Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
THE FALL GOODS ARE IN ; FOR S A L E OWYHEE (B V OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) ' Miss Eugenie Pratt left Friday eve ning, in company with Miss Fay Clark, county superintendent o f schools, for Salem, Or., to attend the state fair. The trip was awarded to Miss Pratt because o f her excellent work, in sew ing in the Owyhee Industrial Club, as exhibited in the Malheur county fair at Ontario. School opened Monday, Sept. 24, with an enrollment o f 30 pupils, with Mrs. W. Guy Thompson as principal and Miss Alice Carter assistant teacher. A. D. Morey went to Boise Sunday to see his son Will, who is a member ot the Second Idaho, which left Mon day for the training camp at Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Morey returned home Tuesday. Grain threshers are in the neighbor hood. At pre«ent they are at the D. P. Pullen ranch. Mrs. William McEwen and little daughter returned home Saturday f r on Boise, where the child was taken for medical advice and was much better on returning. Mrs. M. Gregory and son John mo tored to Emmett, Ida., Wednesday, where they will visit relatives. Rally Day will be observed by the Cane Sugar, $8.75 a sack; 11 lbs. fori Kolony Sunday school next Sunday $1.00.— Wilson Bros. Adv. morning. An auxiliary society o f the Red The Service Garage is always willirg i Cross has been formed here and are to demonstrate the superior qualities ol : already at work making bandages and the famous Olds 8 and Olds 6 cars. boostin'» fur the Red Cross Day at Nyssa. Keep your hay and grain covered by , Mr ar.d Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Insurance. Call, write or phone J. B oy - | John Holly were calling on Kolony DEM,, Nyssa. Phone 42. Adv.alO friends Tuesday afternoon. NysBa is right up to the minute. The i Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Blodgett mo Service Garage now sells the famous 1 1 tored 'o Parma Tuesday. { Olds cars and has a stock of both Sixes , j and Eights right here in Nyssa. BIDS W A N T E D Staled bids will be received Ht the office o f the undersigned up to and in- clu ling October 6, 1917, for screened gravel, crushed gravei and sand, de livered on the streets o f Nyssa, bids to Mrs, D. P. Pullen was suddenly read so much per yard. By order o f taken ill Tuesday and was taken to the Town Council. J. BOYDELL, R ecorder Ontario for medical care. At latest reports she was much better. MISS HELEN PECK Mr. and Mrs. H. Walters lately pur Good weather for tennis shoes. Get chased the old Megorden place near them at Spier’s Man and B o js ’ Store. Nyssa and will muke their home there. For information, telephone or write Nyssa R. F. D. H. C. DeBord, o f Jordan Valley, ar rived Monday at ths home o f his brother, F. L. DeBord, for an extended stay, as the two brothcrs'have entered into partnership in farming. The Owyhee Industrial Club won a • number o f prizes at the Malheur Coun ty Fair, among them being first pri/.e for best club exhibr, first prize in sewing project. Miss Eugenie l’ ratt. Miss Pratt, who is 12 years old, also | won a blue ribbon on darning and a red ribbon on a pencil sketch, and Ruby Bradley won a blue ribbon on a lamb. Harry I’ ra.t, age 11, won a blue rib-, bon on a bird house he bui.t. Neata Bigelow, age 11, won a red ribbon on canned fruit and vegetables; Miss Mar garet Share won first and Miss Thelma Newbill second prize in the baking project of the club; Miss Maude Clark won a blue ribbon on a dress, Jesse Thompson, age II, won first and second prizes on his pig. The club was one of a very few in Oregon to receive a certificate of achievement, which was also exhibited. Owyhee school won first prize for the most attractive booth by one-room schools. Sylvester Morris, mail carrier on the rural route, while driving along the road in his Ford Tuesday heard some one shouting. Thinking the call was meant for him, he turned his heal. The car turned, too, too much, and turned over. Considerable damage was done to his ear but the driver was uninjured. I.ater in the day the same young man had a narrow escape from going into the Owyhee ditch but got his car stopped barely in the nick of time, and was pulled to safety by a nearby team. The T. M. Lowe place, which is rented by Mr. B.Rainey, produced a crop o f corn this year which netted an average o f $200 per acre m ■ w m — I m TEA CH ER OF VIOLIN & P IA N O . In N yssi every Saturday “ n a ■ ■ ■ ■ and! R()\ AL SOCIETY I’ACKAG S T A N D A R D F A SH IO N P A T T E R N S Kingman Kolony 'Eleven high grade Jersey cows, all: fresh this fall. One registered Jersey bull,5 years old (BY OURIUiGULAK CORRESPONDENT) One registered Jersey bull,8mos. old. Or will let responsible dairymen have | Almost every fami'y in the Kolony above cows during this lactation period i visited the Ontario fair last week. We for their keep. feel quite proud of the twenty-one fir st! Addre-s Gus A. Schweizer, R. R , Adv-s7 . and second prizes won by Kolony e x - ' box 69, Nyssa, Or. hlbitors on fruits, vegetables and grain. ! For Sale or T ra d e-O n e corner lot Frank McKnight was over from ^ale j on Main, for auto, piano, hay press or | Tuesday on business. On his way over anything o f value. Address Box No 6, he ditched his car but fortunately es Homedale, Idaho. Adv. caped injury either to himself or tl e car FOR SALE -Fine Jersey cow, two 1). VV. Johnston and daughter, Miss and one-half yrs. old. Small cater, big Goldith, went to Boise Wednesday milker. Been fresh three months. Price i morning to visit friends and attend the $50.—F. M. Mason. —Adv. fair. IB | | We were fortunate in our purchases, and so are abl to offer you this unusually complete line at pric: that are decidedly attractive. You need not wa till the end o f the season to get low prices, you Cl get them right now. W e shall be proud to showw these Goods. Munsing Underwear to fit who Outing U anntls, all colors famiiy Wooden Dress G oods Ladies Hosiery Apron Cnecks Ginghams Men’s and Boys Mackinaws Dress Ginghams Men’ s Dress Shirts Percales, all colors Men’s Odd Pants Cretonnes Overalls Kiddy Romper Cloth Hals and Caps Curtain Scrims Necktie: Turkish Towels Gloves * Muslins Ladies Hats Sheetings Say Munsing Undrwear, and you will have the P III U tc IlU ^ We wish to annouce one dollar decline: barrel on our brands High Patent FI: Four 20-Acre Tracts, Three 10-Acre Tracts, Two 80- Acre Tracts, Three IGO-Acre Ranches, One 120- Acre Ranch, f>ne 320-Acre Ranch. One House and Lot in Nyssa Cheap, Cash ar.d Terms See I I I L L the Real Estate Man A T T H E H O TEL W E S T E R N THE PRICE IS RIGHT Link’s Business College DEPARTMENT Nothing like a warm wooly Mackinaw coat for the coming cool weather. We have just unpacked a fine line o f them. L. S pier . adv-alll STOR t-++*++*+*+++-M -++++++ :• >+♦<••»+♦+♦♦♦♦*♦♦+4 T H E SCHOOL T H A T GE TS RESULTS ALMOST ONE MILLION MEN H AVE ENLISTED IN THE ARMY AND NAVY SINCE APR IL 1ST A NEW A R M Y . OF 500,000 MEN W ILL BE DRAFTED WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS THOUSANDS OF BUSINESS POSITIONS NOW OPEN AT SA LAR IES FROM $1000 TO $1200 A 1 EAR • ' Slim, the Barber Will give you all the trimmings in the latest of the tonsorial art. NEW C L A S S E S O R G A N I Z E I) E V E R Y A t the old stand Nyssa - - Oregon ' —s- vJjL '■ > V y !t ■»•'-If?*' ___ > 5 - | e L;G-' ä . v J3., y i'w l.U i'*; ^ >L'Ù ■ - STOP A MOMENT BUSINESS CONCERNS FIND IT ALM OST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET COMPETENT BOOKKEEPERS AND STENOGRAPHERS Young man. young woman, can’ t vou see in this your opportunity THE GREATEST THAT W ILL EVER COME TO YOU ’ All that stands between you and a good position with the Government or in the commercial world is a thorough business education. /tU O U who are without Telephone Service; Compaq daily cost to you with many other things you each day. W e believe you will find that it will sate y Y money. Try it. W E E K YOU MAY ENTER SCHOOL AN Y DAY IN TH E Y EAR . FOR RENT 4-room cottage; watei n house, reasonable rent. A dv.-al7-tf M rs . E hrc . oop . ~ 1 " Get that Spier’s. -■ ■ ...... new Mackinaw coat a t ! adv-aol POSITIONS G U ARAN TEED TO G RAD U A TES W RITE FOR CATALOGU E 1015 Idaho St. W . II. C O P P E D G E , M gr. Boise, Idaho SPECIAL I Malheur Home Telephone FOR THIS WEEK Saturday 5 pounds Chase & Sanborn’s famous Crusade Coffee and 1 pound free for $1.65 Regular p r ic e ........ 35c per lb Sunshine. Cream and Pride Flours have taken a drop in price. » S r . ■ . s NYSSA TRADING CO. '..Ji liMfc'a, The Car Car That That Convinces Convinces WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW FONG LEE LAUNDRY First S t.. Near Main TH E C A R — A N D A SK FO R ------------------------ FOR S A L R T l EE N Y S S A C . !.. C O O K . P H O P R I i n t m B J . = = I T . = = = F A R L E O N T A R IO , OREGON U ndertaker and Funeral Director LICENSED EMBALMER Lady Assistant PHONE 58 The SEE L -l» M > + + * * + * * * + * 4 * + * 4 4 D E M O N S T R A T IO N 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- ( F A R A i KE A N D B L A C K SM IT H SH OP NYS8A. 0HBG034 Nyssa, Oregon GOOD WAS HI NG GOOD IRONING Collars and Cuffs a Specially Call* promptly answered, day or night. - Phon«#* Safety First INSURE BEFORE— -NOT AFTER— A The Nyssa Realty Co. J. BOYDELL, Agent W ill protect you on any form o f policy D **® *^ - Buildings, Machinery, Live Stock, Hay in S Uncut, Cut, in Stacks, in Sacks, in W a r e h o u s e . Phone, Write or Call at Our Office Main Street, - - Nyssa, f J. BOYDELL, Agent