Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1916)
T he G ate C ity J ournal COVERS TH E FA M O US EASTERN OREGON F R U I T B E L T XIII NO. 50 0,000 DEAL IS CLOSED BY R. N. STANFIELD NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1916 ^++*++++++++++++++.><1++iii++4 | KINGMAN KOLONY 1 / NYSSA AND VICINITY $1 50 PER YEAR 5c PER COPY ERNESUZAHL! ER’S ) H Z ic Z Border b RESIDENCE DAM The Nyssa boys who joined the AGED BY FIRE Idaho regiment, are now at the front, Mr: Edwards and Mr. Morgan spent ' — * the first of the week out in the hills A Hrief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town looking over their cattle. What Your Neighbors Are Doing. having arrived at Nogales, Ariz., A. E. Wade and family arrived in Tuesday. Nothing has been heard ■jngs of Hurry L. Anderson the Kolony Sunday noon, after a four- as- directly from any of the guards Origin of Fire Unknown, as days auto trip from Nez Perce. They the Malheur Live Stock & men, but that all is well with them is Homer Filkingtonishome from a trip were accompanied by Miss Florence Family Was Away When Blaze Mrs. Jack Lyncn went to Payette nd Company Secured by Kingman, who has been visiting them to Colorado. indicated by the foilowing dispatch: Thursday to visit her sister. Started—Four Hundred Dol Nogales, Ariz.—With every man in ebon’s Foremost Sheep Man. for several weeks. Mrs. Ernest Zahller is visiting rela Frank Lockwood, formerly of Nyssa, the regiment in first-class physical lars Insurance Received. A number of their former neighbors tives at Payette- but now of Caldwell, was in town this condition, the Second Idaho infantry gathered at the Kiugnian home Sunday Miss Louise Robertson visited friends week to do some surveying for the reached its station on the border Tues tario -The largest transaction of evening as a sort of welcoming recep- at Ontario Saturday. drainage district. day afternoon. The three sections a r A hot fire which broke out in the kind since Monte U. Gwinn of tion to the Wades. B. Howard, accompanied by Mrs. rived within two hours of one another, residence owned and occupied by Ern Mrs. L. C. Pounds is visiting her sold his interest last year in the The Waltzes Entertained Mr. and parents in Long Valley. Moggsridge, want to Nyssa Sunday to and the work of pitching camp a mile est Zahller Tuesday evening badly eur Livestock and Land company Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Mor spend the day witb Mr. ¿nd Mrs. F. and a half away began at once. damaged the house and its contents. Mrs. Golden is down from Boise for H. O’Neil & Sons of San Fran- gan on Sunday. Steigerwalt. Payette Independent. Tuesday night the Idaho boys slept The fire department responded to the a brief visit with friends. 1 , was consummated here yester- Ha? in this vicinity is being rapidly Prof. R. J. Davis and Rev. T. P. under canvas within a short stone's alarm in good tim<> but the house is A. D. Morey was in town Thursday , hen R. N. Stanfield of Stanfield Graham left last night for Gooding, throw of the border, and their actual gome distance from a hydrant and de contracted for. All the alfalfa on the from his farm on the Owyhee. Iht the interest of Harry L. Ander- lay was caused when the firemen Idaho, to attend a meeting of the service for Uncle Sam has begun. Blodgett and Kingman ranches this n the same company. The con Tony Barainca, the sheep man, was Providence has smiled on the boys at raced to the fire on the east side of the board of trustees of Gooding college. year will go to Mr. Arrian, the sheep in town from the Owyhee. ation was said to be $80,(WO. The man. The terms are seven dollars The tw elfth annual Parma-Roswell the outset, for one of the infrequent Wilson ditch, only to find »hat the rson and Guinn interests are now Mrs. Reed of Boise is visiting her ton, with a thirty-day measurement. Picnic will be held Thursday, July 20. rains of southern Arizona has cooled nearest hyurant was on the west side. sly in new hands. Mr. Stanfield sister, Mrs. Carter, on Rridge Island. < Preparations for the biggest event in the air, and there isn't as much dust They hastily retraced their steps, but Mrs. Maxwell, Miss Corinne Max Jtnowledged to be tne largest sheep Miss Alvina Corneilson of Payette^ the history of the organization are be as one is apt to find outside the paved the fire had gained considerable head well, Mrs. Peck and the Misses Helen wool buyer and shipper in the was a guest of Mrs. F. R. Marshall ¡ng made. district of Boise. The camp is well way before water was finally turned States. Malheur county, ac- and Erances Peck arrived home Wed Tuesday. located on high ground, overlooking on. That the blaze was extinguished ing to available figures for last nesday from a trip to Smith’s Ferry, I Jack and Charley McConnell, Roy Ncgales, and is in close proximity to within a few minutes after water was Mrs Ramsey received an enjoyable. Crockett and Jack where they furnished the music for the , is the g reatest wool county in Lynch left by auto ths California regiment. secured is striking evidence of the effi- visit from her daughter, Mrs. Bates, ^ Wednesday j-ica. Mr. Stanfield is widely ac- Fourth. for Stein’s mountain and Nogales is a much larger city than ciency of the Nysoa w ater system. The this week. . other wilds of the interior where the many of the men had expected to find. chemical engine did good work in con in Eastern Oregon and Southern Joe McGuire returned Thursday from festive mountain trout are fat and un- It has a copulation of close to 5000, trolling the Haines until the nozzle men , and for several years has spent Vale, where he was employed in the wary, ; of his time in Ontario, but until with a good water system and the got in action and doubtless prevented a Leuck & Cook, the blacksmitns, this hay fields. he had never owned real estate in Frank Lynch returned Thursday other comforts usually found in a town total loss. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilli am of from Montana, where he sheared of this size. The limits of Nogales run ¡county. In May he secured an op week bought the Nyssa Garage of But The fire attracted a large crowd of en the Anderson shares in this ler & Gordon and took possession im Weiscr visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace countless sheep and accumulated a into Mexico, and on the principal spectators, several of whom were any, and later expressed his de mediately. The blacksmith stock and Btirbidge Thursday. swollen fortune. Frank says rhe re thoroughfare there stands a Mexican given unsolicited shower baths when lation to purchase, so it was no implements are being moved to the Miss Hattie Justice and Miss Lena port that he enlisted to fight mos guard to prevent the passage of men in they ventured too near the (ire boys. Ase to the few who knew of the garage building but business will he Chapin of Payette visited Iva and quitoes on the Mexican border was uniform. Civilians, however, are per The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Zahller locked the doots jng deal that he closed in short or- continued at the old stand until about Grace Pounds this week. greatly exaggerated. mitted to pass back and forth freely. and started for the Cozy theatre but ;hen the option expired yesterday. ! the first of the month. Leuck & Cook Dr. P. A. Simmons, the Boise eye George Greene lost a fine three- before they got there were told that Malheur Livestock and Land have an enviable reputation as expert year-old colt Sunday Without any- specialist, will be in Nyssa at the their house was burning. A glance in any's holdings comprise probably mechanics and solid business men and thing the matter with it, apparently, Hotel Western on his regular trip, on : acres of land, including the An- are bound to mske a success of their It just “ up and died.” Wednesday morning, July 19. All old L. Spier, C. C. WiUon, Billy Vogts that direction showed a deuce volume of smoke issuing from the building. Sn & Gwinn ranch west of Ontario, larger operations. Thay have been in Barney Wilson and Tom Wilson went patients are invited to call at this time and Tom Dixon mounted a trusty The house Hiid its contents was in utterfield ranch of 440 acres, the business in Nyssa many years and have to the coast this week to spend a brief for re-examination, and any others Ford Saturday and start°d out for ley ranch of 3600 acres, other ' the confidence of the people of the vacation and listen to what the sum whose eye.s are in need of attention are their favorite fishin’ hole at the head of sured for $600 in the Northern Assur jes and ranges, and 40,000 sheep, community. navigation on Wilson creek. They re ance company, of which J. Boydell is also invited. mer girls are saying. the local agent. The loss was not total Mr. Gordon and Mr. Butler have not of which are full bloods. Its Henry Fields of the Service Garage turned Monday with a good supply of and Mr.Zahller was allowed $400 by the Daddy Pratt was down from his fully decided on their next business 1 clip this year sold for $90,000. the finny fellows which they distribu Owyhee ranch this week. He ordered -sold another of the famous Ford cars venture. ted among their friends, but, having adjuster for the company. It is understood the old blacksmith a new set of grinders, getting ready to a Snake valley farmer Tuesday. more friends than they dreamed of, for Black Canyou Survey shop, which is owned by Mr. Strode of for the fall campaign.—Ontario Argus. Farmers are discovering that the pos they ran short before they reached the Closing Out Sale. shington, July 9.—Senator Borah Rockville, will be enlarged an d con A crew of painters were in town session of a car is a great saving to Journal, but the “ force” was regaled As we are going out of business on rday secured an amendment to the verted into a modern business building. this week to brighten up the them of time and labor, besides being a with a choice selection of fish stories. ulturi I appropriation bill, appro- local O. S. L, depot and section source of pleasure to themselves and Hilly Vogts claimed the championship, or before August 1st. we will dispose of our entire stock of stationery, ing $10,000 to make a survey and houses. They went to Homedale from families. with Charley Wilson a close second, SALESMAN WANTED In this ter A test of the water flow of the new Louis Spier acknowledged defeat, but candy, cigars, tobaccos, grape juice ¡¡¡nation of the Black Canyon irri- ritory to sell our choice nursery stock, here. and store fixtures at first cost. Now n district with a view to having it f interested write for particulars. Johnny Lackey, who was severely O. S. L. well was made Thursday. The claims there were extenuating circum is the time to lay in a supply. Call DONALD NURSERY CO., pump was operated nearly all day and i over or completed by the federal stances, and relates a tale of hard and get prices which will astonish you. injured in a runaway accident last Donald Oregon. rnment. week, is recovering rapidly. He is al with a flow of 100 gallons a minute luck. Early in the day he hooked an NYSSA CONFECTIONERY. lowered the water only 30 feet.. The ready able to do light chores down on enormous trout and tried all forenoon well is now being cased through the to land him. Finally, realizing that t++**++++-M>+-H-+++++**+**++*+++++*+'M>*+*++****-H-++* the farm. sand strata to prevent water from es there was no possiblity of enticing the Week End Excursions. The epidemic of “ cussedness” con caping and it is believed a flowing well fish out of the water, he cut the string Attractive ratesfor excursion tickets tinues to follow Nyssa equines. A result. and got rid of the brute, but he had goal from Saturday (or Sunday) to team plowing on the Lackey tract ad A test of the water flow of the new lost the best part of the day and made Monday-on sale every week. Still joining town ran away Tuesday, smash better rates for tickets good Sunday ing the plow and damaging the har- O. S. L. well was made Thursday. The a poor showing when when the fish only. Ask O.8. L. agents for details. pump was operated nearly all day and were counted in the evening. Tom ness- WILL SUGGEST with a flow of 100 gallons a minute A party from Arcadia, including lowered the water only 30 feet. The Dixon is not saying anything at all, For Rent. Orin Wallace and J. M. Wallace, have well is now being cased through the but it is generally Buspected in Nyssa that he caught most of the fish. Small house wi'h city water. Six left for Spokane, Wash., to take a sand strata to prevent water from es dollars per month. Inquire at L. chance in the drawing for land soon to caping and it is believed an artesian Spier’s store. be opened on the Colville Indian leser- well wi'l result. vation. Owyhee trips for the delivery of Sunday Excursion Rates. Chris Meltvedt of Apple Valley, was meat will be cancelled until second hay in Town Tuesday, Mr. Meltvedt says Half rates for Sunday trips. On sale ing commences, but postage will be every Sunday. Also tickets goal from his young orchard at Apple Valiev es Saturday to Monday at a little bit paid on all orders of $1.00 or over. caped the late frost to a large extent more. Ask O.S.L. agents for details. NYSSA MEAT MARKET. and he is expecting to harvest 100 boxes or more from his apple trees.— The report of Tester R. C. Makinson of the Car.yon and Malheur Cow Test* Parma Review. A marriage license was issued at ing Association for May has just been to you Then remember received and shows an average pro Caldwell Wednesday to B. F. Smith duction for all herds of the association and Mrs. F. E. Armstrong, both of ' Nyssa. They were married at Cald of 30.7 pounds of butterfat per animal Two herds show remarkably high well Wednesday and will reside on the averages. That of C. W. De Boer of Ceorge Green place near town, which Nvssa, produced an average of 46.2 Mr. Smith recently purchased. pounds of butterfat per animal, The • The large plate glass window in the herd ranking next in production was Concelmo Bros.’ bowling alley was de that of C. C. Aunt of Nyssa, with an 1 molished Wednesday when a horse left average of 45 pounds to its credit. It is here you will Hnd the best makes of standing on Main street backed across The best individual cow was a Hol the sidewalk. The rear of the buggy stein owned by H. R. Boomer of New crashed through the window, making Plymouth. The cow produced 72.2 a noise like a ten strike. The damage pounds of butterfat during the month The season is at hand for putting up hay and you will was about $50, paitly covered by in of May. Two cows tied for second probably need a new Mower or Rake. We have anticipated I- surance. place at 68.5 pounds. They belonged to the wants of the farming community by putting in a com- An adjuster of the Northern Assur Mr. Boomer and Mr. Hunt. plte line of haying implements and can supply anything ance Company, of which J . Boydell is Sixty-eight of the cows under test the local agent, was in town Thursday produced more than 40 ponnds of but- -S needed in this line, whether it be a new machine that is to adjust the loss sustained by Ernest terfat during the month. Owners of wanted, or repairs for the old machine. We also have in stock Zahller when his house and its con the 12 herds which averaged up to or tents were damaged by fire Wednes above this mark are: H. R Boomer, day evening. A settlement satisfac B. Whcalilon and W. F. Harper, New tory to all concerned was quickly made. Plymouth; W. L. Gibson, C. C. Hunt, Mr. Rahller receiving $400. P. Tensen, D. Tensen, C. W. DeBoer, or any other Jacob Huffman is getting ready to J. H. Forbes. H. R. Sherwood and E. reclaim another large patch of the des M. Dean, Nyssa; C J. Jackson of In fact everything that the farmer will need in taking care ert by putting a waterwheel in the Parma. of his hay crop. Drop in and look over our stock and talk Owyhee to irrigate 100 acres of his D. D. Joslyn went to Boise Wednes over your needs with us. land near Mitchell Butte. Bert Hoxie, who is an authority on waterwheel day morning to have an X-ray exam irrigation, was out there this week to ination to locate the stickpin he aoci-' oversee the creliminaries and reports dentally swallowed recently. It had that the plant will be installed imme begun to give trouble. Jordan Valley diately. With a good supply of water Fxpress. Mr. Huffman will soon have one of the Prepare for hot times. Poras Knit, finest farms in the whole Snake valley. MAN AND BOY S STORE And th< re are still hundreds of acres B. V. D. and Balbriggan Underwear in N Y S S A . O R E< ■ < >N along the Snake and Owyhee rivers i big variety at Spier's Man and Boy's ***************************************************** Store. that cun be irrigated at small cost. ******************** ***************************** Nyssa Garage Sold. Fisherman’s Hard Luck The Hot Weather COOLER CLOTHING Announcement. Nyssa Dairy Herds Lead in Butterfat ***************************************************** The Man & Boy’s Store Breezy Shirts Thin Underwear Cool Hosiery Light Weight Shoes Straw and Silk Hats MOWERS ! RAKES i Self-Binders Desirable and Seasonable Article for Man or Hoy SPIER ! Nyssa Hdw Co.