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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
M S € from OWYHEE (BY our regular correspondent ) » è i ri Mr. Grover was in Owyhee purchas ing hogs the first of the week. E. F. Pratt made a business trip to Boise the early part of the week. The Owyhee l.adies Aid met Thurs day afternron with Mrs. A. D. Morey. H. C. DeBord returned Tuesday from the Kolony, where he had been helping put up hay. Messrs. Fred Klingback and F. De Bord visited Ontario on business Sat urday. • Messrs. E. Morris, William Peutz and J. A. Gregory returned Sunday from a motor trip into Idaho. K. F.'J’ratt had .the misfortune to lose a couple of good milch cows hy / alfalfa bloat during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. DeBord got a load of apples from Big Bend Thurs day, as also did E. F. Pratt and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley were Nyssa visitors Tuesday evening, hav- taken Mrs. W. G. Thompson Gown to the train. Mrs. I.ue Grimes motored down from Boise Sunday with a party of friends for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. S..D. Bigelow. Mrs. W. Guy Thompson left Tuesday evening for Mackey, Idaho, to attend the funeral of her nephew, Paul Ver- beck, the son of Mrs. Thompson's sis ter. Mrs. Kirie Verbeck, who has been teaching in the Maekey school. The water was turned out of the Owyhee ditch on Monday, October 15. The ditch company is contemplating deepening the ditch so that it will ca.- ry a larger voli m-- of water and wish to get work started on it at the earliest possible date, according to Mr. King, who has been patrolling the diich for the past six weeks or so. Mrs. Eastman, J’isses Scott and Langley and Mr. Patterson motortd , over from New Plymouth Sunday and were guests at the Maxwell home. In | the afternoon Mrs. Eastman, who has a beautiful soprano voice, give an im promptu concept which was a real treat to some of the Kolony music lovers who • were present. CLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED Fast Day Messepe Cay Lexer K Mr. Merritt Greeting of Kansas City ' was a guest of C. E. Peck several days last week. Mr. .lohn Ennis of Sioux City, Iowa, spent the week-end visiting the Over- street and Scott families. Neprlv everyone will finish stacking the last crop of hay this week and, be ing ranchers, will of course have noth ing to do from now until spring but en joy life. The Red fro?» auxiliary completed a consignment of bandages last week and sent them in to Ontario, and this week reetivi d h big box of yarn and outing flannel to be made into various gar ments. School Notes \ NEWCOMB CARLTON. PRt C . OCTOBER 1 , 1917, TO THE AMERICAN FARMER, E \ ICAN FARMER HAD ARMERS" OF 1 7 7 5 WORLD" WHICH NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF 01 t h e ' o p p o r t u n i t y ro r e p e a t D ID WHEN THEY nF IR E D ' THE i STARTED THE REVOLUTIONARY" S" - A CALL FOR TODAY THE "C A L I." I S NOT "T OUR GOVERNMENT YOU TO BUY THE NEW LIBERTÀ _ _ _ _ -ME - YOUR HONOR MONEY WITH WHICH T AV 0 " ‘RR0TÉC AND L IB E R T Y , FOP. WHICH YOl m iA , fcS f h L U i n nc. i JRN 4 ^ IN TER EST ON YOUR INVESTMENT. NO TRUE AMERICAN FARMER W ILL F A IL TO RESPOND TO T H IS CALL AND THEREBY AGAIN SHOW TO THE WORLD THAT THE AMERICAN " T IL L E R OF THE S O IL " I S S T IL L - TODAY - THE BACKBONE OF THE U . S . A , UNCLE’ SAM. C T t B M c a g r d g w i T u r e n sia Will Be yoU R Reply? Will you be a U. S. back er, or Will you be a U. S. slacker? To win this w ar it requires a vast amount of money, and if we don’t win it, your home, your farm, your life, your rights, your liberty become subject to ruthless destruction. To raise this money, your Government calls upon y ou for a loan. It does not ask you to give money —■ simply to lend it and in return gives you a U. S. Government Bond, the best security on earth, on which you draw interest, greater than bank interest, free from taxation, except inheritance and income surtax. Wliat Will Be Your Reply? Here is an opportunity to show your pat Don’t you think then, that the American farmers ought to “respond” liberally to their Govern ment’s call, especially whan they get 4% interest on their investment? What Will Be Your Reply? a subscription for as many bonds as you have money to'spare. You owe it to your country to “buy Liberty Bonds” as evidence of your patriotism. You expect your country to “ protect” your life, your home and your liberty. Your country expects you to do your share toward that end by helping to maintain its credit by lending it your money in this critical hour. Here is an opportunity for you to “ do your What Will Be Your Reply? bit” and show to the world that the American farmers The children use looking forward arc still the “backbone” of their country. with eagerness to the appearance of tho magician on the Lyceum course next week. He will be in town all day H ere is an o p p o rtu n ity to say to your and w ill give .a talk on the personal nation’s enemies, in language none can fail to under application of psychology to the high stand, that “money talks“— that America knows no chool in tin- morning In the after defeat and that we intend to wipe militarism and noon I e will give a public demonstra- ; despotism off the face of the earth and finally insure a tion of his mind reading abilities. He ’ lasting peace. will allow some reliable citizens to write a letter, get in a reliable Ford and drive around town to a place where! they will bide the letter. He will then ( he securely blindfolded and will drive Do you know that the total value of the 1917 the car over the same course, find the crops is estimated by Government officials at $17,000,- letter urd read it, without removing' 000,000—nearly six times the amount of “The Second the bandage. Liberty Loan of 1917”? Next week is Fair week. Studies will be susnended over Thursday after 1 Do you know that the increase in the value noon and Friday and everyone will of the 1917 crops over 1916 is $2,000,000,000—almost show what they have been doing this equalling this Second Liberty Bond issue? year. Each grade now has some kind of I ball to (day with, and the grounds are more lively than common. Part of the third grade was given to Miss Clam Canham this week to re - 1 hove the congestion in Miss Fikan's room. “ Mis» Clam'' is now a Tull- Democracy is on trial, ledged teacher with two grades under her care. home in America is asked Tests were made In the Urd. 4th, 5th choice. Shall it win or lose? \ and tfth grades last week and a chart The pledge card campaign will was arrangt d showing exactly where each pupil stood in each subject. A register the answer of every hon», diagram was also put on the board Malheur county, as to whether it wai showing how the classes were over Democracy to live in the world. lapped in their work. The rooms are By special request of President Wi( being regraded now. son the campaign is continued fror The high school, with a few gradu ates to help out, promise to have a the week of October 21st to Octobe strong football team this fall. Some 28; to October 28th to November 4t home games will be scheduled if any inclusive, so as not to conflict with th teams dare to play us. Liberty Loan, another great arm o The student officers elected for the patriotic service. first Semester are: J. Teutsch. Pres.: The schools and schoolheuse Ruby Morehead. vice Pres.; Marion i*we, Sec.; Cody Butler, critic. As throughout the county are being or the sergeants-at-arms both resigned ganized centers for the distribution o the office seems to be vacant. war information and conservation. We expect to enlist every boV art itenolutions of Condolence aud girl a soldier to carry this t’ampa Sympathy into the homes. Wien peace has aga Be it resolved hereby that inasmuch spread its white wings over the wur as it has pleased our Heavenly Father, and these boys and iris are nearin in Ilia Divine Wisdom, to take unto the sunset of their lives they may sa Himself little Jule Harrison Rust, son “ I helped feed the armies that wo- of our esteemed member, Mrs. Ruby the world’s freedom.” We hope no one of these little patr Rust, wc, the Owyhee Ladies’ Aid Society, extend to Mr. and Mrs. Rust ots will have to report that any hoi i our sincere sympathy and condolence refused to sign the pledge card. GEO. W. Mt KNIGHT, in their bereavement. Chairman. M bs . E lla M orey , Brea. M rs . L. C. S kinner , Vice I’ras. M rs . G ertru de B igelow , Treas. For Srle -66 acres of good pastur M rs . AL4 ada M. D e B ord , Sec. John Molcnaar, Kingman Kolony-j Democracy on % The New Liberty Bonds will be issued in denominations of $50 and up. The total amount is $3,000,000,000 or more. Buy Your Bonds Today! To do yc Don’t put it off a moment. You have nothing to risk Fill out the application below at once. have answered your country’« call loyally, patriotically andala# answered YOUR NATION’S ENKMIES in a way that Will bnnf peace the quickest and most lasting. If you want to buy, say one $50 bond and wish to pay for it on the installment plan, you send with your Application Blank 2‘Jb or $1.00; then on Nov. 15th you remit the lM>.#r $9.00; on Dec. 15th you send $20.00 and on Jan. 15th. $20.00 making a total of $50. If you buy two or more bonda your payment« increase two or more times. sit back—slacking—wishing for peace. on Nov. 15th and May 15th. They can be paid for in installments: 2% on application; 18% on Nov. 15th; 40% on Dec. 15th; 40% on Jan. 15th. 1918. They are 25-year bonds, redeemable in ten years. They carry a conversion privilege and can be changed for any higher interest bearing bonds issued at any succeeding time during the war. They are exempt from taxation except in heritance and income surtax. The practical effect of this is to exempt holdings up to $5000. The subscriptions will start Monday. Octo We stand by Open a chec your expend bones are mighty poor back-bones. YOU, the farmers, if worthy of being “backbone of Otar nation." na credited as the ............... the backing. Do jt How! . G. KINGMAN. Pres. application Blank fo r New Liberty Bonds The interest rate is 4% paid semi-annually ber 1st, and close October 27th. IT IS GO! Send it in to the publisher of this paper and you will You owe it to your country to “ reply” with riotism and at the same time get on the Government’s pay-roll. What Will Be Your Reply? \ second number of the Lyi gill be given on Monday t November 5lh, in the Math ih. Seats may be reserve ir’s drug store. Saturday and The Bingle admission is 75 , 50c for children above the and 25c for all school chi the seventh. Season ticket maining two numbers are $1 [S5c, and they will be on sale a store. is is a musical number givt Means-Anderson Trio. The decided to use the church r the opera house because itic properties are berter an irmance will be much more e At this performance it wou ir to have the children’s sea with the parents, as the e lent is one that is to be lis< nd it is hard for the chi'dren when a large number ai ir on the front seats, h of these performers is an ility. One is a violinist, < r and soprano singer, and list. The program ia fuil of mi itv, patriotic singing and hum ibers. last number of the couri ary ia the Rob Roy Male ' TE Send the following telegram, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to Kingman Kolony (BY OURREGULAR c o r r e s p o n d e n t ) WES-!. Eight Message Night Letter Pat-ons should mark an X oppo site the c'sss of service desired; OTHERWISE THE TFLECRAM WILL RE TRANSMUTED AS A FAST DAT MESSAGE. NS-ANDERSON RIO, SECOND NC LYCEUM COUR I hereby subscribe for.................... New Liberty 4H Bonds. in*, « n**a» Enclosed find $................ (You can send amount in full or first payment of 2% of total amount of bonds subscribed for.) Please have bonds sent to following name and addreas: Ten good r should buy & Marx dc Name of purchaser Town County............................................... ..State. NOTtf : The publisher will s rk n o w M g * r«*M at of this an te** which is done «ratis.and as *n seeemmOdsti** tooer seaw r s n d s n s id to th * Government in fe ri M ating ten n i e of this il Hogs for Sale—Twenty-five pigs, 4 sows, 1 boar, all Duroc R eds.-A . E. Rust. R. F. D., Nyssa.—Adv. Light housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire Curncr Lunch rooms.—Adv. Get that new Mackinaw cod 1 Spier’a. > THE NYSSA FLOURMILL Now open for business. FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT on a basis of *3 a huudrs* tor good milling wheat . Straight grade Flour ....$2-75 »«J Whole wheat Flour................. " ........................" WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE P. M. Warren, ............................................................... .................................. eat more fish »We have a supply of FRESH FISH Copyright ll* r t Schaffnrr k Mi Good Warm MACKIN4 There is a reason for th h in c t from the Coast every T H U R S D A Y ; ! Wjwsa meat market " " * ***************************$ Man’s and Boys’ Store