Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1918)
\ Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY yOL. XVI €l)i (Date Citi) JtonnuU OWYHEE (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) J. F. Reece of Nyssa visited the Garrison ranch Monday. A. O. Morey and Ben F. Logan mo tored to Parma on bnsiness Saturday. The Industrial Club will hold its weekly meeting at the Garrison home Friday afternoon. D. P. Pullen was an Ontario visitor Tuesday. He says he will begin cut ting barley Wednesday. Cecil Smith left Thursday for a visit with his father’s uncle, James Ram sey, of Mahogony mountains. Tom Eagleson went to Nyssa Mon day to get his household goods which were shipped here from Kokoma, Ind. Mrs. Silas Bigelow and daughter Juanita went to Boise Wednesday, where Miss Juanita underwent a sur gical operation for a trouble of long standing. Mrs. George Smith and son Delbert went to Caldwell last week to consult a physician concerning the boy and to visit with Mrs. Smith’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Ford H. Walters left last week for Mon tana with two bands of sheep, taking them to grazing land, as the feed around here is all gone and all the wa ter holes are dried up. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and daughters motored to Ontario Sunday, where rhey visited Mrs. Bradley’B par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Aldredge. They re*urned home Monday. J . A. Gregory returned Tuesday from a motor trip to the Bine moun tains and reported that he hadn't real ized that there was so much dry coun try as he. saw on the trip Mrs. Wsshington reports that the W. S. ¡3. pledges for the year now amount to *1821.00. with Mr. Gus. A. Schweizer as the heaviest purchaser, he having bought and pledged for *630 War Saving Stamps this year. Each member of his family has also pledged for one W. S. S a month. A number of Kolony ladies and chil dren, among them Mrs. Overstreet snd daughter Martha, Mrs. Scott and three grand children of Sioux City. Ia., Mrs. Conrad Wartin and daughters Bernice and Jeanette and Mrs. Martin’s sister, picnicked on the DeBord ranch on the Owyhee river last Tuesday. E. F. F ratt motored down from Iron side Monday, accompanied by C. W. Powell of Brogan. Mr. Powell, who has a 300 or 400 acre-ranch in Cow val ley, was down here investigating the various types of pumping plants get ting first hand information on the best makes, as he has intentions of install ing a pumping plant on his ranch this (Last week’s news.) large number of Owyheethans t the Fourth at the Bend, s. Hill of Ontario now has charge e kitchen at the Matensen ranch, ■s. W. W. Smith was very sick week with neuralgia of the stom- erett Kygar of Logan, Utah, was * on a short visit the first of the cloud burst up the river recently d it about a foot, causing much f water to come down, c Pullen was hooked by a Short- Durham bull belonging to Chas. ley, but was not seriously injured, ss Gertie Ramsey, of Caldwell, has been visiting at the home of Otto Schweizer, returned home day. • and Mrs. John Rust motored from Boise Sunday and were ts at the home of A. E. Rust on lewild Farm. -. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and ienneth motored to Caldwell Fri- evening, taking Vicenti Mendiola to get his Studebaker car which in the garage there, ss Ayer, state missionary worker ie Baptist church, delivered an ad- i on «The Spirit of Eternal Youth’’ he Owyhee school house Sunday moon. Misa Ayer was aecompan- by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and rhter and Miss Blom of Ontario. sKCfoee sewing has been susperd- >r July, as the ladies have been so strious that they are a month d on the work they are required jm out. While all are more than ng to “ do their bit” the respite be welcome, as we ail have more the usual amount of garden work canning to do. rs. E. F. P ratt was over from the side range country the last of the , and reports that there is no is feed or water up there any Business Houses Will Close During the Afternoons fflyssa and IDfcinity A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. All business houses in Nyssa will close during the afternoons of Wed nesday. Thursday, and Friday, July 17, W. A. Scott was in Ontario Thurs 18 and 19. while the Chautauqua enter tainments are being beld.. This will day. Mrs. B. F. Smith visited Ontario give every one an opportunity to at tend. The stores will be closed from Monday. about 2:30 to 4:30, so do your shoppii.g Harry Newell went to Nampa Wed before or after those hours nesday. J. 11. Wolf is transacting business longer and thkt many stock and sheep in Vale today. men are shipping their stock out of the D. McLaferty made a business trip country, owing to reported high price to Boise Wednesday. of hay in Snake river valley. The Mrs. Fred Green went to Parma sheep men, especially, are shipping Monday to visit relatives. many of their bands out of the state Mrs. L. Barron and Mrs. Jack Lynch into Montana, Wyoming ar.d Colorado to range grounds, as well as to eastern visited friends at Payette Wednesday, The Misses Esther and Alice Spier feeders. ' are visiting in Kingman Kolony today. Owyhee has gone “ clean over the Mrs. Leland Eenn has returned to top” in the recept W. S. S. drive. Mrs Wm. Washington had charge of the Eenn ranch on the Owyhee to live. the main drive here and reports that J Bill Howard went to Boise Monday to date *1249 has been taken in, includ to see the circus, returning Tuesday ing pledges to be paid before the end evening. of the year. Something over *200.00 C. A. White went to Caldwell Thuis- in actual cash was taken in during the day to be examined for admission to drive. The $1249.00 includes all that the army. has been done in the sale of W. S. S. Mrs. J. W. Stuart has returned and Thrift Stamps in the school and home, after visiting relatives for sev community during the present year. eral weeks. Mrs. Washington states that she has Mrs. Bigelow and daughter were in not been able to cover all the ground yet and expects to be able to report town Wednesday shopping. They were more pledges soon. The school had o i their way to Boise. Mrs Harriette Foster, mother of S. credit for *135.00 of W. S. S. and D. Eoster. has returned from Portland, Thrift Stamps, Considerable excitement and fear where she sient the winter. was caused on the W. W. Smith ranch Mr. and Mrs Roht. van Gilseare the a few days ago when two little chil parents sf a new baby girl, born last dren, Leonard Smith and Ruth Pink week at their home in Boise. ston, disappeared and though everyone Mr. and Mrs. Zahller, Sr., of Pay turned out to search for them were ette are visiting at the home of unable to find them. It was feared their son Ernest this week. they might have fallen into the irriga- Mrs. L. E. Haley, who has been vis tion ditch and drowned, as it was car rying its full capacity of water. They iting in Boise, was in Nyssa Wednesdsy were finally found playing in the apple en route to her home in Homedale. Will Adams returned this week cellar unaware of the disturbance and from the Owyhee where he has been anxiety they had caused. working for the past three months. Mrs. Frank Leuch returned Sunday from Twin Falls, where she had been visiting her brother for several weeks. Mrs. Nichols returned to New Meadfiws the last of the week after a (By Our Regular Correspondent) short visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Hammock. The Ford garage and picture theatre Ed Rich, Roy Cook and Arthur Cook are progressing rapidly. spent several days recently at Arrow- Mrs. C. W. Albertson and daugh rock dam in quest of fish, which they ter, Helen, returned home Monday found in great abundance. from Portland. Dick Tensen was in Boise the first Mrs. Mary E. Kirkpatrick and Miss of tbe week. He was accompanied Jessie Margret Hurtt were Boise vis home by Mrs. Tensen and children, itors last Tuesday. who had been visiting at the van Gilse Mrs. Mary E. Kirkpatrick, Miss home. Jessie Margret Hurtt and Doris Hoff Miss Gertie Ray, mail carrier on man spent the Fourth at Big Bend. Route No. 1 out of Nyssa, will go to Mrs. George Numans. who is at St. Ontario tomorrow to taka the civil Luke s hospital at Boise, having under service examination. Jack Teutsch gone an operation for appendicitis, is will sub for her. improving. Miss Alta Smith is in Boise for med- A large number of Parma people au- cal treatm ent, having gone there toedtoBig Bend on Independence Day, Thursday morning, accompanied by where a patriotic address was given by her mother, Mrs. J, B. Smith, and the Rev. Vance of Caldwell. Mrs. A. M. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Baker, Mr. and Jess Thompson, Delno Gibson and Mrs. W. Clore, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar, Chas. Gossett, accompanied by their Miss Julia Clore and Miss Minnie Hoff respective better halves, spent a few man autoed to Vale on July 4. dhys en the head waters of the Pay The churches of Parma and surround ette, near Banks. They were in search ing communities will unite at open air of rest recreation and fish, all of services at the Liberty Garden, Barms, which they found in large quantities, during the remaining Summer months. and returned to Nyssa somewhat Miss Esther M. Gauss, who is home dusty and travel stained but happy. on a furlough from China, is visiting The annual Prespyterian Sunday her brother. Rev. Paul Gauss, for a school picnic was held Thursday in few weeks. She will return to China Hunt's grove and was largely attended. in August. Everybody brought baskets of good Mrs. F. J. Wamsley and daugh things to eat and a long table was ter Mary returned last Wednesday loaded as full as it would hold, and all from a visit to relatives at Portland. did eat until they were filled. There TJjiey had enjoyed a stay of three was no formal program, but alt en weeks. joyed themselves in various diversions, The new Parma State Bank building such as swinging, switning, social con is progressing rapidly. The pillars verse, etc. have been put into place and this George Green was observed one day building promises to be the most mag this week loafing around the streets nificent building in the community. wi th his good clothee on. As this wss The Rosebuq Mission Circle of the an occurrence that not even the oldest First Presbyterian chureh held a sale Inhabitant had ever seen hefore, he of light refreshments Saturday eve ning at a stasd across from the 1. O. was interviewed as to the reason for O. r . Hall. The sale brought almost such a proceeding. He stated that he *10 to the Circle. just wanted to see how it would seem Frank Twitchell returned home a to watch somebody else work for a week ago from Camp Lewis, where he change, instead of furnishing enter had been discharged from the service tainment for a bunch of rubbernecks. on account of physical disability. He brought back messsages from other Mrs. John Lackey was severely in boys at the camp. jured July 4 whan the auto in which The roof of the Oregon Trail garage she was riding tras ran into and upset is now on and the garage will be open near the Dick Tensen corner. She in a few weeks. The old Oregon Trail garage was burned down in the fire of was thrown beneath the car and ren April 18 and this one is a great im dered unconscious. Fortunately tbe provement over the old one. sides of the ear prevented its full Miss Thelma S-haffer of Caldwell weight from resting upon her and she was a visitor for a few days at the escaped without sustaining any »nous Fred Edmiston home. She re turned to Caldwell Monday, accom injuries. The accident is said to have panied by Miss Ruth Edmiston, who been caused by the carelessness of the driver of the other car. will stay with her until Thursday. Parma Notes Harry Sharp was down from Nampa this week looking after property in terests. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Lee Edwards, Sunday, July 7. at 11 a. m., a baby girl. Dean Straub of the University of Oregon spent Saturday in Nyssa visit ing with alumni members of that insti tution. Girls, if your best fellow don’t get two season tickets to the Chautauqua and take you to every performance he is a slacker. Miss Ethel Hansen returned Satur day from Willamette University, where she took a course in vocal and in strumental muaic. Another contingent of Nyssa boys will leave July 22nd for the training camp. They are—Harry Goshert, Will Howard, and Will Goleman. Frank Lynch returned Saturday from Montana, where he baa been shearing sheep. He stopped off at Pocatello en route for an unexpected visit. New potatoes are on the local mar ket. H. L. Stout brought in a quan tity of fine looking tubers Saturday which he readily disposed of at 5c per pound. The Ladies Aid met at the M. E. parsonage Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. N. H. Hon as hostess A dainty tea was served and a pleasant so cial time enjoyed. Miss Dorothy Cleveland returned to her home at Jamieson Saturday. She was accompanied' as far Ontario by Miss Loulu Davis, whose guest she had beei for a number of days. H. L. Stout was the first man to pay *1.60 on subscription to be applied on the purchase of a new typesetting ms- ehine. W. W. White waa a close sec ond. Lbt the good work continue. There are still a few season tickets to the Chautauqua left so it’s your own fault is you don’t get in on the cheap rate Season tickets are *2 for 14 com plete entertainments; single tickets 50c. SAVE OUR SONS $1.60 PER YEAR NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 12 1918 NO. 47 Buy Thrift Stamps Mayor Wilson Organizes Coun cils of Defense Mayor C. C. Wilson returned the first of the week from McDermitt, where, in company with Geo. W. Hayes of Vale, he had gone in re- SDonse to »n S. O. S. call to organize a Council of Patriotic Service. The prin cipal need of such an organization was to put into effect the government’s recent “ work or fight” order." The slackers there were in the habit of slip ping from one side of the state line to the other as the occasion demanded in order to escape the officers trying to enforce the order. An organization was formed on each side of the line and hereafter when a slacker steps across the line from ope state he will find an officer on the other side waiting with open arms to receive him. On their return they stopped at Jor dan Valley and organized a Council of Patriotic Service at that place. Messrs. Hayes and Wilson haue pre pared a complete report of their pro- ceedidgs, which will be forwarded to the State Council of Defense. And They Twain Shall Be One Flesh Friday, July 5, 1918, will be a red letter day in the lives of Rev. and Mrs. Harold J. Miller, for upon this date Rev. Miller and Misa Pearl Crowder were nnited in the holy bonds of mat rimony at Nampa. Ida. by Dr. Wiley, president of N. N. College. The cere mony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends of the con* tracting parties. Rev. Miller, during his study of the Scriptures, has probably noted the statement of the Wise Man to the effect that “ He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing” and resolved to put it to the test. That he will find it true, in his case at least, those who are acquainted with his beautirul bride hay/r»’* the slightest doubt. Rev. Miller is the pastor of the Naz- arene church at this place and is popu lar amoung a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Miller is the daughter of Rev. Crowder, a Methodst minister of.Bon ner’s Ferry, and went to Nampa to be married. Owing to a mixup of the trains, Mr. Miller failed to meet her at the appointed place arid she made the journey alone. They will live at Apple Valley, where they are at home to their friends. Dick Tensen is another patriot to help swell the fund for the new type setting machine, coming across with *3. We only lack *294 now of having enough to make the first payment. I t’s a cinch. S. D. Goshert ia installing a water system in the Bullard home on the Boulevard. Hot and cold water will be piped through the house, which is a fine new structure, which will make it (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) one of the most uptodate homes in the valley. A gang of men have been busy this Levi Stephens and family spent the week hauling the ferry back to Bridge Fourth at Boise. island. It broke loose from the cables J. J. Hicks and family spent the a week or two ago during a storm and Fourth at Roswell. lodged about a mile belew the bridge. C. J. Jackson and family autoed to A number ofjpeople were on the ferry when it broke loose but succeeded in lake Lowell the Fourth. Lindney Day from Boise visited with reaching the shore in safety. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flint ot Cal., Sunday. are visiting at the homes of Lee Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Nyssa vis and Fred Marshall. Mrs. Flint and ited with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Day Mrs. Boyd are sisters and Mr. Flint is Monday evening. an old boyhood friend of Fred Mar Mrs. C. D. Day entertained the shall’s, having played hookey from young folks of the community Tuesday school together many a time back in evening at the parsonage.. Iowa. The contest between the children of Archie Moses. Clair Gibson and the Sunday School has ended. Henry Grief Crimes left Friday evening for Boston won. He got a Bible. the Fort McDowell. Cal., training Mrs. Fouch’s daughter and children, camp. They were mobilized at Vale who have been here visiting from with other recruits from various parts Roseberg, Or., returned to their home of the county and were accompanied as Sunday evening. far as Ontario by relatives and friends. J. I. Boston, R. S. McIntyre, R. A. J. B. Smith received a very Interest Weed and W. Imes autoed to Boise ing letter from Frank Sobrero, one Wednesday to the non-partiaan League time manager of the Idanha orchard. meeting. He is with the American army in J. I. Boston's father and mother, France and seems to like army life. brother and wife and sister are visit He says he received the package from ing Mr. Boston from Kansas. They the Nyssa Red Cross and was indeed eame through by auto. thanaful to be remembered. Would The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. like to get letters. Robert Minton Thursday afternoon. Julian Lowe has left Camp Lewis There will be an election of officers and is probably in Franc«. He gives and Mrs. Minton will serve a ten cent hie present address as “ Co. C.. 362 tea. Inf., American Expeditionary Forces.” Mr. Anderson, manager of the Spur In a letter to his folks he states that rier Lumber Co., and Harold Day, who the twe moat impressive sights, on his is working there, took Sunday dinner trip across the continent to Camp with Harold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis, were the s w a r m s of children C. D. Day. from tenements in the big cities and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jackson enter the Statute of Liberty. He doesn’t tained at dinner Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. Albertson and Jesse Al know which te give first place, but ne Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Johnson decided neither waa much use without bertson, and children and C W. Albertson and the other. children. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McFadden came down from Midvale Sunday to visit For Sale with Mrs. McFadden's parents, Mr. 1« Jersey Red pigs, about 3 months and Mrs W. 8. Adams. Mr. Mc Fadden left Monday for Camp I-ewis old; some full bloods. Henry Benfer and Mrs. McFadden will stay with her at W. W. White ranch. ji2 parents. Apple Valley 6c PER COPY ]Big Bend BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT The celebration at Big Bend park last Thursday was one of the moat suc cessful affairs carried for the benefit of the local Red Croat society. Sever*l weeks ago a number of our public spirited citizens answered a summons to meet at the Park and plan a patriotic meeting in keeping with the times, E H Brumbaeh was chairman and appointed the various committees, who did their work loyally and well. The day was ideal, the Park trees and grass were in splendid con dition, the main roads were strawed and everything possible waa done to make everything pleasant. Early in the day the crowd began to gather and by noon the grounds were dotted by large picnic parties enjoying their dinners. About 2 o’clock the Kingman Kolony orchestra began the program by rendering several selec tions, then followed the speaker of the day. Rev W F Vance of Caldwell, who delighted his audience by his eloquent speech. Ledrow Williams and Mr. Manning gave several solos which were greatly enjoyed. Mr Williams is a re cent graduate from the College of Idaho and expects soon to answer the call of his country. Mr Manning scarcely needs an introduction, aa he is well known throughout the country as a representative of the Boise States- mah. The service flag representing the 17 boys who have gone from tha Band was displayed and greeted with the Chautauqua salute. The program closed with the singing of Star Spangled Banner by the entire audience. After wards the 1 ;11 game between the mar ried and single men took place, in which the married men showed the young fellows how to play and scored 11 to 7. The purse of *20 was turned back into the Red Cross fund. The crowd in the evening was much larger than during the day and the dauce waf thoroughly-enjoyed. Miss Margaret Purdy left Wednes day evening for Riverside, Cal. to spend tha summer visiting relatives. Mra. Wheeler and children left the same evening for Los Angeles to join Mr. Wheeler, who is in the employ of the U. S'. government there Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Darnall and Mrs. Ross Darnall of Fruitland were guests in the Roberts home Thursday evening. E. H Brumbaeh attended a thresher- man’s meeting in Caldwell Friday af ternoon. Rachel and Gladys Christianson of Payette are the guests of their cous ins, the Millers and Pillsburys, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rockefeller and son are guests of their parents, Dr. rnd Mrs I. M. Rockefeller. They made the trip from Anaconda, Mon tana, in their big Franklin touring car and report the roads over the moun tain* quite rough in places. Mrs Kate Butler returned home from Nyssa Sunday. Mr and Mrs Clarenee Loveland are guests of the latter’s mother, MrsC C Kilbum. Mr Loveland and William Taylor received summons to appear at next call July 20. Messrs George W Swiggert and Judd accompanied Gordon Judd te Vale Friday, where ha joined the re mainder of the men going to Fort Mc Dowell. Born—To Mr and Mrs Ben Taylor, early Monday morning, an 8} pound boy. Mr. Weir of Chicago, III, arrived in the Bend Monday evening to spend tbe summer with bis son and family. Mrs. A. L. Tate and son Chester left Tuesday evening for Chicago, Pontiae and others points in Illinois to spend tho summer visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs Dale Robertson and children left for Boise Monday, wpere they will make their home for the present. Two Popular Nyssa Young People Marry George P. Ward and Mias Marios McDonald, two of Nyssa's popular young people, were married in Vale Wednesday morning. July 10, Rev. Luscombe performing the ceremony. The happy couple left for a brief hon eymoon in the hills. Mr. Ward is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ward and his charming bnde is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McDonald. Both young people have grown up in this community and have many friends who extend hearty eungratulation.