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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
1ETY PACKAGES XV T he te C ity J ournal ¿ri Vf fi NO. 7 N YSSA . so are able at prices d not wait you can to show you ear to fit whole lackinawj s ave the best « liar decline per i Patent Flov PORE »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ «♦ H i ID CROSS MEET ING HELD W ITH GOOD RESULTS MALHEUR C O U N T Y ,. O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R 28 1917 New Lumber Yard Opens for Business /NYSSA AND V IC IN ITY / ) $1.50 P F R Y E A R 5c P E R C O P Y ÍO P Y M cDonald Roys in France. CITY FATHERS HOLD A BUSY . SPECIAL SESSION Mr. A lex McDonald has received word from his son Jaek, who recently landed in france with a cordingent o f The Citizens’ Coal and Lumber Co • - United States forces. Jack joined the received several carloads of lumbtr A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town r -gular army last spring soon a fte r th.a week, and have opened for busi- What Your Neighbors Are Doing. the declaration e f war against G er L e ncW Red Cross rooms are now r.ess in the Oregon-Idaho yards near many, and chose the artillery branch The Council m et in special sesaidti on Messrs. G. B. j arranged for work, having been the cheese factory. o f the service. A fte r a fe w months Monday evening to consider several Wills and Tom Coward, both well L e(i and furnished by Borne o f the Work for the Red Cross. Frank Ward went to Boise Thursday training the regim ent with which he questions that were ready for p-esenla- ladies o f the organization, known to the reople of Nyssa, are the Miss Gertie Ray went to Boise Thurs proprietors o f the Wm. T ittle went to Murphy, Idaho, is located was ordered out for foreign tion and whi'e the question whs a short new organization. day. [rooms are donated by the Bank of duty. The transports crossed the one the Council transacted much busi- Thursday. D wight Smith will keep the book- and are located in the place without encountering any ness with expedition/ ’ J. H. W olf attended the state fair Ed K enville made a business trip to oeean Manager Wills says that they aim to er|y occupied by the Housh M eat U boats, as these ocean sharks now 1 The management o f the Nyssa Co Ontario Thursday. keep a complete stock of lumber, posts at Boise. llttt know better than to tackle real w ar-I operative -Cheese company reported Mis- Mary Kikan visited at Vale Sat Dr. J. J. Sarazin and S. 1). Goshert j , e meeting Tuesday was enthus lath, windows, doors, etc., and coal • h i p t h e experience with the first ex- that sevenfl o f the individual signerij urday and Sunday. when it is possible to get ears through went to Boise to see the fair. and well attended. Tickets for pedition having taught them a hard on the note given when a loan of sink- Miss Vandyke is visiting this week ¡ball game and dance Friday w ere from the mines. They have purchased A Bargain Work team for sale, lesson. Jack is probably the first ing fund was maifc to the eheoee fal-- cheap. Inquire at Journal office. In out to the ladies to sell, and the a big platform scale, and will be lixtd with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vandyke. Nyssa boy to see foreign service under ' tory some three years ago w ere de- to do weighing service for the public I they went to work looks w ell for Mrs. Robert Toombs and children of Want to Rent Ranch Forty acres or the Stars and Stripes, and being in the tirous o f being released from liability He states that the outlook for business Ironsides are visiting frieifds in Nyssa up; cash or shares. Hiram vap Dyken. p sition that he is to fire the big guns, 1 on the note, and requested the Council fsuiv. 9 o f these enterprises. T h e is very gaod, as there will be a great blem of getting supplies was dis we hope that he w ill g ive th en a to take action in satisfying the note and Ohio Wilson has accepted the posi Adv. deal o f building going cn this fall, ai d and it was decided to purchase double d sc occasionally to express the m ortgage or receiving payment o f the tion at the depot as assistant to Agent Mrs. Spier and Mrs. Hunt motored in consideration of the prosperous con [yarn and flannel at the local stores, A fte r due consideration' the Kinr.aird. to Ontario Thursday to see about Red sentiments o f the men who have to lean. dition o f the country. A coidial invi the Red Cross headquarters stay at home, but whoso hearts are in Council decided that the loaia would not Cross work. One sewing machine, good as new, tation is extended to visit him at the the great work of saving civilization be renewed since thete would be a per- 1 no* furnish them, and at present for sale cheap. Inquire H otel Western, Miss Florence McDonald returned to yards and inspect the stock of goods. and democracy for the world. His ad- 1 sonal liability on the part o f the coun ppears us though we will have to Nyssa, Or. Nyssa Thursday evening from La dress is as follows, and it is to b e ' oilmen in making the- loan and voted ¿nd upon our own resources, as the Mrs. Boyd o f Boise, agent for the Grande and Island City. F ive dollars per head will buy all of hoped that many o f the loyal citizens unanimously to accept payment o f the hand upon the headquarters is New York L ife, was soliciting in our Hogs for Sal« -T w en ty-five pigs, 4 my Hols teen bull calves the day they o f Nyssa send congratulations and ^ loan at this-time, the new cheese com- ater than they can supply. The sows, 1 boar, all Duroc Reds. A . E. greetings to him: are born, 40 cents extra for every day cimmunity last week. “ Private John Me- puny sign ifyin g that it has the cash Uing in general was a fine success, I feed them. Have 5 of them already. Dr. Cosgrove spent Tuesday in On Rust. R. F. D., Nyssa.— Adv. Donald, Ilerdquarters Co. nth Field with which to pav tho loan [he next meeting w ill be held at the Early Crawford peaches, 1 cent per tario and Wednesday in Vale, boosting Anyone having a sewing machine or A rtillery, via N ew Y ork, A . E. F., j A petition requesting» that action be I Red Cross rooms Tuesday, Octo- pound. Come and pick them. P. Ten- for the Red Cross rally Friday. chairs that they can loan to the Red F ra n c e ." taken in laying a sidewalk on the $outh h 9, at 2:30 p. m., and Y O U a r » aen. Adv, W anted-Plain and fancy sewing.— Cross rooms write or phone Mrs F. D. Dei glas McDonald has been in the side o f Green avenue from First street nettly urged to be present and help Mrs. Mae Solomon, next door to Hotel Hall. trenches for six months and took part to the O. S. L. railroad was read but the work. The cold days are Three good buggies, two double, one Western. A d v. Several trainloads o f soldiers passed in the recent battle o f Lens. “ Doug” was not submitted for final action, the ¡ng, and the heroes in khaki will single, fo r sale cheap at Chipman Liv is serving in the Canadian Highlanders, Mi.s Eva Boydell is teaching in the through here last week on the way to which speaks volumes fo r his bravery, m atter being held over until the regu- i I the warm clothes. ery barn. Adv a31 2t Ontario schools again this year., vis the training camp at American lake, as those boys have made ■ an immortal lar m eeting on the first Monday in Oc name in history. He has been in sev tober. ited parents and friends at N js s a Sat Wash. eral battles without a scratch and to The R >d Cross association was gran t urday. Mrs. Stubbs will give piano lessons prove it sent home a picture o f him ed the free use o f w ater fr -m the city Miss Ethel Hansen le ft for Salem at her home in the Sinclair residence, self in his kilts. May his noble service Rates reasonable. and goud luck continue. M ay these waterworks, the same to be used in Wednesday night, where she wiil re north First street brothers come safely th riugh the war, their room just fitted up in the Bank Patronage solicited. sume her studies at the W illam ette and live tu g re e t each other in the days o f Nyssu building on F irst street. University. Blaine Gibson and Bryan Payne le ft o f peace, and see as a result o f their N Y S S A , OREGON. T w o ordinances were submitted for I)r. Sarazin and Delno Gibson made Friday evening for Seattle, where they sacrifice freedom for the oppressed and consideration by the council. One ordi- filed by the S uperin tend en t o f Ranks o f the State of Oregon at a trip to Parma Wednesday night in will resume their studies at the Uni hopes fo r the ideals o f the race. dir.unce prohibits the use o f bicycles, the close o f business Sept 11, 197. the Ford to advertise the Red Cross versity o f Washington. velocipedes, roller skates und vehicles celebration. "Miss Althea Sheldon, Miss Alice Mc operated by foot power o f the rider, on Sev-ral carloads o f wheat were Farland, Miss Alice Harper and Loren The follow ing account o f a recent sidewalks on Main street. First atre t. RESO URCES shipped from Nyssa recently, Wilson Sheldon drove to Pavette in Sheldon’ s gridiron victory in which Vernon Good avenue and Third street. I t is to ans and d is c o u n ts ..............................................................$88,995.86 Bros, and the Nyssa Trading Co. buy “ Oakland 6’ ’ Thursday evening. Brown, s. n o f Win S. Brown o f the be hoped that this ordinance w ill be erdrafts.................................... 31.73 ing the grain. Thoe. Canham, Jr., went to Nampa Journal, figured as the hero is taken observed hy the users o f snch vehicles, ds and w a r r a n t s ............................................................. 5,522.69 P. M. Binkley made a trip to Port Monday to see the soldiers pass through from Sunday’ s issues o f the Boise as the ordinance was passed upon re rty Bonds................... : ........... .................... . . . 2.050.00 land and other coast cities last week. ou their’ way to North Carolina. Ser quest-after many complaints had beeh Statesman: king house, fu rn itu re and fixtu res ........................... , made against the nuisance. The other He says that outside o f the rain the geant Dave was among the number. Private Vernon Brown o f the United Iher real estate o w n e d ....................................................... 664.49 coast looks good to him, ordinance is one that follow s the state .„William Adams o f Goodrich, Idaho, States marines, form er Boise high h and sight ex ch a n ge .............................................. 47,873.38 Dan Thomas and fam ily o f Boise vis is in the city this week. Mr. Adams school athletic luminant who enlisted law and prohibits drunkenness on the ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall Sat formerly lived here and is figuring on in the “ Billy Blues” corps through a str. ( t > d f Nyssa, or drunkenness in $151.228.15 local recruiting station in July, was any private place or building and dis urday and Sunday. Mr. Thomas owns moving back to Nyssa to live. J. li. Kinnaird, the popular agent at largely responsiole fo r a 27 to 0 grid turbing others in the town o f N ys ia several city lots in Nyssa. L IA B IL IT IE S iron d efea t handed the University and imposes a penalty similar to the Mrs. J. II. Kirnaird returned from the local Oregon Short Line depot, has o f California varsity by a soldiers o f kpital stock paid i n ..............................................................$25,000,00 state law-. It will now be possible to rented a farm , in Iowa. Jim expects the sea aggregation last Saturday, a c frplus fund ................... 5.000.00 a visit in Iowa, her old home. Mrs. to take charge o f his new enterprise cording to the San Francisco Chron prosecute violations under this ordinance Bdivided p r o fit s ............................................ . . . ........... 1,411.84 Goshert is still there, so Ves remains a without calling upon the state or icle. in February. bposits .................................................................................. 119,816.31 widower, and will have to take a course The form er B H S. crack himself county officials to prosecute fo r such Marion Dunn has received a letter scored too touchdowns against the in domestic science at home. criminal acts. $ , The rain last Saturday and Sunday from his son, Corpoial Chester Dunn, Bears, one on an 80-yard sprint through Superintendent H oxie o f the depart a broken field, and a pass o f his manip “ somewhere in N ebraska.” did an effective job o f settling the dust from ulating was responsible for a third reg ment o f Streets and Public Im p rove Chester is with the Idaho regim ent on istration. Playing at quarterback, he ments reported that Maney Bros, de F R A N K D. H A L L , 'Cashier ¡n the streets. The city authorities G. K IN G M A N , P resid en t .ts way to Camp Greene, N. C. ran th i marines’ team with flawless sired to again purchase water from the _____________________ had a drag to work Tuesday on the L generalship in addition to perform ing Syl Morris the R. F. 1). .......... man, | ( had roads, which ought to leave them in city, and recommended that their ap Ford into the sensationally as a purveyor o f the pig t ie misfortune to tip hi good condition. plication fo r such use be gran t skin. ed on condition that in case Fred Green recently returned from a ditch and smash a few bolts, but the machine won’ t mind a little thing like of any shortage o f w ater they trip to the coast, where he went cn would be the first to be shut olT business. Fred has taken the contract t lat and will soon be as good as ever. I Hr. Hoxie is making some improve- j from such use o f water, and Ihat tho to build a modern six room house for charge for use o f w ater be the same S. II. Ross on his ranch near town. mints on the building occupied by the j Nyssa Garage, and will soon have _____ as form erly charged, that Is 20 cents Work will begin soon. things in fine i ha pc I his will make The celebrated DeMoss fam ily, Am er- for each tank o f tiOO gallons. Since Tom Nisbet and Dwight Smith re Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are turned from the Round-Up at Pendle me o f the best bnildings o f the kind in j(.a -s famous concert company. Who the work being done by Maney Bros, have toured throughout this country for the Nyssa-Arcadia D rainage D is absolute!) guaranteed to satisfy you ton Sunday. They report a fine time, the country. Peter VanDyken, who le ft Nyssa and Europe during the past 45 years, trict is one o f public benefit and the and sa/ the crowds at the Big Show use o f the city water will aid in more were record beaters, there being as s im e tim e ago and located at Wen- will appear at the local Presb yterifn rapid prosecution o f the work by per- T a tim e w hen e v e ry dolla r you spend ought to atchee, Wash., was recently m arried; church Tuesday, October flth in an en- many as 30,000 people in one day. m ittiig 'm o re constant use o f the en be looked at tw ic e liefore you part with if, just to a charming young lady o f that city, tertainment o f music, song and story. gines, it was thuught best to gran t Mrs. J. E. Dickens o f Silver City is according to a letter received by his - This famous company cnlerlainetl i ur th’s application at the prices stated. rem em ber that you o u gh t to look more than visiting at the home o f her sister, Mrs. The council instructed that a road fathers in pioneer days and later a j- brother. Hiram. twice at w hat y o u ’ re g o in g to g e t fo r it. j F. D. Hall. She returned last Satur- drag be procured or built Hnd that the pcarc.l before the crowned heeds i f streets be dragged while in condition Archie Francis spent a few days ■» day from Seattle, to which city she Hart Schaffner & M a rx have based their whole busi , Europe. Several o f the original com for dragging, and also instructed that ° ] accompanied her daughter. Miss Gor visiting bisjfather, II. T. Francis, this pany are still with them and will en- bills be calb-il fo r givin g a price fo r ness on the b e lie f that a ll-w oo l is best for men s and week. Archie recently had tho mis don Dickens, who will attend the Uni j The pres sand and i i her s c rie itu or ernthed fortune to have an accident while w ork tertain the Nyssa public. young m en’s c lo th in g ; th a t cotton mixtures, th o u g h gravel delivered on the streets o f versity o f Washington. ent organiz ition consists o f Ht nry ai d Nyssa. I f bills are such that g r a v e l ing for the telephone company w lich somewhat cheaper, a re n ot econom y. George Green, contractor and builder severely hurt his . yes, and he has been G eorge DeM ois, Mrs. G eorge DeMosr, ing the streets will he warranted, the o f the John Enn.s buildings on Main taking treatment at Boise. Council hopes to take favorable action Elbert and Homer DeMoss, t h e t v o They have m ain tain ed a strict all-wool standard in on grading and gravelin g several o f tho j street, is hurrying the buildings to Mrs 0. D. Cole o f Am erican Falls little prodigies who comprise the thiid principal streets this fall while they spite o f steadily ris in g costs o f fine wool, in tb«> lac< 1 completion. Frank Carman is doing in Nvssa Wednesday for generation o f this am ilv o f entertaii - can be properly worked. The The council arrived the clam or f o r ‘ cheaper clothes. W e know tlia> the 1 the nlasterinir w M r« « • * and M h s Mabel Bertsch, reader will receive bids at the retrulaa session a visit witn her mother, *»rs a n i pU nlst. Admission l t e und B e . Monday night. men and you n g men o f A m erica share this belief ih a t J YV W :ilo D nm nrr n r P V l n U * s. 1 Wills. During previou all-wool is best; is real econom y. visits Mrs. Cole" made many i STATEM ENT O F T H E friends here who are glad to welcom e | Good clothes, lik e e v e ry th in g else, cost more than 1 R ' EM STA TEM EN T O F THE ;ANK OF NYSSA Local Boy Wins Honors 6 090.00 wm 151 228.15 MENT s Service; compare i other things you I that it will save glephonel R L E : g o n d Funeral >r almer ant ht P h o ix ^ f First Buy all-wool clothes A Agent , Hay in Warehouse. at Our Offic* N yssa, Oi Agent her to our city. Peter Tensen has purchased a P e r fection two-union milker for his dairy herd. Mr. Tensen has a tine bunch o f graded Holstein cows that are pronoun ced among the best in the country, and tu is showing himself to he a progres sive dairyman by providing overy . means to carry on a modern farm, they fo rm elry cost, but i f all-w ool is best and cheapest in the long run, you o u g h t to have it. It means more style, m ore service, m ore satisfaction. IGs worth the price. In spite o f the w ar, the w ea vers o f England, Scotland, Ireland, and A m erica h ave supplied the wool goods lor these clothes. W e believe w e a re u p h old in g and strengthening the call fo r econom y in o ffe r in g these all-wool clothes, with an unlim ited gu a ra n tee o f satisfaction. after - eatty Go. FAMOUS DEMOSS FAMILY COMING Th e H a rt S ch a ffn er & M arx label in a g a rm en t is the sign o f all-w ool and an absolute gu a ra n ty o f satisfaction; a small th in g to look fo r , a big thing to SPIER Nyssa Oregon “ A G O O p B A N K .T O BE W IT H - f. in Id :h m » ul ir. nf i er t M. an, C. In . & ler- L ku. w D. n o Í ■ . t N y ssi,. 3repron. A t the close o f business Sept, I I , 1917. RESO URCE Things are shaping up fine fo r the I ' big ball came and dance. It will be a fyoans and Discounts . special holiday in Nyssa. and the folka ' O verd ra fts . . . . . will all be there to have a good t im e . Bonds and W arran ts a , l help the Red Cross. A la r g e : Bankirj? House, Furniture and F ixtu res 1 number o f ladies and gentlemen are ■ Cash on hand and due frorn Ranks I c lining from Vale, Ontario, P arm a! « d surrounding country to help ua j | celebrate. find. Malheur County Bank *d to S $ 118,860.04 . . $ L IA B IL IT IE S T. P. Helean returned Wednesday Capital Stock. pai«l in cash from Boise, where he took his son, Surplus and U n d iv id e d Profits little Tim, to the hospital fo r an opera D e p o s i t s ............................................. tion for appendicitis. He brought the good news that the operation was suc cessful anrt Tim w ill pull through all right. But it was a elose call, as the Not The Largest Hank In Oregon, disease had progressed so fa r that at the Strongest. th - time o f the operation the case H. J. W A R D , Presiden t was looked upon as hopeless. 20.88 V 3,264.00 9.146.57 55, ¡47.96 V 136 , 439.66 25.00000 15 , 890.20 145 . 549.65 $• 86 , 439.85 $ But As Strong as • * J. H WOLF, C m H ijv *ü