further the educational interests of 0>OCOOOOCOOOO< Malheur county. FAY CLARK. We have s Forty acre ranch, all in cultivation. Paid adv. On the Owybee. Owned by A. W Ward. Inquire Malheur County Bank. TO THE VOTERS OF MALHEUR » • COUNTY; Get yonr Boy a pair of Walton 1 hereby announce my candidacy for Program for March, 1916- Commencing January 1 with the Shoes. They are surely the best for re-election to the office of County great serial Including such w the money. L. Spier. Assessor, subject to the will of the Re­ We repair Harness. publican voters at the primary election We repair and oil Saddles. INTERNATIONAL, P on the 19th day of May, 1916. And if We half sole Shoes. nominated and elected I shall continue And every Saturday thereafter for 14 episodes. to assess all corporations on an equal ANNOUNCEMENT. We make Buggy Curtains. I hereby announce myself a cam and uniform basis with other property. We repair Automobile Tops. L. E. HILL, didate for nomination for the office of We will make your Harness for the same money The best films that can be procured. for your Gra Present Incumbent. Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial (Paid adv.l you pay for factory harness. District of Oregon, subject to the Dem­ Subject to the choice of the Republi­ ocratic party at the primary election can voters of Malheur and Harney to be held May 19, 1916. REGULAR ADMISSION - - - Adults, 15c; Children 10c Counties, Oregon, to be expressed at D alton B iggs We solicit your patronage and will endeavor to please—See posters Try us and you will w ill become one of our customers—Our the coming Primary Election, I hpreby in front of theatre. prices are reasonable. announce myself as a candidate for the FOR ASSESSOR, Republican nomination as Joint Rep­ -A L L WORK GUARATEED Wishing all the Compliments of the Season. I hereby announce myself a candi­ resentative to the Legislature from date for the nomination for Assessor of this Representative District. Dated January 21, 1916. Malheur county, subject to the will of J. BOYDELL , the Republican electors at the coming Paid Adv. CHAS. M. CRANDALL. Manager ■ Primaries. If nominated and elected I To the Voters of Malheur County: Tensen Building. M l ' ^ I promise to do my best. I hereby acknowledge my candidacy (Paid adv.) A. A. RORERTS. for the republican nomination for the office of District Attorney of this coun­ Nobody has ever accused the FOR ASSESSOR. We receive a shipment of Swiss of militarism, yet that I hereby announce myself a candi­ ty. If nominated and elected I will coas endeavor to fulfil the duties of my of. 1 smallest of the world’s recogniz­ date for the nomination for the office Published every Friday at Nyssa, Ore­ able republics has a much larger of County Assessor, subject to the de­ fice in a fair, fearless and efficient j manner and to the best of my ability, ' gon, by voters at the keeping in mind at all times my duty army than has the largest of re­ cision of the Republican S. L. PAYNE. Primaries. BROWN BROTHERS publics. to the taxpayers. (Xaid adv.) W. S. B rown ...................- ........-Editor Paid adv. P. J. GALLAGHER. Armor plate manufacturers II. F. B rown ____ Business Manager ONTARIO. OREGON. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. H. BUI FOR COUNTY TREASURER. who threatened the government I hereby announce my candidacy for I hereby announce myself a candidate Entered as second-class matter April show an atrophied sense of humor the Democratic nomination for the office of District Attorney of Malheur for the nomination fer the office of 14, 1910, at the postoffice at Nyssa, “ The British army is not at­ county. County Treasurer or Malheur county, R. W. SWAGLER. Oregon, under the Actof March 3, 1879. tacking yet,” London explains. Oregon, subject to the will of the Re­ (Paid Adv.) publican electors at the coming pri­ We seem to have noticed it: SUBSCRIPTION RATES : maries. C. C. MUELLER. ANNOUNCEMENT, Ope year, in advance....... ........... $1 SO LICENSED EMBALMER hereby announce that I will be a Paid adv. Six months in advance........ ..... .. 76; Lady Assistant candidate for the office of assessor of Malheur County, subject to the de- on Im- Money to loan Calls Promptly Answered, Day or Night Nailing a lie won’t always I cisión of the democratic voters at the Call on proved Ranches Phone No. 132 . drimary election. B. W. MULKEY. keep it down. At a recent meeting of Gooding Col­ Laave bundles at or write to W. J. Pinney, Paid Adv.) lege Trustees some very important The best way to get rich matters were inaugurated. Ontario, Oregon. The campaign is on in good earnest, quick is to go slow. FOR COUNTY CLERK. and the District Superintendents and I hereby announce myself a candi­ Congress can’t expect to raise preachers have as their purpose and date for the nomination for County Shaving, Hair Cuti revenue by taxing our patience. program to make the campaign for Clerk of Malheur County, subject to Gooding College the all important and the will of the democratic voters at the lYSSA Every time a Turkish soldier supreme item in church work for the primaries. ARTHUR MOODY. i;*++++++++++++++++<-* (Paid Adv.) falls, about 110 women have to next four or five weeks, or until suc- C28S crowns this enterprise. put on crepe. The time limit was set forward from FOR TREASURER. April 11 to April 13, as Dr. Hancher, Those Russians seem to light assistant secretary of the Board of TO THE VOTERS OF MALHEUR The Gate City as It Is Described in a Pamphlet Issued by the Farmers and Business Men’s Leag better on the road than on the Education of the Methodist Episcopal COUNTY: I hereby announce myself as a candi­ church, wired that he would give two home grounds. The principal crops grown are : The object of this little folder is to give days of extra service to assist in clos­ date for County Treasurer, subject to tersely and honestly general facts about N yssa the will of the Repablican voters at the Our notion of a wise Mexican ing up the campaign. The trustees A lfalfa is the great forage crop. The long and that part of the great Snake River Valley primary election. dry summers of continual sunshine make the father is one who brings up h s congratulated then s Ives and Good­ Paid Adv.) of which N yssa is the center. This thriving H. H. WILLIAMS. curing of alfalfa hay possible without loss. No son to be a surgeon or an under­ ing friends on some expert assistance town is located on the main line of the Oregon rendered by Dr. E. H. Todd, of the other forage crop equals this alfalfa in produc­ Short Line railroad and junction of branch line taker. TO THE CITIZENS OF MALHEUR College of Puget Sound, who gave 10 tion of fat and growth of stock. Three cuttings to Homedale, Idaho. Some of the advantages days valued service. They have, for COUNTY: every season, yield from 6 to 10 tons per acre. which its citizens enjoy are : It must be a great relief for thirty days, the assistance of Wm. M. I desire to announce my candidacy It sells for from $5 to $8 per ton in the stack. for the office of assessor, subject to once for the girls to pop the Dudley, vice president of Simpson Col­ Alfalfa seed makes returns of as high as $100 A population of over 600. the decision of the democratic electors question without having to ques­ lege, Indianola, Iowa, who is an expert per acre. Malheur county ranks first in alfalfa Electric lighting system, privately owned. in such campaigns, having closed a at the coming primary. If nominated, in Oregon. tion pop. and elected, I pledge economy in office, campaign for his own college Decem­ Municipal waterworks system furnishing a and property earning power the base G rains yield abundantly. Wheat from 40 to Let’s put a stop to this peace ber 21, 1915, for $200,000, with a good for finding values except as otherwise bountiful supply of pure deep well water. 80 bushels per acre; oats from 75 to 125 bu­ margin. Dr. Dudley will preach on Magnificent school buildings, high and graded talk. Charlie Chaplin says he Sundays at important points, and can­ prescribed by law. • > * 4 - 4 - + •> + • shels per acre, weight 40 to 45 pounds to the schools, with free transportation for pupils ' GUY JOHNSTON. intends to play Hamlet when the vass during the week and advise and (Paid Adv.) bushel. Barley does equally as well, yield­ within a radius of five miles from N yssa . The ing from 50 to 85 bushels per acre. war ends. assist in every possible way in various only schools with this system in the State. I hereby announce myself a candidate parts of the field. P otatoes are easily grown and yield from Steel wagon bridge across Snake River con­ Senator La Follette is not It is planned to have other noted ex­ for the nomination for County Clerk of 8 to 20 ton3 per acre. They sell at from 65c to nects N yssa with the Apple Valley bench. standing back for any leap year pert workers, and if possible a bishop Malheur county, Oregon, subject to the $2 per hundred. The potato bug is unknown. will of the Republican electors at the or bishops, who will give addresses, Idaho. demonstrations from the 1916 and give such other help as their time coming primaries. O nions , cabbage, tomatoes, peas, sweet V. B. STAPLES. Two banks, capital and surplus $64,000. nomination. corn, melons, and in fact all truck farming pro­ —Paid adv. and strength will permit, so that every­ Carry deposits aggregating $125,000. ducts are successfully grown. thing is to be done to win a big victory 'Russia is getting back at the for Gooding, FOR ASSESSOR. One general store, lumber and coal yard, C orn and H ogs — This valley is peculiarly Turks for those atrocities. Grand The Board also authorized the sale of I hereby announce myself a cadidate four grocery stores, one hardware store, one adapted to successful corn growing. Last year Duke Nickolas has ordered his scholarships (covering tuition) for for the office of county assessor subject men’s and boys’ store, two dry goods stores, was the first that the farmers grew com as a $1000, and a half scholarship for $500, to the will of the republican voters of two butcher shops, one drug store, two restaur­ prisoners to bathe. principal crop. The yields were enormous, good for thirty years, and usable by Malheur county at the coming pri­ ants, one confectionery store, two blacksmith ranging from 60 to 123 bushels of shelled corn It is unpleasant to lose old the “ family and lineage” of the donor, maries. shops, two pool and cigar stores, one auto per acre. F. B. ZUTZ. friends, but after this year’s ex ­ or he may bestow the privilege of the (Paid Adv.) garage, a first class hotel, housed in a modern scholarship on a needy and worthy N yssa took first prize for corn exhibited at brick building; modernly equipped motion pic­ perience the public should never student. Or the scholarship may be I hereby announce myself a candidate the Malheur County Fair, State Land Products ture theatre; an up-to-the minute cheese fac­ trust another ground hog. founded for worthy and needy students, for the nomination for Sheriff of Mal­ Show, and the Walla Walla Corn Show, Oregon, tory—the only one in the county. Washington. Idaho and Montana competing. It might encourage a citizenry preparing for the missionary work. heur County, subject to the choice of The center of a 100,000-acre irrigation pro- scholarships have always been a the Democratic electors in the coming Malheur county ranks first in the state for com trained to look on the practical These !ect. popular feature in college campaigns. primary election. production, quality and yield. Hogs are very side to be told that the Swiss Some sixty odd were donated in the If nominated and elected I will con­ profitable and are easily raised. Cholera is un­ Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Episco­ government insures its citizen Baker University campaign, most of tinue, as heretofore, to enforce the known. The wonderful opportunities for com palian and Mormon churches. soldiers against eventualities of them as memorials to some loved one laws to the best of my ability and give and barley production, coupled with the high Masons, 1 O. O. F. and Women of Wood- and for worthy, needy students. grade alfalfa grown, promises to make this the the taxpayers a business administra­ sickness, accident and death. craft lodges. It was also decided to grant special tion of the affairs of the office. premier hog section of the state. help to preachers' families, admitting In signing the warrant that BEN J. BROWN, A live weekly paper. F ruit -Apples, prunes, peaches, apricots, promoted Brig. Gen Scott to be their sons and daughters at one-half (Present Incumbent, for Re-election.) and cherries are grown in abundance. Prunes tuition, a very commendable thing to (Paid Adv.) Maj. Gen. Hugh Scott, Secretary and apples especially do well. The largest do, as most preachers, especially in F A R M IN G prune orchard in Oregon is at N yssa . This of war Hugh Scott performed an this country, have meagre salaries and FOR ASSESSOR. orchard of 100 acres ships annually from 40 to act that the entire nation ap­ need this concession to enable .hem to I hereby announce myself a candi­ The farmer finds his paradise in the Snake 60 cars of prunes. N yssa prunes dry 8 per cent River Valley. The advantages are : educate their children. proves. date for the nomination for Assessor more fruit than prunes grown west of the Cas­ The Board also provided for the sale Malheur county, subject to the will S oil — The soil is composed of decomposed cades. Within a radius of five miles of N yssa That drop in thepric^of mules of annuity bonds—“ Gooding College of of the Democratic electors at the com­ lava rock, volcanic ash, sand and loam, the are 4000 acres of apple orchards. The principal is likely to he temporary. The Annuity Bonds” -on which they will ing primaries. richest soil known. The soil is of great depth, varieties are Jonathan. Rome Beauty and Wine- Standard Oil company is using pap annuity during the life of the an­ (Paid Auv.) J. M. DUNCAN. often 50 feet or more. It contains the fertilizer sap. Owing to the continuous sunshine, this nuitant, using the same rates as those horses again to pull its oil wag­ itself, making it unnecessary to manure land to fruit reaches a size, flavor and rich coloring that used by the Missionary society of the FOR TREASURER. give it life. ons because of the high cost of M. E. church, which vary according to excels that grown in the rainfall sections. I hereby announce myself as a can­ gasoline. the age of the donnor or annuitant, didate for the nomination for the office C limate — The climatic conditions are ideal. F A C T S F O R T H E D A IR Y M A N 4 per cent to persons 50 to 55, to of Treasurer of Malheur County, sub­ Short mild winters; Reldom below zero. Sum­ Anothec mildly humorous feat- 8 from per cent to those of 80 years. mers of continual sunshine. June, July, August, S hort W inters - Spring work begins in Feb- ure of the situation is the New These bonds make a fine investment ject to the will of the democratic voters ruary. September and October contain 135 days of at the coming primaries. 'York editors sitting' around in for persons of moderate means, be­ clear sunshine. No D isease — Dry climate. ROSS A. SOWARD. dazed horror because Hon. Jo- cause they are non-taxable, and also C heap F eed —The kind you want. As an W ater —The best and cheapest water rights illustration, 22 head of cattle and horses were sephus Daniels does not resign. for the aged and those who wish to be | I hereby announce myself a candidate in the state are found here; shortage of irriga­ free from the management and invest- for the office of joint repreienUtive pastured on 6J acres of bluegrass pasture with­ although they explicitly request- tion water is unknown. mont of their funds, and also for those for Malheur and Harney counties, sub- out other feed from April 15 to November 1. ed him to. who want to be sure to what use their ject to to the will of the republican A lfalfa — Three and four cuttings, 6 to 10 E levation — The lands of the valley lie at an money will be put after their death. | electors at the coming primaries. tons. elevation of from 2200 to 2300 feet. Nobody seems to have thought The spirit of the meeting was heroic paj«j Adv. P. J. PHILLIPS C orn E nsilage — Twenty tons per acre easily of providing our missionaries and optimistic, and all with a | ________ _ Seldom does the farmer find the concomitants grown. who a^e urging the African sav­ can see the buildings rising in their n I hereby announce myself a» a candi­ of ail the essential conditions for successful C ream S tations and a C o - O perative farming so beautifully blended in harmony of ages to get civilized and wear places on the college campus, and a date for the Democratic nomination C heese F actory —Cheese easy sale at good climate, soil, elevation and cheap water. prices. Conditions are ideal for this business. clothes with a few photographs great crowd of students gathered in for School Superintendent of Malheur ++++++++++++++++*+♦♦+♦♦+♦+♦+♦+♦+++♦+♦♦+*♦+<•<•<•+++♦++♦< FOR RENT. The Cozy Theatre jj THIS IS THE TIME and NYSSA IS THE PLACE itock and F “NEIL OF THE NAVY” Forma High Class Entertainment Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday The Cozy Theater Let us repair your boots Nyssa Harness Shop oster’s i i GATE CITY JOURNAL J . IT. F A R L E Y ra u i N Y S S A ME UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Onta News From Gooding College Campaign Soft Water Nyssa B NYSSA, OREGON Butter PRINTED The Joti THE J PRIIN 'f t Is preparec ing and the will be equ out by the ies. Itw il have it p \ We have number of faces and will be u printed he 1 ’ . p «• The PRIIN of the latest Palm Beach model bathing suits. their halls, from all this great “ Inter- county in the coming primary election.' mountain Empire. ” Success to Good­ If nominated and elected I will, to the ing. S. S. MURPHY. beat of my ability, continue to work to