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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1918)
<£l)e (Date Citi) JÏ minuti g Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY Thrift Stamps SAVE OUR SONS VOL X V II NO. 1 School Board Selecting Teachers NYSSA« M A LH E U R COUNTY. OREGON, FR ID A Y , AUG. 23 1918 ' ■ HEAVY WORK ON THE FIGHTING LINE The achool board is having difficulty in securing teachers for the conning school year The war has depleted the ranks o f the teaching profession to such (By Our Regular Correspondent) an extent that there are seem* Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Price left Satur- ingly not enough left to fill the day for Colorado. positions. We still lack two Mr. and Mrs. I. H. {Cellar returned high schoel teachers for the Sunday from a week’s vacation. term which begins September 3. Mr. and Mrs. A . A. Baker ar.d fam It is believed, however,' the va ily have gone to the hills for a abort cancies will be filled within the vacation. next few days. The following The speaker last Sunday at the com- mnnity war service was Rev. Arthur have so far been selected: Rice of Myton, Utah. Principal—E. B. Conklin- These powerful American artillerymen, with huge crowbars, are working Miss Doris Kerrick has secured i fast to get tbelr heavy gun Into position to hurl Its shells at the retreating Primary—Mrs. R. J. Davis. position as teacher at the Apple Val Huns. It Is a difficult job, fo r the earth Is pitted with shell craters. Third and fourth—Miss Crys ley achool house for next year. tal West. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Price left Sat Fifth and sixth — Miss Lan- urday for Portland, where they will at drith. tend the G. A. R. convention. Seventh and eighth—Miss An Raymond Diekersen waa refused as physically unfit at Salt Lake, where na McDonald. k he went to enlist in the navy. High school—Miss Sheldon. A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town— G. M. Kirkpatrick, a soldier o f the The school was fortunate in north during the Civil war, will attend What Your Neighbors Are Doing. securing Prof. Conklin as princi the G. A. R. Convention at Portland. pal, as he is recognized as one of Miss Shirley Fisk left Saturday foi the most able instructors in the New York. She must report there on John Ennia went to Parma Friday, Jack Lynch was in Boise Wednesday, county and will make Nyssa August 22, and will then leave for Cody Butler is reported to be conva Attorney Lea« of Ontario waa a vis lescing from a saver* illness. itor in Nyssa Friday. school second to none The high France. Mr. and Mrs. E. B Butler o f Ar school will offer exceptional ad Mra. J. O ’malia has heard from her Mr. and Mra. B. F. Farmer o f Vale cadia visited Sunday at tha home of vantages to outside students, two sons—Howard, who is in tha navy were in Nyssa yesterday. stationed at Bramerton, and John, who Mrs. Butler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. who are invited to take advant is at Camp Lewis. Tha Bxrke pool hall ia being moved J. W. Wills. across tha street into the Frank Golden age o f the opportunities offered. Mrs. F. C. Platt and three asna and OW YHEE P arm a N otes By Our Regular Correspondent Newt Thomason is the possessor of Ford car. Mrs. George Clascock was a patron of the Bend Mercantile Company Mon day, Mias Alice Curtisa cam* down from her homestead up tha Owyhea Wed nesday. Mrs. Myrtle Mussel!, from Idaho, is the guest o f Mrs. George Skinner this week. Miss Margaret Share haa been help ing at the William Waahiugton ranch during haying. IRyssa and IDicinity t B ig Bend BY OUR RXGULAR CORRBSPONDENT Threshing and haying are stopped, owing to the rain. Leonard Sandy went to Boise Mon day evening for a few days. Marguerite Harper -of Meridian ia a guest in the Swiggert home. Lon Boswell o f Baker ia a guest of hia brothers, Frank and John. IHEffie Ferret spent the past weak in the Hickox home at Kingman. Mrs. and Mrf. Thos. Welsh autoed to Caldwell on business Friday. Roy Garry o f Greenville, Ky., ia the guest o f his uncle, Mr. Ferial. E. H. Test, Jr., o f Ontario wss a business caller in the Bend Monday. N. S. Phelan and Alex Wade le ft for Bear trees Monday evening on a Ash ing trip. le PER COPY Fred Kllngback and Vicenti Mendi- ola motored to Payette Saturday via Nysaa and Ontario. The program for the big Red Cross Benefit Concert is com plete and as published below ia an assurance that the entertain ment will be one o f exceptional merit and will afford Nyssa mu sic lovers a rare treat The young ladies, who are numbered among Nyssa's best musical tal e n t hate spent much time in preparation and a splendid pro gram is assured The concert is given under the auspices of the local Red Croaa and the entire proceeds will be given to that organization. Ev erybody and his best girl should attend and help a worthy cause, and at the same time get double your money’s worth o f music. Liberty Theatre, Wednesday, August 28. 1918, 8:30 p. m. Following is the program: Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Pratt motored to Long Valley Saturday on business, re INTRODUCTION turning Tuesday. M rs . B. F. F armer of V als Oscar Smith, who helped in the hay- MY DREAM OF TH E U. S. A fields in this vicinity, returned to hia Miss J osie S herman . 1st Sp. home at Regena, Idaho, last Friday. M rs . M c C arty , 2nd Sp. Archie Sinclair, the McConnon man, Miss E thel H ansen , 1st Alto returned home Saturday from a trip miss V irginia F orbes , 2d Alto into tho southern part e f the county. POLONAISE IN A - - Chopin A. D. Morey, who has been at St. Miss E thel H ansen Alphonsua hospital for the past three READJNGS — - - Selected Miss A lice S pier weeks, is expected, home some time Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corbin and building. A U TU M N L U L L A B Y this week. Miases Nina Allen and Ida Delyria re daughter were visiting friends in Nyssa M rs . M c C arty M rs . S herman Rev. H. 1. Hansen made a trip to Miaa Marian Lowe returned home turned Sunday from a vacation o f three Saturday and Sunday. They formerly M iss F orbes W aftfall this week, returning Wed weeks at the Payette lakes. from Payette laiit week, accompanied lived here but are located near Vale. W H ILE I H A V E YOU nesday Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Nash will re Tha Misses Gertie and Elsie Ray and by Miss Amanda Come Ison, who came Q uartette Mis« Phoebe Sheldon has returned turn to Parma about September 1 and Lula Davis motored to Boise Sunday up for a visit, TH E SU N SH IN E OF YO UR SM ILE from Flann’s Ferry, where ehe spent Messrs. Georgs and Sidney Skinner will occupy the house in which H. in Gertie’s new Ford to visit Miss Alta M rs . M c C arty the summer. Spencer has been living. Smith, who ia tha St. Alphonsus hos left Thursday for Portland to attend M USICAL READINGS - Select«! Mrs. Ethel Martin o f Kingman Kol- pital there. the Q, A R. reunion held tht're Aug Mra. Story, mother o f Rev. Story o f M iss L ola S chirmer the United Presbyterian church, died ony is the guest thia weak o f Miss TH E GOBLINS M. S. Clark, recently o f Southern ust IS to 24 inclusive. Maria Burrough. Mrs. John Wall and son, Cloyton Sunday evening. Rev Paul Gauss Idaho, is in charge o f the substation, Q uartette John Evans returned heme this waek taking the place o f Mr. Stoner, who Kenneth, and Mr. and Mra. Simp’son L IT T L E P IN K ROSE - C. J. Band conducted the funeral on Tuesday af from the Ontrrio hospital, where he recently le ft for the coast to work in and family o f Creston. Or., are guetits ternoon. M rs . S herman the shipyards, at the Lowe home at the P.utte. E K O T)K , - - Grieg Mias Russell of Weiaer, a University was taking medical treatment. Miss H ansen C. Martinsen, an extensive rancher Mr. and Claud* Smith and Mr. o f Washington graduate o f last year, Mrs. 0. D. Cole returned to her has been elected as teacher of sciences above Mitchell Butte, returned Wed home in Boise this week, after fn ex and Mrs. W altar Pinkston and family A N N IE L A U R IE T rio for the next year at the Parma high nesday from a trip to tha coast. tended visit with bar parents, Mr. and motored to the mountains above Pay achool. Fred and Eddie Powell were in from Mrs. J. W. Wills, o f this city and har ette lakes, where they w ill sojortrn a W H ERE MY C A R A V A N HAS RESTED - - H. Lohr week. Rev. Paul Gauss, minister of the First their Owyhee ranch Wednesday, trans ■iater, Mrs. E. B. Bntler of Arcadia. Miss H anskn John Grlchkowtky o f Payette ana' Presbyterian ckurch, has sent in his acting business with Nyssa merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rutladga and Mr. ADDRESS examination papers to join the array Bruce Duncan returned Sunday from and Mra. Carl Rutledge, former wall John Kunzlery o f Ontario, who haya M rs . B F. P armer service as a chaplain, Ha does not a vacation which he spent at Boise, known people o f this vicinity, re been helping in the hayfiekls, motored M a ^ C H OF THE N ATIO N S to their rerpective homes Saturday turned to their home at Eagle Sunday, know when he will be called. Medridian and other towns o f the vi Q uartertb after a visit at tha G. G. Brown home. «v«ning, returning Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. A. Albertson left Sat cinity. ACCO M P A N IS T — Mist Esther Spiar A . D. Morey, who ia in the hospital Dr. J. J, Sarazin is taking a well urday for Pertland, where they will at Tha Malheur County Bank has on tend the G. A. R. convention. They hard and will deliver to the purchaser deserved vacation at Portland end at Boise, suffered a relapse the letter will visit with relatives in Rose City. all Third Liberty Loan bends that coast {points and will inveatigat* part o f the week and his daughter, Mr. Alberson is one o f Parma’s Civil are fully paid for. tee run or o f a particularly handsome Mrs. Ben Logan, wss sent for. She war veteran*. M itt Ethel and Elmar Hansen mo mermaid having been discovered in returned home Sunday reporting her father much better. Tha T. D. S. Sunday School class of tored to Ontario Wednesday to meet those waters, Mrs. N, S. Phelan and Anna retured home from a visit at Pilot Rock Mon day evening, tha First Presbyterian church enjoyed E.-H. Brumback and sons, Joe and a trip to Boisa laat Thursday. They Rex. and Leonard Sandy autoed to went by auto and had a picnic dinner at the White City ground*. They alio Caldwell Friday. went to the Natatorium. John Boswell is the owner o f a new On account o f going to the navy Oakland, bought from Virgil Staplea yards at Bremerton, Wash , H. E. o f Ontario laat week Spencer will have an auction tale at Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Robinson and hit home on Grove Avenue on August Dal« autoad down from Ironside Wed 23, where he will sail his household nesday on buiinasa, returning Monday. goods and alao hia automabila. Lowell A Willis, Chas. Paine, Rot- Mra. Pitzer and baby, who spent the past weak visiting in the Cartwright well Fruit Co., F. E. Fisk and J, J. Hicks told their prunes laat week to home, returned to Ontario Sunday. Der.r.y A Co., through J. C. Watson at The little eight-year-old daughter e f the beat pries obtained in the valley Mr. and Mra. Looney is sick with ty. th*a year. Packing will start at the phoid at Holy Rotary hospital in On Parma packing house about August 26. tario. aith about SO packers pseking this Mr. and Mrs. John Boswall and chll- fruit. dran and Frank and Lon Boawall plan ned to lerve Wednesday morning on a camping trip. Fix the Roads. Conaiderabla building is being done People traveling between Nyssa in the Bend at present. The Hatch and the Owyhee country com Bungalow is titering completion, Jeaae plain o f the condition of the Johnston has lumber hauled for a new roads, claiming that in places bungalow, Eri eat Pulliam ia planning | a saw addition to his home and Waa- , roads r are almost impassable, ran 8mall«y is building on tha 40 ha ju st who is to blame for this recently purchased. V. V. Hickox w ill1 Condition of our thoroughfares bu ild later on his 4Q. Estray Notice. $1.60 PER YEAR Splendid Program For Benefit Concert ' ------------------------------------------ l Gaorge H. Bodfish autoed over from H. L Hansen, who waa returning Malheur City Monday to look after hia from a trip to Westfall. J. Stem, Sr., haa moved into hia fine extensive property interests hare. He new bungalow west o f town recently reports business a little quiet in hia Completed. The Journal is glad to wel «action owing to the crops having bean burned out by tha drouth. come Mr. Stam and his family to Nyssa. Mra. Anna Phillipa this weak sold L. Spier received e telegram frem her ten-acre fruit tract two miles west C. C. Wilson Wednesday, stating that o f town to Will Robeaon o f Middiatom he had arrived safely at Camp Meyer, Idaho, who will take possession \n a in the District o f Columbia, where he few days. Tha price paid waa ^sioo, the purchaser getting the aloe b, crop will be stationed for a time. snrl U a i i « « L ~ I J —--- and household good*. Mrs N. J. Minton returned Thurs« N. Hon is repairing a«J day evening to her home at Seattle, after a three weeks visit with hsr the plastering on the tchoo, houM parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brown, rooms that wss badly d . mafed by b#. ing soaked with «a te and ethsr rslatives and friends. rjr. Ed Christen- sen and Olie Servo" ' 4» are doing some P. J. Phillips left Sunday for the painting and Repairing getting the East and will visit relatives in Mary rooms in r eadi .iesa for tba opening o f land and West Virginia. He will be tha fal’, terra. joined in a short tima by his family, and will make their home in the East M, and fjr a . J. B. Smith were in A. R. Mickelson, foreman o f tbe Boise Suf ,d,y to see Miss Alta Smith, Deseret sheep camp on the Owyhee, who rer-ently underwent an operation back from a trip to Council, where * l the St. Alphonsus hospital. They he went t > look after some o f the earn . report the young lady to he improving nioely and bolieve aha will be well peny sheen which are being rap ged enough to return home in a few days. there. They alao saw A D. Morey, who they M e-ried-O n July «6, at t> ■e Chris- say ie recovering from an operation. tien church at Weiaer. F Lee and There ere 6,822 " roots ” to the Miss Mary Herman. T V r- happy couple Smileaga Tree. Smileage is on sale hi spent their boneymo' jn at Spokane, that many cities and towns throughout Mr. Lee ia propri* -tor o f tha Silver the country. The “ Rooters” are in a Grill at Ontario. position to build wide grins on the faeee The M c C op ne|| Bros., Jack and o f a million soldiers. They are doing Charlie, iv turnwj this week from a their work well. It ¡ain’ t as exacting as trip t * C* _,ica|j0i where they went with a fight but it keeps the fighter feeling are o f fa t sheep, which they dis- fit to fight hard. p^ *' ad o f at price* that have swollen A telegram wee received this week ’ oeir bans arceuht to mammoth pro by A. McDonald which stated that portions. Douglass had again been wounded by deponent sayeth not. but some body must be, and it should not be allowed to continue. Our in formant states th*t the differ- ee between these roads and ose just across the line in Idaho is very great, the latter being kept in perfect condition f t %U times, showing that it ia possibly to keep our own roads in Mr. and Mra. 9. D. Goahert and Mr the Hunt end was in the hospital g e t condition. The road Officials and Mra. Jesse Thompson, returned ting fixed up for another round. Thia the first o f the week from a two-weeks makes three times the young men hi should get busy. The following described animals have been taken up for trespassing on tbo premises o f tbo undersigned about four mile* northwest o f Nyaea. Oregon: One ^laek gelding, brand with double cross bar on loft shoulder, one bay gelding brand 66 with x under on right shoul der. on« bay gelding brand J with bar under on right atiflo. Owner can hays tbo tamo by paying charges and if not so claimed within ton days said animals Will be advertised for solo, 9mall two story ham * for aale cheap. B. A. DIESEL. City water. Inqoiae o f L Spier. Dated this 22nd day of August, 1918. S outing ienced aa the nearly at Payette lakaa. They exper some difficulty in getting home, recent rains had made the roads impassible in pi Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rust took their son Morgen to tha hospital at Ontario for a few days last week, where he waa under the cars o f Dr. Waese. Ha waa sufficiently recovered to be brought borne Sunday. Jets Ysasi, a Basqne employed bv who ha* been ill at the Holy Rosary hospital, o f Ontario, returned home the last o f tha week, without undergoing a siege of typhoid, as waa at first feared. Vieee.ti Mondiola, Helps Sink a German Submarine In a letter to his parents Albert Ire- da e relates a thrilling .„counter with a couple o f German submarine« in which one submarine was sunk. His ship, the Kingfisher, was doing patrol duty off the Virginia coast when they sighted a boat load o f survivors from * ship that had juat been torpedoed by a sub. They pulled out to the ship just in time to see it sink, and were attacked by two sub*. During the fight on* of them wee sunk and the other submer ged and eaceped. Dr. B. F. Winter*, district superin tendent of Le Grande district o f the M. E. church, accompanied by Rev. Nearly everyone ie busy in the hay- H. I. Hansen, delivered an eloquent field this week. address on “ Influence” at the school A ' dy Hansen le having hia grain bouss Thursday evening. cut by Doc Pullen thle week. Mr. and Mrs. John Peters and chil Noble Pullen returned home Monday dren. Ralph and Ruth, and I. N. Clark o f Chico, Calif., arrived in Owyhee after a trip to Salt Lake, reporting after an 11-day motor trip overland that he didn't like it ever there. Mr. end Mrs. Rachenbergsr left for a viait with Mr. Clark's daughter and Mrs. Peters sister. Miss Maud« their camp at Mitchell Rutte the laat o f the week and will stay awhile in Clark, and the Bradley families. Ontario. Mrs. John Glascock and brother, Vicenti Mendiola was called from William Schwcizer,, visited Ontario Monday, where they went to angago a hia ranch in the midet o f haying to go room for Mr. Schweizer and Johnny to his sheep eemp at Jordan Valley, Glascoek, who will attend school there owing to the illness of his ramptender. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston and the coming term. Mrs. Gus 9chweiztr family moterad to Caldwell Sunday accompanied them as far as Nyssa. evening, where Mr. Pinkston loft hia The Industrial Club mat last Friday car in the garage for repair«. He re afternoon with Miss Maude Clark. turned home by rail Monday, leaving Plana for tha fair exhibit were made Mrs. Pinkston and tha children for a and a number o f appropriate club visit with relatives. yells were adopted, after which a short Bert Cssssll o f Ontario recently musical program waa given. Mis* Eugenie Pratt, preaident o f th- club, eomplotod the drilling o f e 160-foot has been selected, by virtue o f her ex well on the ranch belonging to Fred cellent work in sewing, to represent Klingback. He aspect* to drill a wall tha Martinsan ranch in tho near Malheur county at the Spokane Inter- State fair the first week in September, future, being held up in the work by where she will compete with other the absence at Aberdeen, Wash., o f county representatives in that line c f Mr. Martinson, who Is expected keek been won rated, but he is still eager for work, with a possible chance to be the fray and Fritzie will hear from sent as a state representative to the him again as soon as be can get back fair to be held in Chicago this fall. on the firing line. Gem State Lumber Cow for cement.