V# Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY VOL XVI £l)c (Date Citi) Jtomrnal NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 19. 1918 NO. 3fi OWYHEE (BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) Sells 20 Acre F a rm - Consideration $3,000 Mr. F ran k Newbill told his 20-acre ranch, last week, to Geo. Sm ith o f Sue k e r Creek for a consideration of $3,000 and is to give possession on May 1. W hile the comm unity will be glad to welcome th e Sm ith fam ily it very much re g ia ts th e necessity for N ew bill’s leaving. Once more i* illu stra te s very strongly O w yhee’s u rg e n t need of a high school. Mr. and M rs. N ew bill’s two children are obliged to be k ep t in high school as Miss Thelm a g rad u ates from the 8th g rade this term , a t the age of 15, and C harles is alm ost through his freshm an y ear. These youug folks are too young fo r concientious p a ren ts to be willing to send aw ay from home to go to school consequently these p a re n ts have made sacrifices to go with th eir children and m ake a home fo r them n ear a high school. This ought not to be necessary fo r Owyhee is a prosperous enough comm unity to support its own high school. We H AVE TO face this prob lem for our school in the n e x t two y ears is due to g rad u ate a t least 14 or 15 children who will be ready for high achool, some as young as 13 and 14 years; fa r too young to think of send ing aw ay from home to go to school. A nyway who w anta to conclude th eir childrens education w ith th e 8th grade in this day and age. The a rg u m en t is advanced th a t we o u g h t not to go to such an expense in w ar tim es, b u t we cannot afford to sus pend the aducation o f th e fu tu re g e n er ations even if we have o th er big expen ses to m eet. They, too, will have big problem s too m eet and need to be prop erly eq u ip p el to do it. Ju n io r Red Cross Doing Their P art The Ju n io r Red Cross under th e guid ance of Mrs W. Guy Thompson m et at M rs. Thom pson’s home to sew S a tu r day afternoon. The young folks have surely done th eir bit fo r th e Red Cross th is w in ter having made ten large g a r m en ts and ten pairs bootees besides one dozen sw eaters and some socks. A fte r th e ‘‘sew ing b ee” lig h t refreshm ents w ere served by Mrs. Thompson. Arranged to Procure Service Flag moved Ra- a con- Iwards build- of the fam ily o u t on ves in num- con- ds of rm era while to live ephore ¡m u s tier with then it im- dissp- hed to re the school was very erecting, san e a and Mr. fave sev- . The delivered 1 d ealt nto the in car- . The num- A nother n ex t S a t- of th e ss, and ATT. yhee. , Long see d28 hile you SAVE OUR SONS $1.50 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY Arcadia AND Boulevard Vale Notes Big Bend BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT BY OURREGULAR CORRESPONDENT BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Mrs A. B. F razier ia »n th e aick list this week. Cairo school has a new th ird grade pupil, Ellen Reep. Mrs. Wylie F ra k e s is on th e sick list this week w ith la grippe. H elen K ellar ia a b sen t from school this week w ith the liberty m easles. W esley McComb is ju 3 t recovering from an a tta c k o f the lib erty measles. Modest Moore was ab sen t from school last Friday on account of sick ness Mr. and Mrs. Je sse Brown are the happy p aren ts o f a baby girl, Edith Coy. Mr. and Mrs. T aylorjw ere down from Lincold S ixty-four Sunday visiting rel atives. Harold von Readon had to give up Lincoln S ix ty -fo u r achool on account of poor health. Ruby Donaldson of Valley View has ju s t sta rte d to school since her attack of m easles. Ms. L J . Taylor w e n t to W estfall W ednesday, w here he will work for awhiie. Miss Gladys McComb and Miss Viv ian T aylor sp en t W ednesday visiting Valley View school. G ilb ert Dean has quit echool for this term on account of fa rm w o rr. By good w orking he made his credits. Route 1 has a new m ail carrier, D. W. D ugger. He has a new C hivrolet. W e are very sorry to lose (j. W. Wood. Willie F a rm e r of R iverside came down Monday visiting relativ es, J . H. T ay lo r's. He le ft W ednesdry for W estfall. Valley View school teachers, Mr. and Mrs. J H. Dunn, re p o rt they are having re g u la r atten d an ce now. They are now p rep arin g for th e ir s ta te ex am inations. All of th e Boulevard people are p re tty well supplied w ith Liberty bonds, as B rainard R ader, Mr. Homan and M r.«T urney canvassed it p re tty thoroughly. Mrs. N ora Taylor le ft for Spokane S atu rd ay m orning, w here she will visit her tw o siste rs, also her b ro th e r who is exp ectin g to be called to the arm y any tim e. Cairo pupils are doing well w ith th eir Industrial Club w ork. They have made sew ing bags, aprons, did some p atc h in g ’ e tc . N ext they wijj take th e ir lessons in darning. The Owyhee P arent-T eachers associ ation held a call m eeting a t the school house Friday and made arran g em en ts to procure a aervice flag, which will be p resented and unfurled on Friday even ing. A pril 19. They also planned for a The Young People’s class of the school picnic to be held a t Mitchell M ethodist church held a very enjoy B u tte on th e last day o f school. able class p arty Friday evening last in th e parsonage basem ent Besides Patriotic Program Friday Night. m em bers of th e class, a num ber of in The Owyhee School are prep arin g a vited g u ests w ere present. The eve patrio tic program for Friday evening. ning w as happily sp en t with gam es A pril 19, ‘‘Patrio tic D ay” , under the and guessing contests, and wound up direction of Mrs. W. Guy Thompson. w ith a delicious lunch Those present Magic lan tern slides will also be shown were; Elsie Ray, Blaine G’bson, Edith and the Owyhee service flag and honor R ichey, C lara Canham, Elm er H ansen. roil prese.,ted. Obie Wilson. R uth Rankin. Carol Cheeley, Cody B utler, H arry Brown, M arian Lowe, Irene ClosBon, Lois Local P erson al Forbes, Leona Hansen, H arry Gosbert, H enry Slippy purchased a new car Cassie Ray, S tella H arris, Mr Young, Monday. Alice M cFarland. C. M ortensen w as called back to A b erd een on business Tuesday. The Sheldon’s atte n d e d church a t the Bend last Sunday. Miss A lthea Sheldon spent the w e k- end w ith th e home folks last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. M iars w ent to A c u ttin g affair to rk place a t the E m m ett S atu rd ay , re tu rn in g Sunday. E astern Oregon Land Co am p a few Mrs. A. C. Bradley has been quite miles from tow n on Monday last sick fe r several days and was taken to in which a man named H. L. N yssa Tuesday for medical advice. F rederick narrow ly oscaped re A break in Owyhee ditch occurtd ceiving a fa ta l wound. A man named n e a r tn e old Owyhee P. 0 . the first of Paul Bress--, who is said to a pro-Germ an, had been abusing the gov th e week but has been repaired. M essrs. F red K lingback, son K enn ern m en t fo r two weeks. Finally the A m ericm hoys ejec ted him from their eth , and Ed Tenhave motored to N ysss, ten t. He then w ent to another tent, O ntario and Vale S aturday on b u sn ess. b u t soon retu rn ed w ith a razor and a t Miss McDonald of Big Ber.d, celebra tacked Mr. Frederick, slashing him in ted her la st da? of school by giving her the th ro a t, narrow ly m issing the ju g u pupils a picnic a t Mitchell B utte last lar vein. His assailan t fled but was la te r captured in O ntario and ta k in week. Mr and Mrs. E. S. Pvke, of A ber to Vale. deen, W aah, have moved on the C. M ortensen place and ex p ect to make th e ir fu tu re home there. Jesae C an lr 11 is still very ill as a re su it of being kicked by a 1 o i f , Hi) Judge neighbors are doing the nscessary farm w ork on his farm during his illness. H. L Poorm an, a prom inent citizen Mr N. Thomason and ton Je sse were and busineaa man of O ntario, was in O ntario visitors la st week w here they N yssa Tuesday extending the glad w ent to consult an oculist cor.c rning hand to old and te w friends here. Mr. Poorman is now a full fledged cendidate J e s s e ’s eyes. fo r the republican nomination for M r. and Mrs. J . S. P inkston of N y s county judge, as will be noted by his sa visited from Friday to Monday a t the announcem ent in th is w eek’s Journal, W. W. Sfcith and W alter Pinkston and was around g e ttin g acquainted homes. w ith the voters. T here is now a three- Mr. and Mrs. K ygar a re th e paren ts cornered fight on fo r the republican of tw in boys'bom a t the Holy Rosary nomination for this office—Mayor C C. hospital pn Saturday. April 13. Mother Wilson of Nyaea. Mr. Poorman of On tario and Ju d g e M cKnight, the present and b#Hea-<inl|>g well. y incum bent, of Vsle. Mr l.am pkin o f P av ette sent a cou pie o f tru ck s ifp Sunday to g e t the Rlunce engene and American pum p he ONTARIO LIBERTY BOND recently D u r c h a s e d from E. F. P r a t t SUBSCRIPTION $91,000.00 Mr and Mrs. D. A. Morey are in r e (By O ur R egular C orrespondent.) cen t receip t o f a le tte r from th eir son, W ill, in France, in which he reports O ntario, Ore , Apr. 18. -T h e result of th a t th e A m ericans have every confi o f the patrio tic cam paign fo r the first dence in the u ltim ate success o f the 13 days ju s t past bring* O n tario 's total A llies in the w ar. subscription to the Third L iberty I-oan Mrs. G u t Schw eiser returned Monday op to about $91,000.00. 0 " t trio’s quota from S ea ttle w here she has been viait- was $7*,0*1, bnt on the tif'h day she ing h er d au g h te r K ate and husband and had gone “ over the to p ” With a eub son William. She reports W illiam as eerintion of $83,000. C om m ittees ere being sufficiently recovered from his working faithfully end it is hoped that operation aa to be able to re tu rn to when th e drive is over this tow n will | have doubled its quota. school. Young People’s visited last b erty F ar- worn- Buy Liberty Bonds Class Holds Party Cutting Affray at . F. 0 . L Co. Camp Wants to Be the Next County i The grand ju ry is in session. Look out! I P at G allagher is atten d in g court from Ontario. Mrs. W. H. McKay left Sunday for Olympia and S eattle, W ash. I Fred Vagne, th e Cow valley rancher, is in the city on business. | Dave Coorsham of M alheur Cily was r smiling on Vale friends this week. I Billy Meyers, the genial clerk a t the Rex store, ia in P ort and on business. j Vale is going to raise her quota for the third L iberty Loan, and then some. Ed T est of O ntario v.-as in town Tuesday re[ airing his political fences. [ Ike Crosby of W estfall attended to busine.-s m a tters in Vale the first of the week. ! Mrs. A m anda R einhart of Vale was registered a t the Cornelius hotel, Portland, last week. j Mrs. lae°enberg, wife of the w ater commissioner, is in Portland consulting an eye specialist ) Frank Law rence, form er Vale boy, now a stu d en t of Links Business Col lege of Boise, is visiting friends in the city. I J . E. S tru th e rs of Brogan passed | through town Sunday to Ontario, w here Mrs. S tru th e rs iB in the hospital. Ben Vig returned from Mormon ba sin (he last of the week, w here he had been on mining business. Ben says the Basin is booming. Nyssa Teacher Closes Very Successful School School closed in D istrict 47 on Friday, a fte r a very successful eight months work with Miss Annie McDonald of N yssa as teacher. Both pupils and p aren ts hope Miss McDonald will de cide to retu rn for another year, but so fa r she has not made up her mind in regard to the future. The closing day was celebrated by a picnic in the hills w est of Snake river. Miss McDonald le ft for her home Mon day. George W. S w igert is the la te st ad dition to Ford drivers in the Bend. Jesse Johnnston was a t Vale the first p art of the week or. grand ju ry work. F. A. Miller was summoned to ap pear as ju ro r nezt Monday a t Vale. A carload of wood arrived W ednei- day io be distributed among the fa r mers. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Holly and daugh te r Dorothy w ere Boise visitors Sun day, returning Monday evening. Mrs. John Boswell came over from Vale S aturdsy and returned Monday morning. E. H. Brumbach w ent to Caldwell W ednesday on ditch business, return- ing Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. R oberts ard Mr. A ustin of Caldwell is visiting his Dwyer and Mrs. A. L. T ate autoed to i sister, Mrs. R L. Clark. Mr. Austin O ntario Sunday. Mist Annie McDondald entertained and Mrs. Clark had not m et in years, so the g re ttin g w as most affectionate. her brother ami cousins from Nyssa Sunday at the Purdy mime. Geo. S. Johnson, of the firm of Jo h n son & Norilale, has sold his in te re st in Thos Welsh w as taken very sii k dur I the second hand business to I). B. Nor ing the past week Hnd w ent to C ald dale, who will conduct ¡it in the future. well W ednesday, where he is under A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town — the care of a doctor. Mr. Johnston le ft for Idaho Monday, What Your N e i g h b o r s Are Doing. A num ber from the Bend attended John Woodcock, O ra Woodcock and wife, Jim W orsham, Dick Banks, Mike the picture show a t Parm a Saturday Abel, E arl Johnson, George G ardner, evening and afterw ard s enjoyed ice Miss Ida Wilson w ent to F ruitland T. W. P o rte r w ent to H omedale to Alex Vingc, all of M alheur City, were cream a t the "B alcony’ in Stockston’s today. day. in th e city on court business this week. new store. Mrs E arl Pounds w ent to O ntario The Red Cross society shipped an H arry Powell w ent to O ntario Tues D. A. McFadden and w ife of Wiliow today. day. river arrived home W ednesday from other box of finished articles to head Mfs. William W est w ent to H arp er Mrs. Francis visited in F a y e tte Idaho. Mr McFadden has been work q u arters last week containing 25 p i- ing for the U nited S ta te s governm ent jam a suits, 7 sw eaters, 6 pairs of socks Friday. Thusday. and 2 bed sh irts. S F. Paulson w ent to Boise Wed | W E. Bradley made a trip to W eiser a t King Hill, Idaho, all w inter, but is going to raise crops to help feed the j A nother slide came into the ditch a t nesday. Tuesday. allies this season. Side Hill on S aturday and a num ner Mrs. R. R. Clark w ent to N am pa Miss Roselle Rosedale visited in P ay from the Bend left on Monday morning Thursday e tte today. j to help in cleaning it. W ater will bs Rev. H. J . M iller o f the N azarine H. D. Holmes w ent to O v erstreet | roady for use on May 1. church w as in N yssa Monday. W ednesday. j The baseball season opened Sunday a t Big Rend park. A large num ber Mrs M ary Irvington and Miss Pauline ’ Mrs, R. P. C rockett w ent to Over- s tre e t Monday. w ere p resen t 'o r practice and it is e x Irvington visited in O ntario Tuesday. pected a nine will he formed and some Clifford Davison of N am pa w as vis-' Vernon Simpson sp en t the last w eek (By Our R egular C orrespondent.) in terestin g games planned for the sum end w ith friends in O ntario. ¡ting friends in N yssa this week. O ntario, O re.—The contract made for mer. Mayor C. C. Wilson and T. F. C ow -! Mr. P alm er of LaGrande is visiting th e la st of the w ater installations w ere R. Johnson, who has been sick for ard made a trip to the county seat a t the home of his son, A. C. Palm er. w ith the H elm er Engineering company Mrs. Hixon of W eiser visited a t the o f Twin Falls and the Jew el F ilter com several weeks, died Monday morning, Monday. A pril Io. The funeral was held Wed Rev. B. F. H arper, who is now sta home of her son. A gent Hixcn of the pany of California. The form er com nesday from his m o th er's home, Mrs. pany has undertaken the pipe line work D. C. Pom eroy. He was laid to re s t tioned a t Irrigon, Oregon, visited his local O. S. L. depot. Roy Cook is im proving his lesidence fo r $67,705 00. 'th e Jew el F ilter com a t the Roswell cem etery. fam ily in N yssa this w«ek. which it m ust be rem em bered M esdames I. L. and T. M. Nelson of p roperty by the addition of a fine new pany, also took tw o of the contracts a t the Boise w ere g u ests a t the F rank D Hall fro n t porch. opening of the bids made the third, has M rs. Neil M orehead and d au g h ters home last w eek. taken the it h e r now, w hereby the Rntiy and P earl visited friends in C ald Rev. and Mrs. H ansen and ‘'H a p p y ” pumps and motors will be put in w ent to W estfall T hursday, w here Mr. well S aturday. Some ot the distil g lished engi icers Mr. and Mrs. C. C. H unt and Mrs. H ansen will hold services. who w ere in town a t this lim e w ere Frank L). Hall w ent to O ntario this B ruce Duncan, bookkeeper a t the C. H< liner of Twin Falls; G. H. Malan, By OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT Bank of N yssa, will soon move into week in charge of a shipm ent of Red Ogden; C E. Green, M. O. P a c k ard .Jr. Cross supplies. the F rank Golden res dence, which he and L E Arnold, of S alt Lake; and E. M. Dean has a new Dodge ear. T. H Fmklen and W. S. Spinning of has leased. C. S a rg e n t and fam ily w ere en er- A nyway when Portland. Miss A nna McDonald, who has been H e calls it ‘J e r r y .” tained Sunday a t the D. I). B alenger teaching a t the Big Bend, returned he goes to s ta r t it he g ets in, grab s home. home Monday, having finished a very th e wheel like it was a whip and yells, H. B. Kinnison took Mr. and Mrs, ‘‘get upJerrv.” succesafu! term of school. A rth u r Caldwell and children to S ta r P o stm istress E lizsbeth Thompson and In accordance w ith instructions from Sunday a t ternoon. headquarters, the local Red Cross will, Mail C arrier G ertie Ray w ent to On J . H. Boor is on the sick list with until fu rth e r notice, m ake 50 su its of tario S aturday ev erin g fo r a b rief o u t the grippe and his son E arl ia also sick (By O ur R egular C orrespondent.) pajam as each w eek, besides the usual ing and to w atch the wheela go round in Ontario, O re..—P rep aratio n s are now w ith the sam e trouble. our neighboring city. am ount of knitted goods. being made f i r three big days h ire Mr, and Mrs, P. A, C reger and Mrs. Leland Fenn a rd Miss Dora n ext week. On Tuesday and W ednea- Mr. C hester Rogers of Moulton, d a u g h te r Viola visited O liver C reger Iowa, visited a t the J. B. Sm ith home H a n is w ent to O ntario W ednesday. A pril 23 and 24. stockm en from all over and fum ily on Big Willow Sunday. Sunday a ternoon. Mr. Rogers ex Mrs Fenn, whose husband is a soldier the country will g a th e r in O ntario for Miss B u rn e tt is su b stitu tin g as pects to l;c a tc some place in the W est in F rance, ¡received a check from the the stockm en’s convention to lie held teac h er in th e Falks school. She apt- t and will rem ain in Oregon probably gav ern m en t Monday for $150 on those dates, tin W ednesday evening the w eek-end w nh her home folks. for th e sum m er, a t lesst. Mrs. Horn, m other of Riley H orn, a banquet will be charm ingly served, D. T. Ingord w ent to Spokane S i t Miss V erna Sew ard retu rn ed W ed , has m ade a record in Red Cross work the Corr merc-iai club having placed the nesday evening from a th ree w eek’s of which many a younger woman could banquet for the occasiou in charge of urday to a tten d the W W. Fruitgrow e rs ' association monthly tru stee m eet visit w ith relatives a t Mooreville well be proud A lthough Mrs. Horn th e W. C. T. U. While absent she attended the wedding is 87 y ears old.fshe has been activ e in Forty charmii gyoung w aitresses have ing. n f h o e a ia to * ir a T -xm i« L * . . . . ____ 1 . C ___ ; J __ . 1 A _____ r ______ . L A rth u r Caldwell, Misses Bethel of he»- lis te r. M Miss Jessie Si ward, <1___ the ____ work of providing clothing for the been procured from the high school who was m arried in Vale to J . M Mor soldiers and has ju s t com pleted her and preparations are being made to seat Caldwell, F ern Lynch and Ja n e Show gan, a prosperous sheep raiser. Miss 18th pair of socks. A people anim ated about foui hundred people. The banquet b erg er w ere week end visitors with V erna re p o rt a m ost enjoyable visit, by the sp irit here m anifested cannot w i l l t e h i l d in th« new Ford G arage relatives. with num erous exciting adventures. on Wednesday evening. The cars will defeated. The M ethodist Sunday School has removed and the room beautifully dec chosen as delegates to the s ta te con orated. vention to be held in E m m ett April 19- On Thursday following the tw o days 20, th e M isses Lulu and Dora Tocket of the convention there is to be held R uth W healdon and Mrs. R. M. Kinsey. a big sale of Shorthorns for the bene The Freshm en gave Mrs. H igby. who fit of the stock raisers atten d in g the 1 NERO 1|||[ moved to W eiser this week, a farew ell JUDAS •onvention. su rp rise Friday evening. Mrs. H igry li - has been the F reshm en's class adviser a rd they very much re g re t her resign ing her high school work The class presented ner with a beautiful souvenir In a ivcent letter reofived spoon. hi c ■’VI from I Blaynty Boyuell. U. S Rev. Ford Burch and wife and sister navy. Flordia. he wishes to Mary B urrh left Monday for Portland thank the Rood people of Nyssa Monday. Thev will visit a brother, for the splendid package re Floyd Burch, a t Marshfield while Rev. Burch is convalescing. Miss Burch ceived on th“ day of his return will re tu rn to Chicago by Montana, from a trip at sea In his own w here she will visit relatives. Ail ar<j wofds, “ it touched the right glad Rev. Butch is im proving and hop; spot, and everything came in fo r his full recovery to hesltl I \ IRyssa and tPicinity \ Ì Contract for New City W ater System in Ontario Closed Stockmen’s Convention To Be Held in Ontario a r Blayney Boydell Writes V awfully handy He also refers to the beautiful Tranuplanted to a Better World verses compos« d and recited by 1 be little twin son of Mr. and Mis. Mirs E Canham (it was sure Keck died early W ednesday mornir *, great and I would have given April 17. He was bom January IF, He was buried T hursday a f te r inything to have heard the read 1917. Rev. H. I. Hansen conducting ing), Remember me to all in noon. the funeral service«. B eautiful flow quiring friends ers w ere sent hy relatives. Also a KAISER - A W V6T PIKERS. Th« old •iifci-stition th s t " IS “ is sn unlucky number has been thoroughly disproved to the satisfaction a t least of Mr, and Mrs. K yger. who live ru t Owyhee way. On S u td ay , April 13, Mr*. Kyger becam e the m other ol tw o of the finest tw in boy« t h a t ever happened. Mother ai d b ab iis « re d o ing well. beautiful pillow from Messrs. Brook- a and Hindman end the boys of the O re gon Land company, with deepeat sy m pathy, was sent L ittle Elmer Clair Keck has gone to h’s home in heaven to join th a t happy group of little ones o f which C hrist said, "S u ffer little child.en to come unto me and forbid them not, ii r of such is th e kingdom of heaven.”