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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1918)
EASTMAN KODAKS REXALL REM EdltlS PHONE 2 THE ONTARIO PHARMACY THE HEX ALL STORE All Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Headquarters for out-of-town visitors. When in Ontario call on us. N YAL’S QUALITY GOODS CANDIES ODAS. Whitley Bottom SIGN THE W. S. S. PLEDGE CARDS AND HELP WIN THE WAR Wilson Bros, Department Store t New Arrivals! Something to Show You SOMETHING NEW The season’s newest, choicest. Niftiest Merchandise now on display, Ladies and Misses Coats, Dress Goods Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Veils, Gloves Embroideries, Ladies Purses, and a complete line o f High Grade Jewelry We invite you to call and see our line We Buy Produce of all Kinds Wilson Bros. Department Store BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Parma Notes Howard West was a Caldwell visitor Mist Marie Adama is confined to her Friday. bed with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kellar left Sun Tom Harrii, Jr., waa the guest o f day for a week’s fishing trip. Harry Heckui Sunday. Miss Mary Story will be assistant at J. H. Boor waa in Payette Wedne* the poatoffice, beginning September 1. day looking after buainee*. Word has been received her* that Emeat Silkett ia able to go to work Leslie Kerrick baa arrived safely over after and illneaa o f three weeks. seas. Bob Harris o f Portland i* viaiting The W. C. T. U. met Friday after- hi« brother, Tho*. Harri3, and family. neon at the home o f Mrs. Story for the Mr. and Mr*. A. K. Baker apent annual election * f officers. Sunday afterneon at tha Clyda Hurd Raymond Russell i* enjoying a home a month's furlough with his parents. Robert Harris wer.t to Portland Sat He has bean in tha slectrical school at urday evening. Mr. Harris will work the Mar* Island training station. in tha ahipards. Wm. F. Vance o f Caldwell was the Tom Adams and daughtar, Mra. speaker at tha community war service Clyde Hurd, were business visitors in held at tha Liberty Garden last Sun Payette Saturday. day. There waa special music by a Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W tight and Caldwell quartet. ' family visited at Mr. W right’» brother Mias Hazel Carlock will return to at New Plymouth Sunday, Parma the first o f September and will i Mr. and Mr*. George Boor and Mr. clerk again at the Gem Dry Goods and Mrs Laurel Welle viaited at the ■tore. She haa spent the summer at her home in Carlock, 111. J. H. Boor home Friday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Boor and fam ily o f Ironside, viaited Mr. Boor’ a brother, J. H. Boor, and family Sun day. Mrs. L. J. Meeker haa been enjoying a visit from 'her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Ed Fitzgerald, o f Murphy, Idaho, this week. A card mailed at Omaha, Nab., was raceived by Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boehr- inger from .their «on Charles. He is on his way to an eastern camp and *x- peeta to be sent overseas soon. Claire Baldridge, Walter Kerrick and Harold Fiske hava arrived safely over seas. They are all with the Base Hoa A letter waa received from Ben Har pil Unit 14. but it ia not known to ris, who is with the Sammies “ over which country they w ill be assigned. there, ” which itates the crops around The boys who left Parma Friday to where he is located are fine. go to Camp Fremont, Calif., were R. Mra. John Post o f Portland, Or., ia Lee Fislc, Lena S. Rucker, Tom C. visiting the Phillip Lynn home. Mrs. Heller, Ira M. Hetrick, Arthur Thomp Rost is a brother o f Mr. Lynn. Mrs. son, Ernaat J. Hermo, Earl Peterman and Fred E. Obendorf. Rost returned to her home Saturday. Those. Harris and family, A . K. Ba ker and family, J. H. Boor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hurd attended the Payette county picnic at New Plymouth. Everything that was sold went for the benefit o f tke Red Cross, which amounted to $800. Would Slow Up Wheels of Time LUMBER (By Our Regular Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker, Mr. and Mra. W. S. Clore and Miss Julia Clore returned from a w eek’s vacation at Garden Valiev on Saturday. They had a little trouble with the car, but other wise had a very enjoyable trip. House, Big Attraction At Ontario Fair Barn, Granary or Silo See us for estimates—Can save you money Spurrier Lumber Co. P. W. Rohrbeck, Manger. ROBERTSON’ S TRANSFER J. M. ROBERTSON, TROP. SU C C E S S O R T O W I L E S T R A N S F E R THE MAN WHO DELIVERS THE GOODS R A T E S M OST R E A S O N A B L E ...... ....................................................... ...... A number o f people o f Parma went to Caldwell Friday evening to see the boys before they left for Gamp Fre mont. The train waa not axpected to pass through Parma and for that rea son the people went to Caldwell. Mrs. Father Johanson, who has been "What We really need," said the assistant at the poetoffie* for sometime, middle-aged man, “ is some way of leaves September 1 for Astoria, Ore,, alowlog up the wheels o f time. where she will visit her parents, Mr. "A s every man who haa begun to get on In life knows, the older We and Mrs. Aap. Later she plans on grow the faster time seems to fly. In taking a course in a buaineas college. our youth even alngle days seem to Miss Shirley Fiske has received her be endless; but when we get to be call to go t* France. She ia probably •boat so old the years go so fast that tha first girl o f Southern Idaho to go. they seem to spin around Uke pin- She haa been working at the treasur wheels. er’s office at Boise and will prebably “ There was once an advertiser with leave this week for New York, aa (he • patent medicine to sell who started off his advertisement by describing ia asked to be at that place on Au himself as a retired physician whose gust 28. She goes as a stenographer. Bands o f life had nearly run out. A Well-meaning friend U the far West Wrote to him saying that If he would mix a little molasses with the sands * e y wouldn’t run out so fa s t "O f course there was an Idea la th a t; but the iqlnate you come to think The Bernardi Greater Exposition Co., M ever aerloualy you see that there la one o f the largest and beat street car (•ally nothing to I t To make the nivals touring America, will exhibit in Wheels o f time turn alower you'd have ta have something more than molasses. Ontario fair week, commencing Mon I have thought that perhaps we might day. Septamber 9, for a waek’ s en Mvent some a#*t o f buake, a very pow gagement in conjunction with the Mal erful brake, for this purpose, but I heur County Fair held annually at On This company travels in ita guess there's really nothing la this tario. either. J own special train o f twenty care, car "Lacking the means o f making the ries 36 wagons and about 260 people, wheels o f time turn elower, so that and Is aquipped in faultless style in the w* would seem to have more time, I presentation o f a classy and n eritori- have thought that perhape somebody ous array o f shows and riding devica, ■lay yet devta* a way o f renewing our besides many novel features, to pleeee lease o f life. If w * could get an In and amuse the public. Ita attraetiona definite renewal o f our life lease we wonldn't care how fast the wheels are many and varied and the entertain because we'd have endless mant offered unparalleled. Fallowing , is a partial list: fears for them to turn In. T h e man who could devise a work Tha Miracla Show, The Girl With able plan o f this eort would get rich 1000 Eyea, Tha Motordrom, The Dip o f beyond any eert o f dreams whatever; Death, The Honolulu Show, The Pal that is. If ha could prolong hla own M s as well aa cell life-renewal leasee ace o f Arie, The Athletic Stadium, tU others) Hr I fdney that, hard as California Cabarat, Zoca, tha Strange world may be In some respects, Girl, Spiders, the Homan Spidsr, Tha great majority o f us would like to Giant Ferris wheel, Over the Top, and uuutlnne living la It a long, long time, The Whip, the new sensational rid* sad would give all wa had for that that craatea a furore wherever exhib prim e*». ited T o r myself, I can say that I Uka the world vary well and I would Ilka fla stay ou Interminably. If there IB anybody aow working on this llfe- laaii renewal device I hope he will get Red and white cow taken up by M running before the sands o f my old- A. P. Gibson, branded with a flkshloned Ufa shall hava run « diamond with a bar at top and flo te ly ; aad If when he opens ap for bottom on left ribs and Hying buetneee ha will let me know where wineglass on left hip and waddle fiod hlm I shall go to him ; and. If back of left ear, with three have tha prie«, take out as a Ifyou want a HOTEL WESTERN MRS. C. C. FORBES, P rop . First Class Meals----- Moderate Prices. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRADE STAR ROOMING HOUSE IN CONNECTION When in Ontariomake your headquarters at ¿he MOORE HOTEL H. C, SMITH - - - Proprietor --------------------- Meet your friends at--------------------- THE FOUNTAIN For soft drinks o f all kinds Met, F. M. Hartzler Jeweler and Optometrist Parma, Idaho turned, thta tha . get into t h e war ------- buy war savings stamps Million« o f little children, proud of the flee ■"<* with to ™ P*trfe*f,n? to their hemrtt, »re buying War Savina* Stamp». Every dollar help* « » p o r t the Government and help* to V i . the war. BUY W AR SAVINGS STAMPS NOW AND EVERY WEEK. • (Thisspace donated by 8. F. Foster.) It r tmj.“ renewal for about Strayed month old heifer calf No brand. PARMA CAFE Now ¡Open Meals I put on my table the best the market can afford. I also have rooms to rent : J. D. TAKATARI ooooooooooo»»4 lparma elevator Buyers o f Grain and Seed of All Kinda Call Us on Phone No. 8f ProP. i: