T he G ate C ity J ournal COVCKS TH E FA M O U S E AS TE R N OREGON F R U I T B E L T III NO. 33 $1 50 PER YEAR NYSSA- MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1916 5c PER COP* READ STATEMENT OF THE MALHEUR COUNTY BANK -P A G E FOUR ARCADIA SCHOOL n I - . MR. AND MRS. G. G. NYSSA CHOOSES INC OF TRY OUT CONTEST / NYSSA AND VICINITY ) BROWN SURPRISED CONTESTANT FOR RYMEN TO BE — ------------------ -------- -------- ; ELD SATURDAY The try out contest for the Arcadia A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town COUNTY CONTEST The event o f the week in the country tjs * f What Your Neighbors Are Doing. school to select a contestant for the County Declamation Contest was ht Id for Cow-Testing Asso- at the Arcadia school house Monday * . . i Mike O’ Brien was in town Saturday R. H. Howaley went up to Boise Will Be Elected and evening, March Id. Three young girls from lhe Qwyhee. Tuesday on business. tried for the honor ... o f representing , c ^ ioscuuuk »«. . Work for Perfecting Or- Miss Eva Boydell spent the week­ their school and the only regret is that I j , „ s ,Ur^. l’ ^nPsnn spent Saturday end at her home in Nyssa. tion Transacted. all three could not be chosen, as each)**" ‘ Unuai ln >ssa. one deserved to be. The three con-1. * ncle Billy” Kerwin came home C. H. Davison was in town Sunday from his farm near Middleton. testauts were Eva Priest, Mary Dale last night from Boise. Sheep Inspector Hinton wa 3 in town ting of dairymen inter­ and Ruth Barrett, the latter being Your Spring Underwear is ready at Spier’ s Man and Boy’s store. forming a COW testing proclaimed the victor by the judges, Wednesday from Ontario. j who spent a bad quarter of an hour Mrs. Dixon o f Ironside is visiting her Ernest Wilson and Harry Goshert held at the Malheur . I comparing the merits o f the candidates . parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Toombs, were Boise visitors Thursday. bank Saturday evening before being able to decide which was j Carl Tittle left Thursday for North Cora Broer was in Ontario Tuesday lock for the purpose Of best. Miss A. M. Sheldon o f the Nyssa Yakima, where he will bfeging shear­ taking treatment for her eyes. directors to represent high school and Miss Pansy Mallett and ing sheep. E. B. Conklin o f Ontario were judges B. F. Farmer, county surveyor, was ion in the association. , o f the contest, the decision being an- | E. I. Hatfield, the urbane proprietor in town from Vale Monday and Tues­ e who have already nounce(j by Mr. Conklin, who made a o f the store at Owyhee, was in town day. p are expected to be humorous little talk tending to allevi­ Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Graham went to the disappointment o f the two Mr. Kashaba o f Chicago is looking Walla Walla Monday to visit their nd others who are in- ate who could not be chosen. Miss Bar­ in dairying are urged to rett is a delightful little speaker and after his property interests in Nyssa daughter. she will be heard from at the county this week. Regular spring weather is at hand County Agriculturist contest to be held at this place Satur­ Miss Alta Smith returned to Nyssa and farmers are busy with their plow­ and F. W. Kehrli o f the day evening, March 25 In addition to WedneErf«» . ... , work o f the contestants a splendid ) p ‘ ^ om a Vls|t with relatives ing and seeding. .. are in this vicinity the program o f music and recitations was . at 1 ayette. Mr. Johnson, who is farming the the purpose o f arousing rendered. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H E Robinson and Conant place, made a business trip to The teachers of the Arcadia school I chlldrpM "" Kob,nson n the association and a are Mrs. Cneeley and Miss Elsie Gib- j „ ‘T ' , Fred FiTer, Idaho, last week. Mr- meeting is sure to re­ son, both o f Nvssa. who are to be con- Marshall Sunday. Manager Hogue, o f Denny & C o.’ s gratulated upon the splendid showing 1 A . A . Roberts, candidate for the re­ fruit packing establishments, was in made by their pupils, especially as tn ey ' i , - . . u..,i been training f.oin.nrr them th.m only n n W two toin weeks w .»t. pul)Mean noinination for county assessor, town from Payette Wednesday. had Nyssa will have to look to her laurels was in Nyssa Monday on business. Dennis Hon is building a neat dwell­ if she don’ t want to lose that big silver The Nyssa Cheese company made a ing house near the L D. S. church. cup. substantial shipment o f their famous Being leap year, it looks suspicious. product to coast towns Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Robbins moved ly Meeting of brary Association ^ary Association will hold its nthly meeting at the coun- Monday evening, March 20, m., for the purpose o f hear­ ts of committees. Any who et signed up for the library will be welcomed by H. F. the Journal office. A fter is opened the list o f names pt by the librarian. It has esible to see everyone, but have not been asked to join y urgently requested to do is going to be a big thing for Send in Your Book Wants T. A. Askea, who farmed the Ward place last year, recently left for the East. When last heard from he was ai Kansas City. The committee on books and admin- istration o f the library, before making Mrs. Simons, daughter o f Mr. and their selection o f books would like to Mrs. Fred Powell, has returned to her know what people want. So please home in Chicago, after visiting her send in your requests for books at once, parents in Nvssa * This means anybody and everybody, rsyssa. whether you belong to the association Dr. and Mrs. John Spaulding o f Salt or not. The library is a strictly dem- Lake visited Mr and M Del Gjb_ ocratic institution and we wish every- ... , . J one to feel free to request the books |son thls » eek• _ Mrs- Spaulding is a they would like. Please do this at once \ 813ter o f Mrs. Gibson, as "the committee will select books A Dublic sale is being held today at within a few days. • ( if course it will likely be impossible G. M. Wickliff’s farm near town. Mr. for various reasons, one o f which is Wickliff has rented the place and will limited funds, to buv all books request­ retire from active farming for awhile. of elegant Spring Neck- ed but all requests will have a hearing. Tom Adams and George Jones are at ALTHEA M. SHELDON, on display at L, 'Spier’ s Man Ch. Com. on Books and Administration. Whitley Bottom putting in a pump to Store. irrigate land belonging fo Clyde Hurd. The power will be supplied by a wheel in Snake river. PIER’S SPRUNG STOCK s arriving daily- Our reputation for Reliability, ’le and low prices has long been established and this ;son finds us better able to please our customers than ever before. tylish, Up-to-Date Shoes Ikover, Selz, American Gentleman and other Reliable nds of Shoes are arriving daily. Our Work Shoes the best the market affords, and among them are the famous Weyenberg, Gotzian and Hunkidori. rt, Schaffner & Marx speak for themselves, and Styles this year are the nobbiest ever. . V. Price and M. Born’s ¡of Made to Order Suits can be excelled by none. Sample are now on exhibition and your order respectfully ted. A perfect fit guaranteed, or you need not take the Suit. T SHOWING of New Spring Hats in our window. Look and take notice! We can dress you from the d up in the niftiest styles o f the season. Our aim is ase you Give us a trial. SPIER’S VX A NT ) 130V STORE *************************A******************** Judge McKnight missioners Weaver Nyssa and vicinity purpose o f viewing treated by the new and County Com­ and Kelly were in Thursday for the the roads recently King drag. Miss Ruth Barreit o f Arcadia, the winner o f the Arcadia try-out contest, was the guest o f Miss Elsie Gibson Thursday night and was an interested spectator at the Nyssa try-out that evening. The little daughter o f H. Walters, who broke her arm last week, was taken to Ontario and an X-ray examin­ ation o f the injury was made, and an operation to bring broken bones closer together was performed by Dr. Sara- zin and Dr. Prinzing. Ed Hart o f Vale was in town yester­ day, having just finished drilling a well on the hill northwest o f Nyssa for a homesteader. A fine supply o f water was struck at a depth o f 323 feet, the water rising in the well until it has a depth o f 100 feet. was the “ charivari” on Mr. and Mrs G. G. Brown Wednesday evening, the occasion being their forty-second wed­ Miss Minnie Danielson Wins the ding anniversary. About fifty rela­ Honor o f Representing Her tives and friends bore down upon the School in the Declamation Con­ happy couple. As the crowd approach­ ed the house they sang “ Am erica.” test to lie Held March 25 . But all in vain as far as Mr. ar.d Mrs. Brown were concerned; as they were Miss Minnie Danielson will represent entertaining some o f their grand­ daughters with the phonograph and Nyssa in the County Declamation Con­ didn’ t know the raiders were near until test which will be held in this city Sat­ they reached the door. The surprise urday, March 25. The try out contest was genuine, especially when the en­ was held Thursday evening at the ergetic guests proceeded to carry out Methodist church and Miss Danielson the furniture to make room for the was chosen for the honor out o f a list handsome new dining room table, their o f seven contestants. Those who have gift to the bride and groom. On this heard Miss Danielson speak and know they piled various articles indispensable o f her ability in that line are well sat­ to a couple about to set up housekeep­ isfied to accept her as their champion ing. When the excitement died down in the county contest and believe that thé groom rendered various musical the cup is in safe hands. It is thought numbers in his best Edisonian manner. there will be seven contestants, the Later a bountiful repast was served, best in the county, and should she be some o f our prominent young gentry successful it will be a victory o f which assisting. When full appreciatfon ot , s*le may wed ^ proud. Gertrude Ten- the "e a ts” had been shown, the guests r,en was second and Francis Engle departed, wishing the host and hostess . third- These contestants were close many more years o f wedded bliss. j and il required considerable splitting Mr.and Mrs.Brown have lived 24 years ° f hairs on the part o f the judges to ncar Nyssa, an.J, judging from pleasant arrive at a decision. I’ rof. Prater, associations with them, their lives have principal o f the Ontario schools, an- been unusually well spent and har­ nounced the decision and explained the monious. Like many others who have difficulties the judges experienced in settled in a new country, they have selecting the winner. Judges o f the had their trials and hardships, but hav­ contest were Prof. Prater, Miss Mal­ Monday from their dry farm on the ing reached more quiet seas the Jour­ lett, teacher o f the Hogback school, Idaho side to a farm in the Hogback nal joins their other friends in wishing and Miss Wheeler o f Ontario. The recitations o f the contestants district. them a voyage o f serenity and con­ Mrs. Richey has a fine line o f millin­ tentment on to their golden wedding were interspersed with songs and in­ strumental music, which were greatly ery on display at the Hotel Western. day. enjoyed by the audience. The class song Ladies are invited to call and inspect by twelve young girls received loud the stock. applause and the quintette consisting Our new Spring Hats are the talk of o f Prof. Brainard and four young the town. Style and colors all up to I ladies, was enthusiastically encored. the miuute and no old resurrected back | Miss Evelyn Cheeley rendered a num- numbers. That the Nyssa people are fond of j ber o f instrumental selections and “ If a body meet a hotly” take that hot chicken tamales has been demon | was repeatedly forced to respond to body to the Scotch soiree at the Pres­ strated beyond the peradventure of a byterian church Thursday evening, doubt, especially the yellow-legged kind such as were served by the I. adies Aid March 23rd. society Saturday evening in the Meth­ A. L. Friis, the well known Nyssa i odist parsonage basement. A large The local Artisans held a very suc­ carpenter, went to Caldwell Monday, | supply o f these delicious edibles had cessful meeting Wednesday night, do­ where he will be employed at his trade been provided by the ladies for the oc­ ing much business and initiating a class for a number o f weeks. casion, but the hungry Nyssaites o f 11 members. Plans were made for Dr. Sarazin performed a slight oper j swooped down upon them like the a big initiation March 29, at which ation on Cecil Green, young son o f plague o f locusts in Egypt and the Payette and Ontario teams will be in­ George Green, Saturday. The patient supply was exhausted before the eve­ vited to assist. A committee was ap­ is making a quick recovery. ning fairly began. The Journal man, pointed to prepare special refreshments “ Uncle Billy” Kerwin, who went to fearing eorpething o f this kind, went for the occasion, and other attractive Boise recently to be treated at a hos­ early and was fortunate enough to get features arc in preparation. A t the pital, is reported to he on the mend the last one. However, there was an close o f lodge the members enjoyed a and is liable to be home before long. abundance o f other good things for the social hour. Mr. Bennett expresses Scotch songs, Scotch readings, Scotch inner man, including both angel food himself as well plca. cd with the pro­ “ eats,” Scotch greetings all for 25c at cake and devil food cake, and no one gress o f the work at Nyssa. the Presbyterian church March 23d. A went hungry. Here's hoping that the treat for old and young. Don’ t miss it! ladies will repeat the supper with an inexhaustable supply o f tamales. Hurry Goshert came home Saturday Mrs. J. J. Walling will have a full evening and spent a couple o f days I)r. Gillilan to Preach. line o f Spring Hats at thé Nyssa Con­ visiting relatives and friends, among Dr. J. I). Gillilan o f Boise will preach fectionery for one week only, begin­ the latter o f which was included the at the Nyssa Methodist church next ning Tuesday, March the twenty-first. girl he left behind him. Sunday evening, the 19, at 8 o ’clock. Ladies crll and make your selections. “ Should auld acquaintance be for­ He is a fine preacher, ar.d those who G et your Spring Suit measured row . fail to hear him will miss something got” renew it at the Scotch soiree and Have it ready for Easter. L. Spier. good. luncheon, March 23d, Presbyterian church. Entertainment begins promptly **********************************A* A***********A **★* at 7:30 p. m.; luncheon follows. Butler & Gordon, o f the Nyssa garage, now have the agency for the popular Studebakar auto. Their dem­ onstration car arrived recently and is about the limit o f automobile excel­ F. C. Osman, the hig stockman of lence. Durkee, Or., was in our town this D ’ye ken, mon, that Cheese Nisbet’ s week, coming in with some o f his boys Scotch scones took first prize at the to receive several bunches o f cattle Glasgow exhibition? Try them at the which W. G. Cathey had bought for Scotch soiree, March 23. Only 25c a him. He was favorably impressed with plate. the growth o f Nyssa since he was here George Russell o f Nyssa, Ore., last. shipped in last week-end two cars o f Charley Taylor came in from Mc­ light hogs. They sold high fo r their Connell Bros. ’ sheep camp Wednesday size and finish; $7.00 was paid for the evening and went on down to Portland two loads straight up. Portland Live­ for a brief vacation. The lambing stock Reporter. season is nearly over, he says and the District Superintendent Winters held woolies will soon stait for the hills. quarterly meeting services at the M. The increase has been satisfactory and E, church Sunday. In the afternoon will reach nearly 100 per cent. he held services at the Owy hee school John Reece, the well known farmer house and reports a splendic. meeting, and Nyssa property owner, had the there being a large audience and two misfortune Wednesday to lose the accessions to the chnrch. thumb on his left hand by getting it in Every laddie and his lassie” are the machinery o f a grain grinder. Dr. cordially invited to be present at the Sarazin was called immediately and Scotch entertainment and supper next found that amputation was necessary. Thursday evening, March 2s, Presby­ Mr. Reece is in town today to have the terian church. A 25-cent ticket en­ wound dressed. titles you to a big supper ano a dollar's worth o f fun. They say troubles never come singly, Mr. Felton is -in Nyssa from the but in the case o f Marshal Megorden this old adage seems to be reversed Twin Falls country to look after his farm adjoining Nyssa. He recently re­ and in his case good luck comes in turned from Kansas City, to which bunches. Recently he welcomed a fine place he accompanied hia father, who nine-pound baby boy to his home and had an operation performed on his was reappointed marshal all in the eyes. The operation was successful and the old gentleman, who had been same day. Some people are lucky and blind for two years, can now see fairly others are just good looking. well. Hot Tamales Went Like “ Hot Cakes” Artisans Initiate 11 Millinery Opening. FARM IMPLEMENTS I FOR SPRING WORK Now is the time to prepare for the spring: work by pro­ viding yourself with the necessary tools. We have a complete line o f farm implements and can supply your every need. Below are a few just as a reminder. PLOWS DISCS I [ARROWS DRILLS ^SEEDERS R A K E S CULTIVATORS i Nyssa Hdw Co. V * » * # * # * * * * * * * * * **»¥¥¥¥****¥** »***♦**¥ * * « ¥ * * « * * * * * * * *