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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
■. « if? LaFollett’s declaration GATE CITY JOURNAL that Senator he will be serving in con NEW LUMBER YARD gress twenty-five or thirty years Published every Friday at NysM. Ore more is a big boast for a copper gon, by head. Wisconsin will have some BROWN BROS. thing to say about th a t Entered u second-claaa matter April 14, 1910, at the postofflce at Nyesa, Oregon, under the Act of March 3,1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, in a d v a n c e ............ f l 60 Sis montha in advance.......................75c OH S' • bl ili ri Sr. S< H r i.» d A b P I Sr HM THE TRUTH. Some soft hearted and soft brained Americans who deplore the war, refuse to find a suffi cient cause for the United States to enter the conflict, and directly and indirectly blame the admin istration for the stand we have taken, and uphold the supposed Kulture of Germany and the theory of German philosophy. Let them face the truth of the situation as revealed by the ac tion of the war in the last three years, and then if they continue an active sympathy for the Huns, should be sent to Germany and made to live in the country of Militarism, Materialism and Di vine Rights of Kings, as a peas ant or common soldier- We have lost our patience with the Yellow Pacifists and Shadow Huns, and a wave of indignation is sweep ing over the county that will drown this class of traitors in a torrent of wrath. Hear the truth: Germany declared all their treaties to be scraps of paper. Germany invaded Belgium and Luxemburg, and has kept up a policy of frightfulness in these conquered regions Germany has murdered women, old men and children in France, and devasted the country even of trees and vegetation. Germany has shelled defense less cities, churches and houses for no roason except wanton cruely and destruction. Germany has killed non com batants on the high seas and in cities bombarded by Zeppelins. Germany has sung the "Hymn of Hate” against the whole world, Germany has violated all the provisions of International Law as expediency directed, Germany has sunk hospita ships and bombarded hospit als filled with wounded sol diers. Germany has used every form of scientific barbarism that in sane and develish minds could devise for cruelty and suffering How do our pro-German and pacifists friends like the philos ophy of Bern hardi and von Tir pita? The citiiens of every one of the 48 states are writting to their senators urging them to expel Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin for disloyalty, Many of these letters strenuously insist that Gronna of North Dakota, Stone of Missouri, Vardaman of Missis sippi and Hardwick of Georgia be expelled. All of these sena tors have made speeches in the senate which were printed and widely circulated in Germany for tne encouragement of Ger many. If that is not giving "aid and comfort to our ene mies,” we would like to know why. Frank Vanderlip is to get a whole dollar a year "in the gov ernm ent,” but he has nothing on Barney Baruch, who haa al- ready drawn down six bits. "Germany willing to give up Belgium" says a dispatch. There is no credit in giving up stolen property. A price of 10 cents apiece has been fixed for German prisoners by Americans ia France The price is low because of the pros pect of a big supply. Maybe the crown prince is a genius, as some people aver, but he does not appear to be working! •tit. 1 Heating Stoves NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Building Material this winter? If you do you will want one of our heaters. \ye carry a large and complete line of the best heaters on the mar ket and inyite you to call and look them over. They are coal savers, which is an important item while this commodity is go scarce and high. Order your Coal Now This is the time when the best way to boost democracy is to blow holes in the other thing and let it sink. CITIZENS’ LUMBER & COAL CO. For frightfulness on the high seas a pretty good remedy is straight shooting and lots of it. Lrtn't seen Ernest Parkii fbsve located him but ha .j bunt him up. Ha is f now. We drill eight 0«. We have Wsdnee •y* off in tha sften Ly all day. There is nc Sunday, excepting efc n't go to church in thi j not in it at all, but i Ito church he ia all 0 . I I'm all right. ka Brown send ms the pi Wi Safety First Where a reason for raising prices is wanting an excuse ap parently will serve. INSURE BEFORE----- NOT AFTER----- A FIRE The Nyssa Realty Co. Will protect you on any form of policy—Dwellings, Farm Buildings, Machinery, Live Stock, Hay in Stacks, Grain Uncut, Cut, in Stacks, in Sacks, in Warehouse. This war will put a quietus on "divine right” of kings forever and ever. Phone, Write or Call at Our Office Main Street, - - Nyssa, Oregon J. BOYDELL, Agent Every Liberty Bond sold will shorten the war and save lives. J . H . K A R L E Y i STOP A MOMENT ONTARIO, OREGON FOR RENT—Forty acres adjoining Nyssa. Half mile of creamery and and flour mill. Sharea or cash rent. Address P. O. box No. 1116, Boise, Idaho.—Adv. Undertaker and Funeral Director That new fall Hart Schaffner & Marx suit is ready for you at Spier’s Man and Boys’ Store. adv-a3l LICENSED EMBALMER Lady Assistant — * Calla promptly answered, day or n ig h t ii Drives Auto Blindi IRyssa IHardwarc Co. J. BOYDELL, Agent Maybe Germany would rather be pushed out of Belgium than to walk out. Hogs for Sale—Twenty-five pigs, 4 sows, 1 boar, all Duroc Reds.—A. E. Rust. R. F. D., Nyssa.—Adv. Oc np Greene. N. fl «ill like U u country bt although moat of the •fled. Our camp is a | »quere. There are a bo I men here and about I «hen thsy all get hei of hickory nuU, wa on* here, opossum i D i you want to keep warm New Stock Square Deal Peace talk is a part of the Prussian diplomatist’s business. The Prussian general is schooled to give it no altention whatever. Nysaa ia right up to the minute. The Service Garage now aella the famous Olds can and has a stock of both Sixes and Eighta right here in Nyssa. following letter detcri goof the soldier boys was received this r»h Lynch from her I I «he i* with a machine A full line of As the kaiser savs, he stood for peace for the greater part of of his reign—but the time came when he refused to stand for it. Uncle Sam’s warriora have a fine army of feminine cousins to knit for them. ice Lynch Lil Life at Camp G Phone N a 132 OU who are without Telephone Service; oompare ite daily cost to you with many other things you buy each day. We believe you will find that it will aave yoi money. Try it. Y Malheur Home Telephone Co & ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦»»« n u l l i MIMMI Buy your Dress Shoes NOW Get for $5 what others ask $12 for We also have a full new line of E C O N O M I C A N D MILITARY PREPAREDNESS TNE IMNERSITY OF OKM MILITARY »RILL. R04SCSTK SCtSMCI ARTS AMD COMMSDCC MaM. S—. t w h . i l iln k lM P M H t r N ii’ i MIICISITT Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children We are headquarters for Knit Caps, Gloves, Underwear Woolen Dress Goods, Outings Blankets, Hosiery in fact everything you want—and prices are right Come in and let us show you our goods. T A K E A K O D A K W ITH YOU KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES F O S T E R ’S D R U G STORE NYSSA. O R EG O N D E P A R T M E N T STORE Call for Bids. sled bid* will be recei' m of Nyssa at the office r until 8:00 p m. of C , for the furnishing and nieipalf pumping ayst ca with specifications Ice of the Recorder on, said system being pressed air lift and I pnmp and aecessc be accompanied by l for 10 per cent of th« • guarantee of enterin rifbk bid ia aceapted. Th tany : any and all 1 bida ia i h* by order of the I council of Nyssa, Orego J. Boydell” 1 ICE FOR PUBLI W ILLS’ AUTO TRUCK H auls Bnytbfng Bny time Bny where... G. B. WILLS Nyssa, Oregon truant e f the Inte U. S. Land Office at Octet ce ia hereby given t nbalt, of Ontario. Or. on September 29, 1 stead >d Entry M á ntry No. 0U I and E} NWJ. Section th. Range 47 East, an, haa filed notice i ks Final Five-Year 1 claim to the land I. before Register ar Land Office, at Vale, [22nd of November, 1911 •imant names as wit Butler Sr., Elbert ' Thompson Ira Dale Oregon. R. F. D. Tboa. Jones, ■ FOR PUBI RTS WILSON BROTHERS riatian Endeavor 1 ! state Christian Endes Miss Edna Whipple, j Wednesday, October 24 I Union 19, which e cistiss in Malheur ar Itisi All Endeavorsrs end thia rally and reap dom that M ìm Whip I for us. |p. m. Christian devotion dal music, dress—Miss Whipple, citi music. |p. m. Banquet for all obera. nixation of Union 19. [p. m .. Devotional servi« eial .music. .-Mils Whipple, cial Music. p. m. Special meetir officers. M CIM . C ITY A N D C O U N T R Y O R D E R S SO U C IT ® Yours for Service er 25 at 4 p. m. Pol |of myatery, who with of ball ringers, wil | the local lyceum cou hi« great teat ii n*. He will ellow of our own towna- I and after writing a )et< i it any plaee they aee I f return he will drive the xart route and find and at all times being A t Pullman, V i they amid that tbia wa» ul act ever aeen in t i carries a 62000 ate) [for 90 minutaa gives oi musical and magical | of ths mountains. i don’t want to m ils tfa 1st 4 p. m. The Ontano Laundry- S O F T W A T E R -B E T T E R WORK Leave bundles at Gibson’s Barber Shop Nyssa Barber Shop Shaving, H air Cutting, Hot and Cold Bath* NYSSA . . . . OB»#* ■ P i . I of the Interior aOffice at Vale, Oregon, is hereby given of Nyssa. Orage ' 6*1914. made Hos 85. for Ldts 1 a Shetien 4, Tosmsh • 46 East. Wiliametl flled notice of intontir Throe-Year Proof, to the land above de » the Register and Ree d Offlee. at Vale. Or •day of November, 191 limant names aa witnr hall, M. Hatfield. J. Wilson, all of Nysaa THOS. publication Oct. I ation Nov. t, 1917.