<£I)c Æiîtc Citi) Jutinm Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY VOL. XVII NO. 3 $1.60 PER YEAR NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 1918 (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) Miss Martha Overstreet will leave The rcecnt rain* have put the roads Friday for Eugene Oregon, where she will be a student at the University this ia much better ehape. Some of the Apple Valley men have winter. E. M. Blodgett and F. T. Morgan been called to Caldwell to aniwer went to Nampa Monday where they their queationiares. Ur.Peterson, a returned aoldics from purchased a set of hay-bucks for use the front, was a viaitor at the packing in harvesting their next crop of alfalfa. Many of the Kolony families, includ­ heuae Monday. Henry Pink has sold bia farm to ing the Overstreets. Martins,Kingmans, Axel Norland and expects to move and Pecks attended a reception given at the Big Bend School house last back east this fall. Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and There was no peeking ef apples Mrs. Shields, the new pastor and his Tuesday at the peeking bouse owing to wife. the rain Monday which hindered pick* At a recent meeting of the stock- Ibg. , ... . . _ . . . 1 holders In the Kolony Irrigation Com- Jesse Albertson of Parma, training' ___• » ___ , . . . . * . , P»ny. “ w»» decided to put in a drain« at Camp Lewis, visited the Apple age system to take care of the waste Valley packing house Wednesday after­ water project. Guy McGee was noon. chosen ai engineer to oversee the Mrs. J. M. Judd and daughter. Mrs. work of surveying and making the Baxter Cress, of Parma left for an ex­ necessary tests. tended visit in North and South Dakota Mrs. B. F. Farmer v a l the speaker laathveek. at a meeting held ¡in the schoolhouse M. L. Parsons has bought a farm in last Sunday afternoon. Oonditions in the Kingman Kolony and expects to the munitions factories of the allied move as soon as the work is finished on countries and the work of the different the Swaneon farm. clubs and organizations interested in Mrs. Potter who has been visitiag at war relief, formed the basis of a very the A W. Foulds home left for her good patriotic talk, home at Potter, South Dakota, the Two of the big ranches in this com­ first of the week. She will visit Den« munity were sold this last week. V. ver and other points enroute. V. Hickox sold his one hundred and What might have peon a serious ac­ twenty-five acre farm near Adrian, to cident happened Saturday evening John Vanderpool, who has been renting when J J. Hicks’ were returning from the Kingman place for the past three the packing house. They were run in­ years. The Sheldon farm has also been to by a big car driven by Miss Kay of sold to Mr. Palmer of Apple Valley. Nysaa at the Apple Valley Crossing. The directois of the Kingman Kolony Fortunately no one was hurt. Mr. Irrigation Company met to hear the Hicks’ ear was disabled and bad to be report of Mr. Van Dusen who has been taken to the repair shop. auditing the compasy’s books at Ontario Tuesday. Everything was found in V satisfactory shape and a stato- IHyssa and Vicinity '1 A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. 6c PER COPY } Over the Top With a Whoop I Good old Nyssa has again made a record for her3elf and has Fred Green and Olie Scrvoss are in It is reported that Cook Bros have her quota in the Fourth Liberty Loan over subscribed 27 per cent purchased the Service Garage of Chas. Arlington working at the carpenter and still going strong at the hour of going to press. The official trade. Crawford. Word received from Glen Pounds, quota for Nyssa was 333,150 and already $42,350 have been sub­ Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dean and Miss Bassett will make a trip by auto to who is at ramp Lewis, states that he is scribed. Severai of the largest prospective bond buyers have not sick with pueumonia. yet taken up their alioted quotas, but they will probably do so Boise tomorrow. Mrs. B. F. Farmer of Vale is in shortly, as failure to do so would subject them to very uupleasant Mrs. J. Jones and little son of Port­ land visited a few days this week at Nyssa today and is a guest at a dinner consequences. Ontario is reported to have subscribed about half party given at the J. M. Duncan home of her quota, and the county as a whole is still short of the $417,- the Neil Morehead home. Rev. Chas, J. Blom will preach at 100 , which is the county quota As a consequence the drive here Mr. and Mrs. William Cope of Pay­ ette are visiting at the home of Mr. the Parish Hail Sunday. Sept. 29, at will be continued until all have done their share. 2.30 p. m. Subject—“ Is Christ Re­ and Mrs. George Clossen. Mrs. J. M. Dennis, Miss Georgia turned to Earth.” Sheldon Bros, will have a public Dennis and Miss Dorothy Goshert are sale of stock, farm machinery, house visiting in Ontario today. There was reported to be a record- hold goods, etc., on Tuesday, October breaking crowd at Ontario Wednesday 16. Watch out for big bills. (By Our Regular Correspondent) By Our Regular Correspondent to view the exhibition of war relics. Morris Clark’s father of Jerome. A big delegation was present from Idaho, is visiting at his son’s home in There were a few apples packed at Nyssa. A. D. Morev was a business visitor the Parma peeking house last week. the north part of town. Here he met Mr. and Mrs. J. Boydelland Derrick- his sister, Mrs. Lyle, whom he had not to Nyssa Tuesday. The regular monthly meeting of the son Nedry are visiting in Vale today. seen for thirty yearr. Fred Klingback made a business W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Sowvrd and daughter Jesn Mrs. Will Stockton last Friday. When in Parma don’t fail to give visit to Parma last week. will accompany them home to spend the Gem Dry Goods Co. store window William Noah lefr last wsek for Haiton Stephens, Reid Robinson and the week end. the once over. It is a splendid patri­ Homedsle and vicinity, where he ex- Raymond Dickerson are among tbo J W. Wills has completed a new otic display and reflects much credit ’ oected to sell gome of his horses. Parma boys planning to take a military foundation for the Reece warehouse upon Mr. Bussel, the designer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eagleson and Mr. course at Corvalis, Oregon. and made other necessary improve C. E. Bertsch is in charge of the J. L. Griffith, the well known monu and Mrs. George Glascock went to ments and guarantees it to be in first- ment and tombstonejman, of Payette, Adrian Tuesday to answer question- Westfall barber shop at present. class condition. Philip Westfall has left for Moscow was in Nyssa last Saturday. While aires Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cole arrived in here he placed a handsome monument Mrs. W. W. Smith has been suffer- where he is taking a military course. Nyssa last evening and are visiting iith e lccal cemetery. f ing for the past week with a bad ab- Misses Freda Kerrick and Gail Bald­ Mrs. Cole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. „ _. left Wednesday 8 e®3 011 hcr hand' but is now 8ome ridge are attending the College of Idaho W. Wills. Mr. Cole has purchased a ^ E ^ g e n e , where'h, will report for bettor. this year. Miss Kerrick enters on her drugstore at Payette and is on his way duty at the University training Word has been received from Marga» senior year ani Mias Baldridge as a to assume charge. few daysln PoriUnd'cn ro u t^ ’to'look ret Share, who is now attending high Sophomore.) Misa Marian Robinson of Nampa after some private theatrical business, j school in Caldwell, and says she likes Misa Shirley Fisk £who left seme was a guest over Sunday at the Fred time ago for France where the will There has been considerable anxiety i f' n*‘ _ . Marshall home. Miss Robinson is tak­ in Nyssa this week regarding the fate Mrs. W. Guy Thompson and Mias work as a stenographer in the Red ing a course as nurse at Des Moines, of Albert Iredale, whose boat, the! Hazel Daly spent the week end at Cross service has arrived over there Iowa and is home on sick leave, She Kingfisher, was reported sunk by a I ttieir home: at Ontario and Vale re* safely according to a telegram received submarine. A letter received) today I . . exoectsto be sent to France soon, by her parents. by his parents, written the same day J sp^ctiveiy. Mrs A. R. Carrick of Tieton, Wash., that his boat was reported sunk, states Gordon and Sutherland brought some Mrs. E V Creight had an unfortun­ is visiting friends in Nyssa. Mrs. that his boat was out only a short time | of their sheep from the range last ate accident a week ago when a table BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT that day on account of bad weathtr . Carrick is returning to her home from and it is probable that it was some 1 week and have the,n P“atulcd on th# by which she was assisting herself to an extended visit with relatives in other rise from a chair slipped and she fell boat that was sunk. 1 D. P. Pullen ranch. Gerritt Stam sold his Chevrolet to North Dakota and as Nyssa was her to the floor, fracturing her hip. Her Harry Blessicger. J. W Crock«»» „nrf P m ri - vu . : Rev. Blom. of Ontario, preached at W. Crockett and P. M. Binkley . „ home for nearly five years she stopped daughter, Mrs H C Baldridge, ia caring remodeling the interior of the the school house Sunday elterneon. By Our Regular Correspondent are Frank Miller had his silo filled dur off to renew old friendships. school horse to meet the requirements fie was accompanied ' ‘ by " Mrs. Blom for her jnd she is now improving. ing the past week. Reports from Kingman Kolony indi­ of the class in Domestic Science, of and several friends from Ontario. Mrs. J. P. Story and son Paul have Wm. Jacobs bought a new Dort from Mrs. Dupree made a trip to town cate that the farmers there will soon which Miss Bassett is instructor. A Among these who went to Nyssa to left Parma for a visit with relatives full set of dishes and cooking utensils Mr. Staples of Ontario last Friilay. Saturday. begin the construction of a drainage has been ordered and it ia the intention answer their questionaires this week at Spokane, Wash. Paul reports at Frank Howard of Caldwell was a Born—To Mr and Mrs. McPherson, system. This is a wise move and will to serve noon lunch to the scholars of were A. E. Ruset Ed Tenhave. Chas. the University of Washington at Seat­ guest in his son Leslie’s home last a bj&y boy. enhance the value of their land far the school. A number of old bachelors Bradley, Fred Klingback, Mr. Fenn and tle on October 1 where he will take a around town are contemplating ¡join­ wsek. military course, Ha will be the fourth Wlftfara Farmer made the Downo a more than the cost of the system, and ing the c I hss and learn how to cook, a number of others. lack of drainage would in a few years and thus alleviate tha miseries of their A number from here attended the visit Sunday. Huffman Bros, had the misfortune Bon of Mr and Mrs Story to enter the practically ruin the land. unhappy condition. state fair in Boise during the peat to lose their grain by fire Sunday at service. Mr. and Mrs. John Paulson went to week. their ranch near the Butte. It was Mrs. Mary Rust arrived Wednesday Payette Sunday. Third haying is now on, grain thresh­ fully covered by insurance. They esti­ for a visit with her son A. E. Rust Mre, Anna Taylor is out of the Holy and family. ing ie about completed and clover mate their loss at 1600 bushels, Rosary hospital of Ontario. ready to hull. D. P. Pullen has the building of his I Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rust and family new house well under wav, having Miss Ruby Donaldson made Miss Rev. and Mre. Shields of Nyssa spent Betty Taylor a visit Sunday. motored to the Bend Sunday, where started work on it last week. the first part of the week getting ac­ they visited at the home of Mr. and Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kling­ Della Downs and Lilly Downs made BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT quainted with Bend people. Mrs. E. M. Loye. who recently became back, on Thursday, Sept. 26. a bounc­ a trip to Ontario Sunday night. In the following letter to J. B. Hat­ ing daughter. Both mother and baby Mrs. Watson ;of A u r o r a , who spent , the parents of a little daughter. Wm. Farmer made a flying trip to field Sylvester Morris states that the , Miag Elya Meeker the ,, owner doing well. Fred not quite recovered. the summer with her daughter, Mrs. , The Owyhee P. T. A. held a L'lsincss town Sunday night on his motor cycle. girls of the United States tave got the Qf # new piano Parker, returned home Thursday. waa up to the Butte the first meeting and election of officers at the of J.Boydell French girls beat a mile, which senti-' Betty Taylor and Ruby Donaldson the week to see about the adjust­ A number of cases of whooping school house Fridry afternoon. The ment will be endorsed by all loyal Amer- Da'',d Adam8 ihe Proud °wnor °f ment of the insurance on the grain cough are reported in the neighbor made Mrs. A. S. King a visit Sunday. leans. The letter follows: , a saddle pony. following officers were elected: Mrs. which was burned on the Huffman M. F. Taylor and Miss Dwade Tay­ hood. Several children are out of ranch. In France, Sept. 2, 1918. I Mr. nrd Mrs. Thoe. Harris visitedm H. T. Pratt, president, re-elected; lor made a business trip to Ontario school. i Payette Saturday, Miss Gertrude Bigelow, secretary; Miss Flora L. Tuffts, a regular nurse Dear John ar.d Aunt Martha: of Walla Walls. W uh., arrived Wed­ E. H. Brumbach had an electric Saturday. Mrs. Joe Divi3h visited at the L. J. Mrs. George Smith, treasurer. 1 remember I promised to write to nesday for a visit with her sisters, B. B. Wood has gone to war and light plant put in last Saturday. yon folks when I left, but I don’t Meeker home Saturday. The thresher, under the manage­ Mrs. F. L. DeBord and Mrs. Fred Mess: s. Hardman and Clark o f Boise Mrs. Wood has gone to Portland to live era to have kept my promise Very Tom Adams was transacting business ment of L. Pilot, which has lee i doing Klingback. during hia absence installed the plant. well. I ’m sorry I haven’t written in New Plymouth Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan motored to 1 th? threshing for mest of the farmers At Valley View Messrs. Planer, Bill sooner, but this will let you know that Tuesday, whore Mr. Logan Tuesday evening a large crowd gath Robert and Tom Harris visited John in Owyhee, pulled out for Nampa laat Ontario went answer hia questionaire and ered at the school house to greet Rev. Shaffer, Vernon Armstrong and Moller I am over here, well and happy and Hannigan in Payette Sunday. week without finishing up the work Mrs. to Logan to consult a physician and Mre. Shields and welcome th>;m to are building the teachers a three-room busy. I am working in the hospital they had agreed to do. leaving several about her tonsils, which have been Jim Boor and A. R. Baker were bus­ this neighborhood. Refreshments of cottage. now and don’t know when 1 will get to farmers under the necessity of hunting troubling her and will have to be re­ iness visitors in Payette Saturday. ice cream and cake were served. go up front, if I ever do. I hope I do, up another machine or leaving their moved. J. H. Boor visited his mother, Mrs. grain unthreshed. Messrs. Leuck and though. Say, we have a patient here in my J. W. Boor of Fruitland, Sunday. Green of the Kolony promised to come C-em State Lumber Co. for all kinds no4('-tf Mrs. Clyde Hurd and Mrs. Earl Hurd to their rescue with their rig. of building materiel. ward that is pretty badly (hot up with schrapnell and, as he is a mighty fine spent Friday at the Chas. White home. sort of fellow, I got to talking to him Mr. and Mrs. James were Sunday while 1 took care of him. When he dinner guests at the Phillip Lynn W. told me he came from Oklahoma, of home. Burnell R. Ford, the electric» 1 wizard, is one of the eoming attrac­ course I thought of you folks Dorothea and Minerva White visited tion« on tVe Lyceum Coune- His lecture-entertainment is decid­ and asked him if he knew the L. J Meaker home Friday and Sat­ edly out o f the ordinary and is credited with being the best thing any one that came west from Okla­ urday. of its kir.d on the platform. Many o f his experiments are truty homa. You can guess how surprised Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright visited Mr. I was when he said yes, I knew John dumfoir .iding and they all give a new insight into the marvels of Hatfield. His name is Cecil Ray | Wright’s brother of New Plymouth electric' jty. Ford haadles with impunity eiectric currents deadly Davis. Do you remember him? He | Sunday. in vol'' miie creates aiightning storm on the platform, operates a to'd me to tell you hello. We sure A. K. Baker and Harry Heckus were Sunday dinner guests at the Tom troll/ f car bx wireless, welds metal by electrie currents passiug will take care of him. Harris Home. ( I suppose you will want to know a thre ,ugh him, «eta off « p losives electricity projected through the Mrs. J. H. Boor and children spent | let about this country and where I am air „„1 does many other things just as astounding. Mr. Ford, at end everything. I can't tell you Sunday evening with Mrs. Ihot. Har-1 w f 10 does these mystifying thing through a clear understanding of where I am, as we are in what is called ris and family. 4 icctricity, is coming soon on the lyceum course and will be at the the “ advanced zone’’ and can’t men Miss Fannie Peacock spent the week­ tion n a m e s . I like France all right, end with her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. but the United States looks better to Peacock of Fruitland. endorsed by the U S, 9. As for the girls, John, you bet­ Mr. and Mrs. Arment. Mr. and Mrs Specially shown to President Wilson, and ter stay at home. The girls in the IL' Government. S. have the French girls beet a mile. Dick Taylor, of Payette visited Mr. There’s plenty of them over here, tho. and Mrs. Earl Hurd, Sunday. They think the A m e ric a n soldiers a r e ON Mr. and Mrs. Gorham of Payette about all right, too. 1 wish I could were looking after their ranch Sunday, talk to them. I haven't run across any one I know Mr. Gorham has seme fine hay. yet, although I may, any time Well, J. T. Young of Fruitland visited the give my best regards to everyoody, I Tom Adams heme Monday and was and be sure to write very soon. Your sincere friend, lookin after his sugar cane crop. PVT SYL MORRIS, I U. S. Army Base Hospital 46. Ameri-1 ean E t. Forces, A. P. O. 731. Gens Stete Lumber Co. for coal. O W Y H EE Parma Notes ß 1Big Bern] BOULEVARD IS LOYAL TO THE U. S. GIRLS Whitley Bottom BURNELL FORD Ambassador James Gerard’s Official Film Version cf “My Four Years in Germany.” Facts-INot Fiction Liberty Theatre Tuesday, October 1 st Don’t fail to be present Liberty Theatre Wednesday, Oct. 2d Prices - 15c and 35c «-none u .