Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1916)
RH STATEM ENT OF THE BANK OF NYSSA State O fficials Visit Eastern Oregon ------------------------- if - f < 53 * V ---------" ~ ~\ )- -I 1 • .*■ V Ontario, Jnly 11.—The governor of Oregon, state treasurer, secretary of Called by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon at state and attorney general slept in On the close of business June 30, 916. tario beds Sunday night and left Mon day morning in automobiles for a trip NO. 62 „ L A B « h RESOURCES into Harney county. Ex-Governor $55,159.38 Hawley of Boise was with them. The Loans and discounts ............................... . • • 1.08 officials were here as members of the O verdrafts......................................................... .. 4.293.67 state land board, guests of the Ameri Bonds and warrants ........................................ 900. UO can nitrate company, visiting their Stocks and other securities............................ 6.134.1 holdings in southeastern Oregon. Banking house, furniture and fixtures . 1 595.88 Sunday at noon the officials were met Other real estate owned................................ .. 17,249.38 at Caldwell by Harry Wilson, vice Cash and sight exchange.............................. president and general manager of the $85,333,50 nitrate company, and Governor Haw ley, the company’s attorney. With Man W ill Ad other members of the company, east L IA B IL IT IE S • i.T ern capitalists and a newspaper man of County Cleri Capital stock paid i n . .................................................................$25,000.00 Undivided profits........................................................................ 3,930.02 from Portland, they motored to the til New Official la Deposits ......................................................................................... 56,40348 nitrate fields on Succor creek, where LV J Assumes Duties. they viewed the workings, learned $85,333 50 something of the valuable mineral de ' posits discovered in this county last r? ‘V Q FRANK D. HALL, Cashier year, ate supper in camp, and drove l A. G. KINGMAN, President lohn Huston received 7 r w !” * ^ T the 50 miles to Ontario and a night’s Fionas postmaster 1 rest. Governor Withycombe had when the dead body of Mr. Brown immediately hand« was discovered by his companion. The stopped over here for the evening and body was lying face down in the creek visited friends. lation as county cl There were 15 in the party, three where the water was only a few inches was tendered ti big eight cylinder cars taking them out deep. Upon ascertaining that life was Yesterday’* issue of the Payette En- jple», the republican extinct, Mr. Huff summoned assistance at 10 o’clock yesterday morning on terprise announces the death of Orin their long drive to Burns. Today they [the place, but he dec and the body was carried on horseback L. Brown, who, with his mother, Mrs. U he thought it 1 to Cascade, where an inquest was held, will drive down throngh Harney Williams, resided on the Idaho the verdict being that the deceased valley, the Pacific company’s lands and Jngan undue advan side, a couple of miles from Nyssa, un had come to his death from heart fail- to Malheur and Harney lakes, the |ferred to wait and p< til "a couple of years ago. They also scene of a proposed immense drainage lived in Nyssa a short time. Mr. iple to elect him. and irrigation scheme. Governor Brown was well known here. The Withycombe has been billed to speak then tendered tc Great excitement was caused in Enterprise gives the following meagre Nyssa early in the week by the fear at the railroad celebration at Crane, [little and he went uj particulars of his untimely death: the new Harney county townsite, but «¡took charge. Dept “ News of the finding of the dead ful sounds that eminated each even ne was not aware of this until he ing from the bulrishes that fringe the body of O. L. Brown of Payette in L dy r e s i g n e d i rearhed Ontario, and may decline the Fawn creek, near the town of Cascade Wilson ditch where it crosses Main invitatioh because of pressing official Keeler was named at in Long valley, some time Wednesday street. It was concluded that nothing engagements. less than an enemy submarine could Ontario Argus. afternoon, was received in this city Secretary of State Ben Olcott had a about 9 o’clock Wednesday night. No make such a racket, but a skillfully good woru to say for the roads in Mai further particulars could be obtained at executed scout movement disclosed an heur county. People here thought that time and it was supposed that Mr. ordinary bullfrog with an abnormal they were pretty bad because of the Brown had met his death by drowning. voice. dust at this time of the year, tu t he Later particulars were received this says they are a relief from the mud of We might even say that—always carefally measuring service received Lost. morning, however, which would seem the western slope. He was also de hie young people of the to indicate that the death of Mr. Brown A book entitled Pollyanna was lost lighted with the appearance presented for every dollar expended throughout the year, there would be an actual rch are making extenaiv was the result of heart failure and not from the public library June 10 at by the bounteous crops of the Snake i for s lawn party to be saving of money in buying ALL merchandise required,, of the various kinds from drowning. about 5:30 o’clock. Any information river valley. lay evening July 24, sold here. There would be absolute safety and satisfaction in such a course Mr. Brown was a well known citizen ot its whereabouts will be thankfully jert’s lawn. R efresh» of Payette, whose occupation was that received. LOLA FORBES. and many of our customers follow it almost to the letter. Mr. Make>it- (vadsnd a good time | Jack Healon, superinteneent for of a machinist. For several years i is not a money-making Maney Bros., on the Antelope reservoir right will see that YOU above all must be satisfied. While In town make past he had resided here with his | everything will be abac Sunday Excursion Rates. work, states that that the flood wrters mother, Mrs. Carrie Williams, and his our store your headquarters. ut money and witl Half rates for Sunday trips. On sale of Jordan creek are now running half sister, Miss Ida Williams, the rybody in the communi through the big canal into the reser every Sunday. Also tickets good from present home being on North 7th ■ of race, color, church i street. On 'July 5, in company with 1 Saturday to Monday at a little bit voir. The ditch has been widened in [vioui condition of servi the place where trouble has occurred, Mr. Fred Huff, he took his departure more. Ask O.S.L. agents for details. i to be present and j giving a perfect bottom and stronger for the Long valley country for a short banks. More widening will be done |tivlties. We road in the FOR SALE. prospecting tour. The men were t on a somewhat simil Horse and two-horse wagon, also and the canal will be in fine shape for camped on fawn creek, a small tribu filling the big reservoir next season, ft invited guests all begai i« * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -: * + ♦ •:* • • * * ♦ ♦ •:•* •:•* * * * * + + + * * + * •:•+ + + w tary of the Payette river. They had two horse harness for sale.—A. H There is an abundance of water in int to make excuse ar been separated only about two hourB Cosho. store all purposes this year,—Jordan lence they missed a north 1990 feet; thence east 1320 feet; thence south 3960 feet; thence west NEJ NWJ, part of SEJ NEJ Section I Valley Express. It is hoped th a t histi thence north 1320 feet; thence east j 1320 feet; thence south 2040 feet; 36; WJ NWJ, Lots 1 and 2, Lot 4, Sec STATEM ENT OF THE 1320 feet; thence north 1320 feet;thence : thence east 1320 feet: thence south tion 31, Township 22, South Rangel”, teat itself in this caBi j tbit s large and re Farmers adjacent to Puget sound in east 6600 feet; thence north 1320 feet; 2640 feet; thence west 2640 feet; thence E. W. M. east 1320 feet; thence north 1320 south 3960 feet; thence west 2640 feet; ! In township 23, South Range 47 Eut lering will be present. the northwestern corner of the United thence feet; thence east 1320 feet; thence north it!onre 132 fVeG 0 thence west of Willamette Meridian: States have called starfish to their aid 1320 feet; thence east 1019 feet to the V’« n ^ 'iorth 1320 feet; thence Section 7. Section 6; part of Loti I in growing potatoes. At planting time Idaho-Oregon State Line; thence north th^L1.32l ft ,OToenfCe .n° r.tih 1!~0feutj and NJ NWJ NWJ, Section 18; Sec- Nyssa, Oregon. one starfish is dropped in the bottom of on said State Line 1320 feet; thence ■iuro f , X U30 f“ « , 1h(ence . tion 1‘2; SJ, SEJ NEJ, Section 1; pert 2340 feet; thence north 660 feet; ^ h f w h tf entee. r 8812M0f>eeU thence h 0f NEJ NWJ, NJ NEJ, Section 13; each hill of potatoes and speedily west At the close of business June 30, 1916. thence west 1320 feet; thence north 660 rn rih 2040 feet; thence ‘ icet.: SEJ SWJ, Section 2; part of N| serves as appetizing plant food for the feet; thence west 1320 feet; thence them-P thence north east SEJ, <>f Section 11 tuber. north 660 feet; thence west 1320 feet; RESOURCES east m iff* ,.no.rtht . 130 AI1 of the above described property | thence north 660 feet; thence west 1320 Whence len e east 1320 feet to the point of j save and except such as may be ex $ 83,116.70 Loans and Discounts . . . . feet; thence north 3960 teet; thence beginning. empt under the law from inclusion into j 8.78 PETITION FOR AN IRRIGA east 2640 feet; thence south 2640 feet; The lands within said boundaries are irrigation Overdrafts . . . . . . districts: All in conformity thence east 1320 feet; thence south 660 232.50 TION DISTRICT. Bonds and Warrants more particularly designated as fol with the foregoing and under the liwi feet; thence east 1320 feet; thence south lows, towit: 9.246.57 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures of the State of Oregon, and your pe 660 feet; thence east 2320 feet to the In Township 22, South Range 46 east titioners will ever praw. 36.411,16 Notice is hereby given that the fol southeast Cash on hand and due from Banks corner of Section 30, Town of Willamette Meridian. GEO. W. GRAFF lowing petition will be presented to the ship 22, South, Range 47 East of Wil NEJ NEJ, SJ NEJ, NJ SEJ, SWJ J. S. WHEELER Court of Malheur County on lamette Meridian on the Idaho-Oregon $129.015.71 County SEJ, SJ NW'L SWJ Section 14; SEJ IDA SCHENCK, Mortgagee the 17th day of July. 1916: State Line; thence south on said State SEJ, Section 15; EJ NWJ, WJ NEJ, SAMUEL J. GRAFF In the County Court for Malheur Coun Line to the point of beginning. L IA B IL IT IE S NJ SEJ, SEJ NEJ,SWJ Section 23; NWJ JESSE J. BEATY ty, State of Oregon. $ 25.000.00 Capital Stock, paid in cash beginning at the northeast cor Section 26; NEJ NEJ Section 27; SJ W. B. H oX IE To the Honorable County Court of ner Also N W 1 . S W I S i i v i «KH , .r « ic ? of Section 14, Township 22, South, NWJ, SWJ, SWj SEJ, part of SEJ 5,000,00 Malheur County, State of Oregon: S u r p l u s ......................................................... J. W. GRAFF LULA L. HOXIE. 9,203 72 We, the undersigned holders of title Range 46 East of Willamette Meridian; SEJ Section 25; NJ of NEJ, part of Undivided Profits . . . . 89,811.99 to lands in Malheur County, State of D e p o s i t s ............................................... Oregon, within the boundaries as here inafter described, being duly qualified $129.015.71 electors under the laws of the State of for organizing irrigation dis It adds to your prestige lo have an account in this Oregon B u lle tin N o. tricts, and representing the lands here Strong, Reliable State Bank where you are assured of in described to be susceptible of irriga tion from a common source or com every Accommodation Consistent with Good Banking. bined sources ana by the same system combined systems of works, utiliz H. J. WARD, President J. H WOLF, Cashier or ing the waters of Succor Creek for the purposes of irrigation, and desiring for said purposes to organize the lands within the boundaries hereinafter de scribed into an irrigation district, do hereby petition your Honorable Court as follows, towit: That, under and by virtue of the ir It is hei rigation district laws of the State of Oregon, as set forth in Chapter 7 of At a time when the expenses of the Government are so enormous— Via OREGON SHORT LINE— Lord's Oregon Laws; and as the same (Union Pacific System) is amended by Chapter 323 Laws of I mi t it worth while finding out the actual facts before plunging ahead into an Oregon for 1911; and also as amended by Chapters 17 and 197 Laws of Ore gon for 1913: and also as amended by expenditure of $11,000,000 of the people's money for a Government armor plant? EAST Chapter 189 Laws of Oregon for 1915, providing for the organization ami Low rates to Denver, Colorado management of irrigation districts; To clear up the whole situation, and to put it on a basis as fair and business-like as Springs, Pueblo, Omaha, Kansas your Honorable Court enter its order proclaiming and designating the lands we know how to express it, we now make this olfer to the Government: City, St- Louis, Memphis, Chicago, within the boundaries hereinafter de Minneapolis, St. Paul and many, scribed to constitute an irrigation dis other points. trict; that in said order a name be des I h e B e t h l e h e m S te e l C o m p a n y w ill m a n u f a c t u r e a r m o r p la te for th e C at p H a t p « — ignated for said irrigation district; that an election be called for the purposes May 13. 17, 20, 24. 27. 31; June 3. 7, G o v e r n m e n t o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a t a c t u a l c o s t o f o p e r a t i o n p lu s su ch •et forth above and for the election of 10. 14, 17. 21. 24. 28: July 5, 12, 19. three directors at large and for the 26; August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; September c h a r g e s fo r o v e r h e a d e x p e n s e s , i n t e r e s t a n d d e p r e c i a t i o n a s th e Federal election of such other officers as may 6, 13. be directed under said law for the man T r a d e C o m m i s s i o n m a y fix. W e w ill a g r e e t o t h i s f o r su c h period a s L im it — agement of irrigation districts; tnat the time and places where said election th e G o v e rn m e n t m a y d e s ig n a te . October 31, 1916. shall be held be therein specified- and that all things require^ to be ’ done WEST under said law for the formation of Low rate excursion tickets on irrigation districts be done. The boun The House of Representatives voted down a proposal to empower the Federal Trade daries and description of lands intended sale daily, May 1st to December Commission to determine a fair price for armor, and allow private manufacturer, to be organized into said irrigation dis 30th, inclusive, to Spokane, trict are as follows, towit: opportunity to meet that price before the Government built its plant. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, San Beginning at a point 660 feet south Francisco, Los Angeles and San of the northeast corner of Section 18 Diego. Isn ’t o u r p rop osition fair and o u g h t it n o t to be accep ted ? Township 23, South Range 47, East L imit — Willamette Meridian; thence west 2320 feet to a point 660 feet south of the October 31. 1916. northwest corner of said Section 18- 1 he measure is now before the United States Senate. See any O. S. L.?Agent for rates and thence south 660 feet; thence west 2640 furthar detalla or write D. S. Spencer, General fe€t.: . n0,rth 660 fee,i thence Passenger Agent, Salt Laxe City. west 1320 feet; thence north 660 feet- ************* CHAS. M SCHW AB. C h .in a a a thente weat 1320 feet; thence north K U S K I K O . O H A C L , f*te»!«ii-ut 3300 feet; thence west 5280 feet, thence Bethlehem Steel Company \ H. D00UTTL appointed SUCCEED HU pm « Death of Orin L. Brown Announced Every Day More People Are Realizing the Advantage of doing most of their buying here. We believe there are distinct advantages ac cruing to all who make it a rule to do the greater part of their buying here. WILSON ; s All Go to the Lawn BROS. Malheur County Bank The I SUMMER EXCURSIONS East and West The Bethlehem Steel (Company’s Offer to Serve the United States The Mi Brees Thin Cool Lighl Stra\ Desir Artici L. SPI \