Support Your Flag £l)c 0atc Citi) Journal IT IS YO UR DUTY VOL. X V II j i NO. 4 NYSSA. M ALH E U R COUNTY. OREGON, FR ID AY, SEPT. 13 1918 IRyssa and Vicinity A Brief Reaume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. * Buy Thrift Stamp s SAVE OUB SONS $1.60 PER YEAR j 6c PER COPY @ 3 xæ c 0 ! Guy C. McGee w »» down From CakF Mrs R Ritchie wont to Payette Fri well Saturday. day. Mrs. Myrtle Cowan* left for Klam Mrs A Wilson wont to Ontario, Fri ath Falla Saturday. day. Mr. and Mr*. Marie at Brogan thi* weak. Willi* vieitad Elmora McLellan «pent Sunday with hi* parent* in Nampa. Mrs E Hawkins Friday. went to Payette, Ralph Lackey Friday. went to Ontario, Prof. Brainard wa* in Nyaaa tram Mr. and Mrs. Simpson made a busi Payette Monday and o f course visited ness trip to Wilder Saturday. the public school. Miss Bassett and Miss Landrith were Mr*. Florence Jasper o f La Grande entertained at dinner at the E. H. is visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mrs, McDonald bom* Sunday. C. H. McDonald, F. J. Wamsley o f the Parma Eleva Sidney Burbidg* returned Sunday to tor Ce., was in Nyssa Saturday looking Camp Lewi*, after spending a ten-day after his grain business here. furlough in Nyssa. By Our Regular Correspondent Miss Iva Pounds has been engaged W. B. Boatright’* brother left thi* as teacher at Westfall and will leave weeh for Arkansas, where he will re in a few days to “ take up” school. W. E. Miars waa a business visitor port for army service. School was dismissed Thursday and to Payatt* Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W n . Lyle o f Ontario Friday in order to give teachers and Archie Sinclair, th* McConnon man. visited at the home o f their daughter, pupils an opportunity to take in the it homa again far a few day*. Mr*. Arthur Cook, this week. fair at Ontario, D. Bigelow recently became the Walter Beck and family from Pro* Mrs. H F. Lyle and daughter Hazel owner of a sew Chevrolet car. ser, Wash., were visiting relatives in of Dupo, 111., are visiiing for a couple Mist Mariaa Lowa went to Boise, Nyssa and vicinity last week. of weeks at the W. F. Clark home at where the will attend high school. A child’s coat, lost seme time last the substation. Mr. and Mra. H. T. Pratt motored spring, is at the city library and owner Th* Presbyterian church has pur to the Idanha orchard Monday for can have same by calling for it. chased the Thos. Carrich bungalow prunes. Dr. Sarasin is doing some improve near the church building for a mans* Emma and Viola Glascock are visit ment on his residence property, among and will be occupied by Rev. Shield* ing with their aunt, Mra. Nellio Now- them being a cement sidewalk. and family. bill of Nyaaa. Miss Lula Davis taught the second Mr.and Mrs.Robert Francis and their Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miars and fam grade at the public school Monday in three children, who have been visiting ily were Emmett visiters last week, the absence o f a teacher tor that Carry O n” — Let’s Have Teamwork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. returning Saturday. grade. Francis, left today for their home at T o help put Oregon over the top FIRST—your HO will best brin ng honor to his Town, his Art King started on Monday to ride For Sale—Smal Ihouse, 14x16, kitchen Rock Springs, Wyoming. 4th Liberty Loan Bonds must he ID application for !0 0i Oregon , to the Nation, to H im self— nty, to the Owyhee ditch, coming up one day the hands o f your hank or the local Liberty 8x14, on Owyhee near Pet* Stems v - - use one w ho delays subscribing to the 4th Mrs. Dick Tensen was in Boise last Committee BEFORE Saturday, ScpUcuh ’orward w ill- and returning tha next. liberty Loan— or the one who steps loi Price |22> Henry Raat, Ontario Don’t wait a week. :i day, AN HOUR. DO week, a guest at th* van Gilse home. V agif, prom ptly and V O L U N T A R IL Y F. L. DeBord and aon Gerald and Box 5L Being listed on Oregon’s Honor Roll o f know and w e know what the answer Is. You Mrs. van Gilse and two daughters, Thomas Eagleson motored to Sunny teer” subscribers is the biggest patriotic d l ‘ crlbe, that Is certain. But, w ill Mrs P. I Bentsleyer, sister o f Mrs. Bernice and Hilda, returned with her any man, woman or chilo can liave. t , and without being sought out side, Idaha, last Thursday, returning J. Kankakee, has returned to her home for a visit with Nyssa friend*. Liu duty? Friday. at Prosser, Wash., after a ten days Preaching services will be held in the Mr. and Mrs. John Peters and fam visit with relative* and friends in Methodist church Sunday morning at ily, Mrs, A. C. Bradley and I. N. Clark Nyssa. 11 JO and in the evening at 8:00, b y th* motored to Parma Monday, returning Miss Leena Hansen was the guest of new pastor. Rev. Trueblood. Sunday Tuesday. Miss Lula Davis Tuesday night, it be school at 10:30 and Epworth League at Mrs. W. W. Smith, who was threat ing a farewell visit, as Miss Hansen 7:16. All cordially envited. By Our Regular Correspondent. Thursday evening a very intereating Camp Zachary Taylor, ened with typhoid, was obliged to g* left Thursday for her new home at and profitable Christian Endeavor August 31, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Super and on diet for a few days, but happily eha Cove, Oregon. A. B. Frazier is hauling his wheat rally was held at the Presbyterian daughter o f Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Dear Mr. Hall: escaped the dreaded illness. R. R. Robbins this weak moved a to Arcadia to be shipped to Portland. church. Miss Edna Whipple, the pres Kimbro o f Caldwell were visiting in Will drop you a few lines, how Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Schweizer and small house from Nyssa to the Route one has a new mail rarrier. ident of the Oregon Christian Endeav Nyssa Sunday, guests of the Dennises is every one at Nyssa, I have children are spending fair week at McConnell Bros, ranch on the Owyhee, and other friends. Mr. Super was moved again and am at Camp Taylor, Everyone sure hated to loose Mr. or Union, was present, also six dele Ontario, where Mr. Schweizer will which they will us* thi* winter daring gates from the Vale Christian Endeav Dugger, formerly a Nyssa business man. Kentucay, now. Had a nice trip com ride in the bucking conteste, etc. sheep feeding season. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Hickey twins or society. Thursday was registration day in ing down her* but wa* dissapointed Mr. and Mr». T. M. Low* and Mr.' Attention is called to the large ad The first part of the meeting was de Nyssa as well as elsewhere, and 76 that I didn’ t get to come through a boy and a girl. Mothar and babias and Mr» J.Wall and son and Mrs. Wm. vertisement o f the Gem Dry Goods voted to the installation of the Chris prospective soldiers were enrolled in Nyaa*. Camp Taylor ha* a large cerop ara dsing nicely. Co. o f Parma. Ida., on another page tian Endeavor service flag on which Fenn motored to Vela Friday, where Miss Virginia D. Forbes went home Nyssa precinct and 62 in Arcadia pre and accomodations for 60,000 met o f this issue. This firm has just re nine stars were placed. Mr. Dean gave Mr. and Mrs. Wall and son left for cinct. It is estimated thst aUout 14 - and are coming and going all the time. to Nyssa Eriday evening and returned the address. Following this Misd ‘their heme at Creston, Or. ceived their new fall stock and are I think I will be here about two month» Sunday to her school. 000,000 were enrolled on that day in showing most attractive bargains in all Whipple outlined in a general way the School began Monday with Mrs. Guy but you can never tell. I am in the the United States. Th* Cairo school will start the 16th work for tbc coming winter and the W. Thompson as principal and Mise line*. field artillery her* and like it fine. Th* Wilson delivery car driven by o f September. Miss Maude Walters importance of Christian Endeavor. Daly primary teacher. A total enroll A party of local fishermen composed Wm. Howard and a buggy driven by They have 19,000 horses her* and 1500 is to teach the school. Light refreshments were served in th* ment o f $8 pupil* thus far, with 16 in o f Messrs. Robertson, Prettyman, truck* and car» and 580 motor cycles Mias Gale o f the East Siide collided the upper grades and 22 in th* lower, Anna Tavlor had an operation for basement. Bowers and Hurley, went to their Thursday near Apple valluy, with the so you see that I will get plenty of appendicitis Monday morning and is Mr. and Mrs. John Heath and three favorite fishing grounds Saturday in result that Miss Gale was thrown from practice. This is a nice camp, has a now feeling pretty good. children and Adam Klingback motored quest of the flnnv beauties. They re large theater and about a dozon picture Presbyterian Church. the buggy and sustained a fractured over from Emmett last week from a port much sport and a good time pen log. It was one of thou* 'unfortunate show* and thres is a Y M C A hut in Preaching at 11:30 a. m. Sunday, few days visit with Mr. and Mr*.' ally. »vary block. There ian't much timber DOING G O O D WORK IN WAR accidents that happen sometimes in September 15. Rev. W. F. Shields, Klingback at their home on th* Owy here and it ia a little bit hilly and lots Misa Ethel Hansen loft Tuesday spite o f careful driving. the new paHtor, has arrived and ia now hee. o f red mud. It waa pretty hot whan English Church Army Has Accom permanently morning for Burns, Harney county, lecuted. He will be Rev. and Mrs, Hano* n> Miss Leona plished Much for th* Men In the Mrs. Anna Thomason and Mra. F. L.’ I came here and had to almost sit on a where she will teach school this winter. pleaded to meet all the people poesible and Elmer were entertained at dinner chunk o f ic# to keep from melting but Field, Say* Message. DeBord motored t* Ontario Monday on Miss Hansen completed a mussical next Sunday. The subject o f the at the N. H. Hon home Sunday. A business connected with Owyhea In course at Willamette University last boat ride on th* b r r ^ bosom 0f Snake it ia coolar now. W ill tell you where “The English church army Is doing morning sermon, “ The New Cell, dustrial Club exhibits. They ware Camp Taylor ia located. It ia in tha spring and has spent the summer va will interest all. noble work In the war,” was the river was a p fev,a n t feature o f the north central part o f Ky 400 mil#» from gueits to dinner at th* home of Mrs. cation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Preaching at Big Bend in the evening day. Fear* tha\. the party might meet St Louia and S miles aast of Louisville message received In this country by H. I. Hausen. the Episcopal church from the Church at 8 o’ clock. All are cordially invited Frank Newbill of Nysaa. a Germar submarine and be sent to the a town juat about the size * f Portland of England. “ Fully equipped recrea to attend. Eugeni* Pratt returned home Sunday Local talent gave a musical concert bottom ware groundless and th* *xpe and is en the Ohio river. Think I will tion huts, open to men of nil creeds, Sundav school at 10‘30 a. m. at evening from her trip t* the Spoken* at Parma last Friday evening for the ®®'>n returned in safety. like it hur* after I get climated to this have been established In nil training Nyssa. All the children and young fair, having won second prize on sew benefit of the Red Cross at that place. Th* Presbyterian church has under hot weather. Guess a lot of the boys camps In Englnnd and Wales. On the people are requested to he present. ing In the competition of several slate Those on the program were Mrs. A French front huts, tents and tempo gone some extensive improvements have gone from Nyssa by now. I am representatives. Tha first prize wa* R. McCarty. Miss Virginia Fork- ' rary churches are provided. In all during the past two weeks. A new about 126 .mil*» from my old home and more than 800 of these huts nnd tents won by an Oregon girl, aleo. Mis* Ethel Hansen, Mrs. Lola F eh'.*| Bible class room has been formed and am going to try to get a pass and go are In use; some In remote places In Notice to Creditors. raer, Mrs. Josie Sherman, J, Jack Glascock and MikeO’ Brien each the interior o f th* building repainted homa for a few days. New will close the north for the men of the n avy; In the County Court for Malheur Ooun- Esther and Alice Spier. lost a hors* by shooting during th* and tinted throughout, adding much to hoping to find you O K. Yours others In Malta, Egypt, Palestine, ty. State o f Oregon. peat week. Since the herd lew has Obi* Inasmuch a. bu sing. e-,,,. R#T , nd the beauty o f it* appearance. Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Enst Africa In the Matter of the Estate Ed been declared as unconstitutional poo« #f and even In India. Frequently ‘last Mrs. Harold J, Milter Portland Christensen, Nyssa’s knight of th* Pvt Obie L. Wileen, pi* have permitted their stock to run Horace Burbidg», Deceased. Battalion letters’ hnve been written from these there will be no p r e a c h y , MrT,ce , t th. paint brush, assisted by Olie Servos*, Headquarter* C*. 10th The undersigned, having been ap at large more than formerly and It I* huts, bearing the heading, ‘Church ip Taylor local Nazs ren# churr.a until after Sep- did th* work, which is a sufficient guar F. A. R. D. Cai pointed by the Countv Court for Mal suspected that those without fences Louisville, Kentucky. Army Hut’— letters now trensured by heur Countv, State of Oregon, admin- tom b*' 2 *. On our return there will ante* of its excellence. those at home. The hill for writing ietratrix of the » t a t e o f Horace Bur- are taking thi* means of keeping stock b* .i*ld her* a gospel service, meeting. paper alone 1» over $ 00,000 a year. bidgo, deceased, and having qualified, out o f their fields. Rev. and Mrs. H. I. Hansen, Miss Notice paper for further announce Leona Hansen and Elmer Haneen de Notice is hereby given to the cred “Close to the front line trenches R. H. Martin, 2nd trick operator at Mrs. F. L. DeBord entertained nine itors and «II persons having claims ment. Rer. Harold J. Miller. parted Thursday morning by auto for the O. S. L. depot, saet with an ecci- the church army keeps several ‘kitch against said estate to present them, members of her Sunday school cleee at en cars’ to supply the men with hot Miss Alta Smith, accompanied by their new hem* at Cove, In the Grand dent Wedneeday which pieced hi verified a« required by law, within six “ Backwards party” last Wedneeday her mother, Mrs. J. b . Smith, return- Rood* valley, where Mr. Ilanacn will hor* du combat for a time and made coffee. In England hotels hnvlng all months sftcr the first publication of The guests arrived with the advantages o f a club are being this notice to the said Mrs. Pearl Bur- evening. ed home from Bei „ Monday, where be stationed for the coming confer him feel a* though he had been struck their clothing or. backward», were met maintained, where men nre cared for bidge at Nyssa, Oregon. she has been in a hospital for a num ence year. He has been paster >»f the’ bv » German 42 -contimeter shell. The during their furloughs. Prisoners In Dated et Nysea, Oregon, this 5th at the back door and served with re ber of weeks. F,/hil* there Mis* Smith Nyssa Methodist church for the past #.-eight truck wai struck by a fast the hands of the Germans are also day o f September, 1918. freshments immediately upon their ar M rs . P x a k l B i r b id o k , underwent tw v , operation, h »th * f two years and leaves behind a record ng train and hurled violently cared for by the church army.” rival. Toothpick» were firet en tb* which were se cceesful, and a complete o f werk well and conscienciously don*. Recently General Pershing address Administratrix of the Estate o f Hor list of refreshments and everything t Mr. Martin, rendering him un- ace Burbidge, deceased. »6-o4 and perm 'ne nt recovery is hoped for. The beet wishes of all will accompany agains but without inflicting any ed an appreciative letter to Preben wee conducted in a backward» manner. conscio*.* dary Carllle, head o f the church army, him to hi* new field o f labor. injury. Firet aid to the On* of the gueets wes heard to remark N e w e ll Thompson is home on a two- permanent thanking him for the help the army adminietered and he ia W A N TE D —To buy 80 to 160 acre* that he ought to have gone heme be v *eks vacation before entering the Mr*. L. M. Baer and Mrs. N. p. injured wai had been to American soldiers passing well improved land. State price and fore he can e. The evening wee »pent military training school at th* Uni Cavett o f Denison, Iowa, were gu'.sts now nearly as r*>d »• through England. It Is proposed to much hilar maintain a hut to be known as the terms as well as improvements, also witn games and mR*'r versity o f Oregon. Th* university this week o f Mr. and Mrs. Pre<j “ Oenoral Pershing Hut." The cost of distance from echool and loading ate ity. Those present were Mieses Marge- this year will be devoted almost ex Marshall. The ladies were en route Mrs. L. Spier on# of these huta equipped. Is $2,r>00. tion and town. Address B. B. M ret Share. Maude Clark. Marian U w e, clusively to military training and ac home from Portland, where they attend and Alice, departed *> "d a , s64t Charlotte Huffman, Verna Hit* and Route 2, Jerome, Idaho. commodations will be provided for ed th* National convention o f th* Maryland, where th * young Bernice F»nn, Mr*. Pearl Peter* end MOO men. with a complete corps of Grand Army o f the Republic. They Rev. end Mr». Trueblood and eon attend echool during t he com.rg jmu. Messrs. Noble Pullen and Louie Gar military instructors. Nervell is look were delegates from their home lodge Peul arrived Wednesday evening from Mrs. Spier will return t o N y e s e «‘ Her rison. ing forward to a rather strenaen* life, o f the W. R C. Mrs. Baer and Mrs. a vtoit with relative* and / nenda In that Wallowa. Rev. Trueblood ie the new as the schedule call* for a year’s drill Cevett are old time friends o f the Methodist minister. tsn ton* ¡of good alfalfa hay near ing to be crowded into three months, Marshall*, and they all enjoyed rh< im- ■action. Gem SU t* Lumber Co. solicits your Nyssa. also 60 acre« of alfalfa pasture. and ha expects to be in Franc* in time selvee immensely in talking ever old buueines* Gem State Lumber Co. for coal. \ppiy et Journal office. s lW Gem sute Lumber Co. for poet*. for tee spring dfiv*. times. OWYHEE W s~ Obie Wilson Writes From Louisville, Ky. BOULEVARD Christian Endeavor Hold Big Rally For Sale