Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1918)
Call for Bids for Construction of Cement Walks. NOTICE OF ESTRAY. Notice is hereby si Ten that the fol lowing described animal«, towit: One bay mare colt, one year old; One black horse colt, white spot in forehead, some white on hind feet, hare been taken up for running at large, and trespassing on premises of undersigned, situate about two and one-half miles northwest of Nysss, Malheur connty, Oregon. Broke into pasture about June 1st. Owner can have same by paying pasture bill and other charges L E E BOYD, Nyssa, Oregon. Dealing With the Occult An astonishing number of books on •eeult subjects are being published In tttese days, especially on lines relating Bids for the construction of approx tn the future life, the theme taking imately 1809 square feet of cross on a new Interest because of the war walks and connecting sidewalks may •nd Its losses. One writer, Prof. W. J. Crawford of B elfast Is dealing with be submitted to the city council of ■o-called spirit manifestations In a Nyssa on or before 20 days from date new way. For one thing, he has tried hereof, said walks to be of cement ac seating the medium on a weighing ma cording to specifications and at points chine while the manifestations are designated by said Council. Specifica going on and watching the varying tions and information on file at the lecord of her weight. He has found that where a chair or table was levi Recorder’s office in Nyssa, Or. Council reserves right to accept or tated an Increase In her weight almost reject any or all bids or parts of bids. corresponding to the weight of the By order of the Council this 26th day piece of furniture was noted. When there were rapplngs her weight les- of July, 1918. | aened, the amount lost varying with the Intensity of the sounds. What these phenomena Indicate to his mind er what he expects to prove by them goes not appear. Our Wheat Problem Transportation will be inadequate to move all the crop at threshing time. The present eleva'.or capacity is not sufficient to store the crop. Therefore it is up to the farmer to build a gran ary. Sacks are high and hard to get. A permanent storage can be built for the cost of one year's We have sacks. a PORTABLE GRANARY that has capacity of 1000 bushels $ 102.50 that we sell at H. T. FRANCIS LOCAL MANAGER Nyssa, Oregon M a h u f a c -rim e W estern S oft P ine In the mingling 'of regulars, draft ed men, and National Guardsmen, the old song will have to be changed tq “We all belong to the regulars, for there ain’t no volunteers." Following on the report of giant submarines constructed by the Ger mans, now comes the account of huge airplanes. Perhaps the foundation of both craft will be an Immense bluff. Every lazy, good for nothing scamp who puts In 14 hours a day doing noth ing and the balance of the time in sleep Is worse than an enemy alien. Balzac Would Have Starved. Rome of the geniuses of earlier gen After you have known a robin fam erations would have a hard time of It With civilian rations In Europe. Many ily for a few years you begin to have •f them are still remembered for their a personal interest In the protection Appetites. Thackeray and Dickens of birds by law. Were both masterful at the table. Bai le e was equal to making a dinner of Whether you take your extra day eight dozen oysters, twelve cutlets, a duck, a pair of partridges, and all ! light on the morning or evening end the customary “trimmings." Herbert of the day, put It to good use, and If Spencer once went upon a vegetable you have a war garden, dig In It. diet, and declared that after he return ed to meat he had to rewrite every Lost, thing he did In the Interval to get viril Brown coat, beween Nyssa and J . C. ity Into It. Regardless of the effect on genius, Beam’s Einder leave at Journal of rationing Is spreading. Even walk fice. ing sticks have come under govern mental control In England, and pre E. Bruce Duncan will insure your au sumably a prospective purchaser will to in a reliable old line company. Bet Boon have to present a license to carry ter see him at once. j28tf auch an ornament.— Nation’s- Business. Big Tuna Cannery. Half a million dollars Is to be ex pended In the construction of a large tuna cannery on the Island of Maul, In the Hawaiian group, states The Canner. The waters around the Is lands swarm with fish of every de scription, among which the tuna Is predominant and attains an enormous size. The operation of this plant will be a valuable addition to the food sup ply of the United States and may lead to the establishment of an Important Ashing Industry In the island territory. SEE Even the bnmble little angleworm can do his bit by making himself acces sible during the patriotic garden proc ess for the fellow who will wish to refer to him In hooking one cf the well-known substitutes for meat. Farm crops of anv kind insured. See E. Bruce Duncau about it before you suffer a severe loss. j28tf I f fire sweeps your field before the grain is harvested you will find a Hart ford grain in-field policy as good as gold. J Boydell, Agent. For Sale. L. © P IE R MAN AND BOY’S STORE NYSSA, OREGON For S ale —30 shares Owyhee Ditch stock. Inquire at Journal office. n40tf Gem State Lumber Co. solicits you huusiness O . or P to a burned block by some form of Hartford policy. Fire comes first as causing the greatest losses, but is first for that reason alone. Some other form of fatality might be far worse for you than a fire. Do not learn these things after they happen. T h e two Hartfords can protect you on all sides. T h e policies will surround you with an inter locking coat of mail, leaving no unprotected point. This agency will be pleased to explain the complete protec tion offered by the INSURANCE Service O H A R TFO R D S nr AND OTHER BARGAINS For Sale People are surprised at the instant action of simple buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i ka ne spoonful Rushes the entirf bowel tract so completely it relieves any case sour stomach, gas con stipation and prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler i-ka surprises both doctors and pa tients. It removes foul matter which oisoned your stomach for months, d Adv S. F. Foster, Druggist T A big lot of every day Straw Hats at 15c Men’s Nansook UNION SUITS all sizes, 50c 60 pairs of Men’s Work Shoes $2.75 Boys’ Blue Denim Overalls, 10 to 15 75c Men’s Fine Dress Shirts, sizes 14 and 14 1-2 only, worth fron 1.50 to 2.00, at 1.00 Men’s Wrist Leather Work Gloves 50c Wagons and grain binders, also one manure spreader. All new stock. W. W. White. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN NYSSA H E wonderful thing about Hartford insurance service is its scope. It provides against losses you never think of until they happen to you. You will never know that you could have been saved from the con sequences of them unless you talk to this agency today. Every loss of property can be measured in money. The loss may be caused by fire, accident, sick ness, theft, storm, carelessness, circumstances. All these have been foreseen and provided for at Spier’s What will the harvest be? Keen disappintment if a fire sweeps the field and you are not insured in the A cheap home near Presbyterian HARTFORD Fire Insurance Company church. See Mrs H. M. Ramsey. 264t I j 12 J . Boydell Agent. Protection from every form of loss from a strayed parcel Special Summer Bargains t t - t e For over one hundred years the Hartford Fire Insurance Com pany has paid losses with unfailing promptness. The same responsibility is behind the Hartford Accident ic Indemnity Co. J. Boydell, Resident Agt. SUMMONS Equity N o .-------- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County Archie Sinclair and Amy Sinclair, bis wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Charles W Rigsby and Laura Rigsby, his wife; Jam es H. Rigsby aad Zetah Rigsby, his wife; Lets Canham and Dav d Canham, her husband; Florence Harris and Robert G. Harris, Minors, and Robert Harris, their Guardian; and Robert Harris; all heirs of David T. Rigsby, deceased, Defendants. To Lulu Canham and David Canham, her husband; Florence Harris and Robert O. Harris, Minors, and Robert Harris, their Guardian; and Robert Harris, Defendants: In the name of the S tats of Oregon: You are hereby requised to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, which is ths 19th day of July, 1918, and, if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for in said complaint, to wit: for the reformation of a deed and a decree that plaintiffs are the owners of Lot 6 in Block 66 of Green Addition to Nyssa, Oregon, as shown on the Revised General Map of Nyssa, Oregon, and that said decree shall stand as a conveyanee of said Lot to said plaintiffs by David T. Rigsby, Deceased; for costs and disbursamenta and such ether relief as to equity may seem meet. This summons is published in the Gate City Journal by virtue of an or der of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of the abovejentitled Court, di recting that said summons ba so published and that service e f sum mons be made by pubiicatien each week fer six week, commencing with the issue of said Gate Cit ~ 1 1 Journal of Its July 19, 1918. and ending with the is.ue thereof of August 30, 1918. j July 19. 1918 A u g u s t^ 1918. C. C WILSON. I Attorney for Plaintiff. j iding Gem State Lumber Co for 1 ef building material. all alada roili-tf j 9 Summer COURSES In Music Study, Voice and Interesting 9 1 Piano This summer thousands of students in all parts of America will commence the study of music- The need for the priceless inspiration and good cheer which music brings was never greater than now. Music in the home at this time will bring a new mean, ing to life and a n»w happiness to all The child’s right to the best music and the best in struction is one that all sensible parents respect- COME AND TALK OVER DETAILS ANY TIME 9 Ethel S. Hansen Methodist Parsonage Nyssa - . Oregon 9 DIAMONDS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Silverware, China Cutgla^s Hand painted Chi.ia Broken Lenses duplicated on short notice F . M . Hartzler, Jeweler and Optometrist Parma, Idaho .......................................................................................................................... T t , t t , ............................... Parma Cafe Now Open Meals 30c I put on my table the best the market can afford. I also have rooms to rent J. D. Takatari Prop.