Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
1 T he te C ity J ournal N O . 10 NYSSAITES IBSCRIBE FOR [LIBERTY BONDS | allotment o f the second Lib- l four per cent geld war bonds , population o f 500 would be' conservative estimate of lation surrounding would in- Icse figures to 1500, which ng the amount o f subserip- Ih should be received by the nks up to $45,000. NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY/ OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 1917 Edw. Boydell Anna Elizabeth C anhi# John Newby F. D. Hall R. J. Davis J. Boydell George Green J. W. Ewing , 3- D. Goshert Alice May Shaw Harry Amos Goshert Mary G. Spier Mattie Lee Coward Wilson Bros, ~ 7 -------------- = ^ - - — — -» -— - = l J A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town .W hat Your Neighbors Are Doing. f * ‘^ • « » '^ ■ 0 * ^ 1 e > ^ Red Cress Meeting is TTY :W ILL PAY- iry As- y room o f the is Cor- ■ pres- highly t on a $7.00 Per Ton in. Carload Lots F.O.B. Nyssa *- The Montana soldiers left for Hel ena last Monday on No. 4. The boys Mrs. M. M. Richey is spending a tew conducted themselves Jike real soldiers days at the Richev rar-ch near Parma o f Democracy while here, and made many friends among the town and Messrs Orr & Kemp, photographers country |>eople. of Nampa, are in Nyssa lor a lycation. Miss Georgia Dennis friends at Ontario today. 5c P E R CO PY Cull A p p les Wanted / NYSsT AND VICINITY*”) \ $1.50 PER Y E A R visiting Enjoys Soldier Life could 'ration lion of ipblets feront A meeting of the Red Cross was Dr. Sarazin reports -the birth o f a jgures are based oo a general held last Tuesday afternoon at the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Zink |f the entile United States, headquarters, room. Bills were read of Apple Valley Wednesday. The following letter has just been ....... ation being estimated at 100,- and acted upon, and plans made to con to r bale or Trade-^One (practically received by Attorney Phillips from our tinye the practical work of the Red eing $30 per capita on the new).Cabinet :w) .Cabinet Path^phone, with records, penial friend 11 . Cosgrove, who ;« genial friend, Dr. it 1,009 bond issue. Gaveenment Cross cn a much larger scale. The Will sell at a bargain. Box C, Nyssa, now located at American lake, where P A Y E T T E , ID A H O resignation of Miss Elizabeth Canham Oregon. Ire in hopes that subscriptions he is amember o f the national army. Ih the $5,000,000,000 mark. as secretary was accepted end E. B. For Sale or Trade—One corner lot. The doctor has been commissioned a |d mean an average subBcrip- Nedry was elected to that position. A on Main, for auto, piano, hay press or first lieutenant for two weeks, but | enough to meet the requirements o f for each man, woman and letter was read from western head anything o f value. Address Box No 6, does not know it, as it has been im POLUHNI. quarters authorizing the Nyssa Red Homedale, Idaho.—Adv. The entertainment o f the Poluhni ■ the most cultured and yet entertaining possible to get in touch with him up Cross to affiliate with the Ontaria Red | comttany, which is to appear here on enough to delight all classes. ' Em o f subscribers through the Delno Gibson will move his barber to this time: Cross as a branch chapter. Fine pro yssa are as follows: Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash., the lyceum course October 25, is en bodied within the hour and a half o f gress is being made in sewing and knit shop to the new Ennis building No Boydell October 14, 1 9 1 7 .-Dear Phillips -W ell, hanced by stage settings and special magic, illusions and incidental enter ting, and a large numbers of the ladies vember 1. He will occupy the room I suppose you have been wondering scenery which create the atmosphere tainment, is a brief program o f mu * adjoining Foster’s drugstore. ®f the city are now engaged in making o f a wizard’ s studio. From the time sical novelties as surprising as it is ancelmo Mrs. H. E. Hansen, formerly of what has happened to me. I have ar warm clothes for the soldiers. the curtain rises to the close there is delightful, give a touch o f variety to a rived at Camp Lewis and I am now Miller Nyssa hut now o f Montpelier, Idaho, not a moment lost. Poluhni’ s long ex big, bewildering and altogether de taking on the life o f a soldier in fine in C. Fry visited friends and attended to some embracing: Mind shape. I have attached myself to the perieiice with large audiences had lightful review, nm Nisbet Big Parade for School Fair business in the city this week. taught him the value of swift- action, reading, mistic illusion, psychology, infantry and spend most o f my time rlickox A big parade will be pulled off on the Three cent letter postage goes into and every word and movement is that modern magic, rare humor, story tell- Beaumont last day of the School f air Saturday, effect November 2. But even at that drilling. This is sure some place for o f the finished performer, unerring in ingj introducing more new and original Horn October 27. Liberal prizes will be the cost of sending letters has not in drills., Get up every morning at 5:45 his artistry with a comprehensive acts than have-ever been seen in any Surrough offered for the best displays, and all creased as much as most other items and go to bed about 10 o ’clock at night. But it is not half bad ht that. knowledge of the niceties of stage platform presentation o f magic given » lurbidge the merchants are urged to have good in the high cost of living. Ills entertainment is refined in recent years. I We get good eats, fine beds in brand craft. Gordon floats to advertise their stores and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orrell, Mr. and new barracks. I have been selected J Nisbet goods. Remember, the last day of the Mrs. Luther Whittenberg, Miss Grace and take officers training in calesthen- Hall Fair, at 3 p. m. Pounds and Miss Alma Eckenrode made ics and drill under a West Point man. i 4L* up a party which spent Sunday at Sho I have been performing the ceremon- J lj ~. a i. I l i shone Falls.—Burley Advocate. ¡es o f a duty sergeant here. 1 sure j Among those.who have sold tickets mu t say I like the life and I get along ! to the Red Cross benefit this evening find with all the men. Daily 1 receive the following deserve special mention gifts of cigars which 1 have learned to , for their indefatiguable wdrk: Myrtle smoke since coming here. 1 have not received any word in re j Fields, Alice Harper, Edna Dennis, Help support a soldier at the front by gard to my commission and perhaps 1 Lily May Hunt, Treacy Laci ey, Eldo"n had better drop a line to Washington^ 1 buying a LIBERTY BOND. Shaw. * letting them know and state mav case • to them so that they will be able to YOUR MONEY CANNOT BE NEUTRAL I Christian Endeavor every Sunday at locate me. ! 7:30. The leader for next Sunday is You are priviliged to invest your dollars in Well, P. J., I want you to write and I Alber* Iredale and the top ic‘ is “ Put let me know all the news and tell Win the besl security in the world earning 4 ting Religion into Politics.” Special Brown 1 am getting along fine anti per cent interest Are you going to help iiUre do enj iy the life here in camp, as j music will be provided. Everybody in well as serving in the cause o f liberty your country, or are you going to help vited to come and take part in the and freedom. Germany by keeping your money in your How’ is the Red Cross coming? I disenssion. pocket? Subscriptions received at • hope they have many events and that ; The Council o f Defense has arranged they will all prove ns good as the first. : for a patriotic rally for Friday eve ing, I have been vaccinated, also inocu I October 26. The Vale band will be lated for typhoid. Now please write I over to furnish music for the occasion, soon and give me the n *ws. Also dont’ t forget to send me the paper. With and Judge Dalton Biggs will deliver fondest regards to everyone in the old j the address of the evening. Come out town I remain Sincerely, lids in dominations o f $50. or any multiple thereof. Easy payments. < and give your patriotism a good wafm- ” DOC.” Our service free. iing- __________________ FRANK D. HALL, Cashier.; [ . A surprise -party was given at the G. K IN Q M A N . Pres. i home-of Marvin Warren last weelfr in Good Goblins, W hat a Surprise! J honor o f Miss Edna Warren, the oc- Now, what do you think o f this!' casion being the seventeenth birthday The fairies have arrived; a,t least, this 1 anriversary of that charming young was the thought that came to the 1 lady Cards and other games were Journal staff when it returned from 1 the order o f the evening and good church Sunday to find a large box of “ eats” in plethora were served. luscious strawberrjes sitting all by The i uttjng commiDeo of the local itself on the sacred editorial desk. JA Red Cross this week sent a large con- Straightway we dug up the Arabian signment of garments to the Owyhee Nights yarns, Avsop’ s Fables and all auxiliary «to be finished. The ladies re-* the folklore, ancient and modern, but port much activity in the work o f pro without avail. Nothing like it ever viding warm clothing for the soldier happened before. Tluy were about t e boys and Nyssa will do her bit in this nicest strawberries we e .e r saw and it is our opinion that the Gate City | respect, as well as in every’ other. Journal was alone among the lew s Anyone wishing to learn ro knit can paper world in its Sunday expeiienee doso under the instruction o f M rs.J. Boydell,who has kindlv offered her ser with the fairies. POLUHNI ANO COMPANY. We don’ t know who it was, hut it is vices as instructor. Knitting is an ac- that the author of ' ' VKRYP.ODY lilies :m m i n i n g o f insglr. particularly when the co m pany ! i complishment tl^ct was more common given as our opinion . j w nuj...... j " T T T __ ,i____ this surprise is just about right. To 1 presenting such an entertainment is recognized as heilig among the lead- , j in our grandmother s time than i is at ^ the compliment of highest dis v er- in its class. For twenty .vein* W. .I. I’ oluhni has been uppenrlng In present and many ladies will need to tinction curr. nt in the South, if a man, lending theaters throughout tlie country. A student o f the great Maro, fam ed We will be glad to ! take a course o f instruction if thev are. this person is a gentleman and a for years as the greatest o f lyceum magicians. It was to he e x p e cte d that ha | going to make >om; soldier happy with scholar If a lady, her kindness is only would linull.v claim Hie lyt etim a a field, ami In presenting his \v>«rk yn the show jou a splendid exceeded by her gooo looks. lyceum platform the Affiliated Lyceum Bureaus feel they have made a real ’ a pair of warm socks. assortment of very find. “ One new trlek Is worth a do: rt old Ones.” says Mr. Poluhni. and hie At a special election held Saturday, program is built with this belief in mind. You think there is nothing new handsome suits for Black Canyon settlers signified their New Deal at Nyssa Flour Mill tinder flie sun. S ie Poluhni and company and he convinced that In one o f the P. M. Warren,. th<-urbane proprietor oldest fields o f entertainment known to man there lias actually been created a approval of the plan o f entering into a he little and big contract with the government for the of the Nyssa Flour mill, has inaugur • grain startlingly ami mo- attractively new. boys in latest styles, ! watering o f 39,000 acres o f the Blaca ated a new system which ought to 1 Canyon project in the immediate fu- prove popular with his patrons. Grists models and patterns, v ture. The vote was uuanimously in of 1500 pounds or more will he convert- made of all-wool • favor of the project and 211 votes were ento the unrivalled Snowdown flour, a cloth, at reasonable . $1.60 b 1 eaf,t. The Black Canyon directors will toll ot only one-sixth being charged SEASON TICKETS FDR THREE N U M BER S i 1 immediately proceed with negotiations for tile work. The bran, shorts end C H ILD R E N $1.00 and 50c prices. $ ' with the government.—Parma Review. screenings will be returned to the cus 75c, 50c and 25c SIN G L E A D M ISSIO N • L. Haarmann, of*the Idaho Vinegar tomer, if he so desires. On smaller x | and Pickle company o f Payette, was amounts flour will be exchanged for in town last week for the purpose o f good milling wheat as formerly. Mr. Warren has ordered a larger S.lh e United State» is at .war, it is the patriotic duty and i buying cull apples to be converted into j eider at the Payette factory. This mill for grinding stock feed, and says responsibility o f every American citizen to rally to its will furnish a good market for a large business is exceeding his expectations. Idaho Vinegar & Pickle Company ed the ,ith the tes as tivant- I- 1 eon- n »ub- ■Jation j fiction and iM Ê Ê m fm sfi 0U ARE NOT EXEMPT Dv v J, se- ■ffl ,he y mied 'he Bank of Nyssa; b t MOTHERS Bring in your boyfor h1s new Fall Suit and you will not be disappointed. rry I the I can. Opera House, Thurs., Oct. 25 Remember please that we are headquarters for Shoes, Men’s Suits Overcoats, Hats Underwear, Shirts Or anything that is worn by manor boy [Man's and | Boy«’ store 14< I M < M M < I S P IE R Nyssa Oregon Dg was j j ’ quantity of fruit that would otherwise be unsalable. Seven dollars a ton f. o. Hotel Temporarily Cloned. I 1! b. Nyssa will be paid, which will allow The Hotel Western is temporarily > a good profit to the growers, who should get in communication with Mr. v-siTt*. The former hostess, Mrs. J. I Hill, has taken charge of the Illinois, Haarmann at once Hotel at Parma. This ;s a distinct! The Christian Endeavor Society of loss to this community and an irritat the Presbyterian church gave a verv ing inconvenience to the traveler wiio enjoyable hard times party in the has heretofore found the com fort and basement Tt^irsday evening. contentment o f a well conducted hotel Heavy fines were levied on those wear to add to the enjoyment o f his stay in ing anything but their oldest clothes Nvssm. _ , , , and some pretty hard looking cos The community has suffered a lo-s in tumes were in evidence Refreshments the departure o f Mine Hostess Hill, were served and » general good time and the good people o f this town will enjoyed by thoee present. The re count themselves lucay if the h- t-ed for successor prove» os efficient and - i - -----------i — — — i l l k * von tO ceints of # » the evening will he art given for the c c ' H n q i u u i u ng • • K in •»» coring th eY . M C. A atC *m p Lewis, near ■ : a accommoda* church Seattle. Lie as did Mrs. Hill. A support and by so doln;? hasten th? day o f victory. Buy a LIBERTY BOND . k and you will L !p. in and see us and we will be gjad to assist you. Malheur County Bank “ A GOOD B A N K T BE W IT H .” H. J. W ARD , Pres. J. H. W OLF, Carh or. »M 11 n r '