Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1918)
Scrapped by the Allies ONTARIO R (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) Frank Lawrence has acceptad a position in the Allen Shoe company aa clerk. Chalmers Fostsr returned to his home in Ontario after a months visit with his aunt Mr*. J. P. Hill. L< O B< B: C; C S- u D C pull Every time you buy a bond you register a vote of confidence in the United States. PIT“ When you don’t buy bonds, you vote against United States, against your Country’s Cause. The issue is clean cut: Democracy or the divine right of an autocrat; self-govern ment or government by a despot; victory or disgrace. Vote today for .Victory! v t Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds ANY BANK WILL HELP YOU •VOT9 A D T K 1 T IS S M IH T C O N T R IB U T E D THROUGH We wish to call the attentios of " hich he *»pir«. Hi» platform com- Journal reader» to ths advertisement men-G itself to all th°»e who have the on thia page of K. H. Teit who js e it interest* of ths county at hiart. the candidate of the democratic party i ----------------------- - for the office of county judge. Mr. J Karm crop 8 of any kind insured. See Test is a man of sterling chartctar and g, Bruce Dunrau about it before you eminently qualified for the office to L 8 j(fer a severe loss. j28tf 1 President W h at we seek is the reign law, based upon the con s e n t of the governed and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind.'* — President W ilson. LEND FOR L IBER TY ! BUY FOURTH LIBERTY BONDS TMM Mr. and Mrs. Howssr returned to their horn* at Ontario after a few days vacation on their ranch naar Burns. Miss Margere Dean* was a visitor at tho Frank Foster home Saturday. Little Miss Margere returned home Monday. Miss Verra Nebb arrived Sunday from Portland where sh# has been working in one of ths large department stores for the past two months. Carl Boe formerly of Ontario but now living at Ironsides is In Ontario this weak visiting with fritnds before h* entrains for Camp Lewis Wednesday night. John Pole of Baker ia visiting with his friend Aubrey Howard of Ontario Prtssary. Mr Pol# arrived in Ontario on four Sunday and returned to Baker Monday evening. Mr Alexander of the Alexander Clothing Company motored to Boise Saturday evening, »pending Sundav with his parents Mr and Mra Moses Alexander the governor of Idaho. R W Jonea. Ward Canfield, C W Platt, Frank Radar, A A Wright, William Jackson, Henry Griffin, Tom ArnolJ and Edward Fifar were Ontario men serving on the grand jury at Val* tha latter part of last week and the first of this. Elry Hsrron is in Ontario on a nkiecv day furlough from the Marine corps stationed at Galveston, Texas. Mr H»rron has been in the service lixtaen months and although be ia nothing more t han a first elaas private he was given a warm receptian by all. Randall Sage and family arrived In Ontario Moaday where they wi I attend th* fair and arnd tho children toachooi. Mr Sage is wall known around Ontario having lived here for many years and being a prominent stockman in this neighborhood. Paul and Silaa Doans formerly of Ontario arrivad here Sunday noon from Tonino Washington where the Deane family now live. They came to On tario to go to school this fall. They ar* stopping at th* John Danniron home until they can find a place where they can stay this winter. Big Bend BT OUB REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Mias Lois Russell leaves Saturday te attond school at Lewiaton. Mre. Ralph Haworth entertained her sister rrora Star last weak. Mr. and Mra E. Palliain entertained ,»Y OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT gueata from Star, Sunday. A number from tha Bend attended Mra. J. H. Boor rlaited Mrs. J. W. the play “ Over theTop” in Parma. Boor, Thursday. Sehool opened in Diet. 47 with Mrs. Mr. and Mrr. A. K. Baker viaited in Oliver Sandy of Portland as taachsr. Ontario, Thurrday. Mrs. Don Numbers and baby of Mr. Tom Hrrria Jr. yisitad Harry Payette are guesta in th* Howard Hickoa Saturday evening. home. Mr Chat. White was a busienaa Mr. Weir of Chicago, who spent th* visitor in Payetto Saturday. n n m e r with his son Robert, returned Mrs. Joe Divish vieited Mr*. Ernest home Thursday. Silkett Saturday afterneon. Niek Phelan and Will Blauhon are Mrs. Philip I.ynn spent Friday after* the owner* of new autoa purchased during the week. noon with Mra Thos Harris. Mra. Harvey Hatch and eons Howard Mrs. Philip Lynn and Elizabeth Lynn end Paul end Mre. N. S. Phelan and were visiting Wednesday at Arcadia. Anna were «hopping in Boise, Wednes* Mr. Rodney Shake of Fruitland visit day. ed Tom Harris Jr. Friday afternoan. Mr. and Mre. Everett Tate, Louis Mr. and Mrs. Wright visited the Wright family Sunday at New Plymouth. and Marie autoed to Nysaa Saturday for a farewell viait with tha Spier Mr. Fisher of Boise was looking after family. business matters in the neighborhood Saturday. and Wednesday. Mr. Thackar has a The directors of tha Whitley Bottom fine grain crop this year. •ehool hold a mooting at the school Mra. Philip Lynn viaited bar sister, house Friday. Mra. Clyde Hurd Saturday. Mariel and Marla Adams are able te Mr. Earnest Silkett came heme bs out playing after being tick for Wednesday from Baker, Oregon Mr. about two weeks Silkett ia able to ba hack at work, Mr Adebert Brkor end Mr. J. L. Tha Boer and Silkett threshing Meeker went te the mountains Tueeday machine has come down from tha bench to got some derric pole«. and will new thresh in th* Bottom this Mr. and Mrs. Tons Adams and weak. | daughter Mrs. Clyde Hurd vieited Mrs. Mr. and Mre. Thoa. Harris and Loeper at Nysaa Sunday. daughter Madge and Mr. J. H. Boor Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey of Fruitland ware business vititar* in Payatte vitited Mra. Pumphrey’e parents, Mr. Saturday. and Mre, Hoeighborg. • 'STA TEM EN T O F THE BANK OF NYSSA NYSSA, OREGON. Called by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon at the close of business August 31, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and discounts......... ................................................ $114,932 69 O verdrafts.............................................................................. 118.80 Bonds and, w a rra n ts.............................................................. 9,372.43 Banking house, furniture and fix tu re s .............................. 6,090.00 Other real estate owned........................................................ 664.49 Cash and sight exchange ............................................... 26.457.70 ». $157,636.11 L IA B IL IT IE S Capital stock paid i n ................................. $25,000,00 Surplus fund ................................................................... 5,000.00 Undivided profits........................ ............... ................... 5,070 06 Bills payable......................................................................... 7,000 00 Deposits .............................................................................. 115,566.05 $157.63611 A. G. KINGMAN, President FRANK D. HALL. Cashier VOTE FOR E . II. T E S T FO R C O U N TY J U D G E An Economical administration of County affairs. GOOD ROADS AND A SQUARE DEAL. PECKHAM CASE CO. House Furnishers and Funeral Directors. I. H. Kellar, in charge of Parma Store. House Phone 50-SSS Phone 50-SS Stares at Caldwell and Parma, Idaho. Glycerine Mixture For Appendicitis Nytaa people can prevent appends Miss Fannie Poacork will board thia with simple buckthorn bark, glycer year with Mre. A. K. Baker. Tho eitia ine. etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. O n * school will start tho 16th of Septomhor. sro o N F U L flushes the extire bowel eo completely it relieve« a n y Mr. J H. Boor baa beon complaining c tract a b b cf aour stomach, gas or consti with tho baekacha, but when bo waa pation and prevents appendicitis. The nominator for Representative with a i n s t a n t , pleasant action of Adlar-i-ka big majority Mr. Boor's back quit sarprisea both doctors and patients Leaves stomach clean and strong. aching. S. F. Foater. druggist. - C o n f r o n te d w ith the m e n a c e o f a p ow er w hich knew no la w but its ow n bestial pleasure, A m e r ic a h a d n o course but to add its strength to th e b a t tle w hich sh o u ld establish for som e centuries that m ight is n o t right. O n no o th e r basis will p ea ce last. W ith every fiber of the n a tio n a l b e in g a q u iv e r w ith w ar effort, are Y O U co n trib u tin g th e full m e a s u r e o f y o u r s u p p o r t ? Let y o u r a n s w e r b e lo u d a n d c l e a r at the n ext opportunity, w hich is the F o u r t h L ib e rty L o an . N o th in g but M O R E T H A N Y O U C A N A F F O R D will b e a n h o n e s t answ er. Whitley Bottom Mr. Laurel Wolla left far Camp Lewis Tuesday Mre. Walls will remain with her mother Mre. J. W. Boor. - STOP A MOMENT I who are without Telephono Service; compare Its daily cost to yon with many other things you buy oh day. \\ o believe yon will find that it will save y<)3 money. Try it. T f M a lh e u r H o m e T e le p h o n e Co