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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1918)
( m)c (Date Citij ^mirimi Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY VOL. XVI NO. 50 \ NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, AUG. 2 1918 Found Guilty ofDe- j stroying Property ! myssa and Vicinity A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. Buy Thrift Stamps SAVE OUK SONS $1.60 PER YEAR 6c PER COPY Important Meeting i to Be Held in Vale A public meeting will be held A. Snyder went to Parma Wednes Mrs. Clark visited in Nampa Thurs The four boys charged with day. day. in Vale on Saturday evening, breaking into the school house A. S. Haley went to Ontario Wed August 10, under the auspices Mrs. J. W. Fogle went to Overstreet and destroying property were Arcadia nesday. Friday. of the State Council of Defense. Boulevard Mrs. Robert Minton and son were tried in the juvenile court at Mrs. Rawls of Ontario is visiting at A party composed of John K. Boise visitors Wednesday. Vale Monday and found guilty. the Simpson home. (By Our Regular Correspondent) Kolloek, ex-secretary, Capt. R. Dr. J. J. Sarazin was in Boise Wed By Our Regular Correspondent. They were sentenced to one E. W. Kuntz is moving into the John H. Russell, U. S- N. A,, medical nesday on piofessional business. Molenaar house this week. year each in the reform school Miss Jessie Margaret Hurtland, Mra officer, and John H. Hibbard are Edith Pinkston visited friends Mrs. E Kirk and Mrs. Dallas Dun Mary E. Kirkpatrick left Thursday but were paroled during good Mrs. John Richardson’s horse and and Mrs. relatives on the Owyhee this week. can were Ontario visitors Thursday. were stolen Thursday while tied for Ocean Park, Wash. Mrs. Kirk making a speaking tour of the behavior, Judge McKnight, buggy Will the borrower who has "Under to a hitching post in Ontario. When will probubly return in about state with a view to interesting Miss Ruth Barrett of Arcadia is the who is judge of the juvenile found they were 1) miles from Vale in Drakes Flag’’ pleese return to the li guest this week of Miss Edna Dennis. patrick two months. the registrants and the general court, also advised that the the hands of two small boys about 7 brary. Miss Minnie HofTmar. returned Wed public in the werk of the state Roscoe Green ia in Vale today tak parents of the boys and the di* and 9 years of age They aaid they John Evans is in tho Ontario hospital ing the examination for admission to tesday from a visit of a few days at council. the Rev. Wm. Ewing home in Cald rectors of tha district get to wanted to ge to Vale, one saying his taking treatment for nervous prostra the army. Subjects of a! militard nature, mother was there. What they intended tion. well. M'ss Ellen Ewing accompanied gether and decide on the amount to Earl Ward passed his examination all her do with their horse and buggy could such as ‘insurance by the Gov back and will be her guest for a W. R. Smith went to Portland Mon of damage done, which the par not be found out. The horse had been day to take the examination for ad right and will probably be called into few days. ernment.” ‘‘Allotments, ’ etc., the service soon. ents should pay. The parole beaten and rushed so they had to leave mission to the army. N. E. Leigh was a Boise visitor last will be discussed, and the sub Miss Iva Genoway of Payette is vis Thursday. restrictions imposed on the boys it at Marquis’. Deputy Sheriff Lee Mrs. Dora Maloney and daughter iting ject of venerial diseases will be at the home of her siater, Mrs. Noe is on the case to see if the children are quite strict and will effect can’t be looked after hereafter. Nellie of Nampa spent the week end Robert MeGordon. The Women’s Missionary Society of treated specially. ually prevent any more team M. F. Taylor of Lincoln district was at tne Dennis home. Little Maxine Duncan, daughter of the First Presbyterian church met at The discussions will be of great work in the matter of getting very ill Sunday morning. His parents Miss Margaret Dean of Payette Mr. and Mrs.Bruce Duncan,is recover the home of Mrs. J. C. Blackwell interest to those who attend and Wednesday afternoon. visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. ing from a very severe illness. into mischief. One who lives in from the Boulevard were sent for and J. B. Smith,this week. Mr. Havman of the College of Idaho it is desired that all registrants Idaho iB not allowed to come to Dr. Weese was called. He is some Horace Burbidge is confined to hia better at present. reached at the Union services at the be present. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Morey went to bed by ap attack of typhoid fever. The town. Another who lives out a iberty Garden last Sunday night. Boise Wednesday, where Mr. Morey meat market is temporarily closed. Arthur Downs was home on a few little ways in the country, can days visit last week. He was one of will take medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wamsley, Mrs. Robt. van Gilse and family were only come to town in charge of the boys dratted the 24th. Prov. 24:13. My son, eat thou honey, down frony Boise over Sunday and Johanson and Misses Lela Denman a guardian, while the freedom Mrs. Paulson spent Saturday visit because it ia good. Come to ths li spent the day visiting friends here. and Grace Wamsley autoed to Boise CULINARY COLUMN to visit Miss Myrtle Wamsley brary and food conservation recipes, of the two who live in town is ing her mother. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Toombs, Sunday and Mrs. Denman, who are taking a on Sunday, July 25, a baby girl. The two greatly restricted. They cannot Mr. Bartley and Mr. Garner of using honey. months course at Link’s Business chum together, nor have any Cambridge, Ida., are down visiting R. W Schengler and wife went to Journal wishes for the little one a long College. Edited by M ísh Elsie Gibson. Homedale Wednesday. Mr. Schengler and happy life. friends. They also expect to work in other chums. Judge McKnight, this haying. Miss Ellen Ewing returned home has been appointed O. S. L. agent at Mrs. E. H. MdDonald is at the Vale in granting them a parole, stated Hot Springs taking treatment. E. H. Monday evening from a visit of a few Bob Smith is the owner of a big Oak Homedale. Use level measuring. The flour has that the next time any of the land The Misses Naomi and Edna Par and the boys are learning how it seems days at the William Hoffman home. car. He motored to Boise Satur boys from here were convicted day in it. sons of Payettee are visititlng at the to be bachelors. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Specht of Notus, been sifted before measuring, and the cup has been used, which is in his court he would not be so Andy Brown has been dratted to go homes of J. B. Smith and A. M. John Mayor C. C. Wilson has volnnteered Mrs. Wm. Wirth of Boise and Mrs. G. standard slightly larger then the ordinary tea ston homes this week. for service in the army and been ac- Wilson and baby of Twin Falls were cup. lenient but that they would have to camp August 6. E. GIBSON. Tensen and family have moved ccepted. He expects to report for visiting friends in Parma Tuesday af Index: to serve out their time in the re Miss Carrie Donaldson ia up at Hole in Dick ternoon. from their Locket Gulch ranch and duty about September 1. t —teaspoon in the Ground visiting her aunt. form school. are enjoying a taste of city life. They A. Benfer went to Beise today. Dr. and Mrs. L. Rubins and family T—tablespoon This is a most regretable oc A party was given at Mrs. M. F. ere occupying apartments in the van H. returned Sunday from a few weeks H. Adams is a Parma visitor today. c—cup Taylor’s Saturday in honor of her Gilse Flats. currence, but the boys are not brother, Mrs. C. C. Forbes and daughter, vacation spent in the hills. b p—baking powder George Minatree, who was 21 Jack Teutsch was successful in get Mrs. Sehirmer, are visiting relatives alone to blame in the matter. the 19th of July. Cake and fruit were Miss Julia Clare was a dinner guest ting by the examining board at Boise in Weiser today. of Miss Minnie Hoffman on Sunday. There are two principal contrib served for supper. Cornmeal Muffins for admission to the army and left the Harry Cosho writes to a Nyssa friend uting causes, aside from the A farewell party was given Monday first of the week for Salt Lake to un from and Mrs. Cerdan have returnee l-2c corn lc white flour. St b p, Bremerton, Wash., that he is to Mr. their former home in Weiser. Mr. 2T sugar. It meal, natural prepensity to mischief evening at the William Reece home in dergo the final test. salt, 3-4c milk, 1 egg. getting along fine in the navy and Gerdan had been employed for several inherent in all boys—neglect of honor of William Penn, who went 'the Hiram Vandyken is another Nyssa thinks a home on the bounding deep is months at the Parma Meat Market Cornmeal Soufle. 24th. Cake and lemonade were served boy below the draft age to volunteer the life. the parents in looking after their for supper. for the army and took the examination l-2c milk 2T cornmeal, l-2t aalt, IT Mrs. Ora Wilson. I. C. Anderson’s boys, and the lax way in which > Guy Stuart, a well known boy on the ar Boise Monday. He will leave for daughter, (pent a few days in Nyssa The insurance on G. B. Wills’ auto fat, 2 egg whites, 2 egg yolks. Mix the city government enforces its Boulevard, was suddenly stricken with Salt Lake in a few days. Uiis week, returning home by way of truck, which was burned some time together cornmeal and the fat. Heat laws. heart failure Friday, the 19th. He D. H. Stoner has resigned his posi Emmett, visiting her sisiter. Mrs ago, was adjusted this week, Mr. Wills tha milk in a double boiler. Add corn There is a deep seated convic drove derrick for his uncle. That c e tk u at the substation and together Bowles, and son there. receiving $1100. The loss was decided meal mixture to milk and cook 20 min ning at quitting time he was noticed with Mrs. Stoner will leave about the tion among parents that their bent Will Howard haa returned from Port by an arbitration board consisting of utes. Remove from stove, fold in over as though having a cramp. middle of the month for Portland to land, where he went to pe examined two local men and an agent of the com wall beaten yolk, than fold in stiff particular boy is too angelic to When reached he fell backward and work at the shipyards. the army. He failed to measure pany. The auto was insured for $1400 whites and bake in a buttered pan over do anything wrong, so there drew his last breath without speaking Mrs. Fmm> Halliday returned to for to the physical requirements owing and it was a total loss, so Mr. Wills hot water for 90 minutes. is no need to watch him. This a word. His funeral was at 10X0 her home at Vale Tuesday after a visit up feels that he was stung for about $300, to a slight defect in one of his feet. Rice Flour Coffee Cake Loaf. Tuesday. He is mourned by a father, is a mistake. No American boy molher and three brothers and many of several days with the Burbiages. Messrs. Clossen and Carman and as everyone who knew the truck de 3-4c rice Hour, l-4c barley flour, She was accompanied by her little their respective better nalves have gone clared it was worth the full amount with red blood in his veins, if friends. for whieh it was insured, The com 2 2-3t b p, l-2t aalt, 4T Karo, l-3c cut grandaughter, Mary Emma Burbidge. to Washington atate for an outing and allowed to run wild until 12 raisins, 1-2 egg well beaten, l-3c milk, Miss Lata Meacham of Weiser and to visit relatives. They went by auto pany had previously offered ts settle or or 1 o’clock at night, as these aa naeded. Make a good drop mix Miss Virginia Smith of Ontario are and will doubvless have a most enjoy for $ 1200 . ture, sprinkle with cinnamon, put in boys are reported to have done, the guests this week of Miss Elsie able trip. greased pen and bake in loaf 30 min. Gibson at her Parh Avenue home. Miss but will get into trouble. This( Miss Bernice Duncan left this week Flours which are being used are: Meacham is an O. A. C. chum of Miss to visit with friends and relatives in can be set down as an axiomatic. Elsie’s. Cornmeal and rye fleur, which may be Twin Falls. She was accompanied by fact. The exceptions to the rule easily; corn flour, which is Mrs. George Green and fam Grandpa Felton, father of Mrs J. M. are so infrequent as to be neg (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) ily Mr. and and Mrs. i trocured ess common, and barley, rice, oat and A. Schneiter went to Duncan, who had been visiting at the BY OUR REGULAR CORfUW fONDBNT ligible. kafir corn floor is used. Boise Sunday to bid their brother Duncan home. The city officials have not been The Ladie’s Aid met with Mrs. C. goodby. He is leaving bis home and The pumping plant for the Owyhee U»e of Rye Flour. as zealous in epforcing their or J. Jackson last Thursday and Mrs. old mother, who is 76 years old, to Ditch is now in operation and throws Marian Roberts returned home from wark for Uncle Sam. Greenleaf Wednesday. Use 26 per cent by weight of rye 27.000 gallons per minute. It will re dinances and punishing law vio Jackson served a 10-cent tea. Mrs. Watson arrived in the Bend flour, to 76 per cent of patent, al Mrs. J. E. Dickens and daughter. lieve water scarcity from which the lators as they should have been, George Kirtland took supper r t the Miss Gordon, of Silver City, are visit farmers under the ditch have suffered Tuesday evening from Illinois to spend though 50 per cent and 60 per cent and their laxity in this respect Levi Stephens honr e Friday evening. ing at the F. D. Hall home. Mr. Dick and will greatly increase the third cut the summer with her daughter, Mrs may be esed. E. E. Parker. has set a bad example and led Mrs. Riddle from Ontario spent ens will join them here in a few days ting of alfalfa. Oat Flour. and they will then go on to Seattle, the boys to believe that they Thursday with Mrs. C. D. Day. Violet Pullian is quite sick with ton J. I. Linder of Indian Valley, Ida., where they will make their future The same per cent as that used in Mrs. A. C. Allen, Chester and Sher silitis. would not be molested in' their man Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil home. ia visiting his cousin, D, R. Linder of rye. Mrs. Arthur Holly is entertaining the When this city. Mr. Linder had a son on board law breaking. 16 to 25 per cent by weight Viles autoed to Weiser Friday. and Mrs. Chuster, formerly of the transport that wasjrecently sunk by her two sisters from Caldwell at pres This is a good time for every Lucile Stephens spent Sunday with the Mr. Owyhee, of oat flour was used breads were good have returned from a a submarine off the coast of Eugland, ent. in every respect except color, and to body concerned to turn "ver a Neva Morris, who is in town with her long visit on the coast to resume his but he was among those rescued. Mrs. W. J. Robinson and Dale re overcome this molasses was used as a old line of work. He has charge of new leaf and see if a cleaner grandmother. The Leigh picture theatre moved this turned to Ironside Monday. substitute for tha sugar. x) (x (quarter circle) cattle. He record cannot be made in the Alice McIntyre is staying in town the Everette Tate and Mr. Gee autoed reports that range is in bad condition, week into its fine new quarters just with Mrs. C. S. Foote. Bice Flour. completed adjoining Wilson Bros, store to Brogan Monday on business. future than there has peen in but cattle are looking fair. Quite a number of the Apple Valley and will give the opening program to D. L. Miller and Jack spent Sunday the past. As large proportions of other flours Dewey Hoxie left Monday for Boise people were in Parma Saturday eve morrow (Saturday) evening. See ad 1 AN0 1 Parma Notes Apple .Valley NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEET ING OE THE NYSSA-AR CADIA DRAINAGE DIS TRICT. You are hereby notified that a meet ing of the landownera of the Nyssa Ar cadia Drainage District will be held in the office of said district in the Bank of Nyasa Building, at Nvssa, Oregon, on Tueaday, August 6, at the hour of 7 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing a surpervisor. and to conduct such other business as may lawfully come before the annual meeting. FRAFK D. HALL, Secretary. ning to see C. D. Judd and George Kirtland off. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Noland Sunday, July 28. The Epworth League will have a farewell party for the president of the League, Lano Rucker, Friday evening. He leaves in the August 5th draft. Dr. J. D. Gillilan held the Fourth Quarterly conference the 23rd at the Apple Valley M. E. Church. He leaves aoon to visit the mission fields of the Church in China. Armemian Fund Report The undersigned begs to acgnowl- edge the following subscriptions to the Armenian and Syrian relief fund Call for Bids for Construction of for the Fourth of July: Miss Goldith Johnston (Kolony) „ $21 25 Cement Walks. Louis Garri«on (Owyhee)........... 2.80 Mrs W H. Beam (Warren S. D.) 2.75 Mrs Clarence Barrett (Arcadia) 15.26 Bids for the construction of approx $42.05 imately 1809 square feet of cross Solicitors wilt greatly oblige if they walks and connecting sidewalks may be submitted to the city council of will make returns at the end of each J. BORDELL, Nyssa on or before 20 days* from date month. Chairman Local Committee. hereof, said walks to be of cement ac cording to specifications and at points designated by said Council. Specifica There may be a fire before the last tions and information on file at the load is harvested. Brotect y .urself Recorder’s office in Nysaa. Or. from loss by insuring your grain with Council reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids. ua. We represent nine of the leading By order of the Council this 26th day fire insurance comoanies. The Nyasa Realty Company. of July, 1918. J. Boydell, Agent. Efltray Notice. For Sale. Wagons and grain binders, also one Horae came to George Kaylor’s place, south of Ontario, with saddle manure spreader. All new stock. W. and bridle on. Owner may reclaim by W. White. identifying same and paying for this notice. E. Bruce Duncan will insure your au For Sale-SO shares Owyhee Ditch to in a reliable old line company. Bet stock. Inquire at Journal office. n40tf ter see him at once. j28tf ]Jig Bend to take the examination for admission to the army. Dewey, aa well as a a number of other Nyssa boys who have enlisted, is considerably below the crtfft age, and his enlisting shows the right spirit. I t’s the American way. Mossrs. J. C. and Will Beam and their families are in the hills above Midvale rusticating. They were accompanied as far as Midvale by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall, who were obliged to return on account of the high altitude causing Mrs. Marshall dis tress. Mrs. J. W. Wills and Mrs O. D. Cole returned the first of the week for a visit of several days with rela tives and friends in Boise. While there Mrs. Cole said goodby to her stepson, who left for Camp Lewis to join the army. She is now visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Butler, at Arcadia. Anothe young man has answered the cell of Uncle Sam’s great army of workers, F. L. Allred, youngest brother of Mrs. George Green and Mrs. A. Schweizer, who left Monday to work for the government as a cement inspector for the duration of the war. His present location is Atlanta,Georgia. Owyhee Avalanche: Mrs. Dickens, wife of Deputy Recorder J. E. Dick ens of Owyhee county, took the noon train here Monday for Nyssa. Oregon, where she will visit with her sister at that place for a few days, after which she will continue on to the coast, where the family will make its future home. Mr. Dickena, it is said, will follow later. Master Frank Rambaud, while go ing from his father’s camp to H. J. Ward's aheep camp In the Blue moun tains, ran across a big black bear. Frank immediately remembered that he had preesing business back home, and at once returned to attend to attend to it. He declared that be was not the least afraid of the beer, as he knew his horae could outrun it. vertisement on fourth page. The friends of Miss Alta Smith will be glad to learn that Dr. Sarazin re ports her condition much improved and high hopes are entertained of her complete recovery. Miss Smith has been in a Boise hospital for the past three weeks taking treatment. Jack Teutsch, writing to the Journal from Salt Lake under date of July 30t says: "Ju st leaving Salt Lake for Denver Colo., to Fort Logan. Dewey and I got through O. K. AH the hoys In our crowd passed here. Salt Lake is a great place although we just were here six,bours.’’ Rev. and Mrs. Hansen, Misers Ethel and Leona Hansen and Elmer left early Thursday morning by Fold for Emmett, where several members of the family are having dental work done. All the members of the party re turned today except Mrs. Hannen. and were accompanied by Miss Helen Rose of Emmett, who will be their guest for a few days. Mias Gertie Ray, Nyssa's lady mail carrier, haa purchased a Ford car and is teaching it the duties of a postal em ploye and is learning rapidly, although, unlike its owner, it has frequent ’ cranky" st>e«ls and delays the game for a time. Soon, however, everything will be working smoothly! and Mias Ray will be enabled to serve her patrons with neatness and dispatch. The Journal is reliably informed that insurance companies refuse to insure plate glass windows because of the number that have been broken by boys throwing rocks through them. It costs from $50 to $100 to replace a broken plate glass, and the practice of small boya carrying slingshots and throwing stones prmiscously should be stopped. An ordinance should be passed—and enforced - making it a misdemeanor to carry a slingshot or throw stones where it will endanger property. in Boise. Mrs. J. Hammer and Marian, Mes- dames L. Brooks and H. Lander of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Lora Pills- bury were dinner guests in the Brum- bach home Sunday. Rene Brumbach is a guest in the Cowden home in Caldwell at present. Mesdames Elennar and Lander are (pending the week visiting in the Pillsbury and Brumbach homes. Mr. and Mrs Eachus are entertain ing company from Buhl. Mrs. Harvey Hatch was a Caldwell visitor through Wednesday. Rex Brumbach returned home from Ironside Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell returned home from Washington last week. were undesirable smaller proportions only were used in this case. When 1-3 was used of rice flour a tendency toward coarseness was shown. Kafir Corn. This is bast known as stock food but since demand has bten so great for other flours kafir corn flours are used to some extent. Cornmeal and Corn Four. If same per cent of both is used when mixing, separately with wheat, the e. flour was the lighter and finer. Rice Drop Biscuita. 2c rice flour, 6t b p. lc grated cheese, It salt, 11 2c cold water, or enough to make drop dough. Drop by spooneful on a greased pan, bake 25 minutes or mere. Oatmeal Flour Breads—Loaf Journal to Publish 2c oat flour, 2 l-4t b p, 3-4c raisins, 3-4t salt, 2T Karo, 1 egg, 2T malted Culinar Column fat, lc aweet milk. Beat thoroughly for about five minutes. Put in greased For the next few weeks the Jour pan, let rise 15 minutes; bake 15 min nal will publish a culinary department, utes. Fill pans no more than 2-3. which will be devoted largely to in struction in the making of war breads O. F. Muffins. and other edible compounds from flour 2c oat flour, b p, l-4t soda, ltaalt, substitutes, This department will be lc clabbered 2t milk, edited by Miss Elsie Uibsor/, who haa raisins, 2T Karo, 1 egg. 1 l-2t fat, l-2c recently returned from taking a course in Domestic Scietice at O. A. C. Miss Gibson has seen all the recipes which If fire sweeps your field before the will be published in this column thor Tsin is harvested you will find a Hart- oughly tried and tested and vouchee ord grein-in-field policy as good as for their excellence. gold. J Boydell, Agent. J Positively a Snap For Sale. Three hundred and twenty scree o f . Two brood sows, one thoroughbred good wheat land for a reasonable Ford Jersey Eed Henry Benfer, i t w W. e2tf car. Homestead above Huntington; White place. running water, timber close; 86 acres under plow; some fence and improve FOR SALE Some fipe ( bester ments; on main auto road; good range. White pigs, eight weeks old. Inauira Enquire here. Frank Leuck, afitf