Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
GATE CITY JOURNAL IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. A great poet has written as follows: Published every Friday at Nyssa, Ore- Full many a gem of purest ray serene, gon, by The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; BROWN BROS. Full rflanv a flower is born to olush un seen. waste its sweetness on the desert Entered as second-class matter April And air. 14. 1910, at the postoffice at Nyssa, The spirit of the above is full Oregon, under the Act of March 3,1879. W E B E L IE V E IN Always Consult a Specialist P R E P A R EDNESS! Whether for war or hot weather, and have just received a shipment of the very latest in IF YOU WANT FACTS. A of pathos. Apparently there is WE ARE BUILDING SPECIALISTS. a feeling in some people of eon- SUBSCRIPTION RATES : WE HAVE MADE A STUDY OF YOUR NEEDS. One year, in advance................... $1 50 S(ant neglect and injustice. But WE FURNISH INFORMATION AND PLANS FREE. Six months in advance....... .............75c failure in social and business Y Burn either Oil, Gasoline or Distillate OUR TIME IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. life is often due to a lack of ef OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE. THAT GERMAN PEACE. fort and the right amount of X They are a boon to the housewife during OUR QUALITY IS THE BEST. The newspapers are full of grit and aggressiveness neces 0 hot weather. See them at our store. rumors of peace and peace talk. sary to success The careers of 0 This is undoubtedly a crying great men are usually full of hope of millions of American hardship and lack of recognition, LOCAL MANAGER and European hearts, but at the and only through perseverance present condition of affairs, is and push is the goal of triumph an idle dream. The latest and reached. Edison was once / Resides being convenient, will soon perhaps the most sincere pro- \ asked for a definition of genius, f> save its cost by preserving food that posal for peace has come through and the master mind replied: would spoil, a big item in these days the Pope of the Roman Catholic ‘ Genius is live per cent inspira- V of near-famine. church, and of course adds to it tion and 95 per cent perspira the influence and power of the tion.” So too often the person X organization which he repre who thinks he is abused is mere sents. The allies, with our own ly the victim of his own false president as spokesman, have modesty and moral cowardice. In A -j ritn the business world this is es- answered in the negative, with rin- pecially true. The merchant well defined reasons and prin ciples why a peace at this time ime who advertises well has a big NYSSA, OREGON is impossible. Germany ar.d market for his goods" created by Austria have answered in the arousing desire or merely calling attention to staples or necessi sa n.e sti r.dards of ccr.duct ¡«1 of it affirmative, Pivste This on Your Windshield. Germany had underestimated ties. »nd thus making his store sponsit.lity foF wrong done shall be When _ ou come across a crossing, E C O N O M I C A N D M/ L f T i flvj the strength and purpose of all Die natural buying place of the observed among nations and their gov here’s a simple ¡ule for you: PREPAREDNESS the possible enemies that might public. The man who has noth ernments that are observed among the Stop, and look and listen and be sure that you can view be arrayed against her, and as ing to advertise usually has individual citizens of civilized states ” —Woodnw WiLon, President of the The tract from every angle and that THE UNIVERSITY OF 0RE6Q|| usual with her policy of crush- nothing to sell and ¡3 a self- United States. April, 1917. In .'¿ d if f e r t o c o m p le to c a u r t t i In r#e«rri J nothing is in sight; ccisrsti^Ic o f f r it, full opportunité« b I ing militarism and heartless di made failure. Advertise! Bring We are now in a state of necessty Then start again your journey, ard M I L I T A R Y D R I L L , H O M E S T I C SCIE plomacy, held in contempt tr.e \our goods before the world and necessity knows no law. Our vou’ll cross the crossing right. ■ ' ■ A R T S A M D COM M ERCE ~ssg unpreparedness of other nations. through the best means of pub- troops have occupied neutral Luxum P ' j n f o r effective» fu tu ro arrvice. Y cur ey____ The Prussian war lords neglect licit)’, and reap the harvest of burg and perhaps already have entered r* oris It. S o r.d f o r fre o Illustrated beoVI«ti,“Trà I t i l 3 B r a in f o r P e a c e o r W ¿ r ’’ a n d ‘T h e Woman atfl ed to consider the valor of Bel success according to your talents. Belgium territory. This is a breach NOTICE FOR PUBLIC kTION th e U n iv e r s it y .'' A ddress Registrar, of int' rnational law. The wrong we gium, th devotion of France, Advertise in your local paper hereby commit we will try to make Department of the Interior, U S. I.and UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugeit, I the strenght and power of Great which reaches your local market good as soon as our military aims have Office at Vale, Oregon, Aug. 24, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Alfred Britain, the anger, courage and and compels attention and b iillg s been attained. He who is menaced as Sundqnist, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on sacrifice of aroused America as the best class of patrons to you. I we are, and is fighting for his highest April 3, 1914, made Homestead Entry shown in the Revolution and Advertise, and the world is ! Possession, can -inly consider how he No. 03193, for EANEi, NWJSEJ. SWj can hack his way through.” —The Ger- NEJ Sec. 14, T. 19 S., R. 40 E , Wiliam Civil wars; and as Bismarck said, yours. man Chancellor Addressing the Reich- e.tte Meridian, has tiled notice of inten- T A K E A K O D A K W I T H YOU , tw Aoo-iiwt 4 1*111 turn to make Final Three Year I’roof, the imponderable weight of the stag, August 4, 1014. to establish claim to the land above world’s opinion. All of these NYSSA HEROES. The German Chancellor was simply described, before the Register and Re KODAKS AND shall unite to inflict the lesson Through an unintentional mis- j following the keynote given by Frtd-icciver l . S. I.and Office, at Vale. Ore- ; “ The B°n* ?n ^ l*1* 1 (la»' of October, 1917. of an outraged civilization take, the Journal ommitted some erick .. the <ireat K O D A K S U P P L IE R t . . . speaking . ,r in . 1740 . . I Claimant names as witnesses: upon that accursed military I of our most illustrious names question of right is an atfa.r of minis- Thomas Dixm.Chas Lundgren. Chas. ters. Take what you can; you are j Thomson, Frank Mansell, ail of On caste that distorted the energy from the roll of honor. We wish never wrong unless you are obliged to, tario, Oregon. F O S T E R ' S D R U G S T ORE THOS. JONES, of a great people to barbarism— to adJ to the list those boys and give hack.” N Y S S A . OREGON the Goddess of Liberty and Jus- men from uiir vicinity who are Contrast the American and the Ger- First publication Aug. 81, Register. 1917; last tice shall prove stronger than with Uncle Sam’s fighting forces ,nan standards of national honor. The publication September 28, 1917. the God of Hate and Devasta- the following names, and with honor and e° f fai^ thu Amf ican t.on This is a war for the those mentioned last week. Wilson’s are back of the Liberty Loan NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION rights of the Germai peop.e as give them our greatest praise Bonds Well may they be called the Department of the Interior, U. S. Land much as the allies. | and honor: Willard Graham, safest investment on earth the pre- Office at Vale, Oregon,September 17, 1917 The nations of the world on U S. marine corps; Wallace mier security of *he world. Notice is hereby given that Harri the side of civilization can never Lynch, machine gun squad ¡John son Fay Brown of Nyssa, On gon, who, Eat Cottage Cheese Save Meat treat with the present German Long, medical corps; Jack Mc- on April 29, 1914. made Homestead government What diplomat of Donald, field artillery, Douglas There is skim milk on every farm Entry No. («277, fir NJ NVVJ, Sec. 23, SW1 SWJ Sec. 14 who, on May 28, bleeding Belgium would sit at a McDonald, -Canadian expedition- whcre cows are kcpt- 1914, made Add'l Hointstead Entry peace table with a representa ary forces: Merle Linder, Idaho hSk'm mllk i3„easi'y "'aiJieiintl> c°ttaBe No. 03331, for SWl NwL See. 23, and who on Nov. 11, 1915, made Add'l A gallon makes 1£ pounds. tive of ‘Kultur?” What son of regiment: Theo IvIlSt, national cheese. Cottage cheese is one of the best Homestead Entry No. 04182 for Si France would talk to a nation army, Otto Schweitzer, national substitutes for meat, not only because NEJ. N'J SE}, Sec. 22, all in Township C I T Y A N D C O U N T R Y O R D E R S SO U C ITED I 19 South, Range 40 East Willamette that has rattled the scabbard army. Ralph Harper, U. S. ! °f 'ts value but also because from Meridian, has filed notice of intention \ it dishes can he made which fit into to make final time-year proof to es against her for fifty years and n a v y . tablish claim to the lard above de- G u B . W IL L S . N y s s a , O re jó n ] , gcrjtje(J_ bof(jre Kegister and ReceV<Tr then destroyed her fairest and These are names and charac- o ir meals as meat does. There are more than 5,000,000 farms U S._ Land Office, at Vale, O re g o ^ o n most prosperous lands, women ters who are helping make his- which keep dairy cows. A pound of the 25th day of October, 1917. . * . . • •-? -vs A* '¿'¿A : í i and children? What statesman tory. and Nyssa can well be cottage cheese each week made oil Claimant names as witnesses; R, J, Davis, F. J. Phillips, Thos. Canham! of England would sign a treaty proud of her roll of honor. Again each of these farms and rsed in place Jr ’ Gibson, r"-' ---- all of - Nyssa, -- . i »* , W. L. Ore- with a government that consid we say, ail praise and honor to of . _ meat , would mean a quarter of a gon -------- -- THOS. JONES, Register. e ers its word and contract but ‘a our hoys who have responed to billion pounds more meat available each j s21-ol9 year for emergency uses. scrap of paper?” What free the call of duty and destiny. If there is only a little skim milk,. I Our I’rices born American, with the ex make cottage cheese from it and use it Loin steak .................. 22c ample of Washington, Lincoln, GOVERNMENTAL IDEAS OF at home. Many farmers have skim Teabone steak. 22c I have for sale one 28-acre Ranch, all in crot.l Round Steak s 20c Valley Forge and Gettysburg, milk enough to make cottage cheese ] Shoulder HONOR. roast . k . one (i-horse powrer stationery engine and and the blood and honor of the President Wilson on several occa | for home use and to supply families in I Rib boil_____ io 3 ! ' heroes of the past in his veins, sions, notably in his war message of near-by towns. The United States De ah p o rk ....... one 12-horse power boiler, cheap partment of Agriculture urges that the Quality considered we defy competi would not hold out to the end April 2 and in his reply to the peace j cottage cheese-maker and the cottage- tion. Respectfully, for “ Liberty or Death?” It is note of the Pope, has called attention | cheese user get together. Nyssa, Oregon P . M . W arren, to the fact that no peace can be main NYSSA MEAT MARKET, imposible! The overwhelming tained with the imperial German gov | Cottage cheese can be used alone in 1 H. Burbulge, Prop. ruthlessness of Germany compels •rnment; that no autocratic govern \ salads, as cottage-cheese loaf, and in Adv.a24 many other attractive dishes. the stern chastisement of civil ment such as it can be trusted to keep Turn waste skim milk into a valuable ********** ization, and let us highly resolve faith; that only free people can ho'd meat substitute. their purpose and their honor steady to to conduct this holy war of jus tice to the end to a splendid a common need, and prefer the inter est of mankind to any narrow interst of Foreign-Born Americans. , victory for the future of the their own. world. Only then can the ideals The president was only restating a Chief Justice Bruce of the U. S Supreme Court has the following to E X I - E R T Pi r A C M I t s E ST of civilization endure; and when difference between two systems of say regarding foreign-horn Americans: such a victory is won, there will governmental policy, two different I speak from the viewpoint of tie be a general disarmament of governmental ideas of national honor, foreign-born. 1, and millions of otheis that has long existed. Toe quotation« All kinds of Mechanical Work done promptly and guaranteed- it I steel and engines of destruetti n, g ven below shew the American idea like me, came to this country’ alone, Engines a specialty. AUTO REPAIRING- and the might of education and of a nation’s honor from the inception without money and without friends. We spunged on all that America had. Shop at Residence, One Block from Depot, Nyssa, O ttf* justice, determined by popular of this government down to the pres her free lands, her free schools, and, ent day and the idea of national honor government, shall prevail. above all, her spirit of wholehearted VY p must look well to our held by the German goverement since comradeship. She owed us nothing* the days of Frederick the Great. charge ! but she gave us all. We swore allegi « » I "The foundations of our national | H o t W e a t h e r Stov es H. T. FRANCIS * ¡j}" I | The Century Refrigerator \ I y . ■i.v U ' f i *' ^ On Display in Our Show Windows | IBpssa "(Hardware Co. * I % x>&oo&ooo<>co< i - WILLS* A U T O TRUCK IHatils Bnytbing Bny time Bny where**. ■ > FOR SALE « R . I I. ' I -W Ê a 1 . t i t policy will he laid in the pure and im- mutable principles of private morality. There exists in the course of nature an indissoluable union of virtue and hap piness, between duty and advantage, between honest policy and public fe’ tlcity. The smiles of heaven can never be expected on a government that His regard, the eternal rules of order and A n American skipper reports right, which heaven itaelf has or- oauicio. i.eorge Washington, Pres that the submarine tnat attacked daineed."-George ident of the l nited States. April, 1789 . his ship ’ was 4‘X) feet long.” "We are at the beginning of an age Maybe it only looked so. in which it will be insisted that the Italian vicories are strikinp _ the chain of the central empires on its weakest link, which is Austria Thus Italy is perform ing most valuable service by threatening to break the chain. ance to her flag, her constitution and her laws. We would be recreants, in grates, perjurers and a curse if in the hour of her need we counseled with her enemies and were disloyal to her cause. Have your stock inspected before S t y * "¿50 to"*-™ . ° f J. tM* t* B oy *U d ell . Deputy, Ad v. alO That new fall Hart Schaffner & Marx suit is ready for you at Spier’s Man and Boya’ Store. adv-a3t • t EE| i; The Ontario Laundry] S O F T W A T E R — B E T T E R "W ORK Lanve bundlf-s nt Gibson’s Barber Shop Nyssa Barber Shop Shaving, H air Cutting, Hot and Cold Bath* OB EG* _ ny ssa ITY VS. LIC1 pupils of the high scl ,g lectures every Mondaj Ethics, or conduct in scl ie. Occasionally these w !St to the general public i ¡nled in the Journal. The Monday fiy P">f. « raini subject, "Liberty and Li ,,»in points were as follow! ire are two times in the yes its are apt to feel that sch if a prison house which r [freedom. One time is jus is commencing and the ■for* school closes in the iall [,0y rushes from the throws his books to thi „ i: “I don’t care if I pasi 't care if I didn’t ” Vacat |gnd he now feels at liberty lope that this accusatio are like prisons, where i iu may never get out alive these days. In the days rod, when discipline w lend of school teaching, th lecn true, but I ani su; are very few schools nc i dungeon method. In f ¡* not fulfilling its dul lot make those who comi more free than those wl 1 know that some ha’ and got jobs and made i ley are now controlled b and the necessity of mi They are not free to if work or earn a larger do not have the educatn iy girls have quit school an But now they are limited [of the household. And e time to read or enjo of tl e great treasures of irt and music are closed t i they lack education, to be free from school re iw they have thrown about bonds that are far more re that can hardly be broke none of us desire to be i like the young fellow w learned to work and askei up so that he could havi lard. We want to be fn quite succeed. The reas that our desires are i ir'han our powers. W e ’ dollars, but we don’t kno it. We want to fly to New are not free to do so. 1 be free to fly as far if we had the proper m [new how to use it. Ai mt to the distinction bi Iy and License, ins Green made a flying mi ‘The birds can fly an 1? ’ But you remember his crown, in the midst ird he came down.” Be brothers made a flyini ind finally they taught the Why did Darius Green fa fright brothers fly? Is it r while both were seeking li willing to obey the h :s ana the other was it confined himself to his ri the laws of balance and p wer. He worked patientl after model. He was will to all the laws that go' irk until freedom finally cr Darius was in a hur in and adventure and paid to laws or rules, wild, ungoverned activity, jard to law may be called 1 mtrollcd activity is liberty, steam engine had no t r would it last before ? The tracks hold it in ley also give it greater libc Suppose you start yoi it up good speed and then t 1 want to be free.” Yon give it all the license it ' wment it is a wreck. It i lerving laws that liberty Ichool you learn the truth krious laws that condition o I When you reallv know the l>ey these laws you will ha p t liberty. Christ said, pnow the truth and the (et vou free.” Don’t throw ws of life. Your parents ways be wise, but you w to be guided by them, p the school may not s *st, but they are intended M laws that are made fc ff all. In the end more ' I by obeying them. Dor’t gainst the current. Fir ws of Iffe and obey them, pn a lane fenced in by l 0 both sides you could run t snd a3 far as you pleaset ople prefer to turn an ^i*e through the barbed wi 1 way a tain preacher p Nreabout-the straight/ an ray. He said he thought th ftruction at first was broa1 1 but later became name *1« but that the road to e ugh at first straight an kter became broad and s dutiful. *mb«r that Liberty finds e obeys them, while L them aside. And rem «n»e always wrecks, whil t*t*- there.