000,000 with Which w* shall win thla wrote hia conviction o f the need o f hia war will coot the smell and Inconse­ day, and put it in tho form o f o prayer, quential sum of 340 , 000 . 000,000 a year than much moro soon Id it be eur prayer N o w ep en f o r b u sin ess. to maintain, send over, and repatrtata. today: .............................................. "G oa give us man. Tbo time demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and wittiag hands. W e observ e that the new teewne tax Tall men. sun-crow nod, who live above schedule wm takJ 90000,000 tb* f * f Income the small sdm o f 30327.000 In public duty and ia private thinking." That will leave o r iy 9MT0900 fee the poor devil to live a * , . Parma P ro te c t io n 2090 1 and to b Come gt mile we! See or p REXALL R E M E a m 2 R E X A L L out-of-town visitors. When in Ontario call on us. NO m Lost. Will ble, Gall ! D. SWIFT & CO. Are you prepared for the wor^t? Chiropractor TOYS TOYS w. J. WEESE. M. EDGAR S. FORTNER. M. Novelties in the Toy Line and Ham r j 4 O GOODS H. J i H Glassware Department Hartford Fire J. BOYDELL, i L a rger than ever before Resident Agent. Nyssa Barber Shop n The Variety Store ONTARIO, OREGON. For Sale. J For Sale. Headquarters for School Supplies STOP A MOMENT WATERMAN FOSTER S DBUGSTORE ; Malheur Home Telephone Co F. M. Hartzler Oregon Trail Garage Parma, Idaho ALL KINDS OF AULO REPAIRS ALL WORK G U A N A N T E E D Jeweler and Optometrist (rent n C. L. PAINE, Prop.