Ontario Happenings (BY CUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) RED CROSS NOTES. Three more boxes o f ihe surgical supplies are being packed ready for shipping. These include the different sized "m ai.tresses" o f absorbent cotton and gauze. Greater care than was required w s b taken to make these, but the ladies were more than repaid for their pains by the many compliments they have received from the hospitals for their work. They are now prepar ing the split irrigation pads, which have originated during the war and are used tor wounds which require exten sive spraying o f medicines. The Ford roadster, donated to the Red Cross by the Republican candi date for the nomination for governor, Mr. Simpson, was won in the raffie by Miss Clarice Canfield Five hundred chances were sold, which netted the sum o f $500 for the treasury. Mr. Simpson visited the Red Cross rooms and gave them an interesting talk on the work. The manual training boys are build ing the boxes for shipping the supplies in. They took up several completed ones Monday and have agreed to furn ish 22 more so that the Red Cross need not want for boxes until late in the summer. In a statement made by Mrs. E. M. Greig the donations received during March, including the auction, amount ed to a total o f $1605, while the amount o f the bills paid was $1244.65. (Last W eek’ s News.) Local Personal Born, Sunday, April 7, to Mr. a Mrs. Johnny McGregor, a boy. Misses Lydia Fielder and Gladjs Franklyn visited Sunday with friendB in Emmett. Adrian “ PROTECT OUR SOLDIERS WITH LIBERTY BONDS” (BY OUR REGULAB CORRESPONDENT) Message of United States Senator McNary to Peo ple o f Oregon Money la needed to support and protect our soldiery now fighting In a foreign land and the prompt pur- chaae by tha American people of Liberty Bonds will aupply the funds. Much of the money here tofore obtained by the government through the sale of Liberty Bonds to Its citizens has been expended In the preparation of war. Now our resources and our savings must bs devoted to a considerable ex tant In providing for the safety, comfort and assistance of our heroes on European battlefields. Three thousand miles of ocean In tervene and this long lane must be made safe for our soldiers. Ships we must have In aver Increasing numbers. Without tonnage the full measure of our elaborate and m ili tary relief organizations must re main inoperative. Without money we cannot build ths ships; without tha ships we cannot win the war. W ith sadness we anticipate the re turn of thousands of our soldiers wounded and crippled who must be rehabilitated or m a d e capable through vocational education for self support. General hospitals In which physical reconstruction work and vocational training can be un dertaken m u s t be constructed. This requires money. A great army is going forward to face the fire of battle and American dollars will be forthcoming for their wel fare if we all perform our duty and buy liberally of these Liberty Bonds. CHAS. L. McNARY, United 8tates Senator. (Last W eek’ s News.) H. S. Burroughs is on the sick list this week. Web Otis was in Parma after a hired man Thursday o f this week. Tha farmers are rejoicing over tta fine rains we had Tuesday. Lytle & Robinson left far Ironside with their cattle on Saturday, The O. S. L. bridge crew stopped in town last week to do repair work. Mrs Hickox and Mrs. H Q John ston were Parma shoppers this week. A car o f household goods and farm machinery was unloaded Monday fur a newcomer near town. The new pumping plants o f McCreary & Grelling are about in place and soon will be throwing water on the newly cultivated land near town. The patriotic meeting held at King man echool house was a Dig success and we were glad to have the people fiom Nyssa and Eig Bend. Ed Ten Have was in town Monday and subscribed to the Third Liberty Loan. Ed has a homesteaa near Mitchell butte and expects to prove up this spring. Adrian went to the top at 1 one o'clock Saturday, the 6th, in the Third Liberty Loan drive. Bv 4 o ’ clock we had over 150 per cent o f our allot ment raised and more still coming in. We were supposed to raise $8000 and got *12,500. KINGM AN COLONY A N D THE BIG BEND OVERSUBSCRIBES (Last w eek’s news—came too late.) for all agent, For Sale. I have several sacks o f alfalfa said for sale Billy Peutz, Nyssa, Or. n24tf The debating team met their first defeat last Saturday evening when they went against the champion <>e baters o f north central Oregon at The Dalles, who gained the victory by a unanimous decision. Two boys. Seniors o f The Dalles high school, composed ths oppesing team, who presented the negative argim ent o f the question, "R esolved, f i t ' a t r the present war t ie United States should enters league o f nations for the enforcement o f peace.” The judges were three high school prin-ipals from Portland. A fter the debate the team, Miss Clara Craig ar.d Wesley Glenn and chaperone Mrs. Walter Glenn, with Coach L. L. Cul bertson, took a pleasure trip down the Columbia, visiting Portland and Van couver. Wash. They retu-ned to On tario Tuesday evening and are very enthusiastic over the trip. Major J. S. Matthews spoke to the assembly Monday from 11:00 a. m. to 1:20 p m , his audience being so in terested that they forgot lunch hour and were only awakened by the major at the end o f his speech He showed us his army equipment, including even two gas masks, and illustrated the weight a soldier has to carry by put ting the equipment on a cadet. Among some o f the things o f interest were his helmet, which .had been pierced by a bullet, and the bombs in use in Europe today, small in site yet frightful in r e sult. Nearly all the boys are leaving Sat urday and many good times are being crowded into the small time remaining. Tonight the members o f the Nut Club are giving a dance. The Junior-Senior reception is going to be held tomorrow night and the Seniors are eagerly awaiting the feast. The annual staff announces that tte "O w aches,” the high school annual, will probably be received by the mkW die o f nest week. An election o f next year’s company ’ officers will be held Friday morning during the fourth period. mnd increase its value, and preserve the ma terial from the weather and sun as well as making its appearance so much more attract ive. You will find just the colors you want both inside and outside paints, at the most reasonable prices, quality the best manufac turéis can make. Come in and get our prices We carry a Compleat Line of Farm Machinery and Garden Tools. ANNOUNCEMENT Nyssa HardwareCo. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for the office o f County Clerk o f Malheur County. Ore gon, aubject to the will o f the Demo cratic voters, at the Primaries, May 17th, 1918. ARTH U R M. MOODY (Paid Advertisement ) ......... ................... . ........................................ ......................................................... ..................................... ... « Walling’s GARAGE at Ontario Is now open for business. All kinds of supplies and access ories. Agents for Overland, Maxwell and Willys Knight Cars; Also Max Truck. Call in and look them over. PROFESSIONAL. JACOB PRINZING. M. D- 0 H E R T 8 0 N , 1 -R O P . W. J. W EESE. M. D. Internal Medicine WALLING’S GARAGE EDGAR S. FORTNER, M. D. ONTARIO, OREGON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat TO W IL T Ä T R A N S F E R I THE MAIN WHO DELIVERS THE GOODS OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Office over First National Ba k Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Oregon D r . J. J ..SA R A ZIN RATES % Surgeon and Diseases o f Women ROBERTSON’S TRAN SFER notes . Paint the House- 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office o f Sheriff o f Mai heur County, Oregon, subject to the will o f the voters o f the dem ocrat'c party at the primary nominating elec tion to be held in Malheur County, State o f Oregon, on the seventeenth day o f May, 1918. H. LEE NOE. (Paid advertiaement) n30 tf Big Bend and Kingman Kolony are justly proud o f their success in raising their apportionment o f Liberty Loan bonds. The committee io charge of the drive started out on Saturday morn ing and by noon had almost reached the required amount. By night they Six and eight-cylinder Oldsmobile had nearly doubled it, about fourteen thousand dollars worth o f bonds having cara—the car o f service, com fort and been sold in all. Every family visited beauty — s e ; H m ry Fields, distribu in the Kolony purchased at least ore tors, Ad v-n9 bond. A meeting which had been ar ranged by the women who were help ing in the work was held on Tuesday THE GREAT W A R HAS MADE ANNOUNCEM ENT. evening at the school house. A num- CIGARETTES A NECESSITY. b erof Dusiness men o f Nysaa and their To the Republican Voters o f wives attended and talks on different Malheur County: I hereby announce myself as a candi phases c f the war were were given by "Our boys must have their smokes. date for the office o f County Judge sub Mayor Wilson, Mr. Canham and Mr. Send them cigarettes!" This is a Dean. Mrs. Tate gave a reading from ject to your will at the primary election familiar appeal now to all of us. R ley entitled "W h o Called You Old on May 17. 1918. G lory?” Among those most in demand is If nominated and elected I will dur the now famous “ toasted’’ cigarette— ing my term o f office work for the good LUCKY STRIKE. Thousands of this o f Malheur County without fear or fa ANNOUNCEM ENT. vor, and believe every part o f Malheur favorite brand have been shipped to To the Republican Voters County should receive its prorata share France. There is something home o f Malheur County: o f good roads improvement, in the like and friendly to the boys in the I hereby announce my candidacy for same way that Malheur County should 6ight of the familiar green packages receive its prorata from the state, and the office o f County Judge o f Malheur with the red circle. County, subject to your will at the will work to that end. primary election. May 17, 1918. This homelike, appetizing quality H L. POORMAN. Business efficiency in the County's o f the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette ia busiress, based on business principle! largely due to the fact that the Burley Eighth Grade Examinations. wiil be my aim in office if nominated tobacco used in making it has been Eighth grrde examinations will he and elected. toasted. “ It’s toasted” was the “ slo held throughout the county May 16 Good roads to be a consideration for gan” that made a great success of and 17, 1918. ' Before questions can be all parts o f the County. LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year. sent to the various districts, the clerks C. C. WILSON, Now the American Tobacco Co. is must report the names o f the examin Nyssa, Oregon making 15 million LUCKY STRIKE ers. Following is a list o f tha subjects (Paid Advertisem ent) Cigarettes a day. in the order in which they will be giver, Thursday—Arithmetic, Writing, His- A good part of this immense pro tory, Agriculturo and Spelling. Good Spray Machine. duction is making its way across the F rid a y - Physiology,Lasguape, G eog water to cheer our boys. »The Red Will furnish outfit to do spraying raphy, Civil Government and Rea ling. and take orchard spraying for use of Cross has distributed thousands of FAY CLARK. machine. H. G. Monce, Nyssa n30-tf LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes. 363t County Supt. o f Schools W. W . Hinton and Oscar Neece are leaving for the lambing camp at West fall today. Mrs. J. 1). House and Mrs. Fred Crummett were visiting in town from above Vale last week. Mr and Mrs. Udick o f Portland vis ited with their son, H. R Udick, and his family during the past week. Mrs. L. Stout left Wednesday eve ning for Idaho Falls, where she will join her husband and where they in tend to live for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clagett, Miss Charlotte Clagett and Miss Mary Ber- vin motored to Nyssa Wednesday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. L Spier. Rev. F. M. Burch, pastor o f the Baptist church, Fruitland, was able to return to his home there, after having spent 18days at the hospital receiving treatment for Cellulitis o f the scalp. Rev. B jrtch has been very ill with this disease and his many friends will be glad to know o f his safe recovery. G. W. Worrell, age 21, died at the Holy Rosary hospital Sunday, April 7, at 8:55 p. m. His death came as the result o f gangrenous appendicitis and he leaves to mourn his decease, besides many friends and relatives, his wife, who is only 18. Mr. Wo.'rell was a resident o f Payette’ The sincercst sympathy is extended to Mrs. Worrell in her bereavemet. A large crowd was in town to wit ness the celebrations Saturday, April 6th. The parade in the afternoon was a greater success than was expected, as no money or labor had been used to construct floats. Leading the proces sion came the O. H. S. cadet band o f The Oldsmobile sets the pace about 25 players and was followed by other cars. Sea Henry Fields, the rest o f the cadets in military order. for particulars.—Adv-n9 Then in succession came the schorl children, Red Cross, W. C. T. U.. Honor Guard girls and many othi r smaller organizations. A fter march ing up and down Main street the pro cession brought up at the city hal', where a program o f patriotic selec tions was given. Major J. S. Matth ews, an officer o f a Canadian regiment, furnished the main talk on the pro gram, describing the present condi «T. M . R tions in Europe as they really are and helped much in behalf o f the Liberty SUCCESSO R Loan. The Weinie Trio sang at this program, too, as they have done at several others in the past week. SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican Votera o f Harney and Malheur Counties: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for ' the position o f Joint Representative from thia district in the next seasionof the Oregon Legislature, subject to ycur will aa expressed in the coming pri maries. If nominated and elected, it will be my aim to promote legislation that will enable the State to provide means for the care o f familiee o f enlisted men; to provide protection for Oregon homes and industries, and to carry out our part o f thia war to a successful and early conclusion. I will alto promote and work for leg ¡station that will tend to increase the production o f food stuff end prevent profiteering in the marketing o f the same. I believe that our first and most im portant business is to win this war, and next to that, the encouragement o f the production o f food production, and if nominated and elected my efforts will be devoted to this policy, as well as other needed and meritorious legists* tien. P. J. GALLAGHER. Ontario, Oregon. (Paid Advertisement.) 30tf M OST PH YSICIAN A BURGEON REASONABLE Office between Second and Third on Main street. ► »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a« SERVICE We are increasing our facilities for serving you continuous! W e realize that success depends upon three things: HOTEL W ESTERN MRS. C. C. FORBES, W . H. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher A T T O R N E Y S-A T -L A W P rop . You are entitled to these wherever you buy your lumber. Wilson Bldg First Class Meals------Moderate Prices. Quality, Service, and Honest Prices Ontaro, Ur W e give you everything that belongs to you when you give i your order. Good lumber makes good friends. We have hot SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRADE R. W. SW AGLER STAR ROOMING HOUSE IN CONNECTION A T TO R N E Y -A T-LA W Rooma 12, 14, 16 Wilson Bldg. ONTARIO TH E OiNTARIO LAUNDRY S O F T W A T E R -B E T T E R - . Sales Manager, Nyssa, LAW YER . . . . Oregon m OREGON P. J. PHILLIPS ^ OREGON Buy W. S. S. and Help Win the War. N Y SSA a W èstern S oft P is A T TO R N E Y -A T-LA W Shaving, Hair Cutting, Hot and Cold Baths - H. T. FRANCIS C. C. WILSON N YSSA NYSSA BARBER SHOP - OREGON W ORK Leave bundles at Gibson’s Barber Shop N YSSA • . . OREGON