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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
( Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY VOL XVI €1 )t €»rttc Citi) Journal NO. 37 NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1918 liberty Loan Subscriptions Still Coming in The following name* have been added to the Third Liberty Loan honor ro'l since the first list was DUblished two weeks a*o. and applications for bonds are being received at a gratifying rate. There is about a week until the drive (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) closes and there should be no slacking up of effort until the last minute of the R. Hite went to Long Valley with last day. his cattle last week. H J W ard ...................................... $ 400 Mrs. Alma Wiseman and baby visit Mrs H J Ward............................... 100 ited her parents last weak. Geo P W ard ................................... 100 Geo E Ward-.........- ...................... 500 Mrs. Clsudo Smith went to Caldwell Mrs MJA Thompson.................. 20o Friday for a visit with her parents. H B|Tnompson............................... 200 Martin H Bostick-------- ----------- 150 The Owyhee ditch broke out again W H Lucas_______ 60 Thursday in the same place as before. Roy W illiams................. 100 B F Smith...................................... 50 Mr. and Mrs. Ford Bostick, from John KBkabeeke................. 50 Montour, Idaho, have accepted a posi Oscar J Pinkston........................... 50 on the Cantrell ranch. tion John Henry P a g e ______ 50 Chas Rachenberger....................... 50 Mr. and Mrs. John Rust of Boise Lee Boyd__ __________ — 50 motored over the first of the week to C W DeBoer.................................... 60 the A. E. Rust ranch near Mitchell Clarence B arrett____________ 50 Butte. Myrtle ¡Smith________________ 50 Zina Rambaud....... ............ 50 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnston of Cald Lewis Frank Rambaud....... ............ 50 well visited last Sunday wi*h their C Van Zelf................ . . . -........... 150 daughter, Mrs. Walter Pinkston, and M Sm it............................................ 100 C B Beem er________ 50 family. J N Thomason _______________ 50 Mr. and Mrs. Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. J R E lliott....................... 50 Hub Ward of Nyssa were visitors at Gem State Lumber Co....... ........... 150 Chas Bradley .................. - 50 the home of Mrs. A. C Bradley Sun Peter van Twish............................- 100 day. S D Bigelow................................ 50 J H Roberts' .................................. 60 Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pyke and Don Albert Hinscn, additional.............. 1000 Forbes motored to Parma Saturday to Robert Minton_________________ 50 attend the Seventh Day Adventist Easkle Minton------------- ---------- 50 church there. Sam M inton........................... 50 Vernon Minton_________________ 50 Cecil Smith spent the latter part of Leo R Minton ..................... -........ 60 the week in Nyssa, where he was a F M Dunn ....................................... 50 guest at the J. S. Pinkston and H. A C P alm er---- ------------------- 50 Walters homes. W J M egorden......... ................ 50 E W K u n tz ....................................- 50 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bxadley and H W Adams...................................... 50' daughters. Ruby and Alta, accompan C J Flemming............. 103 ied by Mr». W. Guy Thompson, were Mrs Carrie 1 Cheeley...................... 60 Peter Williams.................. 100 Ontario visitors Saturday and Sunday. D Groot.................... 200' Orin Wallace, who had his horaelo£ G E Tucaer.............. *»........... -- #0 effects on the Il'hee ranch, mo-'ed them \ Koopman.................................... 50 WmMcEwen_________________ 100. out and has gone to menoia, where he is in the O R H ite................................ 50 employ of Charles Thompson. Wm Washington.......................... 50 The people of Owyhee are planning Festus W A dam s....... ..................... 60! a 50 farewell party Wednesday eve in C Blokker...................................... houor 50 of the Newbill family, who will Fred Woods--------------------- P M Warren____ __________ 60 soon for their new home near leave Mrs J B Smith...............................- 50 Nyssa. Jno M Teucsch................................ 50 N H Hon............................................ 50 Frank Pullan is down from Ironside John R Evans.................................... 60 and reports the uppar ranges very dry. Arthur Servoss................................ 50 Mrs. Lucy M iller............................. 50 He also went up the Owyhee to Hole- B W Dimm, additional.................. 50 in the Wall to look after some of his Chaa Tague.................................... 50 horses there. Fred J Green................................... 60 . Frank Newbill purchased a 40-acre Henry Crabtree............................. 50* Roy Shaw------------------------------ 50 ranch northeast of Nyssa from Mr. D M F ren ch .................................... 50 Martin for a consideration of $4500 last James H Huffman......... ............— 50 week and expects to move onto the Jack Lynch ..................................... 50 Sytje S ta m ....................................... 50 place May 1. Geo R L Smit, additional................. 50; Mrs. Cantrell of Long Valley is vis 50 iting her sister, Mrs. Ray Cantrell. John Timmerman ________________________________ 50 William Kerwin. Mrs. Cantrell is a sufferer fr°m rheu JohnA W ard.......—...................... 100 Andy Hansen.................... i .......... 60 matism and contemplates taking a Dick Schuurman....................... 500 of baths at the Hot Springs be course A M Johnaton................................... 100 fore going home. Geo, Dean and Dwight Johnston.. 150 Mrs A M Johnston.......................... 100 Mrs. Ramey and son Ward, accom S R Henry........................................ 100 ! panied by Mrs. A. D. Morey and Miss V R Chipman .................................. 50 Gladys Kygsr, motored to Ontario Sat Gerret DeVries ................................ 60 urday. While there the ladies visited W G Cathey»........................... 100, Mr?. J M Duncan................................... 60 , Kygar and the new boys, who Emms E Duncsn......... ................ 50 doing well. Mrs. Kyger and the are James A Duncan......................... 50 expoct to come home Wednesday. twins Bernice E Duncan............................. 50 . 69 Thomas I. Clark, brother of Maude Ora Harris. James Dennis________________ 50 Clark and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. 50; Freeman Bradley, who will be remem H G Monee .. Carl M Schweizer.......................... 1|(0 ! bered here as a school boy, is one of 100 Annie Schweizer.............. 150 nine young men to be called in the Geo W Adams.................. 501 third draft from Chico, Butte county, John Lackev (2d)............ 50 I Calif , and is to report May 1 at Fort John Mc Millen.................. 50; Gus Sockos_____ . . . . ----- 50 McDowell, Calif. H Goodell...................... - 100 Orsen Mickelsen....... ...... Mr Brown, whose stock camp ia 100 near Three Fingers, was down last A R Mickelsen (2 d )......... 100 O A Mickelsen (2d)........ 40" I week gathering up strays and reports Dirk S tsm ........................ 50! that R. N. Stanfield has nine bands of E J Rieh............................ 50 : wethers up there and is practically Carl T ittle......................... 50; Mrs H R M orris.............. 300 taking the range. Grassy mountain H J Ward (additional)... 50 ; range is also reported over run with Wm W White................... 50 I sheep, which makes it a serious prob Henry A Bonfer---- Mrs H 1 H ansen............................ 100 lem for cattlemen. Taylor and Loye Ethel S Hansen ..................... 60 are among the stockmen rangiug their Leona J H ansen............................ 60 cattle there. Elmer C Haween ............................ 60 MraH E Hatfield ........................ .«0 Earl B DwLong................--■*.........■ 150 John J. Gaptelmo................. -% --- 250 50 Lewis L P a tttr s o n .......................... J C F em ing.................................. 1000 50 Cornelius Rltnkenberg..... ........... E Bensli______ ____ __________ 50 60 John L Sullivan............................. Margaret W Schweizer............... 150 60 D McLafferty................................ A D M orey................................... 100 50 C S Skinner.............. ..................... 50 J B Big-low-----------J ................... C H Prettymam_______ - ............. 30 Mr* Mary Irvington..... ................ 50 Geo L Phillips ............................... 850 Geo E Skinner ........................... 50 Emma E Duncan..........................- 60 Off to the War Wendell Danielson went to Vsle Thursday pursuant to a cal! of the draft board. Malheur county’s quota under the second call of the new draft it 18. and they will leave for Camp Lewis today. The other men called are: OIL# M Coleman. Jesse Griffelh, Robert. J. Aaron. Duncan Edministon, Reuben J. Pierce, William S. Rose William P. Bunner. John Creasemsn, Chas. H. Loealand,, W alcr G. Mus tard. Peter Rader, Allen Mende, George Rader, Jaa. Me D Roe, ElmerW Hew. Sidney Burbidge has received a call for The Oldsmobile seta the pare for sll special service and expects to leave other cars. See Henry Field», agent, about the first of May. for particular».—Adv-n9 SAVE OUR SONS $1.50 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY Council Holds Special Meeting to Hear Reports OWYHEE Frank l.euck'’ .................................. *2® Buy Liberty Bonds REMEMBER THE TU5CANIA JUY A BOND Epidemic of La Grippe Broke Loose in Nyssa Nyssailes Startled by Loud Explosions An epidemic of la grippe has broken loose in Nyssa during the past week and many citizens are suffering from this disease. It is apparently no re spector of persons and attacks high an low with impartially. It doesn’t even respect the power of the press, for F. L. Sheets of the Journal staff was at tacked Saturday evening and placed hors du combat for several daya. High schoel was dismissed Monday, there being no scholars and only one teacher, Miss McFarland, and she substituted for one of the grade teachers who was sick. Postmistress Elizabeth Thomp son has been having a severe struggle for several days and although slightly disfigured is still in the ring with pros pects of her eventually gaining the victory. Her neck has quit squeaking when she turns her head and the consid ers this a favorable symptom. Perhaps the greatest hardship, however, that was suffered by the Nyssa public through the ravages of this disease was when Mattie Dennis was compelled temporarily to give up serving ice cream at Foster’s drugstore. The boys say the ice cream does not taste half as sweet when Mr. Foster serves it. However, she ha* recovered sufficiently to return to work and the status quo ante is again restored. A meeting of the council was held in the council room on Wed Arcadia AND Boulevard nesday evening, April 17, for the purpose of a hearing on the BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT petition of J. T. Lauvhlin for the vacation of a portion of West- Mrs. Wyle Frakes visited her mother field addition to Nyssa: Oregon. last Sunday. There were no objections filed Miss Lavern Keller spent. Sunday and the petition was granted and with Miss Emma von Readen. we are informed it is now the in David Chadwick is absent from tention of Mr. Laughlin to im. school this week, helping irrigate. prove (the land as farm land, John Cox of Cairo school has been This is the 40 acres on which I. absent this week on account of sick G- Anderson has been liv ing and ness. with the drainage work roipg Walter Leavitt has just come in from the hills, where lie has been herding through the land there is no sheep. doubt but that [it will make a Mr and Mrs C. C. Taylor made a good farm. short visit in Lincoln 64 district Mon It was reported that the street day night. work done by L. C. Beck under Mr. and Mr». C. E. McC >mb went to his contract wes completed and Weiser Sunday, taking with them the council carefully consid- friends of Ontario. efed the final est'mate filed Cairo school will be out the 2nd of May. They are planning a picnic on by the engineer and super Mr. Walter’s lawn. intendent of Streets and Public John Paulso" has moved where Clif Improvemente. All of the esti ford Bender did live, which has recent mates were gone over and the ly been bought by Mr. Grover. (total charge for all work done Red Cross meatings are now held at under the contract amounted to Mrs Charley Johnson’s. They wou’d $2254 34. Mr Guy C- McGee he glad to have more members. Mr. and Mrs. Holden Clement enter made no charge for giving levels tained their friends, Mr. and Mrs. and grades and staking out the Dunn, Sunday and in the evening went work and figuring estimates and to Payette. the council allowed $12 50 ex Gilbert and Aubrey Dean spent Sun pense which had been paid by day with Orville and Melvin Walters. the engineer in connection with In the evening they took a ride in Wal the wor«, , , ’ ter’s new Dodge ear. For the amount expended un Mrs. J. H. Dunn hurried to finish her der the contract Nyssa has im last pair of socks for the Red Cross here, but we are sure she will make a proved st eets. Main street is good member in Seattle, as here. no longer the eyesore it was and The Boulevard was paraded Tuesday the streets which have been by a car bearing this inscription ‘ To graveled to the extent of a mile hell with the kaiser and all of his or more are ? credit to the towr. friends ” It was cheered by all who While the streets are in good saw it. shape n^w, we are informed Valley View school closed Friday, the they are to be worked over and 26th. The pupils are glad to see vaca tion, but very sorry to give up their made better. Nyssaites were startled Wednesday evening about 10 o’clock b> a fusilade of what appeared to be heavy artilery fire. It was thought at first that the ■ town wes being bombarded by the Germans, but investigation disclosed the fact that it was Frank Hall doing some blasting preparatory to planting some trees on his residence property. The reason for his choice of this un- seem’y hour for the work was in order that Mrs Hail and Mrs. J. E. Dickens, who is a guest at the Hall home, might be present to enjoy (?) it. The ladies had left early in the evening in their auto to avoid being present when the blasts were fired, and had just returned, congratulating themselves that they had missed the noise of the blasting, when their ears were assailed by a number of loud explosions in quick suc cession and Mr. Hall was observed with a pleasant grin on his face enjoy ing their discomfiture. The ladies have declared vengeance, but haven’t dis closed yet just what horrible fate they have reserved for the culprit. teachers. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunn, as they will go to Portland and then to Seattle for this summer. KINGMAN K0L0NY Runaway Accident Alva Amidon is absent from O. H (By Our Special Correspondent.) S. now on account of sickness. Dr. Roy Pounds was the victim of a run E. M. Blodgett, A. G. Kingman am away Tuesday evening and suffered Weese pronounced it rash. Maude serious injuries. He had completed his Walters of the Boulevard will be one C. E. Peck made a business trip t day’s work digging an irrigation ditch of the happy girls to graduate this Payette this week. Card of Thanks. on the Johnston orchard tract add was term iron the’Ontario high school. Mr. Powell is building a house on hi We wish to thank ail those who so returning hone when his team became Kolony ranch and Mr*. Powell am kindly helped us during the illness and frightened and bolted Roy was thrown daughter have moved out from Nyssa out and badly bruised and his shoulder Patriotic Program at death of < ur son and brother. Mrs. Kingman and Miss Kingman was thought to be dislocated, but it is M r s . S u s ie P o m e r o y believed that he suffered no intern*, Mrs. Martin and her two daughter Owyhee School House spent Friday afternoon in Parras. injuries. a n d F a m il y . (By Our Regular Correspondent.) Water has been turned into the forty An interesting patriotic program three and twenty-five foot ditches an was given on the evening of as soon as the big fifty-foot pump i April 19, at the school home. i istalled irrigation will begin on th After the children’s program, con farms under that lift. sisting ¡of recitations, songs, flag Kolony people are looking forward t drill and folk dances, magic lantern the next meeting of the Grange, a A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— pictures, “ History of the Uniform’’ Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Brainard of Nyst What Your Neighbors Are Doing. were shown. The new service flay, have promised to be present and cot whioh was presented to the school by tribute a musical program. the Parent Teachers Association, wta Mrs. Overstreet, Mrs. Scott, Mia Mrs. T. C. Creen went to New I’lvm Spencer Heiin went Homedale Friday. unveiled and a short address given by Goldith Johnston, Mrs. Peck and Mit Ora Harris went to Ontario Thursday. outh Tuesday. Mr. Gus. Schweizer. The names on Harry Cosho was down from Nampa Owyhee school’s roll of honor are: Helen Peck have been invited to apem J. A, Kingman went to Kingman to next Friday with Mrs. A. E. Rust a Sunday visiting parents and friends. day. William Morey, Loren Rhaldon. Ray her home "Nestlewild” on the Owyhee Miss Eva Boydell spent the week Logan, Chris K-ogne, Julien Lowe, W. S. Smith went to Ontario Thurs Mrs. Peck and Miss Helen Peck toe end with relatives and friends in Nyssa. Otto Schweizer, T h e n Rust and Otto day. an auto load of Red Cross supplies t Bigelow. All these young men are in S. S. Cantrell, county commissioner Nick Leuck went to Overstreet Fri Ontario last Friday. Mrs. Peck u of Valley county, was in Nyssa Monday. training except Mr. Morey, who is now turned the same day but Miss Peck re day. , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dickens of Silver in "the Artillery" in France. mailed in Ontario several days as th Mrs. S. F. Jordan went to Parma Songs were surg by Mesdames Fred City are visiting at the Frank D. Hall ; g je sto f Mrs. Wilson. Tuesday. " j Klingback and Mrs. Ben Logan and Ilitennie Logan, aged five, and Mi i Mrs. C. Bailey went to Weiser home. music furnished by the Smith McGin Mist Vera Green spent Sunday in nis orchestra. While all of the school jory Logan, age! three, whose oil th Thursday. Mr. and Mr*. George Clossen visited Nyssa, returning to school at Parma children’s program was good, "The days happen to be on the same day Monday morning. Star Spangl'd Banuer" pantomime, sent out invitations to the Kokin Boise Thursday. Sidney Burbidge went to Vale Tues sung by Margaret Shaw and acted by children to be present at their hom Arthur Francis made a business trip day to consult a dentist in regard to five girls, was especially deserving of next Saturday afternoon and help ther to Huntington Thursday. mention. cel-hrate. the condition of his molars. Miles Riley of Boise has been vis Born On Monday, April 22, to the iting his son, Ashton Riley, in Nyrsa. Notice is hereby given that I have wife of T. B. Hixon, a 12 poor.d boy. this day sold to ('has. Crawford my A Surprise Win S Brown came up from Onta M >ther and child are doing well. garage business, heretofore conducted rio Saturday evening for the week-end. by me at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Wnen M m . Zina Rambaud George H. Bodfish, the Malheur name and atyle of the Service Garage. Tom Droet, the genial operator of City merchant, was in Nyssa Mondty The said Chas. Crawford wi I be re opened a letter which she had the butter factory at Parma, was in looking after business interests. sponsible for such business from and received from her father she Nyssa Sunday. after this date. All accounts contract J. M. Crockett returned Sunday ed prior to the date hereof are payable was very much surprised when a Miss Elizabeth Canham, who is credit fell out showing he had teaching at Ten Davis, spent Saturday from Payette, near which plaee he has to the undersig, ed. Dated Nyssa, Oregon, April 12, 1918. taken out a Liberty Bond of been employed for several weeks at and Sunday at her home in Nyssa $1000 for her and stated he had Mr. and Mrs. EM. Super and daugh carpenter work. i ‘flyssa and Vicinity j I I Pleasant Notice to Cool Users. Mr and Mrs. Johnston of Caldwell ter Ruth of Nampa visited at the Den also taken out one apiece for her Hereafter I will deliver coal for 7ic nia home over Scnday. Mr. Super was visited at the Walter Pinkston home two aiseore, who live in Pendle per ton, or 5ie for anv quantity leu formerly in the hardware business in the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs than a ton. J. M. Robertaon. ton, Ot’. Johnaton are Mr«. Pinkston's parents. Nyae*.