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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
A R Clark — —— X Support Your Flag IT IS YOUR DUTY I VOL XVI NO. 35 NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 12 1918 SAVE OUR SONS $1.50 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY DOES Y O U R NfAME A P P E A R ON TH E H( )N O R ROLL? Yes, “Over the Top” is the NYSSA Result of First Five Days of Third Liberty Loan Drive » Journal (Date Buy Liberty Bonds Over the top in 5 days! That is Nyssa’s record in the Third Liberty Loan campaign. At the close of business Thursday evening the Nyssa district had sub scribed $22,400. being an even thousand more than her quota of $21,400. This result has been attained with practically nosolicita tion, the subscriptions having been for the most part voluntary. One hundred and sixty five persons have contributed to this result, making the average subscription nearly $136. Having reached our quota, H. F. Brown.................................... 200 100 however does not mean that the Langley Brookes,____ _____ Mrs. S. J. E hrgood,_____________ 100 campaign for subscriptions has W. VanErden, ................................ 160 dosed. On the contrary, it Joe Stam, J. R ,_________________\ 100 is merely the start for an inten Boise Payette Lumber Co. _______ 200 sive campaign that will only J. D. Lacuey,___________________ 50 A. H. Coshow....... ........... 60 close on May 6. The govern Albert P. Gibson,-____ _________ 100 ment needs all the m^ney it can Elsie Gibson_______ 50 raise, and the bigger the sub VV. L. G ibson,__________________ 200 S. F. F o ste r,____________ 20o scription this time the longer it J. J. Ssrazin __________________ 500 100 will be before another bond issue S. H. R oss,................. C. C. Hunt,........... 200 is necessary. Solicitors are out to Wm. Canfield. ........ 50 day in autos seeing those who are Chas. Toomb, ................................. 50 J. C. Beam,_____________________ 60 too busy farming to get to town. Malheur County Bank,__________ 1000 j J. H. W o lf,....................................- 200 Tnose having the campaign in i Clair J. Gibson,_________________ 50 charge believe that the quota will ¡John Newby,________ ______ ____ 100 100 be doubled when the drive is Jos. Mayer, _______ j A. E. Rust,.......................... 100 over. Nyssa is now entitled to i A. O. Hinsch,.................................. U0 100 float the honor flag and Chair- Byron Camp,________ m an Hall has se n t fo r it and it is 1 f ; ......................... 500 e x p e c te d to a r r iv e in a f e w d a y s ! H. Walters,..................................... 500 Following are the names and F D Hall ................. i50 ♦he amounts of those wno had Mrs. F. D Hall............................... 150 subscribed up to Thursday night: ' j <;h n' McGuire, ” " I" " I * “ ” " II 60 TO float honor flag / HONOR FLAG In order to stimulate individual subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan, to create community activity and to mobilize, systemize and unify the initiative and energy of citizens and districts in the accomplishment of a national purpose, an honor flag and honor roll system has been adopted by The Treasury Department for the Third Liberty Loan. This system is outlined by the Department as follows: 1. A specially designed honor flag, officially adopted as the Third Liberty- Loan flag, will be awarded to all communities upon their attainment of their assigned quota. 2. A small individual poster, containing a reproduction of the honor flag and a blank for the name of the subscriber, will be awarded to each subscriber for display in his home. 3. A large honor roll, containing at the top a reproduction of the honor flag and the slogan, "Help Our Town Win the Right to Fly This Flag,” and below space for the names of all subscribers, will be posted in a conspicuous place in the community. 4. A large honor flag will be awarded to each state upon the attainment of its quota, the state flag to contain the names of those subordinate groups which have attained their quotas. 5. A national honor flag will be unfurled at Washington on which will be presented the returns from all the states. 50 Guy C. McGee, ............................... $100 Geo Clossen,__________ 1 _______ 50 »**- Dick Tensen, _____________ 300 Mrs. Geo. Clossen,_______________ 50 Nyssa Hardware C o .,--------------- 200 j Alta Smith,______________________ Frank Mansell,______ _____________ 50 Nyssa Meat M arket,----------------- 100 Harriet P. F. Boydell,------ ---------- 50 R. M. H orn ,............. .................... - 2000 100 Bank of N yssa,_______________ 1000 I Louis Spier,......... .................... 100 F. O. Carman,___________tT--------- 50 C. Martinson,___ 1.................. ~ ~ ' ~ ' 1 ~ ............... — .............. J. M. Robertson,_________________ 50 Phebe Carman,__________ 50 Stella D e a n ,.................................. 60 A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— Aden Wilson, _____ ______ ____ - 50 50 S. Burbidge, ...............1---------------- 100 Dorothy Dean............................... What Your Neighbors Are Doing. 50 Nora Christensen,.........................- 60 E. M. Dean,_________________ Frank Golden, ___________________ 50 EM Christensen,________________ 60 Thos. F. C ow ard....................... 300 Nyssa Trading C o .______________ 100 50 Thos. Canham wentto Boise Wednes R. M, Horn was a Boise visitor Sat Edgar B. Duncan,..................... 50 D W. Gibson.................................- 50 day. urday. Alice McFarland,________________ 100 Lulu M. Davis.................................... R. J. Davis,________________ 50 James Gordon ................................. 50 W. G. Edison made a rrip to Notus 50 J. W. Scoles went to Ontario Wed- Wilson Brothers,________________ 600 J. B. Hatfield,__ ________________ netday. Thursday. Gertrude W ilson,_____________ 50 W D. Howard......... ...................... 100 ( 50 J. F. Reece made a trip to Ontario Mrs. Lee Boyd visited friends in On Gertrude Canham,______________ 50 Lillian M. N ew b y ,.......................... 60 Monday. tario Satuiday. Geo W. Burke,__________ - ........ 50 j Thos. F N ew by,____ _________ Geo. P Green,______________ 50 C. C. Wilson,................ ................ - 50 | Mrs. D. R. Linder visited friends in 50 Miss Sheldon was a Boise visitor Pearl Burbidge,.............................. 50 | Warren Fenn,_-____ ______________ Saturday. Payette Saturday. Mrs. E. H. Hal lid a y ,...........- ......... 50 G. L. Cook............ ......................... - 50 60 W. L. Gibson made a tusiness trip D. H. Snowberg went to Payette E. Boydell, ............ 50 H. Bisschop,__________________ 50 Wednesday. to Weiser Monday. J. S. Pinkston............. 100 Geo. C. M iller................ .............- Mrs. N. E. Mauer,______________ 50 G G. B row n,........................ 50 John D. Lackey made a business trip N. H Hon and Warren Fenn made a 50 A. L. Friis,................. 100 J B. Parsons,____ __________ to Vale Wednesday. 50 trip to Boise Tuesday. Elizabeth Thompson,____________ 100 Bulah Forbes,__________ 50 Mrs, R. Martin of Oklahoma is a John F. Re?se,_______ 500 Frank Edw ards,........... ..... H. J. Ward went to Harper Thurs 50 guest at the Simpson home. L. E. Wilson, .............................. - 50 I. G. Anderson,.............................. day to look after his sheep. L. C. P oun ds,.................... 50 R. W. Jones returned to his home st Mrs. C. E. Harris,............. 5" Mrs. Leroy Longway returned from G. R. L Smit,________ 50 Halfway. Baker county, Thursday. a business trip to Baker City Tuesday. S H Ross,______________________ 100 S. W. Gould of Harney valley, father Found—In the Cozy theatre, a pocket O L Wilson,_______________ ICO of Mrs Ray Chipman, was in Nyssa book. Owner can have same by prov C C Smith....... .............................. 100 the first of the week. ing property and paying for this notice. 100 FranklinC Fry.............................. Mr. and Mr». Davis Wright of Baker ' : H H Weidemann........................... 100 Mr. and Mrs. Wright o f Goodrich, The boxes going to our soldiers and Wm Peutz,______________ _____ 50 City were visiting at the Will Adams Idaho, are guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will sailors are now on their way to France Mrs Wm Peutz,........................... 50 home Monday. Adams. 50 and U. S. A. Some o f the boys have W H Beam, _________________ - Mrs C. M. Hixon, who has been vis Miss Elizabeth Carter, who has been already received them and wish to J A Gregory,..... .................. 100 iting relatives in Nyssa. returned to visiting relatives in Nyssa, returned to thsnk the good people of Ny*sa for Fred Kookman,.... .......................... 100 her home at Weiser Monday. Boise Monday. 100 their kindness. One of the boys in his W E Miars________________ Miss Myrtle Schirmer, who has been 100 letter said the chocolates were fine the Henry Fields,... Mrs, Emma Haliiday, who has been 50 visiting friendB in Nyssa, returned to visiting at the Burbidge home, returned other things were just what they need C A Crawford, 50 her home in Weiser Monday. ed. A balance of $13 was given to the Ralph Lackev, .. to Vale Sunday chairman (Mr. Boydell) for the poor Robert Toomb,.. 50 A. G. Friis went to Caldwell Wed Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stilts of the Par and starving Armenian children as E H McDonald,________________ 500 nesday, where he will be employed at ma Trading Co. were the guests over coming from the people ofNyssa. Mrs. Mrs E H McDanald, ........... .......... 100 the carpenter trade this summer. Sunday at the Ernest Wilson home. 60 Newby wishes to thank those ladies Dwight McDonald,............... Members of the Latter Day Saints who helped to pack the boxes and buy Gordon McDonald,______________ 50 Mr. and Mrs. H. Burbidge and Mary John Ray,...................... 500 church of Nyssa bought $350 worth of Emma visited in Vale over Sunday and the articles for our boys. Mrs John R a y,................ 150 Liberty Bonds through the Bank of Mary Emma remained for a few days Cassie Ray,______ ______ 50 Nyssa. visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Em Gertie R a y,____________________ 50 ma Hal'iday. Harry Goshert, who has been work Eleie Ray, ................... 50 Mr. and Mrs EM Christensen went 50 ing in the sheriff's office in Vale, has Are you registered propetly? If v^u Ida R a y ......________ returned to Nyssa to accept a position to Nampa Wednesday to get some A my Ray,................... 60 are not sure about it, better J. Bo\- nursery stock with which they will 50 in the Nyssa hardware store. dell, deputuy registrar. If you have John Ray. Jr,.................................. further improve their residence prop 50 changed your politics it will be nece«- George Kay,............... Wm. W Seward, an expert manip erty in Ward’s addition. Charley Quong,.......................... 50 sary to re-register in order to vote ulator of the keys, is second rrick op 50 erator at the the local O. S. L. depot. Mr. Lay of Pocatello, secretary of for tbe candidates of the new party. Mattie Dennis,__________________ Mrs Dora H olm es,________ 50 the Gera State Lumber Co., was in Also if you have changed residence from His hours are from 2 to 11 p. m. 50 town Saturday looking after business one precinct to another registra Al Gamble,____________________ 50 While here he contracted Mrs. R. H. Howsley, who has been interests. tion in the new precinct is necessary. Lulu L H ox ie ,................................ 50, in a Boise hospital for medical treat with Christensen & Marshall, Nysaa's The registration books for Nyssa and Virgil Fogle,__________________ _ 50 ment, returned home Friday evening expert painters, to paint all the yard Arcadia precincts will be closed on the A S hieiter___________ 50 much improved in health. buildings and fences. the night of Tuesdry, April 16. Better William Dunn.................................. Beatrice Forbes:........ 50 attend to it at once. Lois Forbes,.............. 50 F W Sherwood, .......... 50 Donald H Sherwood,____________ 50 H K Sherwood, ............................. 100 M Kristensen,.................................. 100 The local committees are now busy W S Cleland,................. 100 arranging for the big auction sale for Mrs P Tensen. ............... 400 the Bed Cross which will be held in the J T Long, ______________________ 50 near future. All kinds of farm ma Mrs R K Long,_________________ 50 chinery and many other articles will be Harry T Francis,___ ____________ 50 The following brief but very satisfactory letter was received this ■old. A large number of donations Mrs H T Francis, .......... 60 week by Mr. and Mrs A. McDonald from their son Douglass, who have already been made and the people Mrs Mattie Thomaeon, .............. 60 was gassed by the German* a few weeks ago, mention of which was are entering into the project with a Robt B Hallowell........................... 100 spirit and we have no doubt it will be a B A Diesel,..... ...... made in the Journal at the time. The letter was written the day 50 great success. R S Megordon._____ _____ 60 after the attack and show* that Douglass' condition was not very seri C A Marshall........................... 1000 ous. The letter follows: Town of Nyssa................................ 1100 One More of Our Boys Called. T J Caldwell, ........................... 160 March 7, 1918. 100 Sylvester Morris left Thursday eve D B Ramey,___________________ Dear Mother—I am away from the trenches again, lying between ning for Portland, in response toe wire John Loby,....................................... 100 100 white sheets at the C. C. S. at the time o f writing. The vile Hun from the army mithorftie* there, and Herbert Welters,___ _________ will take tbe examination for admission David Walters. ........................... 100 sprang a new stunt on us yesterday morning and caught moat of our 100 to the amubulance corps. If success M C Keck, ____________ company with gat. Quite a few of the fellows dial, though moat of us ful in'passing the examination he will G B Wills, .......... .......................... 100 did not get very much o f it. I do not want you to worry any about me, 60 join Base Hospital Unit 46, U. o f O., R M Houtlay,................................. 50 for I only got enough to take me out of the line for a few days. the seme organization that A We Mc W G Campbell,_____ ______ Donald is connected with, end will be Harry Goehert,. J T Dinwiddie,. stationed at camp Lewis for training. I IRpssa and \Dicinity / J f Boxes for Soldiers Now on Their Way Register Now. Red Cross Auction Sale DOUGLAS M’DONALD WRITES OF HIS EXPERIENCE WITH HUN GAS Hundreds Come From Far and Near to Attend Grand Patriotic Anniversary Rally A. C. Palmer is on the sick list this The patriotic rally at the Cozy thea week tre Saturday evening drew what was Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Dickson of | probably the largeit crowd that has Ironside visited friends in Nyssa this! attended any of the patriotic functions week. heretofore held in Nyssa. The theater Elsie Me- e-s, daughter of C. F. was fil ed with a solid mass that ex Meyers, fell from a swing this week and was quite severely hurt, although tended out on to the sidewalk. In no bones were broken. j fact, there were enough people to have made up two good sized audiences. Robert Toombs and family, who have returned to Nyssa from a year’s resi- I The meeting was given under the bence at Ironside, are occupying the anspices of the Third Liberty Loan Tom Nisbet residence near the cheese committee, of which Frank D. Hall ie factor.'. chairman, and marked the opening of Rev Weston F. Shields of the First j the Third Liberty Loan campaign, and Presbyterian church of Burns will I preach in the local Presbyterian chuich alio commemorated the first anni next Sunday morning and at Big Bend versary of our declaration of war in the "vening. The public is cordially , against Germany. invited. Mayor C. C. Wilson, chairman of the A benefit dance at the home of Geo. speakers committee, had charge of Adams of the Warren school district the meeting. L. J. Simpson of Coos netttd the Red Cross society $14.90. The totul receipts were coisidirably Bay, republican candidate for the more than this amount. A most en- nomination for governor, delivered an eloquent address in a review of the jiyable time ia reported. The report that Miss Vvian Cathey considerations which forced us into the had been sick with smallpox is without war. Uncle Sara in costume, in the foundation. Her recent illness was parson of Thos. Canham, appeared on due to other causes, of which a severe tne stage and gave a short talk, and cold was the foundation. There is no danger c f any kind of contagion from Willie Ilunn recited a patriotic selec tion. The main feature of the pro her illness. Lhristensdn & Marshall, the painters, gram, however, was the address of this week received a contract to paint Major Matthews, a Canadian officer a number of cottages for the Eastern who has spent over two years in tee Oregon Land Co. which the company front line trenches and hao personal is having constructed on its newly cul tivated tract of over a thousand acres knowledge of the conditions under a few miles from town. which our boy« in E'rance are fighting J. B. Pinkston had the honor of buy and the dangers to which they are ex ing the first Liberty Bond sold in pose'. He was listened to with deep Nyssa. Mr. Pinkston is an old soldier, err.estness by his hearers, who got a having served with distinction through the Civil war. He was waiting for the clearer realization of the actualities of bank to open Saturday morning and the was by the speaker’s vivid descrip tion fired the first shot at the Hun. The meeting was a fitting start for Mrs. F. D. Hall “ got it in the neck” Tuesday night while rushing to give the b;g drive which it inaugurated and the'alarih of fire at G, B. Wills. In was an auguray of the great aucctss her hurry she fan against an obstruc which the campaign is attaining. tion which struck her Bquarely on the throat with such force us to render her momentarially unconscious. She has about recovered from the effects of the collision, although her voice is a little weak yet. L. Spier’s patriotic display in his Fire which broke cut in G. B. Wills’ show window continues to be the cen ter of attraction. Since last week a barn Monday night about 12 o’clock number of objects of interest have completely destroyed the barn with all been added to tne display, among which its contents Also Wills famous auto are a dozen or two photographs of the truck, which was one of Nyssa’s most soldier boys who have gone from here valued institutions, fell a victim to the fiend. Mr. Wills estimates the to the front. They present a fine ap fire loss at between $2500 and $3000, par pearance in their military equipment tially covered by insurance and cause much admiring comment It is not known how the fire started. A Journal reporter noticed G. B It had made considerable headway Wnls wandering disconsolately around whin discovered by Mr. W'lls, and al- the str. et Sunday afternoon looking the Nyssa fire department w hs prompt- as though life was hut a wilderness 01 lit sumim.ned and (lid heroic work in we Uiiun investigation the reporter fighting the flames, it was impossible discoVt red the cause of his grief to be to do more than to previrt the fire due to the fact that Mrs. Wills and tie from spreading to adjoining huildii gs children were visiting for a few days hi d the barn was entirely consumed. wild friends in Boise and G. B. was Mr Wills mourns the loss of his auto left at home to "bach .’ ’ Mr. Wills truck and refuses to be comforted, al says it seems like a graveyard around though the intrinsic value of it Was practically covered by insurance. the house with the folks all gone. Fire Destroys Barn and Auto Truck Soldier Boys Write From Many Fields to Their Friends at Nyssa The Journal this week is publishing a number of interesting letters from the soldier boys, who write to their Nyssa friends of their acldier life. They all manifest a spirit and morale that that bodes ill for the Hun when they get into action. E’rance, March 7, 1918. Mr. L Spier, My Dear Friend: Just a few lints while I have the time to thank you and Golden Rule Lodge for the excellent Christmas package I received some time ago. I assuse you that it was greatly appre ciated and you surely muirt have known just what a soldier in E'rance ia in need of, feryou couldn’t have made a better assortment. I intended to wri'c sooner but have been driving and have been so busy that 1 didn’ t get to it. Our present location is quite exciting at times, but is r ot much of a place for news. Old Eritzie still stays on the job but you may be sure he doesn't get away with anything, as there are others on the job. He drops over a few shells once in awhile, tut one gets used to them and doesn’t mind them at all. I have found things quite inter esting over here and have raiher en joyed part of mp tinr- at least, hut none of it compares with the United States. However, we have our work to do here and the sooner it is done the sooner we will get hack to God's country. I have been getting the newsy Jour nal lately and of course get molt of the news that way. How is everybody getting along now? I suppose the war has caused some changes, but you ought to see what it ha* ranted here and I am aure there would > e no complaining around homo. Where a pretty vil age wae, there is a pile of rock, and such things as that are seen all along the line and for miles behind. Ramember me to the folks and to tbe members of 147, and t- II them that I am well ai.d feeling fine. I will have to cloee for this time, as news and time are both limited COU. J. A MCDONALD. ^H. R. Co., 6th E\ A., A. E. E’.,Erance. U. S. S. Savatiah, New York, N. V, April 6, 1918. To to the People of Nyssa, Or.; Your little gilt received this after noon, and 1 am sure 1 cannot express my appreciation in words. We fellows who are in the service surely do appre ciate the remembrances that are sent by our friends at home. Thia ship is not ready to go into ac tive service as yet, but we Hie all pa tiently awaiting the time when we can get a crack at the "H uns.” We are being fitted up as a mother ship lor fourteen submarines. At present we nnlv have five with us, but icon e x pect to get the rest of our allowance, ar.d can assure you at home that we will take rare of our share of the enemy as soon as we arc allowed to. Hope this finds all in good shape in Nyssa, and thanking you all again for the remembrances, I remain. Yours in the service, RALPH B. HARPER. The Journal ia In receipt of the fol lowing brief message written by Jack McDonald on March 3 from "some where in France; Dear Friand -Just a few lines of ap preciation for your paper, which l have been receiving lately. I have re ceived three *0 lar and enjoy them very much and anxiously await the next one. Things are getting quite lively oere now. Fritz seems to be on the job, but »0 is Unce Sam. Sineerely yours, CoRroKALj. A. M c D onald . Headquarters Co., 6th Field Artillery A E. F., France.