1 o* *ïn. £I)C (Date CU il ¿i minia I Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY VOL. XVI NO. 48 NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 26 1918 SAVE OUR SONS $1.50 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY iRyssa and Vicinity j Chautauqua Closed Property D estroyed '^ Friday Evening School House Entered « and Buy Thrift Stamps Property to the amount of about $800 has been destroyed at the school house since the close of school last spring through the vandalism of boys so the author­ ities claim. The boys entered the buildin g by breaking in and proceeded to satisfy their destructive tendencies by wreck- ing about everything in sight. Among the articles ruined were a piano and two magnifying glasses, the latter valued at $150. It is said there are about 15 boys implicated, all of whom are known to the authorities. Dep­ uty Sheriff Lee Noe was in Nysss Thursday investigating the matter, in connection with the school board, and put the culprits through the third de­ gree. He did not intimate what action would be taken to bring the offenders to justice. This is not the first time sim­ ilar depredations have been com­ mitted at the school house, though never before has the amount of property destroyed been so great, and there is a general feeling in the community that some action must be taken to prevent a repetition of such work. Their actions can no longer be classed as boyish pranks, but have become crim­ inal, and the law must be in­ voked to stop it- Rebekahs Initiate 5 and Give Banquet The local Rebekah lodge put on degree work at their meeting Wednesday evening and a class of five were initiated into the mysteries of the order. Those initiated were: Arthur Cook, Mrs. Ernest Zahller, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Duncan, Mrs. Nettie Cook. A contingent of Rebekahs from Ontario were present and put on the degree work, giving the candidates all the latest thrills in the initiatory work. After the initiation a banquet was served, to which all did am- pie justice. Those present from Ontario were: Mrs. Geo. Lyells, Mrs. Poorman, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. DeFoe, Mrs Draper; Mrs Jones. Farmers, Attention! A meeting of threshermen and farmers will be held at my office in Vale on Saturday, July 27, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of establishing prices for threshing work. A large attendance of farmers ahd threshermen is de­ sired GEO. W McKNIGHT, County Judge, NAZARENE CHURCH. Sunday, July 28. 10:30—Sunday School. All children who are not represented in other 8un- day school* of our city are invited. 11-30*. in. preaching; Subact—Ha­ lation of Child to the Church. 4 00 p m.—Children’s Meeting. 8:30 p. m .-S ong and praise service. 8:46 p. m .-Preaching; •object—Now if any man hath not the spirit of Chnat h* is none of hi*. Romans 8:9. Everybody welcome to these ser­ vices. y Harold J. Miller, Pastor. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEET­ ING OE THE NYSSA-AR­ CADIA DRAINAGE DIS­ TRICT. You are hereby notified that a meet­ ing of the landowners of the Nyssa Ar­ cadia Drainage District will be held in the office of said district in the Bank of Nyssa Building, at Nv**«. Oregon, on Tuesday. August 6. the hour of 7 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of elect­ ing a surperviao», and to conduct such other business as may lawfully come before the annual meeting. KRAFK D. HALL. Secretary. ___ A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. Apple Valley ! b y our reg u la r c o rrespo n d en t ) Mrs. A. Snyder from Nyssa visited with Mrs. P. I Speer Friday. Mrs R S McIntyre returned home from Portland Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs Levi Stephens attended one evening of the Nyssa Chautauqua. Ruby and Edna Crew from Caldwell viaited with Addie and Georgia Speer last week. Rev. Story and Mrs. Story of Parma visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller Thursday. Monday evening Mrs. C. D. Day en­ tertained the young folks of the Ep worth League. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Boston were over from Roswell to John Boston’s Satur­ day evening. • Mrs. A. S. Allen. Clara, Lillian and Sherman Allen and Mr and Mra. Vile* autoed to Vale Friday. Mra. Pardon and Joaephin# from Fruitl»nd viaited with Mra. C. D. Day Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Agee, Wesley Agee, and Horace Hoyle from Wilder autoed over to J J Hicks Sundav evening. Mr. and Mra. Cottingham, William Cottingham and Oscar Grace from Payette visited with J . J. Hicks Sun­ day. Mr and Mr A Quast and Baby Kath­ erine are visiting with Mra. Quest's parent., Mr and Mrs Murdock McDon­ ald. Mr and Mra W C Morrii and children and Mr and Mra J N Leigt and children took Sunday diffiler at Mrs. Paul’s in Parma. •— *"*■ Mrs. P. T. Lingman cam* down from New Meadows Monday evening. She left Mr. Lingman feeling pretty good. Mrs. P. I. Speer, sister of Mra. Sherell, and boys, Clifford and Albert, from Rosoburg, Oregon, are visiting a t Speer's. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meltveldt and Christopher autoed to Boiie Sunday to visit with Mr. Meltveldt’s daughter, Mrs. Tjosseum. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jackson and Dale attended the union services in Parma Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens spent Sunday evening in Parma with Mr. a^d Mrs. A. Albertson and attended the church services that are held in th* Liberty Gardens. Wednesday evening a party was given on Sneer's lawn for C. D. Judd, George Kirtland and Charley Fergu­ son who have enlisted in the navy. George and C. D expect to leave Fri­ day, but Charley hasn’t been called yet. Wade Robinson had a rabbit drive Thursday evening at hit place in Ten Davis. After the rabbit drive he served ice cream. Those going from Apple Valley were: Georgia and Addie Speer, Ruby Crew, Mamie Mc­ Donald Clara and Lillian Allen, Alene Stephens, Harry Croaa White, Chester Allen, Clifford Sherrell and Doran Speer. Wedding Bells William Tell Coleman and Mias Cecil Belle Ward were united in marrage at the Methodiat parsonage in Vale on Wednesday. July 17. 1918, Rev. Lus- combe performing the ceremony in the presence of a few immediate relatives. After the ceremony the happy couple left for Boise for a short honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mra. Coleman are amortg Nysaa’a most popular young people and have a boat of friend* who will join the Journal in extending heartiest congratulations. Still Growing The Journal machine fund ia still growing. Thia week *10.50 have been added, the following subscriber* having paid in the following amount*: Petar Meilink................................. *L50 H H Weideman.............................. *-S0 Dirk Stem .............— .............— 4,50 W G Cathey........- .........................*-°° Total -....... Total fund. ....................- J * » John Lackey was in Ontario Thurs­ W. C. Vaughan visited Boise Wed­ day. nesday. Parma Notes The Radcliffe Chautauqua closed a three day engagement Friday evening with a concert by the David Duggan Co. and a lecture by Prof. Adams. A feature of the evening that was great­ ly enjoyed by the audience and heartily cheered was the wood sawing stunt by Ernest Wilson, which was the penalty for being defeated In the ticket selling contest. He made a bit by the ex­ pert manner in which he sawed his board in two, but refuted to respond to an encore and gracefully retired from the stage amid much cheering. Following is the financial report as rendered by Frank D Hall. Treasurer: Lea Perkina want to Robinette Mrs. J. W. Wills visited friends in Thursday. Boise Monday. H. R. Spencer went to Caldwell Miss Vera Green visited friends in (By Our Regular Correspondent) Thursday. Boise Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Lester Wilson'visited Miss A. F. Masters was a Boise vis Wm. Leigh was a Caldwell visitor In Weiser Thursday. itor Wednesday. Wednesday. Mile* Riley, a resident of Boise, is T. F. Coward has returned from a Mrs. E. E. McCreight left Tuesday visiting his daughter, Mrs. Haley. trip to California. for a visit at Carlock, 111. Mra T B Hlxon and children went to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith went to Miss Larita Gough is visiting Miss Weiser thia morning to visit relatives. Payette Wednesday. Louise Boehringer this weea. Born—On Tuesday, July 18, 1918, Mias Pearl Morehead is working in Mrs, H. J. Sloan left Thursday for to the wife of E. B. Huffman, a son. Wilson Bros, store this week. Iowa to visit with her mother. A. C. Hunt, a representative of th* Mra. J. Roberson is assisting in Rev. Wm. Ewing of Galdwell was a Receipts. Spokesman-Review, waa in Nyaaa thia Wilson Bros, store during the rush of visitor at th* William Hoffman home J F Reece Capt of the Reds ...*161.00 week. work incident to moving into the new on Saturday. E C Wilson, Capt of the Blues.. 142.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Ward have re­ quarters. Frank Twichell came up from Cald­ Door receipts afternoon July 17.. 2.60 turned from a two weeks ou.ing in the Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Butler of Ar- well on Sunday to visit with his par­ Door receipts evening July 17... 30.26 Blue mountains. cardia and son Cody were dinner guests ents, Mr. and Mrs. Twichell. Door receipts afternoon July 18.. 2.76 Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mra. Mr and Mra. Fred Marshall return­ rangements for the furniture for the Door receipt* evening July 18_.'_ 47.26 ed Wednesday from a week’a visit J. W. Wills. new brick Parma theater next tp the Door receipts afternoon July 19.. 6.76 with friends in Payette. Miss Ida Felton and Mias Fay Woods Ford garage on Main street. Door receipts evening July 19... 66.26 Jack Tautch went to Boise this, of Springfield, Mo., who have been Mr. and Mra. J. C. Watson and son visiting at the J. M. Duucan home, morning to so* if he could break into ' *437.75 left Saturday morning for Payette returned to tbeir home this week. the United States army. Disbursements Lakes. They went by auto. E. M. Dean and family and Misses Mrs. H. R. Howsley has returned N. E. Leigh, owner of the Parma, W L Radcliffe on contract____ *660.00 and Dora Thompson and from a montn’s sojourn at Seaside for Lizzie Wilder and Nyssa picture theaters, was Idaho Power Co____ ________ 12.12 Georgia Dennis went to Ontario Wed­ the benefit of her health. a Boise visitor Monday He made ar- Drayage and labor in taking Mrs Sadi* Crockett returned to Owy­ nesday evening to sea the soldier boys E. E. Starcher has returned from down ten t________________ 10.00 off. hee this morning, aft*? visiting with Advertising................................. 6.00 Miss Juanita Bigelow returned from Eugene, Or. His father came home relatives and friends in Nyssa. with him and* is now staying at the Total disbursements................ *677.12 Miss Virginia Forbes returned Thurs­ Boise this morning, where she under­ Illinois hotel. day from Weiser, where she has been went an operation. She was taken to Total rdeeipts.............................487.76 Miss Minnie Hoffman was a visitor her home on the Owyhee by Bev. Han­ visiting for two or three weeks. at the Rev. W. Ewing home from Sat­ sen in his F ord. Deficiency_________________$139.87 Mr*. C. D. Simpson rnd sister. Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. R Dickson motored urday to Wednesday as a guest of There were 17 guarantors of the Nellie Kirk, went to Ontario Thursday. Miss Ellen Ewing. expenses of the Chautaqua, which Mias Kirk has bean employed in the j down from Ironside Wednesday to bid Lee Fisk and Clarence Cason have makes a deficit of *8.20 each goodby to Mrs. Dickson’s brother, telephone office. George Toombs, who left for the train­ passed the physical examinations Mrs. Lola Schirmar expects to enter for army service and will leave soon ing camp at Csmp Lewis. the Ontario hospital in a few days to to join the colors. Mra. O. D. Cole of Shoshone, who take a Course in nursing preparatory Rev. Ira A. Albrick, pastor of the was a guest for several days at the to enlisting in th* army service. noma of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Wills, Collister M. E. church of Boise, Five more Nyssa boy* left Wednes­ left Sunday for Boise to bid her son. preached at the second number of the day evening to join the colons—Will BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT who left Monday for Camp Lewis, union services at the Liberty Garden, Coleman Will Howard. Elmers Fenn, Parma. goodby. Sidndy Burbidge and George Toombs. Miss Louie Matthews is on the sick Harley Fisk returned home Wednes­ Wilson Bros, have been moving their Miss Gertie Ray was in Boise Sunday grocery stock thia week into the new day evening from Helena, Mont. He list. and visited Miss Alta Smith, who ia in building and have an establishment has heen called in the July draft and Mrs. Corey is the guest of Mrs. a hospital there for medical treat­ that in size and appintment would be a so will soon leave again for Camp Mae McDowell at Caldwell. ment. She reports Miss Smith getting credit to a town many timet the size Lewis. Anna Phelan is the guest of Vivian along nicely. of Nyssa. Miss Florence Omalia visited her Babcock at Parma thia week. Mrs. Carmen Anderson Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. E. H, McDonald are parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Omalia, Ben Taylor spent the week-end vis­ young son and Misses Ella and Ida in receipt of a letter from their daugh­ for a few days. She will soon re­ iting his wife and baby in Caldwell. Bowles of Emmatt viaited relatives ter Nalda, stating that she had arrived turn to Glenn’s Ferry, where she has a Tom McGivern went to Ontario to and friends in Nyssa the first of the safely in France and is attached to position at the depot. spend the week end with his parents. week. Bass Hospital No. 46 as a nurae, being Mr. and Mr*. Hartman and family Mr. and Mra. Ferrell have gone to Mre. Henry Johnston and thra* little the only nurse from Malhenr county moved to Boise Tuenday, where they Washington for a visit with relatives. boyi and their nurse, of Springfield, at that place. will make their future home. They Mo., are guests at the Will Cathay William Taylor left for Vale Tuesday have sold their home on Parma Peter Meilink, who owns a fine farm home. Mrs. Johnson is a niece of near Nampa, was in Nyssa Tuesday cn Heights to E. G. Johnson. morning, being summoned to report Mrs. Cathey. business. Mr. Meilink has just pur­ The W. C. T. U. held an all day July 24. Henry McNee is back from an ex­ chased another piece of land adjoining session on Tuesday. Both fore and af­ Harry Looney of Jordan Valley tended sheep shearing expedition and his farm and now has over a hundred ternoon meetings were well attended came down from Payette Lakes for a exhibited a striking family resembance acres of fin* irrigated land, with a pri­ and excellent talks were given, which visit with bis parents. to the wild man of Borneo until he vate water system that supplies an all memhers present greatly enjoyed. Claud and Vernon Eachua and Harry had removed his hirsute adornment. abundance of water. The Missionary Society’s picnic, Jorgons autoed to Vale Tuesday eve­ Mra. Flo Lewis of Talsa, Okla., ia which was held Thursday evening on ning to attend a dance. visiting at the Will Cathey home. She tha Karrick lawn waa well attended. Mr. and Mra. W. E. Babcock and will b* joined here in a few days by a After the supper Miss Gauss gave her children of Parma were entertained s'ster. Mis* Lulu Henry, also from talk on China on the lawn instead of in the Phelan home Sunday. Tulsa. They will return home by way at the church, as formerly announced. Messrs, and Mesdaraes B. G. Morley of New Mexico. The program s t the Liberty Garden and children and W. F. Jacobs and BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Mr and Mrs Arthur Cook ar.d chil­ Wednesday night consisted of two so­ Pearl autoed to Caldwell Saturdav. dren and Mr and Mra Roy Cook and los by Mrs. Wright, followed by two J. H Boor was a guest of Clyde readings by Miss Myrtle Wamsley. Be­ Messrs, and Mesdames Arthur Holly children went to Ontario Thursday ta Hurd Sunday afternoon. and P. B. Anderson spent the past attend the 36th wedding anniversary tween the films Mrs. R. A. Russell of Mrs Arthur Cook’s parents, Mr and Mra. Tom Castles of Baker City is gave two readings. The proceeds of week camping in the Blue mountains. Mra Lyle, visiting relatives here Threshing began Saturday. E. H. about $28 was turned ovec to th* local Brumbach reports tha grain as good in Mr. and Mra. J. B. Smith and Mr. Willie McConnell killed a badger Red Cross. quality, but so far the yield Is very and Mra. A. M. Johnson and ehildian near hia home Saturday. light. were in Boise Thursday and visited William Deni is confined to his bed Alta Smith, who i* in a hospital there at his brother, James Deal. Mrs. E. L. Tate entertained a num­ Grant Fisher and Frend Engle mo­ for medical treatment. They report ber of friends at her home Friday eve­ Clyde Hurd and Tom Adams were tored to Caldwell Tuesday. her condition quite satisfactory. Mary Lackey of Ontario spent Sun­ ning ia honor of Miss Lois Russell’s business visitors at Payette Saturday. L. L. Mundle, another business man day and Monday with Nellie McConnell» birthday. Everett Hurd, little ton of Mr. and of Barma, i* advertising in the Gate Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and son* au­ Lloyd Johnson spent the week-end Mra Clyde Hurd, has been on the sick City Journal. Mr. Mundle keep* a toed down from Ironside Monday. Mr. with his uncle, D. W. Johnson, in On­ list. big supply of hardware and sporting Robinson, Wayne and Rex Brumbach tario. The Marx Thode and J. E. Camifix goods, and is alto owner of the new Mr. and Mra. Earl Hurd viaited th# returned the next day. Parma Garage. He doea a big busi- families had a picnic dinner at Falk Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sweet spent Tom Yofing home at Apple Valley Sunday. near. sails at moderate price* and is the past week visiting his Darents at Th# F. J . Roberta family came down Sunday. square and honest in hit dealings. Weiser, before leaving for camp. Ha Mr. and Mra. Ed Jones were dinner A big meeting of th* fanners of tha from North Powder, Oregon, last guests of Mr. and Mra. O. C. Fickane has ranted his ranch to George Hudson. county was bald at the Grange Hall on 1 Monday. Mr. and Mra. Thos. Welsh and W. A. Caldwell earn* down from Sunday. the Boulevard Wednesday to discus* daughters. Misses Mary and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnard drove Midvale thia week to harvest hia hay hay matters. Reports indicate th* and Kebert autoed to Payette Lakes to over from Wilder Monday, returning hay crop will b* below average this and grain. •pend tha remainder of the hot season, and farmsra are bolding oat Mr. and Mra. George Boor and sons, Tuesday. weather. Bob Harris left Saturday evening for for a stiff price. It was decided a t Charles and Robert, motored to Boise A special election has been called at The Dalle*. Oregon, where he will be the meeting t'v.mak* a price of *17.60 Monday, the school house in District 46 to vote per ton for first class hay. Earl Flock and Harold Dohner were employed for two months. on the increased tax August 8. All In For Sale —■ One team of mares, the district are requested to be present Mr. and Mra.S. F. Faster and tha two | Sunday dinner guests at the J. A. eight 2700 pounds, 10 and 11 year# at this n . eting. little Mis* Foster* and Mias** Ethel Bowers home. and Laona Hanaen autoed to Vale Mra Thos. Harris left Saturday for old. One a thoroughbred Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jordan and daugh­ Thursday, where Mr. Forter entered Portland, where she will remain about both in foal. Phone Fruitland 7-23. ter and George Jordan of Greenleaf into diplomatic relation* with County two months on account i>f her health. Mr. and Mra. P.oy Sparks, Mr. and, I were guests in tha B. G. Roberta homa Judge MeKnight for th* purpose of in­ Mrs. Frank Wayne and J. L. Riffle via­ Sunday. Marion Roberts returned Settlers’ picnic to b>s held August ducing that official to permit him to ited the Fred Hurd home near Payette I home with the« tor a viait. 22nd at New Plymouth. Everybody buy some more sugar tor his soft drink Messrs, snd Mesdames E. L. Tate Sunday. emporium. Hi* mission waa partially inviteu. Come and ha re a good time. and Frank Miller. Misses McDonald, C. W. Young is spending a couple of Mr. and Mra. Joe Divish and Tom successful and patrons #f fee « ta b - Lois Russell and Mario Tate attended liahment will atiU be ab*e ta qeenrh H am s returned home from Mann’s week* on Bear eveek. Mr. and Mrs. the picture show in Parma, which wa# Deeds are loo1 ting after thing* while their thirst with thaiafavnriha haver- creek Friday and rriport that most of given as a Red Croaa benefit __. they are away. eg* sweetened ta the « M a ’itM U . tha fish are caught out of th* creek. ]3ig Bendl ? Whitley Bottom I k 30c rop. a EF i. ü varad ™ day in ifiir.es«. lean nt, and «Rivince- Vlan