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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1918)
•B ►♦M The Borrower here is assured of courteous treatment and prompt action. There is no red tape or delay in dealing with us We are always prepared to care for the proper needs of our cus tomers and render every assistance consistent with good. safe banking. MONSTROUS IDEA IN GERMAN MIND CULINARY COLUMN Edited by Miss Etais Gibson. Use level measuring. The flour ha« been sifted before measuring, end the standard cup has been used, which is slightly larger than the ordinary tea- E. GIBSON. cup. Index: t —teaspoon T—tablespoon , N y ssa , O regon . c—cup A BANK OF CHARACTER, STRENGTH 1ND SERVICE Abominable System That Must Be b p -baking powder Overthrown if the World Is to Be J. WARD, JOHN RAY, J. H. WOLF, resident. Vice President. Cashie'r Worth Living In, Regardless Rice Muffins. of th« CosE 2c rice flour, 5t b p, i t salt, ¿c sugar. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 egg well beaten, 1| c milk (or more) Mix dry ingredients, Add e ?g and This I Have eeen. I could not milk, beat wall, bake in greased muf believe It unless I had teen It fin pans. There ie no fat used in the through and through. For sev mixture. This makes 18 small muf (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) By Our Regular Correspondent. eral weeks I lived with it; I fins. went all about it and back of it; September 16 is the date set fot Inside and out of it was shown Steamed Rye Flour Bread. Gilbert and Aubrey Dear hive a new to me—until finally I came to school to open. Jc cornmeal, rice flour, |c oats realize that the incredible was Chariia Tnompson sold hia hay this Ford. flour, It soda, It salt, 1 3c molasses, lc true. It 1« monstrous, it Is un Wm. Harner made a trip to Ontario week for fifteen dollars per ton. clabber milk. Tut together in order thinkable, but it exists. It is Tuesday given. Put in greased mold and steam C. W. Barrett and family were visit the Prussian system.—F. C. Wal Mr. and Mrs Art King made the Kay- 2 hours. This makes 1 loaf. ing at Sam Henry’s Sunday afternoor. cott. John Long and wife spent the week Irrs a visit Tuesday. Rice Waffles. +++++++++++++++++++++++-H Vivian Taylor it helping Mrs Grace end at his sisters, Mrs. Hubert Lackey 2c rice flour, lie .alt, 4t b p, lie At a conference of field men of the Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lackey took Blakley cook for hay men. United States food administration held sweet milk, 1 egg yolk beaten, 1 egg Miss Ada Haygood stayed all night In Washington, F. C. Walcott pictured white beaten stiff, 2T Karo syrup. liT dinner atC W. Barrett’s Saturday. It was Mr. B arrett's 44th birthday. The with Miss Dwade Taylor conditions as he had found them In melted fat. Mix baking powder, salt Some one has been visiting I. H. the countries Invaded by German and rice flour. Mix milk, Karo and ladies prepared n nice surprise dinner Taylor’s roasting ear patch. arms. Mr. Walcott served with Mr. egg yolk, and add to flour mixture for him. Mr Joe Wallace and daughter of Mrs. I. H. Taylor is helping Mrs. A. Hoover on the Belgium relief commis Add melted fat. Beat well end fold in sion when this nation was attempt Ëmmett, Idaho, are down helping W II B Frazier cook fur threshers. ing to feed the starving civilian pop stifly beaten egg white. Bake on hot Penington with his honey M. M. Taylor and family from Lin ulation of Belgium, Poland and north greased Waffle irons, Enough for ern France. In his address he had three small waffles. Jack Barrett and Cody Butler have coin 64, went to the butte Sunday. the grip just bad enough to give them Rice Flour Muffins. The haying has been delayed for two pictured such conditions as he said he could not believe unless he had seen a nnsty disposition They just suit to or three days on account of the rain. 2c rice flouf, lc corn flour. 7t b p, 3T the situation through and through, and go with the bad disposition of the Mra. C. C. Taylor and two sisters, had lived with It for weeks. He corn syrup, l i t salt, 2c milk, 4T fat. 1 weather we are having just now. Ada and Cecil Haygood, made Mrs. I. showed these terrible conditions to he egg well beaten. Mix.and sift dry in the result of deliberate plans on the gredients. Add milk and melted fat Those who will attend the Nysia H. Taylor a visit Monday. high school this year from At a ia ate The report is that on the Blue moun part of official Germany, and in sum and beat well. Bake in moderate oven. Decrease the amount of baking Cody Butler. Ed and Vernon Butler, tains August 19 snow fell three or four ming up he said; “Such Is the German mind as It powder to It it egg is used. Makes 24 Robe t Long, Jac's and Ruth Barrett. feet deep and delayed the passengtg was disclosed to me In several weeks’ small muffins. Pearl and Mary Dail will go to Onta trains for three hours. contact with officers of the staff. rio. Rice Nut Loaf. Clayton Blakley is in the Holy Ro Treaties are scraps of paper, If they Mrs. Frank Edward has been suffering sary hospital ac Ontario. He had to hinder German alms. Treachery Is 2c rice flour, 6t b p, ft salt, ic su for the past week with a very sore fin have a bone taken out of hia leg, which condoned and praised, If It falls in gar, ic ehoppei 1 nuta, 1 egg well beat Men, lands, ger. It started from a tiny pimple and was injured when he was thrown from with German Interest. countries are German prizes. Popula en lc milk (or more) Sift dry ingre horse in Juntura. This is the third ■ welled to twice its r.atural size. It tions are to be destroyed or enslaved dients. Add egg, milk and nuts. Put was at first thought she had blood time Lis leg has been operated on. so Germany may gnln. Women are in greased pan. Al'ow to stand 10 poison, but she had it lanced and the Germany’s prey, children are spoils of minutes Bake in moderate oven 45 doctor now thinks that the danger of war. God gave Germany the Hohen- minutes. Makes one small loaf. For Sale zollern and together they are destined b'ood poison ia over Rice Flour Cake. to rule Europe and, eventually, the Quite a little bit of improvements $130 and $35 2c rice flour, §t soda, i t cinnamon, it world—thus reasons the kaiser. are to be made at the Arcadia school ^ ginger, l-4c crisco (or 2§x), i t salt, ic 1 fine bay mare, 4} years old, about "Coolly, deliberately, officers of the house this year. The old walls will b e ' Germnn staff, permeated by this mon molasses, 1 well beaten egg, }c siur 1250 lbs. well broke. torn off and plastered by Mr. Hon nr . strous philosophy, discuss the dena milk. Beat the shortening to a cream. Mare, buggy and harness for $130 Nyssa Icnnrovements have al-cady , tionalization of peoples, the destruc Add the molasses and beat thoroughly. 1 pony, work anywhere, in good con began on the yard, and Mr. Burcham of tion of nations, the undoing of other Add the beaten egg and milk, adding a Ontario will start building a house this f dition. civilizations, for Germany’s account. smell amount of the rice flour to keep Pony, buggy and harm as for $35, week on the school grounds for the “In all the world such a thing has up a uniform consistency. Mix the Come at once to gate City Journal. never been. The human mind has teacher to live in. The teachers are Mr. never conceived the like. Even among rest of the flour with the soda and and Mrs. Roberts of Lincoln. barbarians, the thing would be Incred spices and add to the mixture. Bake Positively a Snap ible. The mind can scarcely grasp either as a shallow loaf cake or as a The War Camp Community Service the fact that these things are pro layer cake. Three hundred and twenty acre! of posed and done by a modern govern have arranged to accept Smileage Cake Filling. good wheat land for a reasonable Ford ment professedly n Christian govern coupons in li u of cash at entertain car. Homestead above Huntington; ment In the family of civilized na ic milk, 3T molasses, 4T sugar, 2T ments given hy them in communities running water, timber close; 85 acre« rice flour, IT butter, |c shiedded co- under plow; some fence and improve tions. outside the camps. “This system has got to be rooted Smileage is good at all Y. M. C, A. ments; on main auto road; good range. out. If It takes everything In the coanut. Mix the rice flour with a por Enquire here. tion of the cold milk and add to the entertainments for which a charge Is world. If It takes everyone of us, this hot milk. Add molasse;. Cook 20 made, which are given inside the camp Chopped barley for sale by Hatfield abomination must be overthrown. It minutea. Add butter and cocoanul. limits. Bros, at A. Sinclair residence in Nyssa. must be ended or the world Is not Cook 5 Minutes. Allow to get cold worth living In. No matter how long a2S4t It takes, no matter how much It costs, and spread between layers and on top. we must endure to the end with agon Sprinkle cocoanut on top. Piano at Sacrifice ized France, with Imperiled Britain, For quick business we will sacrifice with shattered Belgium, with shaken THE HOME SOLDIERS OF a str’rtly high grade piano located Russia. “We must hope that Germany will near Nyssa. Liberal terms to respon NYSSA. have a new birth ns Russia Is being re sible party. If interested make appli Under the Stars and Stripes— born. W ’e must pray, as we fight cation at once to against the evil that Is In Germany, [The stars of hope—stripes, the rejec THE DENVER MUSIC CO., tion of autocracy] that the good which Is In Germany Denver. Colo. may somehow prevail. We must trust We are working away. that In the end a Germany really great Not knowing just what will be next. Shaving:, Hair Catting: with the strength of a wonderful race But our Leader is planning the path may find Its place ns one of the broth Hot and Cold Baths while we wait. erhood of nations In the new world Second hand fencing. Inquire at this that Is to be. The way has been trodden before us— office. a23tf “The responsibility of success or OREGON failure rests now upon our shoulders; No impassible gulfs we know - NYSSA the eyes of the world are anxiously To hinder our progress when we’re in Gem State Lumber Co. solicits your the right path hnusiness watching us. Are we going to be able Though the journey be long and slow to rise to the emergency, throw off our [To victory]. Inefficiency, and prove that democracy All working together <s safe for the world T” I Each one doing their bit In the above statement Mr. Wal With the united demon«tration in view cott has described a condition that Peac« on earth good will to man Summon! all th« force« and reaources of the Republic to must be changed If America, If the the defense of Freedom world. Is to remain a “fit place to Sentiments of the Red White and Blue. live In." And the only way by which THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE this change can be effected Is the de which the United States authoritiei have ranked ai one of the feat of German arms In this war. Some are valient industrious, alert. fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for ezcellence in Nothing good, nothing but evil, can Others, like the writer, may be slow. military training, has responded to the call. The College is come out of Germany, so long as the But sure and dependable distinguished not only for its military instruction, but German people are controlled by a As the rock immovable. D is t in g u is h e d also roa— military autocracy, and the German And when the right time comes we’ll Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: people cannot be made to realize this I n Agriculture. Commerce, Engineering. F o r te tr r go. Home Economics, Minus«. Pharmacy, s a d until this autocracy Is crushed. The Vocational Education. spirit of militarism that has made of So where we ar« called in thii field of Its wholesome, purposeful student life. battla the Germans a robber and a murder Its democratic college spirit. nation must he utterly crushed If the Moved by the intelligence of truth Its successful graduates. wistfd I* to remain free, and to accom We'll continue the march with the Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, IZ$8, plish this those pf us who cannot fight flag unfurled. over forty percent representing officers. In France must lend uut support to As have our soldiere in their youth. College opens September 23, 1918 our men fighting for us. P m calala«. I r Illu strate d Booklet, aod other iniom satsoe w rite to th e R a» ia trar, Corvallis, Oregoe And when we have reached the sunlit summit Casing on the valley below in triumph we'll shout When in Ontario if you want For the victory of truth FONG LEE Jh at haa vanquished every f 4? N!*S. T. F. COWARD, MALHEUR CO. BANK Treachery, Murder, Barbarity, Anything, Praiseworthy if for Prussia’s Gain. BOULEVARD ARCADIA Nyssa Barber Shop Wanted T he Q uglc U vee A GOOD MFAL '"all at the SILVER GRILL Everythin* first clast. I comply strictly firstclo»* I comply strictly with the food adminietration laws. K. LEE, Prop. LAUNDRY First SL, Near Main Nysaa. Oregon GOODWASHING GOOD IRONING Collars and Cuffs a Specialty E. Bruce Duncan will insure your au toin a reliable old line company. Bet ter see him at once. j28tf Farm cropa of anv kind insured. See E Bruce Duncan about it before you suffer a severe loes. j28tf Gem State Lumber Co. for coal. STETSON HATS Our new “Fall Stetsons” have just arrived from Philadelphia and now is the time to select your hat. A “Stetson” is always economical, even if it does cost a little more than other hats. You get the wear and a lot of satisfaction V I L. S P IE R MAN AND BOY’S STORE NYSSA, OREGON Roeder & English SADDLERY *1 * ROEDER & ENGLISH Proprietors Parma, Idaho. We have moved our place of business and are now located in the old Golden Rule store, which is known as the English Block. We carry a full line of Harness of all kinds, also Farming Ma chinery, Buggies, and Wagons, Binders, Mowers and Twine, Jenkins Hay Rakes and Stackers Auto Tops Recovered, Harness repairing. First class work guar anteed. The patronage of the public solicited. HOUSH SELLS B EEF First class beef at moderate prices. Meat will be delivered every day to our customers. Beef can be had every day in the week from 4 a. m, to 10 p. m. at my place of business. Everything kept sweet and clean A satisfied customer is the best business endorsement, and our cusfomers are always pleased. A trial will convince H. M. Housh, the Meat Man Girl W ants Housework. For Sale Anyono needing • girl to do general Twenty »prlng lamb«. See Tony Qe- housework apply at the Journal office. F ria». 8 pul*« northwest of Nyssa. 2t ». —